The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English Part 96

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After taking a single course of treatment, the medicines being sent by express, he writes as follows: "The medicine you sent me lasted me five weeks, and proved very beneficial indeed. I believe it, under G.o.d, was the means of saving me from a premature grave. When I received the medicine, I had just gotten rid of an attack of bilious fever, which left me in a deplorable condition. I was very week and nervous, but my improvement commenced with the first dose of your medicine, so by the time my medicine was out felt better than I had for years, and now have no indication of a return of my trouble." A month later he writes: "I continue to enjoy the most perfect health. Every organ of my body, and every faculty of my mind, is in splendid condition, which makes life worth living. I have gained twenty-one pounds since I have been able to attend to business. Please accept my profound thanks for your promptness in sending me my medicines."



[Ill.u.s.tration: G.W. Colquitt, Esq.]

_Gentlemen_--It gives me pleasure to testify to your skill in the treatment of my case. When I applied to you last June, I was suffering all the horrors of nervous prostration, which was brought on by over-work and constant anxiety. I had no energy and no interest in business; rather an aversion to anything like work. My appet.i.te was poor, indeed food seemed to distress rather than nourish. I felt tired and drowsy mornings; irritable and despondent; suspicious of every body and everything. After two months' treatment these unpleasant symptoms disappeared, and my health is better than it has been for twenty years.

I can never express to you my grat.i.tude for your kindness, and would cheerfully recommend your Inst.i.tution to all sufferers.

Yours truly, GEORGE W. COLQUITT, Palmetto, Campbell Co., Ga.




[Ill.u.s.tration: Mrs. Gla.s.s.]

_Gentlemen_--It is with pleasure that I write to let you know the great benefit I have received from your medicines and self-treatment at home, which you kindly sent me, advising me to take your Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and "Pleasant Pellets" and "Golden Medical Discovery" for my troubles. I did take your advice as near as I could; when I wrote my first letter to you, I had been treated by different doctors for twelve months and received but very little or no benefit, but had spent one hundred dollars for treatment and medicines.

My husband, and little boy twelve years old, did all the family sewing and was.h.i.+ng and work in general, and I could not walk across the room without help or stand on my feet one minute at a time; at night I could not sleep, nor day time either; nothing I ate tasted well--I had no desire to eat anything; my bowels were costive all the time, and after following your advice and using about fourteen dollars worth of your medicines altogether, I now feel like a new person. I am not bothered with that nervousness, where it used to be that I could not stand a sudden rush of horses feet, or a quick halloo from one's boys, or a sudden sound of anything would cause me to take sudden nervous spells of some kind, as if I were smothering or dying, or something of the kind--I can't tell just how I did feel. Now I do all my was.h.i.+ng, sewing and house work in general for a family of seven--five children, my husband and self, and help my husband in the field some besides. I can truthfully say, ii it had not been for Dr. Pierce's medicines and the kind advice to me, with self-treatment at home, I would have been dead long ago, and I never can feel that I can say enough for his skill and medicine nor thank him enough for the good he has done me.

I use no other medicines in my family but these and never will, for they do all that is claimed for them and more too. I have one of the "Advisers," and I would not be without it for fifty times its cost. May G.o.d be with you throughout your life is my prayer.

Respectfully yours, MRS. ADDIE GLa.s.s, Bandera, Bandera Co., Texas.



[Ill.u.s.tration: W.S. Nicholson, Esq.]

_Gentlemen_--In January of '90 I took the "grippe," went to work before I was well, was caught in a rain which gave me a very bad relapse, resulting in lung fever and complete prostration; was on my bed two months, and when I did get out, the strength to walk any more than just a few rods did not come back. My family doctor and two prominent physicians of Sioux City, did me no good. Late in the fall I got a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, which quieted my trembling nerves and gave me an appet.i.te to eat. I then concluded to try the Doctor, personally. Up to this time I was in a pitiable condition.

Sometimes I could not sleep until I felt almost wild, then sleep so much I would be stupefied. I could not digest any food and my whole system was wasting and failing fast. I doubt if any one who saw me expected me to get well. I took the treatment sent me by the World's Dispensary Medical a.s.sociation for more than a year. The medicine never gave me any distress as other medicines had done before. I began to improve from the start, but the change from one extreme to the other was like the growth of a child.

