The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English Part 108

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[Ill.u.s.tration: Mrs. Nicholson.]

_Gentlemen_--For a number of years I suffered with a complication of female troubles; I tried various remedies from physicians but nothing seemed to do me any permanent good.

About three years ago, I suffered an attack of nervous prostration, being the result of repeated miscarriages; this was a severe shock to my nervous system, resulting in a complication of other troubles among which was nervous dyspepsia. Words fail to express what I endured at this time. Only those who have pa.s.sed through a similar experience can imagine the distressing symptoms accompanying this disease; I could neither eat nor sleep, was growing very thin in flesh and life seemed a burden to me.

This was my condition when I wrote to your Inst.i.tution for help. I received a very encouraging letter and commenced treatment at once. I had not used their remedies a week before I began to feel better, and as I continued the treatment my health gradually improved. All the distressing symptoms have disappeared and my general health is restored.

Accept my sincere thanks for the interest manifested in my case and the happy results obtained. I am now the mother of a fine baby girl, and I shall ever remember to whom I owe my present health and good fortune.

Yours truly, MRS. J.D. NICHOLSON, La Hoyt, Henry Co., Iowa.


DR. R.V. PIERCE, Buffalo, N.Y.:

[Ill.u.s.tration: Mrs. McClain.]

_Dear Sir_--When I began your treatment, I was unable to be up any at all, being troubled with womb and urinary diseases; but I can gladly say that had it not been for your medicine I could not have lived a great while longer.

I hereby give your medicine a high recommendation for the marvelous work it has wrought.

Yours respectfully, MRS. PHEBE MCCLAIN, Earnest, Jefferson Co., Ala.




[Ill.u.s.tration: Mrs. Clawson.]

_To whom it may concern_--I was greatly afflicted with Uterine and Rectal disease. My disease was of very long standing and had baffled the skill of our home physicians. I went to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Inst.i.tute, and received treatment of their specialist. Under his skillful care and kind attention I soon regained my strength and felt that my former life and ambition were again restored to me. I cannot speak in too high praise of this famous Inst.i.tution; the rooms are large and cheerful, the food of the very best, the nurses kind and attentive, and the staff of physicians and surgeons skillful and of large experience.

Yours respectfully, MRS. CHAS. CLAWSON, Middles.e.x, Yates Co., N.Y.



[Ill.u.s.tration: Mrs. Covell.]

_Gentlemen_--I was sick two years with "Falling of the Womb" and leucorrhoea or whites, previous to taking your medicines. I took six bottles of your "Favorite Prescription," and was entirely cured of both in six months; it is four years this month, since I was entirely well of both those diseases and have never had any signs of their appearance since, and I am satisfied the "Favorite Prescription" saved my life, for I could hardly walk around, when I commenced taking your medicine, and I think it is a G.o.d's blessing to me, and a great credit to you that I ever took your medicine, for had I not taken it, I think I would have been in the grave now, and I can highly recommend it to all who suffer from these two complaints.

I was p.r.o.nounced incurable by the best doctors here in the West. I gave up all hopes and made up my mind that I was to be taken away from my husband and baby of two years old. I was sick all of the time--could not eat anything at all. In one week, after beginning the use of your medicine, my stomach was so much better that I could eat anything; I could see that I was gaining all over, and my husband then went and got me six bottles: I took three of them and my stomach did not bother me any more.

We sent to you and got the People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, and found my case described just as I was; we did what the book told us, in every way; in one month's time I could see I was much better than I had been; we still kept on just as the book told us, and in three months I stopped taking medicine, only three times a day, and continued for some time in that way, and to-day, I can proudly say I am a well woman. Yes, am well, strong and healthy. I am so glad and thankful to you, Doctor, for my good health, for well do I know you are the one that cured me.

When I began to take your medicine my face was poor and eyes looked dead. I could not enjoy myself any where, I was tired and sick all the time. I could hardly do my housework, but now I do that and tend a big garden, help my husband and take in sewing.

Yours respectfully, MRS. MARY F. COVELL, Scotland, Bon Homme Co., So. Dak.




[Ill.u.s.tration: Mrs. Austin.]

