Shogun_ A Novel of Japan Part 55

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At once the ma.s.sed samurai shouted their battle cry in unison. "Kasigi! Kasigi!" and the roar that they made sent the gulls cawing and mewing into the sky. As one man, the samurai bowed. and the roar that they made sent the gulls cawing and mewing into the sky. As one man, the samurai bowed.

Yabu bowed back, then turned to Toranaga and beckoned him expansively. "Let's go ash.o.r.e."

Toranaga looked out over the ma.s.sed samurai, over the villagers prostrate in the dust, and he asked himself, Is this where I die by the sword as the astrologer has foretold? Certainly the first part has come to pa.s.s: my name is now written on Osaka walls.

He put that thought aside. At the head of the gangway he called out loudly and imperiously to his fifty samurai, who now wore Brown uniform kimonos as he did, "All of you, stay here! You, Captain, you will prepare for instant departure! Mariko-san, you will be staying in Anjiro for three days. Take the pilot and Fujiko-san ash.o.r.e at once and wait for me in the square." Then he faced the sh.o.r.e and to Yabu's amazement increased the force of his voice. "Now, Yabu-san, I will inspect your regiments!" At once he walked past him and stomped down the gangplank with all the easy confident arrogance of the fighting general he was.

No general had ever won more battles and no one was more cunning except the Taik, and he was dead. No general had fought more battles, or was ever more patient or had lost so few men. And he had never been defeated.

A rustle of astonishment sped throughout the sh.o.r.e as he was recognized. This inspection was completely unexpected. His name was pa.s.sed from mouth to mouth and the strength of the whispering, the awe that it generated, gratified him. He felt Yabu following but did not look back.

"Ah, Iguras.h.i.+-san," he said with a geniality he did not feel. "It's good to see you. Come along, we'll inspect your men together."

"Yes, Lord."

"And you must be Kasigi Omi-san. Your father's an old comrade in arms of mine. You follow, too."

"Yes, Lord," Omi replied, his size increasing with the honor being done to him. "Thank you."

Toranaga set a brisk pace. He had taken them with him to prevent them from talking privately with Yabu for the moment, knowing that his life depended on keeping the initiative.

"Didn't you fight with us at Odawara, Iguras.h.i.+-san?" he was asking, already knowing that this was where the samurai had lost his eye.

"Yes, Sire. I had the honor. I was with Lord Yabu and we served on the Taik right wing."

"Then you had the place of honor-where fighting was the thickest. I have much to thank you and your master for."

"We smashed the enemy, Lord. We were only doing our duty." Even though Iguras.h.i.+ hated Toranaga, he was proud that the action was remembered and that he was being thanked.

Now they had come to the front of the first regiment. Toranaga's voice carried loudly. "Yes, you and the men of Izu helped us greatly. Perhaps, if it weren't for you, I would not have gained the Kwanto! Eh, Yabu-sama?" he added, stopping suddenly, giving Yabu publicly the added t.i.tle, and thus the added honor.

Again Yabu was thrown off balance by the flattery. He felt it was no more than his due, but he had not expected it from Toranaga, and it had never been his intention to allow a formal inspection. "Perhaps, but I doubt it. The Taik ordered the Beppu clan obliterated. So it was obliterated."

That had been ten years ago, when only the enormously powerful and ancient Beppu clan, led by Beppu Genzaemon, opposed the combined forces of General Nakamura, the Taik-to-be, and Toranaga-the last major obstacle to Nakamura's complete domination of the Empire. For centuries the Beppu had owned the Eight Provinces, the Kwanto. A hundred and fifty thousand men had ringed their castle-city of Odawara, which guarded the pa.s.s that led through the mountains into the incredibly rich rice plains beyond. The siege lasted eleven months. Nakamura's new consort, the patrician Lady Ochiba, radiant and barely eighteen, had come to her lord's household outside the battlements, her infant son in her arms, Nakamura doting on his firstborn child. And with Lady Ochiba had come her younger sister, Genjiko, whom Nakamura proposed giving in marriage to Toranaga.

"Sire," Toranaga had said, "I'd certainly be honored to lock our houses closer together, but instead of me marrying the Lady Genjiko as you suggest, let her marry my son and heir, Sudara."

