The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English Part 109

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Such was my condition when I applied to you for treatment. After using medicines only six days I began to improve; my nerves were steadier; circulation better, hands and feet warm. Nine days after taking your medicines they restored the function again. I will confess I expected to suffer death again--I did not think the medicines had had time to effect a change within so short a time. Imagine my joy and surprise upon waking next morning to find it had "stolen like a thief upon me in the night,"

I knew not when. I spent the day in grateful tears--how could I help it?

It pa.s.sed off as quietly as it came, leaving my head clear of that _dreadful, burning pressure_! My nerves were steady; indeed, my improvement was so remarkable, that it seemed almost a delusion. My appet.i.te had returned, and I was hungry for the first time in over a year. I slept well--awoke refreshed and feeling stronger. After two weeks, I was able to walk around the house and yard without support; a day or two after that I walked a hundred yards, visiting and spent the day. In three weeks time I went home (I had gone to my mother's before treatment, as I and many others thought, to die).

At the end of one month there was no symptom, nor sign, of the old disease. I was able to be up all day, resting a short time at noon. To be sure of permanent results I continued treatment for one month longer, and have never had a return of the disease nor any symptom of it since.

Before the end of the second month, I was able to be about the house, helping the children with the cooking, and milking. My weight increased fourteen pounds in five months after treatment. I have taken no medicine since except one bottle of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, four years ago. At this time (nine years after treatment), I find my health still good, having no aches nor pains, a splendid appet.i.te, sleep well, no headache, no backache and no womb trouble. I am able to do my house work and everything; can do a day's work with less fatigue than I have for years before treatment. I feel sure that I would have been in the grave years ago if it had not been for your medicines. I advise all other ladies who are troubled with the same disease to apply to you for treatment.

Be a.s.sured, that whenever I have it in my power I shall recommend your invaluable remedies. I thank you a thousand times for what you have done for me, and for the kindness which you have extended to me throughout.

Wis.h.i.+ng you long life and continued success, I am, with much grat.i.tude,

Very truly yours, Mrs. JENNIE S. MOODY, Isney, Choctaw Co., Ala.



[Ill.u.s.tration: Mrs. Knappenberger.]

_Gentlemen_--When I went to the Invalids' Hotel for treatment I was in a very critical condition. I could scarcely walk for inward troubles--but I cannot stop to speak of one disease, for I had such a complication of diseases. Now I am doing my own housework and in the past four weeks I have entertained forty-seven people, and I think I certainly am doing well. It is with the greatest pleasure that I recommend all who are afflicted to go to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Inst.i.tute. The Surgeons are honorable, trustworthy gentlemen, who will do all they promise; and, being men of large experience, they know just what course of treatment to pursue from first to last, so that an invalid can rest a.s.sured that no experimenting will be done.

For seventeen years I was an invalid and never had better health than at the present day, for which I am grateful to your Inst.i.tute.

Yours respectfully, Mrs. D.T. KNAPPENBERGER, Jeannette, Westmoreland Co., Pa.


[Ill.u.s.tration: Mrs. Reel and Daughters.]

_Gentlemen_--For eight years I was a sufferer from female derangements.

I have been permanently cured by your specialist, and with only thirty days' treatment. I am happy to say there is no return of the old trouble, and all my friends were so surprised to see me so well after being an invalid so long. I shall never regret the day I went to the Invalids' Hotel. You ought to see me now--I am so healthy, I shall never forget your kind treatment of me, and the nurses too were so kind and attentive--I cannot say too much in their praise.

Respectfully, MRS. J.W. REEL, Idaho City, Boise Co., Idaho.



[Ill.u.s.tration: Miss Doran.]

_Gentlemen_--In April, 1891 I came to your Invalids' Hotel for examination and treatment. I was at that time suffering from profuse and painful menstruation, complicated with obstinate constipation, from which I had suffered many years. I cannot speak too highly of your treatment of my case, as it was both prompt and thorough and resulted in a radical cure of the above named diseases, and I desire to recommend all who are thus afflicted to apply to your eminent staff of physicians for relief, as they cure when others fail. My advice to all who are afflicted is, if you wish to get well, go where they make such diseases a specialty. I hope that many others may be as thoroughly cured as I have been.

Yours truly, Miss ELLA DORAN, Tiffin, Seneca Co., O.



[Ill.u.s.tration: Mrs. Sheen.]

_Gentlemen_--I suffered from female complaint; my kidneys, stomach and nerves were also affected. My physician told me I had Bright's Disease of the Kidneys. I suffered a great deal in various ways, at times. I felt as if life were a burden to me; about that time Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser came into my possession. I read it carefully, and I thought if Dr. Pierce can not cure me perhaps he can give me some relief. I wrote to him, describing my symptoms and feelings as well as I could, and asked him if he could cure me. He said he thought he could, but it would take a long time for my disease was deep seated. He sent me a box of medicines enough to last one month, especially prepared for my case.

I continued taking his medicines for about thirteen months, and at the end of that time I felt like a new woman; that has been almost seven years now and my health is still good.

The benefits derived from Dr. Pierce's Medicines are lasting, and I advise all women suffering as I did, to give his medicines a fair trial.

Gratefully yours, MRS. MARY SHEEN, Council Bluffs, Iowa.



[Ill.u.s.tration: Mrs. Mann.]

_Gentlemen_--I will say that your Inst.i.tute is all that you claim for it, and more to. The Doctors are courteous gentlemen and the best Physicians I have ever met with in my life. My treatment while at the Inst.i.tute did me more good in one month than all the doctors everywhere else combined. My ailment was Paralysis and Female Weakness. Your treatment did me good while at the Inst.i.tute, and I have also been greatly benefited by the home-treatment I have received from you since.

I am much better than I was; I am able to do considerable work now. When I came to you I could not do anything.

I herewith send you my heartfelt thanks for all you have done for me, and should I need more treatment I will write you as before. I would advise all people who have chronic diseases to go to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Inst.i.tute for help, for it is a grand place and prices are reasonable. We use your Family Medicines--your "Pellets" and "Golden Medical Discovery"--and find they are all you claim for them.

Again I thank you and remain, your friend,

MRS. S.B. MANN, Sutton, Clay Co., Neb.



[Ill.u.s.tration: A.H. Bain, Wife and Child.]

_Gentlemen_--With pleasure I can recommend your medicines and treatment.

At the time of my treatment I was barren, and had no signs of ever having any children until after the time of your treatment.

We now have two little boys, and we are happy. This picture shows my husband, myself and our eldest child.

I pray for your continued success, and thank you for your skill.

Very truly yours, MRS. A.H. BAIN, Cozad, Dawson Co., Neb.



[Ill.u.s.tration: Miss Joslyn.]

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