The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English Part 135

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The Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Inst.i.tute is an Inst.i.tution first-cla.s.s in every respect, presided over by a capable, honest and pleasant lot of medical experts who certainly know their business. I cannot speak of it too highly.

I was treated there in the summer of 1887, for Rupture of the Spermatic Veins, previous to which I had been operated on two different times, with no relief, by a doctor here in this place cracked up to be one of the best in Northern Illinois, and an officer of the Chicago Eye and Ear Infirmary. The operation at the Invalids' Hotel was perfectly painless, did not have to take any anaesthetic, neither was I confined to my bed at all, and the result a perfect success; while in the two previous operations I had here at home, I was confined to my bed a week each time and another week scarcely able to move about, be sides getting worse each time with pain enough to drive one crazy. But the half has not been told. About two and a half years after I had been cured of my difficulty at Buffalo, I commenced having terrible pains in my leg and abdomen, for which I could not account, and after standing it until it seemed as though I would be glad to die, I again consulted the Invalids' Hotel; after a thorough investigation they operated on me where my pain seemed the most apparent, and dug out a piece of a surgeon's needle something over half an inch in length, that had been broken off in the first operation I had by the doctor here at home, and so admitted by him when confronted with it. I have spent lots of money and nearly six years of the worst pain man ever stood getting relief, while had I known of this place on the start, an operation with no pain whatever and scarcely more discomfort than a sore mouth after having a tooth removed, would have ended it all.

In conclusion, I will say to any poor sufferer, don't do as I did and put your trust in the would-be greatest doctor you have at home, but go to this place at Buffalo, where you will have proof of their ability, and where you will surely meet patients about to leave, cured; others on their way to recovery for the same difficulty you may have yourself, no matter what it is, if curable at all; a place where you will have the kindest of attention, the best of medical and surgical skill, and where you can see sufferers going away every day with hearts full of grat.i.tude and happy.

Respectfully, CHAS. P. MORSE, 311 North Avon St., Rockford, Ills.



[Ill.u.s.tration: G.W. McCollom, Esq.]

_Gentlemen_--In the year 1866, sometime in July, I jumped from a load of lumber to the ground, and at once felt a sharp severe pain along the spermatic cord of left side of s.c.r.o.t.u.m, preventing my walking to the house without help. The veins near the cord filled to such extent that they seemed solid, and could not be reduced for some time. I went to a good doctor and by him was advised to "pay no attention to it, it will not amount to much." From that time I suffered continually, and will not try to describe what I endured until I was relieved by a surgical operation performed on me by the surgeon-specialist of the Invalids'

Hotel and Surgical Inst.i.tute, of Buffalo, N.Y. After working-hard for several years my suffering increased and I was advised to consult Prof.

L., of Chicago Hahnemann College (of Homeopathic School) and by him was informed an operation of tieing the veins (choking them off) could be performed but 90 per cent (if I remember rightly) of the operations proved fatal. I decided not to try it. By accident I learned of your great skill, and though my case was of twenty-one years' time, and my health and strength gone, I considered the method plausible and reasonably safe. I had the operation performed, and now after six years have pa.s.sed, I can say with satisfaction, there is little to be noticed or remind me of the past years of misery. The parts are of healthy-color. Urine has a.s.sumed a natural appearance, both sides of s.c.r.o.t.u.m seem in size alike. No bandage is worn and for two years has been discarded. My weight increased and for two years prior to the taking of my photo, I did the work of handling a third-cla.s.s post office, doing a money order business of $50,000, not losing a day in that time, and at the present time in this hot climate, I have been doing outdoor work, some of it hard, and with mercury at 100 degrees. I have worked and found no need of a bandage; and no unnatural relaxation of the s.c.r.o.t.u.m or veins is noticed.

If anyone wishes to write me, they are at liberty to do so. If my experience can be of benefit to any, I will answer all enquiries, and in a general way will now say no one should delay attending to such difficulty, for if the blood is in a reasonably healthy condition your surgeon will operate in such a way that the result will be all right in time. I send photo taken in 1891.

Respectfully, GEORGE W. McCOLLOM, Monrovia, Los Angeles Co., Cal.


Sanborn, Barnes Co., N. Dak., Aug. 9th, 1895.


