The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English Part 170

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FOETUS. The unborn child.

FOLLICLES (OF HAIR). Small depressions in the skin.

FOLLICULAR. Relating to or affecting follicles.

FOMENTATIONS. Local application of cloths wrung out of hot water.

FORCEPS. An instrument having a motion and use like the thumb and fore-finger. Pincers. Obstetrical forceps embrace the head of the foetus.

FORESKIN. That part of the skin of the p.e.n.i.s which is prolonged over the head of the organ.

FORMICATION. A sensation like a number of ants creeping on a part.

FRACTURE. Broken bone. _In compound fracture_ the end of the bone projects through the skin.

FUNCTION. The peculiar action of an organ, or part of the body.

FUNCTIONAL. Pertaining to the specific action of an organ or part.

FUNDUS. The bottom or base of an organ. The fundus of the womb is its upper part, when in its natural position.

FUNGIFORM. Mushroom-shaped.


GALVANISM. Electricity.

GALVANO-CAUTERY. Burning or scarring by galvanic electricity.

GANGLION. A nerve center which forms and distributes nerve-power.

GANGRENE. Death of a part.

GASTRIC. Pertaining to the stomach.

GASTRIC JUICE. The digestive fluid supplied by the mucous membrane of the stomach.

GELATINOUS. Jelly-like.

GENERATION. The functions which are active in reproduction.

GENITALS. The s.e.xual organs.

GESTATION. Carrying the embryo in the uterus.

GLANS. Head of the p.e.n.i.s.

GONORRHEA. A discharge of mucous from inflammation of the urethra or v.a.g.i.n.a, caused by impure connection. Clap.

GRANULAR CASTS. Moulds of epithelium found by the microscope in chronic Bright's Disease.

GRANULAR LIDS. Roughness on the inner surface of the eyelids.


GRANULATIONS. Flesh-like shoots, which appear in a wound and form its scar.

GRANULES. Small grains.

GRAVEL. Substances precipitated in the urine resembling sand.

GROIN. The oblique depression between the belly and thigh.

GRUBS. Pimples on the face. See page 442.

GYNECOLOGIST. One who makes the Diseases of Women a specialty.


HAIR BULBS. The expansion or root of the hair.

HALLUCINATIONS. Perception or sensation of objects which do not exist; as in Tremens.

HECTIC. Const.i.tutional; as hectic fever, in which all parts of the body become emaciated.

HEMIPLEGIA. Paralysis affecting only one side of the body.

HEMORRHOIDAL VEINS. The veins about the r.e.c.t.u.m which enlarge and form piles.

HEPATIC. Relating or belonging to the liver.

HEREDITARY. A disease transmitted from parent to child.

HERNIA. Defined on page 862.

HOLLOW OF THE SACRUM. The concave portion of the lower part of the spinal column within the pelvis.

HOMEOPATHY. Defined on page 294.

HYALINE CASTS. appearing substances found by the microscope in urine in chronic Bright's Disease.

HYDRAGOGUES. Cathartics which produce copious watery discharges.

HYDROCELE. Acc.u.mulation of fluid in the s.c.r.o.t.u.m.

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