Roister Doister Part 30

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_Placebo dilexi_, Maister Roister Doister wil streight go home and die, Our Lorde Iesus Christ his soule haue mercie vpon: Thus you see to day a man, to morrow Iohn.

Yet sauing for a womans extreeme crueltie, He might haue lyued yet a moneth or two or three, But in spite of Custance which hath him weried, His mashyp shall be wors.h.i.+pfully buried.

And while some piece of his soule is yet hym within, Some parte of his funeralls let vs here beginne.

_Dirige._ He will go darklyng to his graue.

_Neque lux, neque crux, nisi solum_ clinke, Neuer gentman so went toward heauen I thinke.

Yet sirs as ye wyll the blisse of heauen win, When he commeth to the graue lay hym softly in, And all men take heede by this one Gentleman, How you sette your loue vpon an vnkinde woman: For these women be all suche madde pieuish elues, They wyll not be woonne except it please them selues.

But in faith Custance if euer ye come in h.e.l.l, Maister Roister Doister shall serue you as well.

Good night Roger olde knaue, Farewel Roger olde knaue.

Good night Roger olde knaue, knaue, knap.

_Nequando._ _Audiui vocem._ _Requiem aeternam._

+The Peale of belles rong by the parish Clerk, and Roister Doisters foure men.+

+The first Bell a Triple.+ When dyed he? When dyed he?

+The seconde.+ We haue hym, We haue hym.

+The thirde+ Royster Doyster, Royster Doyster.

+The fourth Bell.+ He commeth, He commeth.

+The greate Bell.+ Our owne, Our owne.


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