The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English Part 61

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[Ill.u.s.tration: Thos. Lewis, Esq.]

_Gentlemen_--Being an invalid for many years and trying home physicians without benefit, I went to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Inst.i.tute, and can most highly recommend this place to all sufferers. I had a severe attack of catarrh and general debility, and after a short stay at this Inst.i.tute, my whole system was toned up and I was soon enjoying perfect health.

I can truthfully say that this inst.i.tution fully merits all the praise that could be given it. I never lose an opportunity to recommend all my suffering friends to the Faculty of this a.s.sociation, for I believe it is in advance of its kind in the world. The physicians and surgeons are skillful and of wide experience, the nurses kind and thoughtful, the rooms large and pleasant, and everything is done to make the visit of any one pleasant as well as beneficial in the highest degree.

I do not hesitate to urge all invalids, no matter what their trouble, to place themselves under the care of the eminent physicians of this inst.i.tution, being confident that they can give them all the relief that possibly can be obtained from medical treatment and skill.

Truly yours, THOMAS LEWIS, Kamas, Summit County, Utah.



[Ill.u.s.tration: Wm. King, Esq.]

_Dear Sirs_--After suffering for several years with nasal catarrh and liver complaint, and having become greatly reduced in health, as a last resort I placed myself in your hands for treatment My improvement began almost immediately after entering your inst.i.tution. I was enabled to leave at the end of one month, having experienced great benefit. The treatment was continued at home for a few months, after which my cure was complete. At the present time, I am able for office work, and feel that I am completely cured of the catarrh and have but little if any trouble with my liver. I shall lose no opportunity to recommend your inst.i.tution or your medicines to the afflicted. I do most unhesitatingly recommend chronic sufferers to visit your inst.i.tution or take your remedies at home.

Sincerely yours, WILLIAM KING, Rose Bud, Pope Co., Ills.


Ely, White Pine Co., Nevada.


_Gentlemen_--For ten years I was greatly afflicted with Catarrh, Bronchitis, Liver Complaint, and Dyspepsia. I tried many doctors and remedies to see if I could not obtain relief, but I grew constantly worse instead of better.

I heard much concerning the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Inst.i.tute at Buffalo. I concluded to go there and try and obtain some benefit. I staid a month in this famous Inst.i.tution, and during that time made fine improvement, and when I left felt like another man.

I can truthfully recommend this world-renowned Inst.i.tution to all the afflicted. The Inst.i.tution itself, in all its appointments, is far in advance of the age. It is more like a home than a hospital; the rooms are large and pleasant; the table the very best; the nurses kind and considerate, and the doctors skillful and of wide experience. While there I saw and talked with a great number of people who had come to this Inst.i.tution as a last resort, and they were all unanimous in their praise.

I cannot say too much in favor of the World's Dispensary Medical a.s.sociation and its Staff of skilled attendants, nor can I too strongly urge all sufferers to go there, being confident that all within the power of medical science and skill can be done for them there. Would send you my photograph as requested, but there is not a photograph gallery within a hundred miles of here. Yours truly,

D.D. Phillips



[Ill.u.s.tration: Mrs. Osborne.]

_Gentlemen_--I was troubled for several years with bronchial disease, having a severe cough a good share of the time. Some of my friends thought I had consumption; I got so weak I could scarcely walk across the floor, and raised a good deal. I commenced taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and my cough soon got better, and I have not been troubled with it since. That was four years ago; I took only three bottles. I would recommend it to all having throat or lung trouble. I have also used Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy with equally good results. I believe that no one need suffer long with chronic catarrh who is within reach of this remedy.

Yours respectfully, MRS. LENA OSBORNE, Ripley, Chautauqua Co., N.Y.



[Ill.u.s.tration: H.A. Milne, Esq.]

_Gentlemen_--Five years since my family physician p.r.o.nounced my case Pulmonary Consumption. Since that time I nave taken various treatments, some of which have given relief. One treatment that was administered for nasal catarrh, from which I continued to be affected, caused erosion of the mucous membrane, and destruction of the bony septum which separates the two nostrils. Took cold quite easily, suffered from considerable nasal catarrh, with discharges pa.s.sing posteriorly dropping into the throat; occasional cough with some shortness of breath on exertion. A deep inspiration caused a dizzy sensation in the head; eyesight was impaired as well as the memory. After sitting for a time, and then quickly rising I suffered from blindness as well as a dizzy feeling in the head. I never felt that I was entirely cured of my lung trouble, having many of the symptoms which are common to those in the incipient stage of consumption. I also suffered from indigestion, torpidity of the liver, and constipation of the bowels.

Upon consulting at your Inst.i.tution, was advised at once to begin the course of specially prepared medicines as indicated in my case. In all, I have only taken two months' special treatment, and it has now been six months since I have required any medicine; all symptoms of disease have entirely disappeared, and I desire to thank you for the interest you have taken in my case, and the treatment prescribed. I have no objection to your publis.h.i.+ng my testimony, if by so doing others may be induced to place themselves under your care for treatment at your Inst.i.tution, or have medicines sent to their homes.

Respectfully yours, H.A. MILNE, Mekinock, Grand Forks Co., North Dakota.


Ashland, Middles.e.x Co., Ma.s.s., (Box 171).

DR. E.V. PIERCE, Buffalo, N.Y.:

_Dear Sir_--It is now eight years since I took Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. I had a very bad cough, also night-sweats, and was almost in my grave, as we thought, with consumption, when a friend of mine who died with consumption came to me in a dream and told me to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and, thank the Lord, I did so. By the time I had taken half of the first bottle I felt so much better, I kept on till I had taken three bottles, that was all I needed. I got well and strong again.

Sincerely yours, Clura McIntyre


DR. R.V. PIERCE, NO. 663 Main St., Buffalo, N.Y.:

[Ill.u.s.tration: Mrs. Flemming.]

_Dear Sir_--I had been troubled with chronic nasal catarrh for a year; could not sleep at night or rest in the day, because I could not breathe through my nose. I tried everything I was told of, and all failed to cure. I read about Dr. Pierce's remedies and thought I would try them. I used three bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, four of Dr.

Sage's Catarrh Remedy, and I was relieved within two weeks. I continued these medicines for four weeks, and am perfectly cured. I would advise any one who is troubled with catarrh to use Dr. Pierce's medicines. I am very thankful for the remedies."

Yours respectfully, MRS. M. FLEMMING, 698 17th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis.



[Ill.u.s.tration: Mrs. Nuckolls.]

_Gentlemen_--Twenty years ago I was nearly dead with nasal catarrh. I had it several years before I knew what it was, then I read Dr. Pierce's description of catarrh. I felt as he described. No one else had ever been able to tell me anything of the symptoms he described. I simply concluded that if he could so minutely describe, he could also relieve, and I immediately placed myself under his treatment--by correspondence.

In a few months I was entirely relieved and have not suffered from it since.

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