The Wonders of Prayer Part 17

The Wonders of Prayer -

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Not many years ago a violent storm, with wind and thunder, spread devastation all through the valley of Yellow Creek, Georgia. For a mile in width, trees were uprooted, barns and fences were prostrated, and all the lands were desolated.

Right in the center of the tornado stood a small cabin. Its sole occupants were an aged widow and her only son. The terrible wind struck a large tree in front of her humble dwelling, twisting and das.h.i.+ng it about. If it fell it would lay her home in ruins. Desolation, death itself, might follow. The storm howled and raged. The great trees fell in all directions. When it seemed her tree must also fall and there was no remedy, she knelt in fervent supplication to Him who gathereth the wind in his fists, that he would spare that tree. Her prayer was heard.

The tree was spared, and was the _only one_ left within a considerable distance of the widow's cabin.


A most curious answer to prayer occurred in the experience of a home missionary in Brooklyn. It ill.u.s.trates how G.o.d, in his trials of faith to see if His people do really cling to the promises, compels them to march right into the scene of danger, and into the mouth of the cannon, that apparently is open specially to shoot them down.

The interest on the mortgage of his property was due in a few days. Its amount was $300. He did not have the money--did not know where to obtain it. With anxious heart during the day, he kept up his faith and courage by thinking of the Lord's promises, and, the last night before the eventful day, was spent in prayer, until the a.s.surance came that all was well. Often he pleaded, often he reminded the Lord that, as his life was _His_, to save him from reproach, and not let his trust in the Lord suffer dishonor before others.

The last moment came--no money--no relief. With sinking heart he went to the holder of the mortgage to announce his utter inability to meet his demand. While there, just at the last moment, when he was about to leave, the gentleman said, "_By the way, here is an envelope I was told to give you."_

The missionary opened it, _and out came six fifty dollar bills,_ just the _three hundred dollars prayed for_. The Lord met and delivered him in the very jaws of the enemy.


This question having been asked by a clergyman of Brooklyn, Rev. S.H.

Platt, he received a large number of communications, which evidently prove that the Lord is _willing_ and _does_, either _instantaneously_ or gradually in answer to prayer, deliver and take away wholly the bad _habits_ and _appet.i.tes_ of those who are willing to forsake their sinful ways and cleave only to Him. _The Lord's salvation cleanses and delivers the body as well as the soul_.

We quote a few extracts from his correspondence, which is but a small portion out of many published in his volume, "_The Power of Grace_."


"A little more than a year has elapsed since I left off the use of tobacco. This further time has more fully developed the thoroughness of the case spoken of and the completeness of the victory over an evil habit. I am filled with wonder, for I expected a terrible fight with an appet.i.te, strengthened by an indulgence of about thirty-five years, but the enemy has not shown his head. _Not only has the desire for smoking been effectually squelched_, but a perfect hatred of smoking has been developed on account of the offensiveness of the odor of tobacco. I frequently cross the street, or change my seat in a car to escape the puff of smoke, or the fetid breath of a smoker. 'Thanks be unto G.o.d who giveth us the victory.'"


"A physician of extended practice was converted and reclaimed while I had charge of the place in which he lived. He had acquired the habit of using large quant.i.ties of whiskey and brandy, and withal more or less given to licentiousness. Since that time he has been steadily advancing in morals and moral power, till he now preaches the gospel as a local preacher, side by side with the best of the district."


"Yes, as respects tobacco; he became convicted of its sinfulness by a voice saying, 'That is not the way to glorify G.o.d: stop, and stop now.'

And from that moment he says he has never used it, neither does he in any way like the smell, or even the sight of tobacco."


"I had used tobacco from my childhood, and the love and use thereof grew upon me. I became convicted of its sinfulness, went to G.o.d and said, '_Destroy the appet.i.te, and give me power over it_. Save me that I may glorify thee as a G.o.d of power for our present sins, and I will glorify thee ever more.' I wrote out the contract and signed it, and from that blessed afternoon have no recollection of ever desiring it even."


