The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English Part 57

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[Ill.u.s.tration: H.M. Detels and Wife.]

_Gentlemen_--In regard to your medicines I will say that they are always in the house. I shall never forget those nights when I was down with pneumonia. Had it not been for Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery I would not be a well man to-day. One bottle stopped the cough and night sweats.

My wife was troubled with leucorrhea so bad that we did not know what to do until Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription was brought into the house and gave her rest.

Yours truly, H.M. DETELS, Traver, Tulare Co., Cal.



[Ill.u.s.tration: Chas. E. Lees, Esq. ]

_Gentlemen_--I am 29 years old. During the winter of '84 I contracted a severe cold, which settled on my lungs. Each succeeding winter my cough grew worse, and in the winter of '85 I had chicken-pox, and taking cold, drove them in causing me a severe spell of sickness. The following summer I had congestion of the lungs and hemorrhage and a severe spell of fever. My physician advised me to go West in search of health. My friends thought I had consumption of the lungs, I coughed so much. In September, 1889, I left Carthage, Mo. (where I then lived), for Phoenix, Ariz. After I had been there about four months I had a severe attack of "_La Grippe_" and with this I coughed myself almost (I thought), to death; and to add to my distress I had an almost intolerable attack of pleurisy. A doctor was summoned and after an examination said I had Empyemia, and said he could do me but very little good until he removed the pus. He and his partner came and by the use of an aspirator drew off nine pints of pus; after about a week he drew off two pints. After a few days I told my doctor I could hear the pus gurgle as I had before he drew it off. Strange to say, but nevertheless true, my heart was crowded over on the opposite side for three months. I knew it was there for I could feel the pulsations there, and I was so short of breath for a long time I could not stoop down to tie my shoes.

The doctor told me it would be useless again to use the aspirator, but that he would be obliged to make an incision in my side and treat it till I got well. On the 28th day of March. 1890, my doctor and his partner and three other doctors undertook the operation, and, after removing about two inches of one of my ribs, withdrew 16 pints of pus.

This came near being too much for me though I slowly recovered and in three months the doctors thought I was able to come home. I arrived home in June and was very poorly all summer, and did not sit up but _very little_, and had fever every day. In the latter part of the summer of '90 I commenced to take "Golden Medical Discovery" and although my side had been discharging for TWENTY-THREE MONTHS it healed up sound and well. I am now able to do considerable hard work. I would advise all who are afflicted as I was, to give your medicine a trial. I am glad I have out-lived my friends' expectations.

Yours truly, CHARLES E. LEES, P.O. Box 2, Winslow, Was.h.i.+ngton Co., Ark.



[Ill.u.s.tration: Mrs. White. ]

_Gentlemen_--I was troubled with throat and lung disease for about two years and lost strength so that I was unable to do much work. I took four bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and can say that it did more good than any other medicine that I ever took. I am now able to do my work, and enjoy good health.

Yours truly, MRS. JULIA WHITE, Willow Creek, Blue Earth Co., Minn.


[Ill.u.s.tration: A. Kratz, Esq. ]

MR. ANTON KRATZ, of _Crawford, Dawes Co., Neb._, had weak lungs, cough and catarrh, with profuse expectoration; difficult breathing, lasting from one to eight hours. He writes:

"I took sick and went to the doctors. They gave me medicine, but it did not help me, so I got two or three bottles of 'Golden Medical Discovery'

and some 'Pellets.' After awhile I got better, until three winters ago I got sick again so I could not do anything, and I wrote to you giving my symptoms on one of your question blanks, and asked you about my case.

You told me to take your 'Golden Medical Discovery.' I took four bottles and got well and have been well ever since."



[Ill.u.s.tration: Mrs. Lincoln. ]

_Gentlemen_--Before taking the "Discovery" I would have four or five bad coughing spells every day and would cough up mouthfuls of solid white froth, and before I took one bottle it stopped it. I could not walk across the room with the pain in my back and sides; but soon the pain was all gone, and I could sleep well at night. My general health is much better since I have taken the "Golden Medical Discovery" although I have been obliged to work hard on a farm.

