Our Calendar Part 9

Our Calendar -

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In connecting the lunar month with the solar year, the framers of the ecclesiastical calendar adopted the period of Meton, or lunar cycle, which they supposed to be exact. A different arrangement has, however, been followed with respect to the distribution of the months. The lunations are supposed to consist of twenty-nine and thirty days alternately, or the lunar year of 354 days; and in order to make up nineteen solar years, six embolismic or intercalary months, of thirty days each, are introduced in the course of the cycle, and one of twenty-nine days is added at the end.

This gives (19 354) + (6 30) + 29 = 6935 days, to be distributed among 235 lunar months.

But every leap-year one day must be added to the lunar month in which the 29th of February is included. Now if leap-year happened on the first, second or third year of the period, there will be five leap-years in the period, but only four when the first leap-year falls on the fourth. In the former case the number of days in the period becomes 6940, and in the latter 6939. The mean length of the cycle is, therefore, 6939-3/4 days, agreeing exactly with nineteen Julian years. By means of the lunar cycle the new moons of the calendar were indicated before the reformation in 1582. As the cycle restores these phenomena to the same days of the civil month, they will fall on the same days in any two years which occupy the same place in the cycle; consequently a table of the moon's phases for nineteen years will serve for any year whatever when we know its number in the cycle.

The number of the year in the cycle is called the Golden Number; either because it was so termed by the Greeks, who, on account of its utility, ordered it to be inscribed in letters of gold in their temples, or more probably because it was usual to distinguish it by red letters in the calendar. The Golden Numbers were introduced into the calendar about the year 530, but disposed as they would have been if they had been inserted at the time of the Council of Nice. The cycle is supposed to commence with the year in which the new moon falls on the first day of January, which took place the year preceding the commencement of our era.

Hence to find the Golden Number for any year, we have the following rule: Add one to the date, divide the sum by nineteen; the quotient is the number of cycles elapsed, and the remainder is the Golden Number. Should there be no remainder, the proposed year is, of course, the last or nineteenth of the cycle. Thus, for the year 1892, we have (1892 + 1) 19 = 99, remainder 12; therefore, 99 is the number of cycles, and 12 the number in the cycle, or the Golden number.

It ought to be remarked that the new moons determined in this manner, may differ from the astronomical new moons sometimes as much as two days. The reason is, that the sum of the solar and lunar inequalities which are compensated in the whole period, may amount in certain cases to 10 degrees and thereby cause the new moon to arrive on the second day before or after its mean time.

The cycle of the sun brings back the days of the month to the same day of the week; the cycle of the moon restores the new moons to the same day of the month; therefore, 28 19 = 532 years, includes all the variations in respect of the new moons and the dominical letter, and is consequently a period after which the new moons again occur on the same day of the month and the same day of the week. This is called the Dionysian or Great Paschal Period, from its having been employed by Dionysius Exiguus in determining Easter Sunday.



The cycle of Indiction or Roman Indiction, is a period of fifteen years; not astronomical like the two former, but entirely arbitrary. Its origin and the purpose for which it was established are alike uncertain; but it is conjectured that it was introduced by Constantine the Great, about the year 312 of the common era, and had reference to certain judicial acts that took place under the Greek emperors at stated intervals of fifteen years. In chronological reckoning, it is considered as having commenced on the first day of January of the year 313.

By extending it backward, it will be found that the cycle commenced three years before the beginning of our era. In order, therefore, to find the number of any year in the cycle of indiction, we have this rule: Add three to the date, divide the number by fifteen; and the remainder is the year of the indiction. Should there be no remainder, the proposed year is the fifteenth or last of the cycle. Thus, for the year 1892, we have (1892 + 3) 15 = 126, remainder 5. Therefore, 5 is the number in the cycle.

The Julian period, proposed by the celebrated Joseph Scaliger, as an universal measure of chronology, is a period of 7980 years, and is formed by the continual multiplication of the three numbers, 28, 19 and 15; that is, of the cycle of the sun, the cycle of the moon, and the cycle of indiction. Thus, (28 19 15) = 7980. In the course of this long period no two years can be expressed by the same numbers in all the three cycles.

