Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts Volume I Part 201

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VISCERALE, L. _Prep._ (Ph. Han.) Aloes, myrrh, and saffron, of each 1 oz.; tartrate of, 2 oz.; alcohol (strongest rectified spirit), 14 oz.; water, 1 oz.; macerate 3 days, and filter. This preparation "has been highly praised in visceral obstruction." (Dr Griffith.)--_Dose_, 1 to 3 teaspoonfuls.

=Elixir of Celery= (Dr Wilkinson's.) For increasing, preserving, and producing virility. Juniper berries, angelica root, lovage root, of each 1 part; spirit, 12 parts; orange-flower water, rose water, of each 4 parts; spring water, sufficient. Distil 20 parts, and mix the distillate with 12 parts clarified honey. (Hager.)

=Elixir, Claude's.= _Syn._ ELIXIR CLAUDERI, L. 1. (Pideret.) Salt of tartar, sal-ammoniac, strained aloes, and myrrh, of each 1 oz.; elder-flower water, 1-1/4 pint, digest, with agitation, for 24 hours, and filter.

2. (Parrish.) Carbonate of, 1 oz.; aloes, guaiac.u.m, myrrh, saffron, and rhubarb (contused), of each 2 dr.; water, 18 fl. oz. Macerate a few days, and decant.--_Dose_, 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls; in amenorrha, constipation, scurvy, visceral obstructions, &c.


2. (Hufeland.) Extracts of blessed thistle and dulcamara, of each 1 dr.; cherry-laurel water, 1 fl. dr.; fennel-water, 1 fl. oz.--_Dose_, 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls, 3 or 4 times a day. It is a most useful remedy in coughs occurring in nervous, hysterical, or irritable patients. See ELIXIR OF IPECACUANHA, ELIXIR LETTSOM'S, &c. (_below_).

=Elixir, Daffy's.= _Syn._ ELIXIR SALUTIS, E. SENNae COMPOSITUM, TINCTURA SENNae COMPOSITA, L. This is an aromatised and sweetened tincture of senna, to which other cathartics are generally added. Nearly every drug-house has its own formula for this article. The following are those employed in the London trade:--

_Prep._ 1. East India senna, 1-1/2 lb.; jalap, 5 oz.; coriander seed and aniseed, of each 1/2 lb.; rhubarb, 1/4 lb.; red sanders wood, 2 oz.; salt of tartar, 2 oz.; treacle, 7 lbs.; rectified spirit of wine, 2-1/2 galls.; water, 3-1/4 galls. All the solids are well bruised, and macerated in the mixed fluids for 14 days, when the whole is pressed, and strained through a flannel bag. It is too glutinous to run through filtering paper.

2. Senna, rhubarb, and aniseed, of each 2 lbs.; jalap and caraways, of each 1 lb.; red sanders wood, 1/2 lb.; brown sugar, 7 lbs.; proof spirit, 10 galls.; as the last.

3. Senna, 56 lbs.; aniseed, 7 lbs.; rhubarb (East India), 14 lbs.; coriander seed, 6 lbs.; caraway seed and red sanders wood, of each 5 lbs.; ca.s.sia bark and jalap, of each 3 lbs.; proof spirit, 100 galls.; digest for 14 days, press, strain, and add, 84 lbs.; mix well, and either clarify or strain through flannel.

4. For proof spirit in the last two formulae, equal parts of spirit of wine and water are employed by the smaller houses.

5. (Redwood.) Senna, 1/2 lb.; aniseed, caraways, and jalap, of each 1 oz.

2 dr.; juniper berries, 2-1/2 oz.; proof spirit, 6 pints; macerate for 14 days, then add of treacle, 10-1/2 oz.; water, 1 lb. 5 oz.; mix and strain.

6. (Dicey's.) Senna, 1 lb.; guaiac.u.m shavings, elecampane root (dried), aniseed, caraway seed, coriander seed, and liquorice root, of each 1/2 lb.; stoned raisins, 2 lbs.; proof spirit or brandy, 9 quarts; macerate for 10 days.

7. (Swinton's.) Senna, 1 lb.; jalap, 3 lbs.; coriander seed, caraway seed, liquorice root, and elecampane root, of each 4 oz.; moist sugar, 2 lbs.; rectified spirit of wine and water, of each 1 gal.; as the last.

_Obs._ Daffy's elixir is a favorite purge with drunkards, and is a common and very popular remedy in flatulent colic, dyspepsia, diarrha, &c.--_Dose_, 1 to 4 table-spoonfuls, or more.

=Elixir de Pepsin Digestif.= (Grimault & Co.) For loss of appet.i.te and disordered digestion. Contains pepsine, in quant.i.ties not at all proportionate to the price of the article.

=Elixir Deslauriers Toni-Febrifuge au Quinquina et Caffe.= A tonic febrifuge. Yellow cinchona (Koningschina), 20 grammes; brown cinchona, 8 grammes; powdered coffee beans, slightly roasted, 16 grammes; wine, 250 grammes; sugar, 15 grammes; citric acid, 25 grammes. Boil once after standing some time in a warm place, and filter. Add to the filtered liquid 85 grammes sugar and 15 grammes spirit.

