The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English Part 120

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_Gentlemen_--I received the Common Sense Medical Adviser and I am well pleased with it. I return many thanks to you for your kindness. My complaint was pain in my back, and in my side, that moved from the right side to the left; shortness of breath and pain in the lower part of the stomach, and my doctor said I had ovaritis and I took two bottles of the "Favorite Prescription" and one bottle of the "Golden Medical Discovery," and I am relieved of all pains in the back and sides, and of womb complaint. I shall always speak good words for you. I suffered with those pains for five years.

Yours truly, Mrs Nancy Brooks


Brooklyn, Jackson Co., Mich.


[Ill.u.s.tration: Mrs. Parker]

_Gentlemen_--I am more than willing to say your most valuable medicine has cured me of a very disagreeable complaint, leucorrhea. I suffered for years with pain in my back, never a night was I free. At your request I commenced a course of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and "Golden Medical Discovery." I could not sleep on a mattress; it seemed as though it would kill me. Since taking the medicine I can sleep anywhere; I am perfectly well. I would not be placed in my former condition for any money. I bought six bottles, or $5.00 worth. I took but four, my husband took the "Golden Medical Discovery." At this time I had a servant girl who suffered badly from pain at the time of her monthly periods; she took the other bottle of "Favorite Prescription,"

which was a great help to her.

Gratefully yours, Mrs. J.H. Parker


Lewistown, Mifflin Co., Penn's.

_Gentlemen_--Seven years ago this month, I was taken sick--was bed-fast six months, and during that time, many times, was not able to eat alone.

I had the best doctor that could be got. I would have sinking spells. My nerves were prostrated and I had female weakness and ulceration of the womb, which caused such excessive flowing that they thought I would die; then I would take sinking spells. My stomach was too weak, the medicine could not do its part as it should have done. I had torpid liver and right side of lungs affected; catarrh of the throat and piles; palpitation of the heart, and kidneys were somewhat affected. My doctor got me up and able to walk through the house, but the flowing would still be so bad that I would have to take the bed; then would be able to be up again and learn to walk a little again till the time would come again.

My doctor treated me for the ulcers. A lady came to see me. She told me to try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. I got it but did not tell my doctor. He soon remarked the improvement and I then told him what I was using; he told me to use it, that it would be good for me. I used eleven bottles of the "Favorite Prescription," and two of the "Golden Medical Discovery." The flowing was not so bad. I got so I could sit up and be about at all times, and walk about in the house. I am still improving, and can do light house work. I am able to walk out to church every Sunday.

Yours truly, Mrs Abner Knepp



[Ill.u.s.tration: Mrs. Danard.]

_Gentlemen_--A few years ago my health failed. I was troubled with female disease in its worst form having been afflicted about fifteen years. I was also troubled with constipation, loss of appet.i.te, dizziness and ringing in my head, nervous prostration, hysteria, loss of memory, palpitation of the heart together with "that tired feeling" all the time. I consulted several physicians--no one could clearly diagnose my case and their medicine failed to give relief. After much persuasion I commenced taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription--have taken five bottles and am a well woman doing all my housework; from a run down condition I have been restored to health. I feel it my duty to recommend your "Favorite Prescription" for ladies afflicted with female diseases as I have been.

Gratefully yours, MRS. BYRON DANARD, Milford, Prince Edward Co., Ont., Canada.



[Ill.u.s.tration: Miss Sampson.]

_Gentlemen_--After suffering for over a year with indigestion and low condition of the blood I was advised to try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. I had hardly finished the first bottle when I felt a great change, so I continued on until I had taken three bottles, and at the end of that time I was completely cured. My health was so much impaired that I feel I owe a great deal to your wonderful medicine. Thanking you for the advice which you so kindly gave me while taking your medicine, I am,

Most gratefully.

Miss Ca.s.sIE SAMPSON, No. 347 McHaren Street, Ottawa, Ottawa County, Ontario.


DR. R.V. PIERCE, Buffalo, N.Y.: Nixon, Hardin Co., Tenn.

_Dear Sir_--I am in very good health now. I think your "Favorite Prescription" is wonderful. I brought forth a fine son the first day of December--the fattest baby I ever saw, and that is why I think your medicine is such a fine one for poor sickly females. I know I never would have become pregnant, if I had not got in better health. I feel it my duty to do all that I can to praise you and your wonderful "Favorite Prescription." I can highly recommend it to all females who are suffering with leucorrhea, for I don't think any one suffered any worse than I did when I made my case known to you. May G.o.d bless you, and your great medicine--the "Favorite Prescription."

Yours truly, _Sallie L. Howard_



[Ill.u.s.tration: Mrs. Lyon.]

_Gentlemen_--I had been suffering from ulceration and abscess in the womb, and falling of the womb, for several years or since the birth of my youngest child. I consulted all the physicians around here and they gave me up and said there was no help for me.

At last, almost discouraged, I found in a little book your medicines advertised. I did not have any faith in them--I had tried so much and failed to get relief. But I began taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and his "Favorite Prescription," and took five bottles of each, and used two bottles of your Sage's Catarrh Remedy for injections. It is three years since and I have not had any return of the trouble. I feel very grateful, and in fact, owe you my life, for I do not think I should have been alive now if I had not taken your remedies.

Respectfully, Mrs. ABRAM LYON, Lorraine, Jefferson County, N.Y.


Basin, Ca.s.sia Co., Idaho.


_Gentlemen_--I first had dyspepsia and "liver complaint" for five years, and I took six bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and his "Pleasant Pellets," which Entirely cured me of that complaint. I also had painful menstruation, and took about eight bottles of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and two bottles of his Compound Extract of Smart-weed, which cured me. The symptoms of this disease were very severe, pain in the region of the womb, back and thighs, Chilliness and nausea; this disease was so severe that I was barren for two years of married life, and after taking the "Favorite Prescription," I became the mother of a boy.

Yours respectfully, Mrs Emma Mcintosh



[Ill.u.s.tration: Mrs. J.H. Lansing.]

_Gentlemen_--I am happy to say that your valuable medicine has been a great benefit to me. I was suffering from general debility, malaria and nervous sick headaches, and after my third child was born (a beautiful baby boy of ten pounds) I only recovered after a long illness; I barely gained strength enough in two years' time so that I was able to crawl about to accomplish the little housework that I had, by lying down to read many times each day; had sick headaches very often; and many pains and aches, all the time complaining of getting no better. I finally asked my husband to get a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, which he promptly did. After I had taken one bottle I could see a great change in my strength, and fewer sick headaches.

I continued taking the medicine until I had taken eight bottles--seven of the "Favorite Prescription" and one of the "Golden Medical Discovery." For some time past I have not used it but I am now able to do the housework for myself, husband and two children (aged nine and five years). I also take in dressmaking, and enjoy walking a mile at a time, and I think it is all due to the medicine, for I know I was only failing fast before I commenced to take it. I take great pleasure in recommending the "Favorite Prescription" to all women who suffer from debility and sick headache.

Respectfully yours, MRS. J.H. LANSING, Fort Edward, Was.h.i.+ngton Co., N.Y.

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