It had taken Toranaga many days to persuade Nakamura but he had agreed. Then when the decision was announced to the Lady Ochiba, she had replied at once, "With humility, Sire, I oppose the marriage."

Nakamura had laughed. "So do I! Sudara's only ten and Genjiko thirteen. Even so, they're now betrothed and on his fifteenth birthday they'll marry."

"But, Sire, Lord Toranaga's already your brother-in-law, neh? neh? Surely that's enough of a connection? You need closer ties with the Fujimoto and the Takas.h.i.+ma-even at the Imperial Court." Surely that's enough of a connection? You need closer ties with the Fujimoto and the Takas.h.i.+ma-even at the Imperial Court."

"They're dungheads at Court, and all in p.a.w.n," Nakamura had said in his rough, peasant voice. "Listen, O-chan: Toranaga's got seventy thousand samurai. When we've smashed the Beppu he'll have the Kwanto and more men. My son will need leaders like Yos.h.i.+ Toranaga, like I need them. Yes, and one day my son will need Yos.h.i.+ Sudara. Better Sudara should be my son's uncle. Your sister's betrothed to Sudara, but Sudara will live with us for a few years, neh?" neh?"

"Of course, Sire," Toranaga had agreed instantly, giving up his son and heir as a hostage.

"Good. But listen, first you and Sudara will swear eternal loyalty to my son."

And so it had happened. Then during the tenth month of siege this first child of Nakamura had died, from fever or bad blood or malevolent kami kami.

"May all G.o.ds curse Odawara and Toranaga," Ochiba had raved. "It's Toranaga's fault that we're here-he wants the Kwanto. It's his fault our son's dead. He's your real enemy. He wants you to die and me to die! Put him to death-or put him to work. Let him lead the attack, let him pay with his life for the life of our son! I demand vengeance...."

So Toranaga had led the attack. He had taken Odawara Castle by mining the walls and by frontal attack. Then the grief-stricken Nakamura had stamped the city into dust. With its fall and the hunting down of all the Beppu, the Empire was subdued and Nakamura became first Kwampaku and then Taik. But many had died at Odawara.

Too many, Toranaga thought, here on the Anjiro sh.o.r.e. He watched Yabu. "It's a pity the Taik's dead, neh?" neh?"


"My brother-in-law was a great leader. And a great teacher too. Like him, I never forget a friend. Or an enemy."

"Soon Lord Yaemon will be of age. His spirit is the Taik's spirit. Lord Tora-" But before Yabu could stop the inspection Toranaga had already gone on again and there was little he could do but follow.

Toranaga walked down the ranks, exuding geniality, picking out a man here, another there, recognizing some, his eyes never still as he reached into his memory for faces and names. He had that very rare quality of special generals who inspect so that every man feels, at least for a moment, that the general has looked at him alone, perhaps even talked with him alone among his comrades. Toranaga was doing what he was born to do, what he had done a thousand times: controlling men with his will.

By the time the last samurai was pa.s.sed, Yabu, Iguras.h.i.+, and Omi were exhausted. But Toranaga was not, and again, before Yabu could stop him, he had walked rapidly to a vantage point and stood high and alone.

"Samurai of Izu, va.s.sals of my friend and ally, Kasigi Yabu-sama!" he called out in that vast sonorous voice. "I'm honored to be here. I'm honored to see part of the strength of Izu, part of the forces of my great ally. Listen, samurai, dark clouds are gathering over the Empire and threaten the Taik's peace. We must protect the Taik's gifts to us against treachery in high places! Let every samurai be prepared! Let every weapon be sharp! Together we will defend his will! And we will prevail! May the G.o.ds of j.a.pan both great and small pay attention! May they blast without pity all those who oppose the Taik's orders!" Then he raised both his arms and uttered their battle cry, "Kasigi," and, incredibly, he bowed to the legions and held the bow. and, incredibly, he bowed to the legions and held the bow.

They all stared at him. Then, "Toranaga!" came roaring back at him from the regiments again and again. And the samurai bowed in return. came roaring back at him from the regiments again and again. And the samurai bowed in return.

