The Colored Girl Beautiful Part 2

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Lines appear upon the face as an index of interior troubles.

One must not only be careful of thinking detrimental things, but she must be careful of what she says to others, and of what she writes in letters, for writing a thought intensifies its influence.

Impure novels often lead girls astray or give them impure thoughts which are printed or published in their faces.

A girl should not affect boldness. It "sets" the muscles in the face and neck. One should affect modesty and purity even if one does not feel them, that they may enhance her looks.

Rough uncouth actions and gestures cause ugly lines in the face.

Not only is the face the bulletin board of habitual thought, but the body reflects thought through gestures and other movements.

Repose of manner and a soft voice are two of the greatest charms that a woman may possess. Restlessness is not only a sign of lost control, it gives a false idea to pa.s.sers-by. Quietude gives a sense of power.

Control is culture, and culture is a beauty point.

Some one has said that in the matter of first impression, "appearance is half and the voice is the other half." "Later you will be able to make one forget an unattractive appearance, but we never grow accustomed to a rasping voice." "Nothing in the world is so humiliating as to be a graceful and beautiful woman with a bad voice."

Talkativeness is another "Spot," and a sign of lost control. In public places, especially, it is a sign of ill breeding and bad taste. Good breeding should always keep a woman from loud talk. We must remove the stigma of loudness and coa.r.s.eness that now rests upon the race. The less a person knows, the bigger noise she generally makes. The big touring car never makes the noise that a motor cycle does, nor does a great steamer make the fuss that a tug boat does. The deep stream is silent while the little brook babbles.

It is exceedingly vulgar to air one's opinions in street cars, railroad cars, or in any public place. A person who really knows anything does not parade his knowledge or his opinions.

While emotional people are generally attractive, yet the habit of the expression of the emotions could be turned to better account.

Lost Motion and Lost Emotion are the two great "wastes" of the race.

One not only enhances her beauty but one is really a Somebody or a n.o.body according to the control she has over her mind and body. She must control her emotions as she does her appet.i.te. Excessive emotion debilitates the system. Anger is poison to a woman's system. It causes a chemical action which upsets the stomach. The bite of an angry person is sometimes poisonous, because of this chemical change. A fit of anger may upset the whole digestive system, and may even cause death because blood is taken from the digestive system and many bodily functions cease. Any emotion causes the heart to beat faster.

There is health as well as beauty in self control. Culture is self control. The Colored Girl Beautiful should cultivate reposefulness. A display of emotion or restlessness indicates lost control.

There are only two of people who are excusable for disturbing large quant.i.ties of air in their movements. These are babies and lunatics, because neither have brain development nor mental control.

The colored girl beautiful must learn to sit still. She must learn to be methodical in order to have resting periods. She needs a few minutes each day for relaxation and repose. If she has not learned to relax, she should change her occupation at different periods of the day. She must train herself not to get excited. She must not quarrel or argue. She must train herself to be temper-immune, and not to permit others to upset her equilibrium.

A real lady never gets visibly angry. Anger drives away friends who really help to make us beautiful by giving us pleasant sensations.

One should be eternally feminine. One should not attempt athletics unless she is sure that her physique will endure this. A strain may wreck one's health and looks. Most women are built like watches--one thing wrong upsets the whole mechanism.

Observing the small courtesies in life makes one charming. Knowledge of the various forms of society etiquette has made many women popular and has placed them in an enviable social position. Real politeness comes from a kind heart, from good impulses and it ranks as a strong beauty point because it illumines the face.

If one is obliged to work out for a living she must remember that habit affects looks. If one is energetic and happy the face will reflect the content. If one s.h.i.+rks her duty and hates her work, her face will reflect discontent; her vital organs will weigh downward and affect her health, and her looks will suffer. One must affect enthusiasm in her work to stimulate the vital organs.

So the real beauty is carved from within and the inward Sculptor is always at work. A girl is her own beauty doctor and can work out her own beauty destiny. She may have everything in life that she wills, if she will only guide this inner workman.