The first year of the Christian era had 10 for its number in the cycle of the sun, 2 in the cycle of the moon, and 4 in the cycle of the indiction.

Now, it is found by actual calculation, that the only number less than 7980 which, on being divided successively by 28, 19, and 15, leaves the respective remainders 10, 2 and 4, is 4714. Hence, the first year of the Christian era corresponded with the year 4714 of the Julian period, which period coincides with the 710th before the common mundane era 4004 B. C.; for 4004 + 710 = 4714. Hence, also, the year of our era corresponding to any other year of the period, or _vice versa_, is found by the following rule:

When the given year is anterior to the commencement of the era, subtract the number of the year of the Julian period from 4714, and the remainder is the year before Christ; or, subtract the year before Christ from 4714, and the remainder is the corresponding year in the Julian period. Thus, Rome was founded in the year 3960 of the Julian period. What was the year before Christ? We have then 4714 - 3960 = 754. Julius Caesar was 44 years before Christ, what was the corresponding year of the Julian period? We have then, 4714 - 44 = 4670.

When the given year is after Christ, subtract 4713 from the year of the period, and the remainder is the year of the era; or add 4713 to the year of the era, and the sum is the corresponding year in the Julian period.

Thus, the Council of Nice was convened in the year 5038 of the Julian period, what was the year of our era? We have then, 5038 - 4713 = 325.

What year of the Julian period corresponds with the present year, 1892? We have then, 4713 + 1892 = 6605.



Easter (Germ. _Ostern_, Old Saxon _Oster_, from _Osten_, signifying rising). The English name is probably derived from Ostera or Eostre, the Teutonic G.o.ddess of spring, whose festival occurred about the same time of the year as the celebration of Easter. The Hebrew-Greek word Pascha has pa.s.sed into the name given to this feast by most Christian nations. This festival is held in commemoration of our Lord's resurrection.

The Jews celebrated their pa.s.sover, in conformity with the directions given them by Moses, on the 14th day of the month Nisan, being the lunar month of which the 14th day either falls on or next follows the day of the vernal equinox. In the year of our Lord's crucifixion this fell on a Friday; the resurrection, therefore, took place on the first day of the week, which from thence is denominated the Lord's Day.

The primitive Christians, in celebrating this anniversary, fell into two different systems. The Western churches observed the nearest Sunday to the full moon of Nisan, taking no account of the day on which the pa.s.sover would be celebrated. The Asiatics, on the other hand, following the Jewish calendar, adopted the 14th of Nisan upon which to commemorate the crucifixion, and observed the festival of Easter on the third day following, upon whatever day of the week that might fall, hence they obtained the name of Quartodecimans, (from quarto, four, and decem, ten,) the fourteenth day men. The former appealed to the authority of St. Peter and St. Paul, the latter to that of St. John.

The dispute which took place upon this point in the second and third centuries of our era is remarkable, as connected with perhaps the first event which can be brought to bear upon the question of the primacy of the Roman bishop; and it is the more interesting as both parties are accustomed to claim it as a testimony in favor of their own views. Victor, bishop of Rome, wrote an imperious letter to the Asiatic bishops, requiring their conformity to the Western rule; which was answered by Polycrates, bishop of Ephesus, in the name of the rest, expressing their resolution to maintain the custom handed down to them by their ancestors.

The Roman bishop thereupon broke off communion with them; but he was rebuked by Irenaeus, of Lyons, and it was agreed by his mediation that each party should retain its customs. Such continued to be the practice till the time of Constantine, when the Council of Nice determined the matter by the following Canons:

_a_--Easter must be celebrated on a Sunday.

_b_--This Sunday must follow the 14th day of the paschal moon, so that if the 14th day of the paschal moon fall on a Sunday, then Easter must be celebrated on the Sunday following.

_c_--The paschal moon is that moon of which the 14th day either falls on or next follows the day of the vernal equinox.

_d_--The 21st of March is to be accounted the day of the vernal equinox.

(Appendix L.)

