Bandit, Be Ambitious! To Accomplish Kingdom Revival! Chapter 6

Bandit, Be Ambitious! To Accomplish Kingdom Revival! -

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Three people at the signal base, three hidden behind the big rock near the cliff, and less than 30 remained in the stronghold.

It is hard to say but, no matter how you see, Maria san and the other ladies are not cut out for it. And so our real attacking force is just about 20 people.

It will be good enough if they act like bandits on the main highway.

「It’s good. Please make sure to not be perceived as knights in any ways. Personal names are forbidden. Address each other using nicknames or something other. Also polite language is prohibited. Please convey only the main points.

Head towards the south. Go to the forest’s entrance, ascend to the cliff using a ladder and wait for the light signal and then return to relay the message. 」

I don’t know about the rest. Practicing once might not be in vain…………

While thinking about such things, Maria san served tea to everyone. Unfastening their masks, they sipped their tea.

「Its more or less the time now. Is this spear really good for us?」

「You together with Yagu, please keep watch at the rear for the entire time. We don’t know when someone will try to run away.」

Although Zairas san was calmly notifying the troops outside, the princess seemed to be completely motivated.

The weapons that will be used mainly are the spears. Three people have bows with them, some even slipped hatchets in their belts.

They do look completely like bandits but, the outset of raid would be best in the evening.

But this is completely dependent on the other party.

Everyone is grinning widely, it feels somewhat creepy. By any chance, did they acted as robbers before?

Suddenly, my eyes moved towards a woman sitting beside the princess.

Since I heard there were 7 women accompanying us, I thought only those who can use offensive magic would be selected…….., but the nanny Maria san was also there. I am sure she is going to join since she is dressed in matching costumes.

She has a metabolic figure and so her presence was easily noted when compared to Zairas san. Is she able to use magic?

The princess looked like a tomboy, I should remember to approach her only when the necessity arrives.

「Is it okay to kill them if they resist us?」

「For those who oppose, attack them with arrows or magic from the shadows. No need to show mercy. Those who throw away their weapons and surrender, release them towards the main road after thorough interrogation.」

「As for interrogation, I and Zairas san will do it. We have to ascertain whether they will obey us. But it will be a problem if we all do it.」

「You are right. I agree with that.」

Although everyone was waiting excitedly, it could not be helped if the customers would not come.

Noon pa.s.sed, I thought it was like an open store with no business at all.

With a ‘bam’ sound the door suddenly opened and a knight came jumping inside.

It was the youth appointed to lookout for the signals.

「It came. From the west. Three carriages.  Security cannot be confirmed. Front most is stacked with bags. A cage in the middle, after that is a horse-drawn coach instead of a wagon. This message was relayed.」

Everyone stood up almost at the same time.

「Let’s go! This is our first job and the first step to revive our kingdom!」

「「「Ooo…」」」                              [TL. Notes- They are basically gearing up.]

After the words of Zairas san, everyone gathered in the room gave approving cries together.

[TL. Notes – Ok! Now they are fired up!]

We once again wore our masks. Carrying our weapons, we jumped out and ran towards the south.

I was barely able to keep up with them without being left behind.

As expected, it won’t do if I don’t train. For the time being, let’s start by walking for 30 minutes every day.

After reaching the cliff we confirmed the situation with the three already present there.

「Looks like one of them broke down. I confirmed the presence of many people in the rear coach.」

「Then that means, there are at least 10 soldiers or bodyguards with the three. Canaan with me to the east. Nine of you, stop the carriages. Bartz and Banta, you two along with the princess ambush the bunch that try to escape towards west. Rizer and six others. Take a look at the situation in the south of the main road and then join us. That’s all! Any questions?」

Everyone nods to Zairas san’s query.

「Absolutely never declare your name. Forget that you are knights, until you all return to the hideout!」

Once more, I emphasized on this point.  No matter what, it’s their first time after all. If handled carelessly, it will come to a point where we all would be killed.

From the cliff, several dropped down from 2 ladders and quickly went towards the highway. There they slid down on the southern cliff. After that they parted and went left and right, and waited beside the blockade tools and ladders.

We advanced about 300 m towards west. A triangular log structure leaned on the cliff there. Its hidden behind a patch long gra.s.s, so I don’t think it will be discovered when seen from the highway. And even if they find it, they would not know how to use it. There’s a ladder nearby, but its less than 3 m in length.

We lined up horizontally 2 m away the cliff, behind thick bushes.

I heard the sound of rattling of wheels running on the highway from a distance. We have to wait till the sound of the wheels pa.s.s us without any  incidents. When the sound approached, I raised my head and waited till they faded away in distance. The sound suddenly became small. They probably turned around the corner of the cliff.

I slowly got up and peeked towards the highway. As expected, they have already pa.s.sed.

I raised my hand and pointed towards the highway.

The blockade tool making rustling sounds while it was lifted up.

With a ‘*bang’, the blockade was safely raised on the highway.

Immediately ladders were hung and we went on to the highway. After blocking the highway, we stood there holding the handmade spears.

Now then, how many will run away to here?

「Will they come?」

「Since they are taking away slaves, they are not decent people. If they value their lives, they will definitely escape to here.」

Standing ahead Bartz san turned his head to hear me out but, even I am not sure of the truth of the matter. But, it seems that the knights were relieved when I said so.

A magician stood in-front of the blockade, myself, the princess and Maria san stood right after that.

There are 8 knights in front of me, so I doubt my turn will come.