"Tobacco was a great trouble to me; and I had tried a number of times to leave it off, but could not do so. One night as I was retiring to rest, I thought I would kneel by my bed and ask _Him_, who never refuses to answer prayer, to take from me the desire for tobacco, and from that moment it has been impossible for me to use it.


"I smoked tobacco excessively for fifteen years, commencing when I was about twenty years old. I often strove to break off from the use of it; indeed I determined time and again to desist from it, sometimes abstaining for a few months or weeks, once for twelve months, _but the desire never left me_, and whenever I tasted it I was sure to take to it again. I sometimes vowed whilst upon my knees in prayer, to abstain from it and never touch it again, but I always attempted to do this in my own strength; hence I failed, being overcome by the almost irresistible influences it had upon my appet.i.te, so long accustomed to the use.

"One Sunday morning, I retired to a secluded place, got down upon my knees, and asked the Lord to help me quit it, determining then and there that I would, G.o.d being my helper, never touch the accursed thing again by any kind of use in the way of consumption, and from that day to this, I have never had any desire to smoke or chew tobacco, or to use it in any way; I lifted my heart to G.o.d, imploring his a.s.sistance in abstaining from it. I have now been clear of the desire of it for nearly twenty-three years."


"At the age of twelve years I commenced to use tobacco, and continued to use it, both smoking and chewing, till five years ago, when in answer to prayer the appet.i.te was instantly removed.

"The circ.u.mstances were as follows: I had tried many ways to leave off the use of tobacco, but the appet.i.te was so strong that I could not withstand it. At one time I left it off for a month, but not a day pa.s.sed but I craved it, and when I did begin again it tasted as good as ever. I found that tobacco was injuring my health. My nervous system was much deranged.

"For more than a year before I left it off there was scarcely a night but I lay for two or three hours, before I could go to sleep. I resolved a great many times I would leave off, but always failed. I had also acquired the habit of drinking, and became a confirmed drunkard.

"I knew the habits were killing me, but I was powerless to stop. One evening a prayer-meeting was appointed at my house. The minister in his remarks spoke about habits, and said that religion would cure all bad habits, such as tobacco, &c., and that by prayer G.o.d would remove all evil appet.i.tes.

"I thought but little about it that night; was very careless and trifling about it. The next morning I took out my tobacco to take a chew, and thought of what the minister had said the night before. It was a new idea to me. I put the tobacco in my pocket again, and said, '_I'll try it_.'

"_I was alone in my barn; I kneeled down and asked G.o.d to remove the appet.i.te from me. It was done. I was cured_. I felt it. I knew it then.

I have never had a desire for it since. There has been no hankering for it or for strong drink since. My sins were all forgiven, and I was made a new man all over, inside and outside.

"When I go into company where they are smoking, I have no desire for it at all, neither have I for drinking, any more than if I had never had those habits. _My nervous difficulty was also instantly cured_. No more trouble about sleeping, and I know that Jesus can heal and remove and destroy all evil habits."


Should these words meet the eye of any one so troubled over any evil way or bad habit from whose bondage he would gladly escape, let me say to you these words of good cheer: "_The Lord can save you, the Lord can deliver you, the Lord can wholly heal you. He can take away your appet.i.te and cleanse you thoroughly_. He has done it for many others. He can do it for you. Realize that your own strength can not do it. Forget not that it is only in answer to your own prayer. Those who want this good gift must _pray for it_. Deliverance may be instantaneous or gradual, but do not cease your prayer. Seek in the Bible for those promises which show that he can _deliver from all evil_, and plead them and then trust in Him and his strength to fulfill them.

"Forget not also to ask others to pray for you, and remember that the answer is sure to come if you add to your prayer these true thoughts of your heart, '_Deliver me and I give myself to thee forever_.'

"If you expect so great a gift from the Lord, he asks of you, '_What are you willing to do for me_?'"


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