=Elixir de St. Hubert pour les Cha.s.seurs= is a solution of 2 parts carbolic acid in 50 parts spirit. (Ca.s.selmann.)

=Elixir, Devil's.= _Syn._ ELIXIR CAPSICI COMPOSITUM, L. _Prep._ From pods of capsic.u.m, and cloves (bruised), of each 1 oz.; ginger and saffron, of each 3 oz.; cantharides, 5 dr.; proof spirit, 7 lbs.; digest for 10 days.--_Dose_, 1/2 dr. to 3 dr., in mixtures. It is stimulating, anti-choleraic, and aphrodisiac.

=Elixir of Garlic.= _Syn._ ELIXIR ALLII, L. _Prep._ From garlic roots (bruised), 80 in no.; rectified spirit, 1 pint; digest, distil to dryness, and repeat the process with the same spirit from fresh roots, a second and a third time; lastly, add camphor, 2 dr. Diaph.o.r.etic and pectoral.--_Dose._ A teaspoonful, twice a day; in asthma, old coughs, diarrha from debility, &c.

=Elixir, Garus's.= _Syn._ ELIXIR GARI, L.; ELIXIR DE GARUS, Fr. _Prep._ 1.

Myrrh, 1 oz.; aloes and saffron, of each 1/2 oz.; cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg, of each 1 dr.; proof spirit, 1 quart; digest a week, add water, 5 fl. oz., and distil over 1 quart; to the distillate (ALCOOLAT DE GARUS) add of syrup of maidenhair, 2 lbs.; orange-flower water, 1-1/2 fl. oz.

2. (Foy.) Compound tincture of saffron, 8 pints; syrup of maidenhair, 10 pints; mix; add caramel, q. s. to colour, dissolved in orange-flower water, 1/2 pint.

3. (P. Cod.) Aloes and saffron, of each 1 oz.; myrrh, cinnamon, and cloves, of each 1/2 oz.; nutmeg, 1/2 dr.; proof spirit, 12 pints; orange-flower water, 16 fl. oz.; macerate 2 days, distil 6 pints, and add to the distillate (ALCOOLAT DE GARUS), of syrup of capillaire, 7-1/2 pints; and colour with saffron q. s.

4. (Soubeiran.) Socotrine aloes and saffron, of each 1 oz.; myrrh, canella alba, citron, and nutmegs, of each 1/2 oz.; spirit (sp. gr. 923), 20 lbs.; orange-flower water, 16 fl. oz.; macerate as last, distil 10 lbs., and add to the distillate (ALCOOLAT DE GARUS), of syrup of capillaire, 12-1/2 lbs.; orange-flower water, 8 fl. oz.; with saffron q. s. to colour.

5. (Thierry.) Aloes, myrrh, and saffron, of each 2 dr.; nutmeg, 4 dr.; canella alba and cloves, of each 1 oz.; spirit (864), 13 lbs.; draw over 12 lbs. of 'alcoolat,' add to the residue of the distillation rose water, 10 lbs.; distil 6 lbs., and add as much of this aromatic water to the alcoolat as will raise its sp. gr. to 890. Then to every 11 lbs. of the above mixed liquor add of simple syrup, 15 lbs.; tincture of vanilla and orange peel, of each 2-1/2 fl. oz.; fresh milk (skimmed), 1 lb.; and tincture of saffron q. s. to colour; digest with agitation for two days, and filter. Used as a stomachic, carminative, and stimulant, in doses of a wine-gla.s.sful. That prepared without distillation forms an excellent stomachic purge. With the exception of that from the 2nd formula, the products may be regarded as agreeable cordial liquors rather than medicines. It is much employed on the Continent.

=Elixir of Gold.= _Syn._ ELIXIR AURII, L.; ELIXIR D'OR, Fr. _Prep._ 1. De la Motte's Golden Drops.

2. Terchloride of gold, 20 gr.; rectified spirit, 6 fl. dr.; ether, 3 fl.

dr.; dissolve.--_Dose_, 5 to 15 drops, taken in distilled water; in gout, scrofula, nervous diseases, cancer, indurated glands, secondary syphilis, &c. This last preparation is often confounded with the _gouttes d'or du General de la Motte_; but the two are evidently distinct articles. See DROPS.

=Elixir, Haller's.= See ELIXIR ACID (_above_).

=Elixir, Hoffman's Visceral.= _Syn._ ELIXIR HOFFMANNI, E. H. VISCERALE, L.

_Prep._ 1. As ELIXIR OF ORANGE-PEEL,--Ph. Bor. 1847.

2. Thin outside peel of orange (dried), myrrh, and centuary, of each 2 dr.; extracts of carduus benedictus, cascarilla, and gentian, of each 1 dr.; white wine (sherry), 1 quart. Aromatic and stomachic.--_Dose._ A dessert-spoonful, or more.

