The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English Part 60

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[Ill.u.s.tration: G.R. Sprinkle.]

_Gentlemen_--I was very low--almost given up by two physicians who treated me with their very best skill and did not receive much benefit.

I was attacked with "La Grippe" in December, 1891, and pleurisy, and was taken with a very bad cough, which kept growing worse. The physicians prescribed Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, but no benefit. In June, 1892, I bled from the lungs; everybody thought I would die. A friend told me to try Dr. Pierce's medicines. I did so, and after taking six months'

home-treatment I was cured. When I commenced taking his treatment I only weighed 130 pounds, now I weigh 175, and can do as good a day's work as I ever could. I can cheerfully say that I believe I owe my life to his valuable medicines.

Yours truly, G. RILEY SPRINKLE, California Creek, Madison Co., N.C.



[Ill.u.s.tration: Mrs. Van Baskirk.]

_Gentlemen_--I was troubled with my lungs and stomach for five years. I could do no work hardly until I used Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. After using five bottles of the "Golden Medical Discovery"

and three vials of the "Pleasant Pellets" I was cured, and now I am doing the work for a family of nine. I tried other medicines and nothing would do me any good, and if I had not gotten your medicine I would have been in my grave. I could not recommend it too highly for the good it did me; it is the best medicine I ever got hold of.

MRS. E.C. VAN BOSKIRK, Selin's Grove, Snyder Co.,Penn.




[Ill.u.s.tration: C.M. Niles, Esq.]

_Gentlemen_--I wish to express my heartfelt thanks to you for the wonderful cure that your special remedies performed in my case. In the Spring of 1891, I had a severe attack of La Grippe, which left me in bad shape. I consulted as good a physician as there was in the county, and he told me that I was suffering from enlargement of the heart and that I must be very careful about taking: any violent exercise, and I must not allow myself to get excited, as excitement of any kind might prove fatal. He gave me remedies for my trouble which made me feel some better; but being a farmer I was obliged to work hard and soon began to run down. I began to have spells of a terribly deathly sinking feeling at my stomach and a terrible pressure at the heart--in the region of the heart, and sometimes I would fall prostrate and although I was conscious all the time I could not speak aloud.

The last of October, 1891, while doing my in the morning, I had one of those bad spells and upset my lantern, which resulted in my losing my buildings by fire.

My wife was out of health at that time--she, too, was suffering from the effects of La Grippe. Having lost everything eatable for ourselves and stock, I was forced to work very hard to get through the winter. The next February, 1892, we had another attack of La Grippe, which resulted in the death of my beloved wife. The next May, this terrible affliction together with hard work completely broke me down and although I was doctoring all the time I kept steadily growing worse. I got so bad that I could not sleep more than two or three hours any night and very often I would go all night without closing my eyes at all.

The last of September, I had to give up work almost entirely. I got so that I _could not walk one-fourth of a mile without being completely exhausted_. One physician whom I consulted said I was suffering with nervous prostration and gave me medicine for it, but I got no better. My food distressed me terribly and after eating, it would sour and I would have to vomit up the most that I had eaten. At last, I got so I had to live on bread made of wheat middlings and for about three months I could not eat anything else, although it seemed as though I should starve to death. I thought I would give anything if I could eat a hearty meal of anything that I wanted, but did not dare to because every kind of food distressed me so. My bowels became badly constipated and for three months I did not have a natural operation of the bowels; and I suffered very much with catarrh, and there was such a pressure across my forehead that it seemed sometimes as though it would burst. I became very despondent. I did not want to go anywhere, neither did I want to see any one, everything looked dark and gloomy to me. When well, I was naturally or a lively disposition and a great hand to joke with my friends, but no one could say anything funny enough to get a smile out of me then. I was always very fond of music too, but I could not bear to hear a bit of music, neither vocal nor instrumental. About the first of February, 1893, some of my friends prevailed upon me to consult a physician who made a specialty of treating chronic nervous troubles; he said I had no organic trouble of the heart and that it was caused by my stomach being out of order; he said that I had a bad kidney trouble and that my spine was affected, and that unless I got help it would end in "Locomotor Ataxia." He said he could help me but it would probably take a year to cure me. He let me have a month's treatment and gave me advice in regard to diet, etc. I thought for awhile that it was helping me but soon I began to go down hill again, and as a last resort I began to take some of the cure-alls (patent) with which the country is flooded; but I soon became disgusted with them and made up my mind there was no help for me.

I had to use about all the strength I had to walk; I could not lift my left foot up to step over anything--had to draw it after me; I could hardly sleep; neither could I transact any business, in fact I did not take any interest in any of my affairs. It seemed to me as though I did not have a friend on earth, and I longed for death to come to put me out of my misery.

My son, with whom I was living, had been trying for a long time to get me to send to you for treatment, but I had paid out so much money and received no benefit from it, that I did not believe there was any help for me.