Sometimes a misunderstanding has arisen from not observing that this regulation is to be construed according to the tabular full moon as determined from the epact, and not by the true full moon, which in general, occurs one or two days earlier. From these conditions it follows, that if the paschal full moon fall on, the 21st of March, then Easter will happen on the 22d, its earliest possible date. For if the full moon arrive on the 20th, it would not be the paschal full moon, which cannot happen before the 21st, consequently the following moon is the paschal full moon, which happens 30 days after the 20th of March, which is the 19th of April. Now, if in this case the 19th of April is Sunday, then Easter must be celebrated the following Sunday, or the 26th of April.

Hence, Easter Sunday cannot happen earlier than the 22d of March, or later than the 26th of April.

The observance of these rules renders it necessary to reconcile three periods which have no common measure, namely, the week, the lunar month, and the solar year; and as this can be done only approximately, and within certain limits, the determination of Easter is an affair of considerable nicety and complication. It has already been shown that the lunar cycle contained 6939 days and 18 hours; also, that the exact time of 235 lunations is 6939d, 16h, 31m, 14.45s. The difference, which is 1h, 28m, 45.55s., amounts to a day in 308 years, so that at the end of this time the new moons occur one day earlier than they are indicated by the Golden Numbers. During the 1257 years that elapsed between the Council of Nice and the reformation, the error had acc.u.mulated to four days, so that the new moons, which were marked in the calendar as happening, for example, on the 5th of the month, actually fell on the 1st.

It would have been easy to correct this error by placing the Golden Numbers four lines higher in the new calendar, but the suppression of ten days had already rendered it necessary to place them ten lines lower, and to carry those which belonged, for example, to the 5th and 6th of the month, to the 15th and 16th. But supposing this correction to have been made, it would have become necessary, at the end of 308 years, to place them one line higher, in consequence of the acc.u.mulation of the error of the cycle to a whole day. On the other hand, as the Golden Numbers were only adapted to the Julian calendar, every omission of the centenary intercalation would require them to be placed one line lower, opposite the 6th, for example, instead of the 5th of the month, so that, generally speaking, the places of the Golden Numbers would have to be changed every century. On this account Lilius thought fit to reject the Golden Numbers from the Calendar, and supply their places by another set of numbers called Epacts, the use of which we shall now proceed to explain.

Epact, (Greek _epaktos_, added or introduced). The excess of the solar year beyond the lunar, employed in the calendar to signify the moon's age at the beginning of the year. The common solar year consisted of 365 days and the lunar year only 354 days, the difference is eleven; whence, if a new moon fall on the first day of January in any year, the moon will be eleven days old on the first day of the following year, and twenty-two days old on the first of the third year. The numbers eleven and twenty-two are therefore the epacts of those years respectively. Another addition of eleven gives thirty-three for the epact of the fourth year; but in consequence of the insertion of the intercalary month in each third year of the lunar cycle, this epact is reduced to three; for 33 - 30 = 3. In like manner the epacts of all the following years of the cycle are obtained by successively adding eleven to the epact of the former year, and rejecting thirty as often as the sum exceeds or equals that number.

In order to show how the epacts are connected with the Golden Numbers, let a cypher represent the new moon on the first day of January in any year, then the epacts and Golden Numbers for a whole lunar cycle would be represented thus:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 11 22 3 14 25 6 17 28

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 9 20 1 12 23 4 15 26 7 18

But the order is interrupted at the end of the cycle; for the epact of the following year found in the same manner would be 18 + 11 = 29, whereas it ought to be a cipher to correspond with the moon's age and the Golden Number 1. The reason for this is, that the intercalary month, inserted at the end of the cycle, contains only twenty-nine days instead of thirty; whence, after 11 has been added to the epact of the year corresponding to the Golden Number 19, we must reject twenty-nine instead of thirty, in order to have the epact of the succeeding year; or, which comes to the same thing, we must add twelve to the epact of the last year of the cycle, and then reject thirty as before. Thus, 18 + 12 = 30; 30 - 30 = 0; the cipher corresponding with the Golden Number 1.