To any one suffering from nervous prostration I would say, "don't be impatient." It takes a long time for weakened nerves to grow strong. I have at last become strong and well, thanks to the Giver of all good and the grand Inst.i.tution at Buffalo. I have since married a n.o.ble-hearted young woman, and when I am playing with our sweet, healthy, baby girl, I give way to the thought that at last the long, sad chapter of my life is ended; at such times her merry laugh sounds like a song of triumph of life over death.

Gratefully yours, W.S. NICHOLSON, Willow Creek, Clay Co., Iowa.



[Ill.u.s.tration: M. Manheim, Esq.]

_Gentlemen_--Having been a patient in your Invalids' Hotel for several weeks, I take great pleasure in telling other sufferers of my treatment which I received under your efficient staff of physicians, surgeons and nurses, and I will say with clear conscience that every care and comfort was given me that I wished for. I am sure that your Inst.i.tution is far in advance of the age, and would wish that every invalid could avail himself of the treatment that I received in your most, excellently kept Invalids' Hotel. I cheerfully give this as my testimonial to individuals, friends and sufferers. My health is so fully restored that I look upon life with pleasure and comfort, whereas before I was a suffering nervous invalid, unable to sleep and much of the time in torment. Wis.h.i.+ng you success I am your friend and well wisher,

M. MANHEIM, Georgetown, S.C.



[Ill.u.s.tration: A.D. Christie, Esq.]

_Gentlemen_--I was troubled with nervous exhaustion; my legs and back ached, and I could not sleep hardly any, and could not rest at night for about three months, and, reading in one of your Memorandum Books a case that suited mine and having taken medicines without any good results, I concluded to try your medicines. I explained my case carefully and got one month's medicines, of which I did not take all as I thought I did not need it, as I felt like another man--could sleep well and work without having that "all-gone feeling."

Yours respectfully, A.D. CHRISTIE, Maple Creek, Forest Co., Penn.




[Ill.u.s.tration: Miss Moyers.]

_Gentlemen_--Six years ago I had an attack of measles, which left my health in a precarious condition. I was placed under the treatment of a good physician who did all in his power to restore my health, but all in vain. I had dyspepsia and could not eat meat, vegetables nor fruit of any kind. I suffered alternately from cold and heat. At times my feet and knees would feel like ice to the touch, and at other times I would suffer the most excruciating torture, seeming as though every nerve in my body was being seared with a hot iron. My left hip and knee would become so affected that I could scarcely walk across the room. I slept very little. On one occasion I remained awake four days and four nights, and then was put to sleep by repeated doses of morphine. My nervous system became so shattered that words spoken by any person in my room fell like pebbles on my brain; and nights I would often have to be raised in bed to prevent smothering to death. It is impossible for me to describe my sufferings at that time but I know that if it had not been for Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription I would to-day have been in my grave.

I began the use of the "Favorite Prescription" in March--three years ago, as well as I can remember. Continued till summer when I wrote to you--received your advice and a few simple prescriptions which I had filled at the drug store. I also began the use of the "Golden Medical Discovery." My nerves became quiet: I slept well; my stomach began to heal; my strength returned and I began to feel like a new person. And, to-day, while I am not as strong as the strongest, I can do any kind of work that other women do, and each season I can say I am stronger than I was the last. I used thirty bottles of your medicines. Some may say that was a great deal, but I will never regret the money and patience it took to cure me. It has enabled me to once more enter school where I am trying to make up for those lost years of my life, and as I join the girls in their romps, I can say that "life is now sweet."

Any one desiring particulars may address me.

Respectfully, MISS LUCY MOYERS, Kelso, Lincoln Co., Tenn.



[Ill.u.s.tration: W.H. Keesler, Esq.]

_Gentlemen_--I was thought to be beyond all help and had but very little hope myself, but at the urgent entreaty of my wife I let her write to you for me and began taking special treatment from you. I could eat but very little and could keep nothing on my stomach, and was vomiting up bile once or twice every day; muscles all gone and too weak to get about. But to-day I think I am a sound healthy man. I owe it all to your treatment, and a loving Saviour who blessed the means in your hands to the healing of this body of mine. And I gladly recommend the sick and suffering to try Dr. Pierce, and pray G.o.d to bless you and your work.

Yours respectfully, W.H. KEESLER, P.O. Box 185, Harriman, Roane Co., Tenn.


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