Respectfully yours, MRS. JOHN LINCOLN, Glen Annan, Huron Co., Ont.




[Ill.u.s.tration: Mrs. F. Nienhuis. ]

_Gentlemen_--I had pain in lungs and across the chest; had been spitting blood for the past six years. Menstruation was scant and caused great prostration. Suffered from constipation; cutting pains about the stomach and rumbling in the bowels; exceedingly nervous; indigestion. She writes as follows: "I wish to inform you that I am well. I never can praise you or your ways of treatment enough. I shall bring you all the patients that I can. I feel so rich to get my health back. I can eat well and sleep well, and work all day. I suppose you will think it took a long time to pull me up, but I was very low, much worse than I ever told you of at the time. I was not able even to feed myself any more. My husband had to undress me. I could not wash my own face, or stand alone. I did not lie down to sleep for eleven months; I always had to sit up, because I would choke if I laid my head down. _I have not raised a drop of blood since your treatment_, and I did it always for five years before. Our minister said this spring that he had never thought I could live, and says that he advises every one that is sick to go to you. He was so surprised to see how strong and well I was. My relatives all think that you ought to write my case up for the papers in Chicago. I can never repay you for what you have done for me. A thousand thanks is but empty words. My husband was telling a man just last week, "do not spend all your money in Chicago, as we did, and then write to Buffalo, but go and write now, and your wife will soon be well." My father was saying that he wished the doctors that gave me up could see me now. I think they could not believe their own eyes. I am astonished when I think back how I was six years ago; I could not walk across the room alone for three years, and after taking your treatment for eighteen months, I am _completely_ well. I can hardly believe it myself when I read over those letters that I received from you. I work hard every day. There is never a day that you are not remembered. I hope that you may live many years to do for others what you have done for me. I had this taken so that you might have my picture as I am now; I wish you could have seen me as I was then, and I wish to thank you for those little notes of inquiry that you used to send to find out how I was getting along, which showed that I was remembered not only while the money lasted, but that you cared for me after that."

Respectfully yours, MRS. F. NIENHUIS, Crawford, Cook Co., Ill.



[Ill.u.s.tration: Mrs. Lindsey. ]

_Gentlemen_--Last August I was taken sick of a fever and was confined to bed for nearly six months. I had four doctors to see me, but it just seemed to me that they could relieve me for only a short while. I had a bad cough and all thought I was going into consumption. After being sick for so long, my nerves were nearly exhausted and my stomach, liver and bowels refused to act, in fact, my whole system was completely wrecked.

I could not rest nor sleep, unless influenced by some drug and at last, mother concluded to try your medicines on me. She had taken them about a year before and had been greatly benefited by their use, so she said I will try the last resort--for I had been given up to die.

I began taking your "Golden Medical Discovery" and "Pleasant Pellets." I improved rapidly--was soon able to be up in my room, and to my surprise, I could eat a little of nearly everything I desired. Before I began the use of your medicines, I could eat nothing in peace; I would almost cramp to death, even when I took a little cold water.

But after the use of four and a half bottles of your "Golden Medical Discovery," and two vials of "Pellets," with G.o.d's help, I have almost risen from the dead.

I will cheerfully recommend your remedies to my afflicted friends, for I am to-day, well and strong as ever. You can use this among your testimonials, if you choose, with my greatest approval.

Very Respectfully yours, Miss LOULA LINDSEY, Ringgold, Pittsylvania Co., Va.



[Ill.u.s.tration: B.F. Wiley, Esq.]

_Gentlemen_--I had bronchitis for twenty years and over, and I could not work without coughing so hard as to take all my strength away. I took five bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and give you my word and honor that I can do any work that there is to do on my "ranch"

without coughing. Sometimes in the winter when exposed to the change in the weather, I have a slight attack of coughing. Remember, I have not taken any of the "Golden Medical Discovery" for a year.

Yours, B.F. WILEY, Box Elder, Converse Co., Wyo.

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