Even so if they come towards here, they won’t be able jump over the pointed spears.


I heard a cry and metal clas.h.i.+ng sounds coming from the east.

Looks like it started over there. I heard the click-clack sounds of armors coming towards here.

Is it about 3 people?

The vanguards readied their spears.

Three men suddenly appeared from the shadow of the cliff. After noticing our presence, they were surprised and tried to stop themselves but, mostly anyone running down on a hill road could not come to halt so suddenly.

One of them somehow stopped, the other two in the front flipped down on the highway.


With a growl, the vanguards thrust their spears between the gaps of the armors.

The one who stopped earlier ran towards me so I hastily wielded my spear.

The man readied his sword and jumped towards me. At the same time, a flaming thing flew out from behind.

Was the thing that hit the now staggering man by Maria san, a frying pan? It was then the princess that stabbed her spear to finish of the man.

She is unexpectedly very strong for a nanny.

I have to pay attention to my att.i.tude from now on……….

The weapons and armors of those 3 were taken away and wrapped in a cloth.

The ladders and blockade tools were dropped down to the cliff. Three people went down on the cliff and hid away the ladder and blocking tools behind the bushes.

After that, we proceeded on the highway, and rescued the slaves from the cages.

Just then Zarias san beckoned to me.

I hurried and walked to his side.

「What about the 3 that ran your way?.」

「People other than us were cleanly wiped out. Next is to deal with the bunch in the cages.」

「There are children of n.o.bles, 2 girls and 3 boys. Two family members of craftsmen tribe. Everyone here knows me, so I wanted to reveal my face and win over them but…..」

「I  think your judgment is good. If possible let the princess try so that they consent soon.」

Leaving me, Zairas san went towards the princess.

If it’s to the extent that Zairas san antic.i.p.ated then there is no problem.

I wanted the carriage but I can’t keep it.

Things that can be used were raised to top of the cliff by ropes.

The dead bodies were stuffed in the cells. Then the horse’s rear was. .h.i.t and they ran towards the west of the highway.

For the attack to not be discovered, sand was scattered on blood pools to remove any stains. And so, our very first job successfully came to an end.

Everyone carried some luggage on their backs, but still they were in high spirits as they returned to the hideout.

After reaching the hideout, Maria san and the others started preparations for dinner..

The squad leaders were checking their spoils with a wide grin on their faces.

Several bottles of sake came out. We sat around the table and started drinking even though it was a little early.

「It went quite well for the first time. We have added another 15 people to our group. The boys can keep watch, and the girls would help in meal preparations. Besides, I want to open a workshop.」


「The craftsmen are dwarves. Metal processing is their forte.」

「I am Reedus of the craftsmen tribe. I take care of my family. I am acquainted with other family of our tribe. We have decided to a.s.sist you.」

The owner of the voice is sitting at the edge of the table.

With a child’s height, bearded face and a muscular rugged body, it was the dwarf that itself spoke.

That  means their abilities are the same as I heard. This will be very useful.

「There are 5 armors, 20 pieces of clothes and 6 long swords. Also we got 6 daggers and 2 sets of bows. Food is for 2 days for 10 people. Seven sake bottles and about 13000 eru in cash.」

[TL. Note – ‘eru’ is probably the currency of there.]

「Give the food and sake to Maria san, the weapons and armors are good with Reedus san. The first raid went successfully. I don’t know about the next one though.」

「For that, if we incidentally come across any food provisions being transported from the neighborhood with some force, we will tell them to pa.s.s through the highway, or so is what I thought of.」

Reedus san muttered while stroking his beard.

Is he planning to camp in the middle of the highway? Or directly go westwards……

「If you head straight towards west, you will pa.s.s through the vicinity of today’s late night raid.」

「The problem is organizing heavy forces. There is nothing to say since we have 3 carriages. No matter what, we won’t raid any carriages with more than 10 units.」

「The capital fell due to lightning fast attacks. May be 3 battalions. That’s about 3000 people. If a quarter of 1 G is given to one person per day (G=1 kg), then 750 G will be required amount per day for the whole battalion. It is also possible to get them from the kingdom’s granary but they might have set fire to it. If it is done so, then  plundering from towns and villages will begin.」

Apparently, a carriage with 10 units is the standard for a heavy unit row of vehicles.

Is the amount of provisions on one about 100 G? There are 10 wagons that means even its impossible, they are carrying about 5 tons of provisions.

I suppose it will last for a day and a half for the invading unit!

With this, there will be displeasure among the

「Half of the troops ought to return in less than a month. There is also the problem of how the surrendered soldiers of former kingdom will be dealt with. They won’t be able to control the rebellion if a lot of their troops return, and more so they have to think about interference from the neighboring kingdoms.」

「Then, to speed it up, we have to steal many goods. Basically the same in daytime as well. Even if they know that transportation of prisoners of war has failed, they won’t send a suppression force at night so easily. If we have plenty of food, we can hide for a good while.」


A light source is needed to attack at night time.

When I tried to prepare a torch, they told me that they can make a light ball with magic.

Magic surely is quite convenient.

Even I want to learn different types of useful magic.



Translator Notes. –  Well here is the first chapter. Exams are finally over. I will determine the schedule of release of the chapters in a while. Most likely  it would be 2 chapters per week but it’s not confirmed. I will update any changes in the schedule there upon and fix my site as I have not been able to do so.

Anyways, please enjoy the chapters and continue to support me and provide suggestions.

Next chapter will come soon.

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