_Gentlemen_--About eighteen years ago, after the birth of one of my children I was left in a weak, run-down condition; it seemed to me that my nerves were unstrung very bad: I did not suffer much pain, but I think I suffered everything any one could suffer with nervousness; my life was a misery to me. I doctored with seven different doctors and got no relief; then I took almost all kinds of patent medicines and got no relief from them, but got worse all the time, when I chanced to get one of your little pamphlets.

I thought I would write to you, and waited as I thought to hear that there was no help for me; when my answer came and you said you could cure me great was my joy. I had taken your medicine about a month when I began to improve and in a few months was entirely cured.

My recovery was like coming out of the dark into the light, so great was the change. I will advise all sufferers to go to you for relief--I don't think they will be disappointed. When I commenced taking your medicine I weighed 94 pounds, now I weigh 125 pounds.

I do not know how to thank you for all the good your remedies did me, With heart-felt thanks I am,

Sincerely yours, MRS. AMANDA C. AUSTIN, Burden, Cowley Co., Kansas.

P.S.--I have a lady friend who is taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription now, and last summer every one thought she was going with consumption; four of her father's family had died with it in five years: she has taken one bottle of "Favorite Prescription," and now she is better in health than she has been in three years. Her address is Mrs.

Laura Paugh, Burden, Cowley Co., Kas. A.C.A.




[Ill.u.s.tration: Mrs. Moody.]

_Gentlemen_--A grateful heart and an appreciation of your medical skill prompts me to make a statement of my case.

At the birth of my last baby (a boy weighing 14 pounds at his birth), I contracted womb disease. And for three years previous to treatment, I had been a great sufferer from prolapsus. Owing to a more serious injury than prolapsus, received at childbirth, my physicians told me that "I could never hope for recovery."

After delivery, I kept my bed for seven weeks. At the expiration of that time I tried to walk. I found that I could not even stand straight; there seemed to be a "tight cord" or "drawing" from my left side extending down into my groin, accompanied by great soreness.

After repeated attempts, with my body inclined to that side and yielding to the drawing, I finally succeeded in walking--a violent trembling all the while in the parts affected.

Three months after the birth of my baby, I tried to take hold of my household duties--then my troubles increased, and with them came a series of "Doctors' bills."

I consulted two of the best physicians, besides trying all the medicines I heard tell of, that were recommended for such diseases; but failed in obtaining a cure from any of them; my relief was only temporary. My condition was growing worse each day; the womb was so low and the "bearing down" weight so great that I could scarcely stand on my feet at all. I was irritable and nervous with a dull headache and constipation; hands and feet cold and clammy, except the palms and soles; a burning on top of my head. At this stage of my disease my bladder was badly affected--the "neck" becoming enlarged and the water collecting there caused a protrusion to over half the size of a tea cup, leaving it so dry and harsh, that it was with the greatest difficulty I could walk at all; a sudden jar, sneeze, or even the slightest pressure, would force the water out, leaving me in a spasm of pain. At this stage (22 months after confinement) menstruation returned for the first time since the birth of my baby. I had already suffered as much as I thought it possible to bear, and live, but my sufferings were even greater after this; my womb was ulcerated and inflamed; nervousness increased to violent shaking, over which I had no control; circulation so feeble that the extremities were scarcely supplied with blood, they were constantly cold and clammy. My sleep broken and disturbed, life was fast becoming a burden to me, For months, however, I endured this torture; I had abandoned work altogether; I could be up but a few moments at a time and could not walk across the floor without excruciating pain. There was no sleep, no rest, and after a week and even more, would pa.s.s during which I would never close my eyes in sleep, even when morphine, opium and chloral, were administered. My body seemed a dead weight, while my mind was alive to all my sufferings. There seemed to be a burning pressure about my head all the while.

I would have shaking spells frequently, leaving me perfectly exhausted, my heart the while beating so rapidly, I could not count the pulsations; it seemed to cease altogether after that, with a sinking, fainting feeling over me, making it difficult to breathe at all. During my menstrual periods I suffered a "thousand deaths." My appet.i.te was gone, mind and sight impaired, strength and flesh all gone. I was a pitiable object to look at, divested of all that made life endurable for me. I had baffled the skill of two physicians, and was left, after three years of agony, to die, a "hopeless wreck," worse than death.

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