Even Yabu bowed, overcome by the strength of the moment.

Before Yabu could straighten, Toranaga had set off down the hill once more at a fast pace. "Go with him, Omi-san," Yabu ordered. It would have been unseemly for him to run after Toranaga himself.

"Yes, Lord."

When Omi had gone, Yabu said to Iguras.h.i.+, "What's the news from Yedo?"

"The Lady Yuriko, your wife, said first to tell you there's a tremendous amount of mobilization over the whole Kwanto. Nothing much on the surface but underneath everything's boiling. She believes Toranaga's preparing for war-a sudden attack, perhaps against Osaka itself."

"What about Is.h.i.+do?"

"Nothing before we left. That was five days ago. Nor anything about Toranaga's escape. I only heard about that yesterday when your Lady sent a carrier pigeon from Yedo."

"Ah, Zukimoto's already set up that courier service?"

"Yes, Sire."


"Her message read: 'Toranaga has successfully escaped from Osaka with our Master in a galley. Make preparations to welcome them at Anjiro.' I thought it best to keep this secret except from Omi-san, but we're all prepared."


"I've ordered a war 'exercise,' Sire, throughout Izu. Within three days every road and pa.s.s into Izu will be blocked, if that's what you want. There's a mock pirate fleet to the north that could swamp any unescorted s.h.i.+p by day or by night, if that's what you want. And there's s.p.a.ce here for you and a guest, however important, if that's what you want."

"Good. Anything else? Any other news?"

Iguras.h.i.+ was reluctant to pa.s.s along news the implications of which he did not understand. "We're prepared for anything here. But this morning a cipher came from Osaka: 'Toranaga has resigned from the Council of Regents.'"

"Impossible! Why should he do that?"

"I don't know. I can't think this one out. But it must be true, Sire. We've never had wrong information from this source before."

"The Lady Sazuko?" Yabu asked cautiously, naming Toranaga's youngest consort, whose maid was a spy in his employ.

Iguras.h.i.+ nodded. "Yes. But I don't understand it at all. Now the Regents will impeach him, won't they? They'll order his death. It'd be madness to resign, neh?" neh?"

"Is.h.i.+do must have forced him to do it. But how? There wasn't a breath of rumor. Toranaga would never resign on his own! You're right, that'd be the act of a madman. He's lost if he has. It must be false."

Yabu walked down the hill in turmoil and watched Toranaga cross the square toward Mariko and the barbarian, with Fujiko nearby. Now Mariko was walking beside Toranaga, the others waiting in the square. Toranaga was talking quickly and urgently. And then Yabu saw him give her a small parchment scroll and he wondered what it contained and what was being said. What new trickery is Toranaga planning, he asked himself, wis.h.i.+ng he had his wife Yuriko here to help him with her wise counsel.

At the dock Toranaga stopped. He did not go onto the s.h.i.+p and into the protection of his men. He knew that it was on the sh.o.r.e that the final decision would be made. He could not escape. Nothing was yet resolved. He watched Yabu and Iguras.h.i.+ approaching. Yabu's untoward impa.s.sivity told him very much.

"So, Yabu-san?"

"You will stay for a few days, Lord Toranaga?"

"It would be better for me to leave at once."

Yabu ordered everyone out of hearing. In a moment the two men were alone on the sh.o.r.e.

"I've had disquieting news from Osaka. You've resigned from the Council of Regents?"

"Yes. I've resigned."

"Then you've killed yourself, destroyed your cause, all your va.s.sals, all your allies, all your friends! You've buried Izu and you've murdered me!"

"The Council of Regents can certainly take away your fief, and your life if they want. Yes."

"By all G.o.ds, living and dead and yet to be born ..." Yabu fought to dominate his temper. "I apologize for my bad manners but your-your incredible att.i.tude ... yes, I apologize." There was no real purpose to be gained in a show of emotion which all knew was unseemly and defacing. "Yes, it is better for you to stay here then, Lord Toranaga."

"I think I would prefer to leave at once."

"Here or Yedo, what's the difference? The Regents' order will come immediately. I imagine you'd want to commit seppuku at once. With dignity. In peace. I would be honored to act as your second."