_Dear Sir_--Having been afflicted with varicocele and loss of manhood and having heard so much of the cure for these troubles at the Invalids'

Hotel. Buffalo. N.Y., I went there and was operated upon. The operation itself is nothing to bear. It is painless and the result is a radical cure. For this you have my sincere thanks. I take pleasure in recommending your Inst.i.tution to all sufferers and know that it is in every respect just as claimed to be. I would say to all who suffer from this trouble: go to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Inst.i.tute, at Buffalo, N.Y., and you will get relief. You will receive kind attention from all.

Very truly yours, George Bignall.



[Ill.u.s.tration: J.L. Ridings, Esq.]

_Gentlemen_--I can bear testimony to the removal of varicocele, for which you treated me. I had been in the habit of getting out with the boys and trying to see which could kick the highest with one foot on the ground, and it caused me to have varicocele. I went to my home doctor and he treated me with no success. It was getting worse all the time and I got out of shape all over. My health got bad and I thought my case hopeless. I had tried two doctors and received no benefit.

I had one of your little Memorandum Books in my pocket, and one day, looking through it I saw you treated such cases, and wrote you and received word in a few days that you would treat me, so I sent off for one month's treatment; and in five months I had gained my weight back, and that was eight years ago and I feel sound and well and my health has been good ever since.

You are at liberty to use my testimony in whatever way if may be of most benefit to you.

I also enclose a photograph of myself that was taken soon after your treatment.

With feelings of much gratefulness, I am,

Very truly yours, J.L. RIDINGS, Clarence, Shelby County, Missouri.



[Ill.u.s.tration: D.A. Walton, Esq.]

_Gentlemen_--I commenced treatment, I think, in July or August, of 1888, and continued four months. My case was nervous debility of fifteen years' standing.

I tried home doctors but found they were only aggravating my case. I also tried the Remedy Company, then of St. Louis, who claimed to perform wonderful cures with their "Pastiles," but they proved utterly worthless. Having come in possession of Dr. Pierce's little book and circulars, a perusal of the same convinced me that my health would not be trifled with at his Inst.i.tution.

I was a poor man and could not afford much experimenting. I ordered one month's treatment, and at the end of this first month, I found, to my surprise, that I was feeling different. The second month, still more surprised at my returning health. Third month thought I was cured, and engaged myself to a young lady, and wrote you to that effect, and you advised me with your congratulations to marry, and to order another month's treatment; and at the end of the fourth month I was a _man_, something I did not know what it would be like to be before.

I have now been married five years, and have two healthy children--a boy and a girl. I would never have dared to marry had it not been for your medicines. I must add that during this treatment I was troubled with varicocele on left side. I wrote you this at third month of treatment, and you sent without extra charge, a Suspensory and Lotion, and two months' treatment cured me sound and well of this distressing malady; I have not felt the least symptoms of its return.

I want the world to know what a competent and honorable firm the World's Dispensary Medical a.s.sociation is. I would love to shake you by the hand. May G.o.d let you continue to be a help to mankind is my prayer.

Yours truly, D.A. WALTON, Marion, Grant County, Ind.



[Ill.u.s.tration: J.M. Elam, Esq.]

_Gentlemen_--I feel many obligations to your n.o.ble skill, as physicians.

I was treated with much kindness by physicians and nurses. I was surprised to find such a speedy cure of such a bad case of varicocele of long standing; the operation was entirely painless and I felt a great change in myself, as a result of it. Am so glad to tell any sufferer of that terrible disease to apply to you at once and be cured, for I am sure I could not have lived long as the pressure and burden was so great _I could scarcely be on my feet at all_; any work in an upright position was impossible.

Now it has been five years since I was operated upon and I feel well of that disease--varicocele attended with impotency or weakness of the generative organs, caused by varicocele.

Thanks to the good physician who relieved me--hope he may live long and be able to relieve all that submit themselves to him for treatment, as I did. I found everything that had been described to be just so in regard to the Staff and Inst.i.tution.

Gratefully yours, J.M. ELAM, Flat Rock, Scott Co., Va.



[Ill.u.s.tration: C. Hanson, Esq.]

_Gentlemen_--I have taken treatment from you for several months for nervous debility, and although I am not quite fully cured as yet, I have been greatly benefited, and believe, if I had come to you before I was duped and swindled by different quacks and was more dead than alive, I would to-day be a thoroughly well man.

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