At last I thought I would write you what I could of my symptoms, and get your opinion of my case, but it took me about two days to write the letter. My head felt so bad that I could not collect myself enough to describe my feelings. You wrote me that my trouble was caused by indigestion, dyspepsia, catarrh, and spinal affection, and that you could cure me, and in fact, make a new man of me if I would send for your special treatment and follow your advice. My son sent for the medicine for me. I took it and followed your directions as near as I could; the first week I could not see much of any change--the second week I could see that I was improving some, the third week I could look back and see that I had gained considerable. I could sleep better; the bloating in my bowels did not trouble me so bad; my stomach did not distress me so much and I could eat different kinds of food and my digestion seemed to be improving fast; and by using your Special Catarrh Remedy my nose began to run (it had been nearly six months that my nose was perfectly dry) and one day it felt as though something gave way in my head--it seemed to be back, in behind my eyes, and I blowed a large amount of filth out of my head that looked like the yolk of an egg, and it was nearly as thick as jelly; after that my head began to improve rapidly and I began to gain in flesh and strength, and the best of all is, I have kept right on gaining until at the present time _I feel as well as I ever did in my life_. Sleep well, can eat three hearty meals every day and digest them too, and eat anything I want, and seven days in a week.

To look back now I don't see why I did not apply to you when I was first taken sick. For about ten years ago. I had treatment of you for catarrh, liver and kidney trouble, and you helped me then; also, about eight years ago my wife had two months' treatment from you which helped her of the troubles from which she was suffering at that time. All the reasons that I can give, is, that owing to financial troubles and having to pay out so much for sickness, I could not seem to get the money (that I could spare) to pay for the treatment.

Gentlemen, I wish I could express my thanks to you for what you have done for me, but I cannot do it. I am a poor hand to express myself, but I consider my restoration to health almost a miracle, and I firmly believe that I owe my life to you, for I do not believe that I should have lived till the present time had it not been for your Special Treatment. Now, if there is any part of this letter that you would wish to publish, you are at liberty to do so: and if it would be the means of directing any suffering fellow being to a place where they can get relief, I shall be very thankful.

Respectfully, C.M. NILES, East New Portland, Somerset Co., Maine.



[Ill.u.s.tration: E.A. Baldwin, Esq.]

_Gentlemen_--For a long time I was suffering from indigestion, catarrh and nervousness. I was so run down that I could not go to school, and, as the various remedies I tried did me no good, I applied to you, and was advised to try a course of special treatment. After taking only two months' medicines from your n.o.ble inst.i.tution, I feel perfectly restored to health. I have, moreover, recovered my lost flesh, and I am pleased to say need no further medicines.

Yours truly, E.A. BALDWIN, Proctorsville, Windsor Co., Vermont.



[Ill.u.s.tration: Miss Pollak.]

_Gentlemen_--My daughter had for many months severe nasal catarrh with sores forming on the inside of nose; if not attended promptly the sores would come out on bridge of nose and also in the corner of nose and upper lip. We had several physicians attending her, but they gave her only temporary relief. We were advised by a friend who had used your remedies to try them. After using thirteen bottles of Doctor Sage's Catarrh Remedy, and at the same time two bottles of Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery my daughter was completely cured of the dreaded disease and in the past three years has had no symptoms of the disease ever coming back. I am satisfied the above medicines will cure any kind of catarrh.

Yours truly, JOSEPH POLLAK, McPherson, McPherson Co., Kan.



DR. R.V. PIERCE, 663 Main Street, Buffalo N.Y.:

[Ill.u.s.tration: H.J. Converse, Esq.]

_Dear Sir_--Without solicitation from you, I feel it my duty to suffering humanity, to make known the virtues of your medicine in curing catarrh. About ten years ago, I first began to realize that I was the victim of nasal catarrh; I tried every known remedy, but gradually grew worse. My ears would gather and break; nights of restlessness would succeed days of agony. The disease finally attacked my left lung, and I despaired of obtaining relief. About six years since I began the use of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, in connection with the "Golden Medical Discovery," and by the persistent use of the above remedies I feel that I am completely cured of this loathsome disease.

For attacks of biliousness, coughs and colds, I think there is nothing equal to the "Discovery," and I bless the day that I first began the use of your remedies.

Very respectfully, HOWARD J. CONVERSE, Civil Engineer, Plain City, Madison Co., Ohio.



[Ill.u.s.tration: Mrs. Lansing.]

_Gentlemen_--I suffered for two years with catarrh in the head, having very severe pains in the top of my head. A hunch came on the side and back of my head--my whole head and face were so sore and sensitive that a pillow of down felt hard, and I was obliged to change my position often. I could not breathe through my nose at all and was obliged to keep my bed fully one half of the time, and could not collect my thoughts to think steadily on any subject--I was really afraid of losing my reason. I got all run-down and was "out of sorts" in general; then I commenced using Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy and Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. To-day my health is good and I have no catarrh.

Yours truly, MRS. JAMES LANSING, Fort Edward, Was.h.i.+ngton Co., N.Y.

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