"Thank you. But no legal order's yet arrived so my head will stay where it is."

"What does a day or two matter? It's inevitable that the order will come. I will make all arrangements, yes, and they will be perfect. You may rely on me."

"Thank you. Yes, I can understand why you would want my head."

"My own head will be forfeit too. If I send yours to Is.h.i.+do, or take it and ask his pardon, that might persuade him, but I doubt it, neh?" neh?"

"If I were in your position I might ask for your head. Unfortunately my head will help you not at all."

"I'm inclined to agree. But it's worth trying." Yabu spat violently in the dust. "I deserve to die for being so stupid as to put myself in that dunghead's power."

"Is.h.i.+do will never hesitate to take your head. But first he'll take Izu. Oh yes, Izu's lost with him in power."

"Don't bait me! I know that's going to happen!"

"I'm not baiting you, my friend," Toranaga told him, enjoying Yabu's loss of face. "I merely said, with Is.h.i.+do in power you're lost and Izu's lost, because his kinsman Ikawa Jikkyu covets Izu, neh? neh? But, Yabu-san, Is.h.i.+do doesn't have the power. Yet." And he told him, friend to friend, why he had resigned. But, Yabu-san, Is.h.i.+do doesn't have the power. Yet." And he told him, friend to friend, why he had resigned.

"The Council's hamstrung!" Yabu couldn't believe it.

"There isn't any Council. There won't be until there are five members again." Toranaga smiled. "Think about it, Yabu-san. Now I'm stronger than ever, neh? neh? Is.h.i.+do's neutralized-so is Jikkyu. Now you've got all the time you need to train your guns. Now you own Suruga and Totomi. Now you own Jikkyu's head. In a few months you'll see his head on a spike and the heads of all his kin, and you'll ride in state into your new domains." Abruptly he spun and shouted, "Iguras.h.i.+-san!" and five hundred men heard the command. Is.h.i.+do's neutralized-so is Jikkyu. Now you've got all the time you need to train your guns. Now you own Suruga and Totomi. Now you own Jikkyu's head. In a few months you'll see his head on a spike and the heads of all his kin, and you'll ride in state into your new domains." Abruptly he spun and shouted, "Iguras.h.i.+-san!" and five hundred men heard the command.

Iguras.h.i.+ came running but before the samurai had gone three paces, Toranaga called out, "Bring an honor guard with you. Fifty men! At once!" He did not dare to give Yabu a moment's respite to detect the enormous flaw in his argument: that if Is.h.i.+do was hamstrung now and did not have power, then Toranaga's head on a wooden platter would be of enormous value to Is.h.i.+do and thus to Yabu. Or even better, Toranaga bound like a common felon and delivered alive at the gates of Osaka Castle would bring Yabu immortality and the keys to the Kwanto.

While the honor guard was forming in front of him, Toranaga said loudly, "In honor of this occasion, Yabu-sama, perhaps you would accept this as a token of friends.h.i.+p." Then he took out his long sword, held it flat on both hands, and offered it.

Yabu took the sword as though in a dream. It was priceless. It was a Minowara heirloom and famous throughout the land. Toranaga had possessed this sword for fifteen years. It had been presented to him by Nakamura in front of the a.s.sembled majesty of all the important daimyos daimyos in the Empire, except Beppu Genzaemon, as part payment for a secret agreement. in the Empire, except Beppu Genzaemon, as part payment for a secret agreement.

This had happened shortly after the battle of Nagakude, long before the Lady Ochiba. Toranaga had just defeated General Nakamura, the Taik-to-be, when Nakamura was still just an upstart without mandate or formal power or formal t.i.tle and his reach for absolute power still in the balance. Instead of gathering an overwhelming host and burying Toranaga, which was his usual policy, Nakamura had decided to be conciliatory. He had offered Toranaga a treaty of friends.h.i.+p and a binding alliance, and to cement them, his half sister as wife. That the woman was already married and middle-aged bothered neither Nakamura nor Toranaga at all. Toranaga agreed to the pact. At once the woman's husband, one of Nakamura's va.s.sals-thanking the G.o.ds that the invitation to divorce her had not been accompanied by an invitation to commit seppuku-had gratefully sent her back to her half brother. Immediately Toranaga married her with all the pomp and ceremony he could muster, and the same day concluded a secret friends.h.i.+p pact with the immensely powerful Beppu clan, the open enemies of Nakamura, who, at this time, still sat disdainfully in the Kwanto on Toranaga's very unprotected back door.