A girl who lives in the back woods may make herself so choice and beautiful in the indescribable way, that her fame will spread miles away. She should bide her time, stay to herself until she has fully improved herself, mind and body, and she will reap her full reward.

Law of Attraction--Vibrations.

Every one of us has a magnet within which attracts others for good or evil, and which is attracted by good or evil. The old philosophers have given us many proverbs to bear out this truth. We have the saying, "Birds of a feather flock together."

The law of vibrations was studied centuries ago by the old wise men.

One attracts the kind of vibrations that one sends out. The Bible also has given us many commandments and injunctions to protect us from ourselves. We are told that one must love if one would be loved; "to cast thy bread upon the waters and it shall return to you," "as ye sow, so shall ye reap."

Whatever is projected returns sooner or later. One may not even send an evil thought as in an anonymous letter, valentine, or register an unexpressed wish without making herself liable to self punishment.

One's personality and thoughts, either good or evil, always surround her, "like a contagious cloud." A strong personality will influence a weaker personality just as a magnet attracts. Many are influenced because they vibrate similarly and many are influenced because they are attractable or weak.

Revivals, riots, political agitations and race prejudices are all evidences of the power of strong projections of thought. Race prejudice is the result of the vibrations of hate and anger sent out by strong minds. The world is what one makes it by the projection of one's thought. The magnetic, energetic, hearty person brings things about because he projects a stronger vibration of thought, will power and personality, whether in a hearty hand shake, sunny smile or display of interest.

By helping others we help ourselves. We must learn to give, give, give, in order to receive.

The sporting element and the under world recognize and fear the laws of vibrations. They know nothing of the laws but they have instinctive recognition of some force, which returns the act. They give because they desire luck. One may always receive help from them because they are afraid to refuse aid.

Was.h.i.+ngton Irving has said, "Happiness is a reflection." "Everybody's countenance is a mirror transmitting to others, its rays." If one makes a habit of sending out happy, loving thoughts, the face reflects the thought and gains in charm and beauty.

We must teach our minds to act upon the minds of others. We must learn the laws and obey them, that we may send out strong thoughts of peace and love to counteract the overwhelming tide of thought against us.


There are many kinds of love. There is filial love, platonic love, the love leading to marriage, and the greatest love of all, mother love. Too many desecrate love by regarding it as a pastime, or selling all that for it, for favors, attentions and support.

What is love? Many definitions could be given but the best answer is, "Love is the habit of giving the best in us." Some one has said that "Love is the easiest thing to make and the hardest to keep."

So much of the life force is wasted because people imagine they are in love.

Somehow, girls are given to "falling in love," first with one man, then with another. With each man there is the feminine desire to reciprocate in full measure for various courtesies.

What is the result?

The vital forces are willfully wasted.

Beauty needs powerful stimulants. No one could expect a tree to blossom into a beautiful mature form if the sap were withdrawn. Youth is the green apple period. One can never tell how a little green apple may develop. It may become full blown and rosy cheeked, or it may become worm eaten and cankered.

Girls permit boys and men to kiss and fondle them (as one woman has said, "to paw and claw them") and in turn they exert themselves to live up to what they imagine is expected of them, believing it to be a fair exchange for gifts and attention.

When hypnotists desire to take the will power from their subjects they use their hands in strokings.

Girls should not permit young men to caress them, to hold their hands, or to stroke their bodies. It is very weakening. It causes a girl to yield to temptation because it induces pa.s.siveness to the will of the projector.

There is no present which a boy or man could give to a girl which is worth the tiniest atom of this precious invisible life current. In after life she realizes her folly, but it is then too late to remedy it.

Often a perfectly pure minded girl in her youth wastes her life forces with one beau after another, innocently imagining it to be her duty because of the attentions that she receives. When she marries the "man among men to her," she finds that she can not hold his affections because of this waste, and often she sees another woman get the love that is her due, as a wife. At the time of life when maturity should give a full blown rose of a woman, she has dribbled out because she has been too ardent. She is worm eaten and cankered because she has devastated nature, and it is all her own fault.

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