The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English Part 147

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Very respectfully, A.N. KINGSLEY, Ashuelot, Ches.h.i.+re Co., N.H.



[Ill.u.s.tration: H. Keifer, Esq.]

_Gentlemen_--About four years ago, when working on a scaffold it gave way, and I fell a few feet and the strain and jar caused a rupture in the right side. I did not pay very much attention to this until I noticed that it was enlarging. It finally grew so that I could not work.

I used several kinds of trusses that did me no good.

I went to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Inst.i.tute, and submitted to an operation which was entirely painless and proved most satisfactory in every respect. Since then I have been well and able to do hard work for a man of my age (72). I feel no inconvenience from the rupture.

I take pleasure in recommending the Inst.i.tute to all who are in need of help. I can highly recommend the physicians and nurses and the kind attention I received while there. I am now well and sound as ever.

Yours truly, HENRY KEIFER, Spring Green, Sauk Co., Wis.



[Ill.u.s.tration: J.J. App, Esq.]

_Gentlemen_--I have been successfully treated at your inst.i.tution for piles and also rupture of the left side.

Your inst.i.tution is all it claims to be, and the treatment of my case was accomplished without pain and apparently any risk. Your method of using locally cocaine as an anaesthetic is such a decided improvement. I did not have to take any dangerous ether or chloroform, but had a small quant.i.ty of medicine injected that made the operation as painless as though it was being done on some one else. At the same time I knew everything and could see what was being done.

You have my kindest thanks for the good care and many attentions given me. Your nurses and physicians all give kind and skillful care.

Yours very truly, J.J. APP, Bolivar, Tuscarawas Co., Ohio.




[Ill.u.s.tration: M.G. Hartzell, Esq.]

_To the afflicted_: For sixteen years I was troubled with Hernia, caused by heavy lifting. It was on the right side and the protrusion sufficient to extend into the s.c.r.o.t.u.m. I purchased trusses, but none of them could be worn with comfort, and I suffered very much. I concluded to go to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Inst.i.tute and see if I could not obtain relief. While there I submitted to an operation. The result was entirely satisfactory. The pain in my back subsided; my general health began to tone up, and in a short time, thanks to the skill of their specialist and the kind attention of their nurses, I felt like a new man. I take pleasure in highly recommending the Inst.i.tution to all the afflicted. I feel confident that all the benefit to be derived from medical or surgical treatment is to be received at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Inst.i.tute.

Yours respectfully, M.G. HARTZELL, Deadwood, So. Dakota.



_Gentlemen_--It is with much pleasure that I write you this testimonial of the wonderful cures you have performed for me.

[Ill.u.s.tration: D. Hartley, Esq.]

In the year 1883, I became ruptured on the _left_ side. I immediately wrote you (having heard of your fame in curing all kinds of diseases) for your terms of treatment which I received by return mail, you also stating you were positive you could cure me. Through unavoidable circ.u.mstances I was unable to come to your Inst.i.tution until December, 1886. During this time I had tried wearing a truss, which only made it worse, and very much aggravated my complaint as it was impossible to hold the rupture in its place. However I arrived at the Invalids' Hotel on December 8th, 1886. On being examined by one of your staff, I was p.r.o.nounced a bad case, but by your mode of treatment you could cure it.

I was therefore, operated upon by one of your specialists, without any cutting however and comparatively little pain, by your scientific method, and in thirty days returned home cured. The time I had to remain there, I believe, was much longer than most persons treated for the same complaint.

Since then I have worked very hard sometimes (my occupation being that of a farmer,) so much so that I became ruptured on the _right_ side three years ago,--the other side remaining perfectly sound without any protection. I considered myself very unfortunate in being in this position again, fortunate in knowing where to go for relief, and very soon was back in your Inst.i.tution where I was successfully treated and perfectly cured and am to-day a sound man and able to do any kind of work on my farm.

I write this testimonial for the sake of suffering humanity, and wish you to use it in any way that the greatest number of persons may read it. As for myself, I would not be in the condition I once was and not know of your Inst.i.tution for all I could see. I not only recommend your Inst.i.tution for the complaint of which I was cured but for all chronic diseases or anything requiring a skillful surgical operation, believing your Staff of Physicians and Surgeons to be second to none anywhere.

Your nurses and attendants, and every accommodation, also, being all that is necessary to make your Inst.i.tution everything that its name implies--a complete Invalids Hotel and Surgical Inst.i.tute.

Respectfully yours, DAVID HARTLEY, P.O. Box 84, Wyoming, Out.

P.S.--I have also received much benefit from taking your "Golden Medical Discovery" for dyspepsia and liver complaint, and being broken down generally. A few bottles worked wonders, and I have been well ever since, and that was quite a number of years ago.




WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL a.s.sOCIATION, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N.Y.:

[Ill.u.s.tration: W. Henkel, Esq.]

_Gentlemen_--Having been in your Inst.i.tution as a sufferer from two distinct chronic diseases of years' standing, and having been placed under the charge of your specialists, I was speedily relieved of my afflictions. The Invalids' Hotel is a place as much like home as it is possible for such an inst.i.tution to be. The physicians and surgeons are all expert specialists and thoroughly efficient; the nurses are very competent, attentive and kind; and, in fact, the whole _personnel_ of the Invalids' Hotel endeavor to do their best to make the patients feel like being at home. I always felt while there as if I was one of the family. I gladly recommend your Inst.i.tution to all persons who are afflicted with any kind of chronic disease, for from my own experience I _know_ the professional staff will do all which they promise to do.

Please accept my thanks for the speedy benefits and perfect cure of my diseases, and I think your Inst.i.tution is worthy of the highest endors.e.m.e.nt.

Yours truly, WILLIAM HENKEL, No. 1917 Congress Street, St. Louis, Mo.




[Ill.u.s.tration: Rev. R. Krause, Esq.]

_Dear Sirs_--Our boy is, since the operation, quite well and healthier than ever before, so that I presume, the rupture, or a part of it, may have existed since his birth. Even that small lump in the groin has, as much as I can feel by touching, completely disappeared. I take this opportunity of expressing my heart-felt thanks for the kind and christian-like treatment my wife and boy experienced from you and the nurses. G.o.d bless you and let you live long for the welfare of suffering men. Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel of Buffalo, N.Y., deserves to be recommended to every sufferer of whatever disease. Eight years ago I underwent a successful operation, saving my body a member. The dangerous outgrowth, which made the operation a necessity, never returned. In regard to your specialist, I wish to remark, that his skillful way of performing operations reminded me very much of Bernard von Langenbeck, professor of surgery in the University of Berlin, where I was a student.

He is just as tender and sympathetic with his patients as that famous director of the Prussian Royal Clinical Hospital has been. As to the medicines of Dr. Pierce, I recommended them to members of my congregation, who told me that they did them good. Dr. Bastian, of Dansville, N.Y., a druggist, told me that your medicines are bought by the same persons again and again. I consider this to be the best recommendation. A medicine which is of no effect will not be bought a second time by the same person.

Yours, REV. RICHARD KRAUSE, Portway, N.Y.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Mrs. Krause.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Master H. Krause.]

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