Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts -
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_Prep._ (Jeffrey.) Simple decoction of elm bark, 8 pints; liquorice root, sa.s.safras and guaiac.u.m chips, of each 1 oz.; mezereon root, 3 dr.; boil for one hour, and strain. More active than the last.
=Decoction of Er'got.= _Syn._ DECOCTUM ERGOT'ae, D. SECA'LIS CORNUTI, L.
_Prep._ (Pereira.) Ergot of rye (bruised), 1 dr.; water, 6 fl. oz.; boil 10 minutes, and strain.--_Dose_. One third at intervals of half an hour, until the whole is taken; as a parturifacient.
=Decoction of Fern Root.= _Syn._ DECOCTUM FILICIS; D. RADICIS F., L.
_Prep._ (Dr Wood.) Dried fern-root, 1 oz.; water, 1 pint; boil to 16 fl.
oz., and strain. By wine-gla.s.sfuls, fasting, until it excites slight nausea; as a vermifuge, more particularly for tapeworm.
=Decoction of Figs.= _Syn._ DECOCTUM FICI, L. _Prep._ (Cadet.) Figs (chopped), 1 oz.; water, 1 pint; boil, and strain. Demulcent and pectoral; taken _ad libitum_. (See _below_.)
=Decoction of Figs (Compound).= _Syn._ DECOCTUM FICI COMPOSITUM, L.
_Prep._ (Foy.) Figs and raisins (chopped), of each 2 oz.; liquorice root, 1/2 oz.; boiling water, 1 quart; boil 15 minutes, and strain. As the last.
=Decoction for Ene'mas.= _Syn._ DECOCTUM PRO ENEMA'TE, L. Barley-water, or thin gruel, is commonly used under this name. See DECOCTION OF MALLOWS, &c.
=Decoction for Fomenta'tions.= _Syn._ DECOCTUM PRO FOMENTO, L. _Prep._ (Ph. L. 1788.) Dried leaves of southern wood, tops of sea wormwood, and chamomile flowers, of each 1 oz.; laurel or bay leaves (dried), 1/2 oz.; water, 1 pint, boil a few minutes, and strain.
=Decoction of Galls.= _Syn._ DECOCTUM GAL'Lae, (Ph. L.) _Prep._ From galls (bruised), 2-1/2 oz.; water, 1 quart; boiled to one half, and strained. As an astringent, fomentation, enema, or injection, in prolapsus ani, piles, and leucorrha.
=Decoction of Guaiac'um.= _Syn._ DECOCTUM GUAIAC'I (Ph. E.), D. G.
COMPOSITUM (Ph. D. 1826), L. _Prep._ 1. (Ph. E.) Guaiac.u.m shavings, 3 oz.; raisins (chopped), 2 oz.; water, 8 pints; simmer down to 5 pints, adding towards the end, sa.s.safras (rasped or sliced), and liquorice root (bruised), of each 1 oz.
2. (Ph. D.) Guaiac.u.m wood, 3 oz.; sa.s.safras, 10 dr.; liquorice root, 2-1/2 oz.; water, 10 pints, as the last; to strain 5 pints.
_Obs._ The above form the once celebrated 'Decoction of the Woods,'--_Dose._ A teacupful 3 or 4 times daily, or oftener, in chronic rheumatism, cutaneous diseases, after a course of mercury, &c. Although its virtues are of a very dubious kind, there is no doubt that it frequently does good, especially when persevered in with a sudorific regimen.
=Decoction of Hairy h.o.r.ehound.= _Syn._ DECOCTUM BALLOTae LANATae, L. _Prep._ (Rehmann.) Siberian or woolly h.o.r.ehound (Ballota), 1-1/2 oz.; water, 1 quart; boil to one half.--_Dose._ A tumblerful, or more, twice a day; in rheumatic, gouty, and dropsical affections, especially the latter. See DECOCTION OF h.o.r.eHOUND.
=Decoction of Harts'horn.= See MIXTURES.
=Decoction of Hel'lebore.= 1. (DECOCTION OF BLACK h.e.l.lEBORE; DECOCTUM h.e.l.lEBORI NIGRI, L.) _Prep._ 1. (A. T. Thomson.) Black h.e.l.lebore root, 2 dr.; water, 1 pint; boil 15 minutes.--_Dose_, 1 fl. oz., every 4 hours; in dropsy, worms, chronic skin diseases, &c., occurring in non-irritable habits.