Then Toranaga had flown his falcons and waited for Nakamura's inevitable attack. But none had come. Instead, astoundingly, Nakamura had sent his revered and beloved mother into Toranaga's camp as a hostage, ostensibly to visit her stepdaughter, Toranaga's new wife, but still hostage nonetheless, and had, in return, invited Toranaga to the vast meeting of all the daimyos daimyos that he had arranged at Osaka. Toranaga had thought hard and long. Then he had accepted the invitation, suggesting to his ally Beppu Genzaemon that it would be unwise for them both to go. Next, he had set sixty thousand samurai secretly into motion toward Osaka against Nakamura's expected treachery, and had left his eldest son, n.o.boru, in charge of his new wife and her mother. n.o.boru had at once piled tinder-dry brushwood to the eaves of their residence and had told them bluntly he would fire it if anything happened to his father. that he had arranged at Osaka. Toranaga had thought hard and long. Then he had accepted the invitation, suggesting to his ally Beppu Genzaemon that it would be unwise for them both to go. Next, he had set sixty thousand samurai secretly into motion toward Osaka against Nakamura's expected treachery, and had left his eldest son, n.o.boru, in charge of his new wife and her mother. n.o.boru had at once piled tinder-dry brushwood to the eaves of their residence and had told them bluntly he would fire it if anything happened to his father.

Toranaga smiled, remembering. The night before he was due to enter Osaka, Nakamura, unconventional as ever, had paid him a secret visit, alone and unarmed.

"Well met, Tora-san."

"Well met, Lord Nakamura."

"Listen: We've fought too many battles together, we know too many secrets, we've s.h.i.+t too many times in the same pot to want to p.i.s.s on our own feet or on each other's."

"I agree," Toranaga had said cautiously.

"Listen then: I'm within a sword's edge of winning the realm. To get total power I've got to have the respect of the ancient clans, the hereditary fief holders, the present heirs of the Fujimoto, the Takas.h.i.+ma, and Minowara. Once I've got power, any daimyo daimyo or any three together can p.i.s.s blood for all I care." or any three together can p.i.s.s blood for all I care."

"You have my respect-you've always had it."

The little monkey-faced man had laughed richly. "You won at Nagakude fairly. You're the best general I've ever known, the greatest daimyo daimyo in the realm. But now we're going to stop playing games, you and I. Listen: tomorrow I want you to bow to me before all the in the realm. But now we're going to stop playing games, you and I. Listen: tomorrow I want you to bow to me before all the daimyos, as a va.s.sal daimyos, as a va.s.sal. I want you, Yos.h.i.+ Toranaga-noh-Minowara a willing va.s.sal. Publicly. Not to tongue my hole, but polite, humble, and respectful. If you're my va.s.sal, the rest'll fart in their haste to put their heads in the dust and their tails in the air. And the few that don't-well, let them beware."

"That will make you Lord of all j.a.pan. Neh?" Neh?"

"Yes. The first in history. And you'll have given it to me. I admit I can't do it without you. But listen: If you do that for me you'll have first place after me. Every honor you want. Anything. There's enough for both of us."

"Is there?"

"Yes. First I take j.a.pan. Then Korea. Then China. I told Goroda I wanted that and that's what I'll have. Then you can have j.a.pan-a province of my China!"

"But now, Lord Nakamura? Now I have to submit, neh? neh? I'm in your power, I'm in your power, neh? neh? You're in overwhelming strength in front of me-and the Beppu threaten my back." You're in overwhelming strength in front of me-and the Beppu threaten my back."

"I'll deal with them soon enough," the peasant warlord had said. "Those sneering carrion refused my invitation to come here tomorrow-they sent my scroll back covered in bird's s.h.i.+t. You want their lands? The whole Kwanto?"

"I want nothing from them or from anyone," he had said.

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