This method of forming the epacts might have been continued indefinitely if the Julian intercalation had been followed without correction and the cycle had been perfectly exact; but as neither of these suppositions is true, two equations or corrections must be applied, one depending on the error of the Julian year, which is called the solar equation; the other on the errors of the lunar cycle, which is called the lunar equation. The solar equation occurs three times in 400 years, namely, in every secular year which is not a leap-year; for in this case the omission of the intercalary day causes the new moons to arrive one day later in all the following months, so that the moon's age at the end of the month is one day less than it would have been if the intercalation had been made, and the epacts must accordingly be all diminished by unity. Thus, the epacts 11, 22, 3, 14, etc., become 10, 21, 2, 13, etc.

On the other hand, when the time by which the new moons antic.i.p.ate the lunar cycle amounts to a whole day, which, as we have seen, it does in 308 years, the new moons will arrive one day earlier and the epacts must, consequently, be increased by unity. Thus, the epacts 11, 22, 3, 14, etc., in consequence of the lunar equation, becomes 12, 23, 4, 15, etc. In order to preserve the uniformity of the calendar, the epacts are changed only at the commencement of the century; the correction of the error of the lunar cycle is therefore made at the end of 300 years. In the Gregorian calendar this error is a.s.sumed to amount to a day in 312-1/2 years, or eight days in 2500 years, an a.s.sumption which requires the line of epacts to be changed seven times successively at the end of each period of 300 years, and once at the end of 400 years; and from the manner in which the epacts were disposed at the reformation, it was found most correct to suppose one of the periods of 2500 years to terminate with the year 1800.

The years in which the solar equation occurs, counting from the reformation, are 1700, 1800, 1900, 2100, 2200, 2300, 2500, etc. Those in which the lunar equation occurs are 1800, 2100, 2400, 2700, 3000, 3300, 3600, 3900, after which 4300, 4600, and so on. When the solar equation occurs, the epacts are diminished by unity; when the lunar equation occurs, the epacts are augmented by unity; and when both equations occur together, as in 1800, 2100, 2700, etc., they compensate each other, and the epacts are not changed.



In determining the date of Easter, we make use of the numbers called epacts; and, as these numbers have already been explained in the preceding chapter, (q. v.) it will be necessary to give them only a brief notice here. Epact, as has already been defined, is the excess of the solar year beyond the lunar, employed in the calendar to signify the moon's age at the beginning of the year; that is, if a new moon fall on the first day of January in any year, it will be eleven days old on the first day of the following year, and twenty-two days old on the first day of the third year, and so on.

Now, in this work, in fixing the date of Easter, we abandon the use of the new moons altogether, and make calculations wholly from the paschal full moons, which cannot happen earlier than the 21st of March, nor later than the 19th of April. Appendix J. The epacts are here used to show the day of the month on which the paschal full moons fall; that is, if the paschal moon fall on a given day of the month in any year, it will happen eleven days earlier the following year, and twenty-two days earlier the third year, and so on. To ill.u.s.trate, suppose the paschal moon fall on the 18th of April in any given year, on the following year it would fall on the 7th, in the third year on the 27th of March; and in the fourth year the moon would full on the 16th of March, but that would not be the paschal moon, which cannot happen earlier than the 21st; so the following moon would be the paschal moon, which happens thirty days later, or the 15th of April; then the fifth year it would fall on the 4th of April, and so on.

The solar and lunar equations or corrections are not made by change of epacts, for only one line of epacts is used in this work, but these corrections are made by a change of the day of the month on which the cycle commences. This change is made at the beginning of a century, and, of course, does not occur but once in a hundred years, and frequently no change is made for two, and even three hundred years. The reason for making these changes has been given in the preceding chapter, (q. v.), and will again be noticed in the proper place. The line of epacts used are thus represented, commencing with a cipher as the point of departure: 0, 11, 22, 3, 14, 25, 6, 17, 28, 9, 20, 1, 12, 23, 4, 15, 26, 7, 18. It should be borne in mind that the epacts are obtained by successively adding eleven to the epact of the former year, and rejecting thirty as often as the sum exceeds or equals that number. But, as the intercalary month inserted at the end of the cycle contains only 29 days, add twelve instead of eleven, to eighteen, the last of the cycle, and then reject thirty as before; thus, 18 + 12 = 30; then 30 - 30 = 0. The cycle being completed, we again commence with the cipher as the point of departure.

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