2. (DECOCTION OF WHITE h.e.l.lEBORE; DECOCTUM VERATRI, Ph. L. & D.) _Prep._ (Ph. L. 1836.) White h.e.l.lebore (bruised), 10 dr.; water, 1 quart; boil to a pint, and when cold, add of rectified spirit, 3 fl. oz. Used as a lotion, in itch, lepra, psoriasis, scald-head, &c.; and to destroy pediculi. In most cases it should be diluted with water, and should never be applied to the unsound skin.
=Decoction of Holly Leaves.= _Syn._ DECOCTUM ILICIS. (Foy.) Holly leaves, 1/2 oz.; water, 16 oz.; boil to 12 oz. For three doses.
=Decoction of h.o.r.ehound.= _Syn._ COMPOUND DECOCTION OF h.o.r.eHOUND; DECOCTUM MARUBII COMPOSITUM, L. _Prep._ (Dr R. E. Griffith.) Dried h.o.r.ehound (_Marrubium vulgare_), 1 oz.; liquorice root and flax seed (bruised), of each 1/2 oz.; boiling water, 1-1/2 pint; macerate for 3 or 4 hours (boil a minute), and strain. An excellent demulcent and pectoral.--_Dose_, 1 to 2 fl. oz., as required, in coughs, &c.
=Decoction of Horse-chest'nut Bark.= _Syn._ DECOCTUM HIPPOCASTANEI, L.
_Prep._ (Dr Wood.) Horse-chestnut bark (coa.r.s.ely powdered), 10 dr.; water, 1 pint; boil 10 minutes, and strain. Used for decoction of cinchona bark.
A little liquorice root is frequently added. (See _below_.)
=Decoction of Horse-chest'nut Bark (Compound).= _Syn._ DECOCTUM HIPPOCASTANEI COMPOSITUM, L. _Prep._ 1. (Phbus.) Horse-chestnut bark, 1-1/2 oz.; water, 18 fl. oz.; boil to one half, strain, and when quite cold, add of sulphuric ether, 1 to 2 dr.; syrup of orange peel, 1 oz. To be used during the intermission of an ague in wine-gla.s.sfuls at a time.
2. (Spielman.) Horse-chestnut bark and willow bark, of each 1/2 oz.; calamus aromaticus and root of water avens, of each 2 dr.; water, 16 fl.
oz.; boil to one half. As the last.
1824.) _Prep._ 1. (Ph. L.) Liverwort (Iceland moss), 5 dr.; wecm 1-1/2; pint; boil to a pint, and strain.
2. (Ph. D.) Iceland moss, 1 oz.; water, 1-1/2 pint; boil for 10 minutes in a covered vessel, and strain. Nutritious, demulcent, pectoral, and tonic.--_Dose_, 1 to 4 fl. oz., every 3 or 4 hours; in chronic affections of the chest and stomach, especially pulmonary consumption, old coughs, dyspepsia, chronic diarrha, and dysentery. It may be flavoured and sweetened; milk is frequently added to it. The bitter matter may be removed by steeping the moss for some time in pretty warm water, or in cold water, to which a very little carbonate of potash has been added.
Without this is done, it is intensely bitter and nauseous.
=Decoction of Indian Ba'el.= _Syn._ DECOCTION OF aeGLE MARMELOS; DECOCTUM BAEL, L. From the dried unripe fruit of _aegle marmelos_ (Indian bael), 2 oz.; water, 1 pint; boil to one third, and strain.--_Dose_, 2 fl. oz. two or three times a day; in dysentery, diarrha, and English cholera.
=Decoction of Indian Pink.= _Syn._ DECOCTUM SPIGELIae, L. _Prep._ Indian pink root, 5 dr; water, 1 pint; boil 5 minutes; add senna, 4 dr.; digest 15 minutes, strain and add of manna, 1 oz.--_Dose._ A small teacupful, 3 times a day, for an adult; 1/2 oz. to 1 oz., or less, for children; as an anthelmintic purge.
=Decoction of Indian Sarsaparil'la.= _Syn._ DECOCTUM HEMEDES'MI, L.
_Prep._ (Pereira.) Root of Indian sarsaparilla (_Hemedesmus Indicus_), 2 oz.; water, 1-1/2 pint; boil to a pint. Diuretic, alterative, and tonic.--_Dose._ By wine-gla.s.sfuls, as decoction of sarsaparilla.
=Decoction of I"rish Moss.= _Syn._ DECOCTUM CHON'DRI. _Prep._ (Pereira.) Carrageen or Irish moss, 1 oz.; macerate in lukewarm water for 10 minutes, take it out and drain it, and then boil it in water (or milk), 3 pints, for 15 minutes, and strain through linen.