=Elixir for Impotence in Males= (Dr Ludwig Tiedemann). Prepared from directions given in the Puntsaou from genuine ginseng root. 135 grammes of a dark brown aromatic vinous liquid, prepared by digesting orange berries in wine. The embrocation is an equal quant.i.ty of a pleasantly-smelling liquid consisting of spirit with tincture of storax and a small admixture of volatile oils. (Hager.)

=Elixir of Ipecac'uanha.= _Syn._ ELIXIR IPECACUANHae, L. _Prep._ (Cadet.) Powdered ipecacuanha and balsam of tolu, of each 4 dr.; flowers of benzoin, opium, and saffron, of each 2 dr.; oil of aniseed, 1 dr.; camphor, 40 gr.; alcohol (rectified spirit), 1-1/2 pint; digest a week and filter.--_Dose_, 1 to 2 dr., as a stimulant, diaph.o.r.etic, expectorant, and stomachic; in chronic coughs, asthmas, and old colds, and in certain forms of deficient appet.i.te, dyspepsia, diarrha, &c.

=Elixir of Jal'ap.= _Syn._ ELIXIR JALAPae COMPOSITUM, L. _Prep._ From jalap, 4 oz.; scammony, 4 dr.; gamboge, 2 dr.; proof spirit, 1 quart.--_Dose_, 1/2 dr. to 3 dr., as a purgative; especially in worms.

=Elixir Karoly pour les Fourrures.= A solution of camphor and carbolic acid in strong spirit, mixed with a clear brown acrid tincture, perhaps tinct. pyrethri rosei. (Ca.s.selmann.)

=Elixir, Lettsom's.= _Prep._ (Augustin.) Oil of aniseed, 1 dr.; camphor, 1-1/2 dr.; benzoic acid, opium, and saffron, of each 2 dr.; ipecacuanha and balsam of tolu, of each 4 dr.; rectified spirit, 2 lbs.; digest 10 days and filter.--_Dose_, 5 to 15 drops, for a child; 1/2 to 1 teaspoonful, for an adult; in ordinary coughs, hooping-cough, &c.

=Elixir of Life, Bitter= (Jacob Wolff). For strengthening the const.i.tution. A brandy prepared from 1 gramme aloes, 10 grammes cinnamon, 25 grammes sweet flag, 5 grammes angelica root, 6 grammes cake saffron, 10 grammes caramel, 215 grammes glycerin, 180 grammes spirit, 350 grammes water. (Hager.)

=Elixir, Live-long.= _Syn._ ELIXIR OF LONG LIFE; E. LONGae VITae, L. _Prep._ 1. See TINCTURE OF RHUBARB AND ALOES.

2. (ELIXIR VITae MATTHIOLI.) A mixture of several aromatics and stimulants, made with rectified spirit.

=Elixir of Myrrh.= _Syn._ ELIXIR MYRRHae, L. See TINCTURE OF SAVINE (Comp.),--Ph. L. 1788.

=Elixir d'Or.= See ELIXIR OF GOLD.

=Elixir of Or'ange Peel.= _Syn._ ELIXIR AURANTIORUM COMPOSITUM, L. _Prep._ 1. (Ph. Bor. 1847.) Orange peel, 6 oz.; cinnamon, 2 oz.; carbonate of, 1 oz.; Madeira wine, 4 lbs.; macerate 6 days, express the tincture, and add of extracts of buckbean, cascarilla, gentian, and wormwood, of each, 1 oz.; dissolve, and after repose for subsidence, decant and filter. An excellent aromatic bitter and stomachic.

2. (Moscati.) Orange peel, 1 oz.; cascarilla, 1/2 oz.; waters of citron peel and wormwood, and rectified spirit, of each 1/2 pint; digest a week.

Resembles the last.--_Dose_ (of either). A table-spoonful to a wine-gla.s.sful.

=Elixir, Parego'ric.= _Syn._ ELIXIR PAREGORIc.u.m, L. See TINCTURE OF CAMPHOR (Comp.).

=Elixir, Paregoric (Scotch).= _Syn._ ELIXIR PAREGORIc.u.m SCOTIc.u.m, L. See TINCTURE OF OPIUM (Ammoniated).

=Elixir, Pec'toral.= _Syn._ ELIXIR PECTORALE, L. (Ph. E. 1745.) Balsam of tolu, 2 oz.; gum benzoin, 1-1/2 oz.; saffron, 1/2 oz.; rectified spirit, 32 fl. oz.; digest in a gentle heat for 4 days and filter.--_Dose_, 1/2 to 1 teaspoonful. (See _above_.)

=Elixir, Pol'ychrest.= _Syn._ ELIXIR POLYCHRESTON, L. _Prep._ (Ph. E.

1745.) Guaiac.u.m (gum), 6 oz.; balsam of Peru, 1/2 oz.; rectified spirit, 23 fl. oz.; digest as last, strain, and add oil of sa.s.safras, 2 fl. dr.

Pectoral and anti-rheumatic.--_Dose_, 10 to 60 drops, or more.

=Elixir, Paracelsus's.= See ELIXIR PROPRIETATIS (_below_).

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