_Obs._ If twice the above weight of moss is employed, a mucilage (_mucilago chondri_) is produced, which may be flavoured with lemon juice, spices, &c., and forms a most nutritious article of spoon diet. It is taken in the same cases as decoction of Iceland moss; and is frequently employed in cookery, as a subst.i.tute for animal jelly, in the preparation of blancmanges, soups, &c.
=Decoction of I"singla.s.s.= See LISBON DIET DRINK.
=Decoction of Jamaica Dogwood.= _Syn._ DECOCTUM CORNUS FLORIDae. (U. S.
Ph.) Bark of Jamaica dogwood, 1 oz.; water, 16 oz. o.m.; boil 10 minutes and strain, and make up to 1 pint o.m. As a subst.i.tute for cinchona, but is more astringent.
=Decoction of Jujubes.= _Syn._ DECOCTUM JUJUBARUM. Boil 2 oz. of jujubes (stoned), for an hour, in a sufficient quant.i.ty of water to produce 2 pints of decoction.
=Decoction of Ju'niper Berries (Compound).= _Syn._ DECOCTUM JUNIPERI COMPOSITUM, L. _Prep._ (St. B. Hosp.) Juniper berries, 2 oz.; cream of tartar, 3 dr.; water, 4 pints; boil to a quart, strain, and add compound spirit of juniper, 2 fl. oz. Diuretic.--_Dose_, 2 or 3 wine-gla.s.sfuls, 3 times a day, warm.
=Decoction of Linseed (Compound).= _Syn._ DECOCTUM LI'NI COMPOSITUM (Ph.
D.), L. _Prep._ (Ph. D.) Linseed, 1 oz.; liquorice root (bruised), 1/2 oz.; water, 1-1/2 pint; boil for 10 minutes in a covered vessel, and strain whilst hot. Emollient and demulcent.--_Dose._ A wine-gla.s.sful _ad libitum_; in gonorrha, dysentery, pulmonary affections, &c. It may be flavoured with lemon peel, and sweetened. See INFUSIONS.
=Decoction of Liquorice.= _Syn._ DECOCTUM GLYCYRRHIZae, L. _Prep._ (Ph. D.
1826.) Liquorice root (sliced), 1-1/2 oz.; water, 16 fl. oz.; boil 10 minutes and strain. A mild demulcent; it is taken either alone, by wine-gla.s.sfuls, or is used as a vehicle for more active remedies.
=Decoction, Lisbon.= See LISBON DIET DRINK.
=Decoction of Liv'erwort.= See DECOCTION OF ICELAND MOSS.
=Decoction of Log'wood.= _Syn._ DECOCTUM HaeMATOXYLI (Ph. L. E. & D.), L.
_Prep._ 1. (Ph. L.) Logwood chips, 10 dr.; water, 1-1/2 pint; boil to a pint, and strain.
2. (Ph. E.) Logwood, 1 oz.; water, 1 pint; boil to 10 fl. oz., adding towards the last, cinnamon (in powder), 1 dr.
3. (Ph. D.) Logwood, 1 oz.; water, 1/2 pint. Astringent and tonic.--_Dose_, 1 table-spoonful to a wine-gla.s.sful; in diarrha, as required.
4. (Ph. B.) Logwood in chips, 1 oz.; cinnamon in coa.r.s.e powder, 60 gr.; distilled water, 1 pint. Boil for 10 minutes, and strain to make up 1 pint.
=Decoction of Mad'der.= _Syn._ DECOCTUM RUBIae, D. R. TINCTORIae, L. _Prep._ 1. (Dewees.) Powdered madder, 1 oz.; boiling water, 1 pint; simmer for 15 minutes, and add of cloves (bruised), 1 dr.; when cold, strain.--_Dose._ A wine-gla.s.sful, 2 or 3 times daily; in amenorrha, chlorosis, &c.; or every 3 hours, a short time previous to the expected menstrual discharge.
2. (W. Cooley.) To the last add ammonio-citrate of iron, 3 dr.
3. (St. Marie.) Powdered madder, 1/2 oz.; hops, 1 dr.; English walnut leaves, 3 dr.; water, 1 quart; boil to 1-1/2 pint, strain, and when cold, add of tincture of tartrate of iron, 1 dr.--_Dose_, 2 fl. oz., night and morning; in scrofula, &c.
=Decoction of Mal'lows.= _Syn._ COMMON DECOCTION; DECOCTUM COM'MUNE, D.