911 - Decent into Tyranny Part 5

911 - Decent into Tyranny -

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Note: The Marine we interviewed came forward because of an outrageous Army checkpoint that he witnessed blocking northbound traffic of I-35 just south of Austin, Texas. They were searching cars for drugs.

These are the new rules of engagement. It's an us-against-them mentality. Peace officers should be defenders of the people, the kind of local leaders you bring a hot cup of coffee, a slice of pie. In the old days they would help you get the cat out of the tree. That was before they became militarized and then merged with the military. That was before they started patrolling our streets and running our country. That was before the Second Amendment was under attack and almost destroyed. That was before the government started s.h.i.+pping in the heroin and the cocaine to create societal crises for their means.

Now what do we have? Black helicopter raids in late 2001 on St. Louis (WorldNetDaily, December 7, 2001, "'Helicopter a.s.sault' Startles East St. Louis"). We have the Army doc.u.ment they gave us back in 1999 on the side of the highway at a military checkpoint, which says, "Give us a call, local police departments. We'll serve search warrants on your citizens' homes." [Insert Graphic: 11_DOAdoc]

Our cameraman confronted members of the Temple, Texas Police Department who were aiding regular Army units in the search of vehicles at a checkpoint blocking an access road off I-35 north of Austin. When the police were asked why they were searching civilians' cars, Lieutenant Best of the Temple Police Department told our cameraman to turn his camera off. When he refused, a plainclothes BATF agent walked up and gave our man a five-page doc.u.ment which can be viewed at

The doc.u.ment states that police in 77 Texas counties should call Fort Hood if they need a.s.sistance in any matter. In May of 2000, we were in the town of Belton, directly adjoining Temple, Texas, and ran into the same Army units conducting a mock terrorist attack.

The following is an excerpt from an announcement given to the press by the Mayor of Belton, TX only 300 feet from burning cars, troops and helicopters. This announcement can be seen in my film, 911: The Road to Tyranny: "On, May 12, at approximately 8:50, an explosive device went off in the Bell County Annex, in the 500 block of East Second Street in Belton. The Belton Police Department responded to that, as well as the Belton Fire Department and the Belton EMS. The Belton Police Deparment is currently investigating the cause of the explosion. The explosion took place on the east end of the building causing several casualties and injuries. The police department has secured the scene and requested a.s.sistance from the Ft. Hood [Delta Team]."

They made it sound real. The entire spectacle of this Belton, Texas "exercise" was staged in the great tradition of Orson Well's War of the Worlds broadcast. They told the public it was really happening, conditioning them to accept this merging of the military and the police in the name of public safety.

One officer, on camera, asked me, "Were you at this scene in Temple?" When told it was my cameraman who was there he said, "So, he put me on the Internet." We told him, no we didn't put him on the Internet, we put him on television, and asked if he had a problem with that. He said, "Yes, I do, because there were pictures on the Internet, and someone put them on there without my permission." We had to explain to him that he was a public servant, and that permission was not required.

The scary part was that just for asking questions, the military and police were angry at us. We were "bad" citizens for not mindlessly going along with their manufactured hysteria operation.

In a live broadcast, Erin Fletcher for KVUE News reported at another staged event in Austin, Texas in 2000 from the scene of the Texas State Police headquarters: "Twenty DPS workers have gone on ambulances to area hospitals. Some of them have been treated and released now. The rest are in stable condition. EMS tells us another five drove themselves to area hospitals and that they checked out about one hundred sixty-one people here on the scene."

After witnessing multiple psychological warfare operations concerning the fake attacks, I got in my car and drove to the scene of the State Police headquarters hoax. As Erin Fletcher was reporting live from on-scene on the local NBC affiliate, KVUE, I walked right up behind her with a bullhorn, live on television and began screaming, "stagemanaged event it's absolutely fake, it's absolutely fake! This is a psychological warfare operation against you!" Consequently, this was the last fake attack conducted by the Federal government with the local police department in Austin, Texas. Unfortunately, these psychological operations continue around the country.

In 2000 alone, in Austin, Texas, there were eight separate fake biological warfare attacks. They even had a fake nuclear spill, shut down I-35 and called out the National Guard. A couple of weeks later, the Feds quietly announced, "Oh, it was just a drill," but you should have seen the psychosomatic response of the people. Suddenly, the hospitals were jammed-packed. The population was buying their lies.

We all though this couldn't happen here, that only in Russia or n.a.z.i Germany could governments get away with so many terrorist actions. We have all been incrementally trained to accept these Unconst.i.tutional actions. Now we have to learn to say no and get in the face of this disgusting tyranny. We have dignity. We're human beings. We cannot allow government to continue its gross violations of the Bill of Rights and the Const.i.tution.

Torture and the Government Did you ever think you would see our government talk about torture or lauding the virtues of torturing prisoners? Well, now it is actually being reported in dozens of publications (Was.h.i.+ngton Post, October 22, 2001, "FBI considers torture as suspects stay silent"; London Guardian, March 12, 2002 "US Sends Suspects to Face Torture). Of course, if you're not for torture, you're with Al-Qaeda.

Even phony liberals like Alan Dershowitz have been publicly promoting torture, telling us it is time for us to rea.s.sess our laws to accept it . . . for the terrorists, of course. Remember, the evidence shows that the Federal Government is training local police that the most conservative and law-abiding people are terrorists. In a New York Times article discussing the use of torture on civilians they talk about using cattle prods and rubber hoses on the American people. And who is going to do the torturing? FEMA-the Ministry of Love.

Concentration Camps For years, we warned people about FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency). The federal doc.u.ments have been around for decades and include round-up plans and concentration camps. People used to laugh at us when we said this in December of 1999. Then came Seattle. FEMA housed and protected government-placed "anarchist" provocateurs, but put five hundred peaceful demonstrators in a FEMA camp on the outskirts of town. FEMA used the old Sand Point naval brig to detain hundreds of American citizens.

Of course you don't have to travel to Seattle to find internment facilities. We woke up one morning in Austin, Texas, and found a FEMA camp in our own backyard. The Federal Government paid Travis County to convert part of the old airport into an emergency management center. The following is an excerpt from my film, Police State II: The Takeover.

I asked a Security Guard at the front gate of the decommissioned Robert Meuller airport about the FOX report that they had taken a 747 hanger and converted it into a holding facility for the citizens of Austin in case of a civil emergency. He stated: "Travis County came out with inmates and they cleaned it all up, swept it, pulled weeds, and then they got inside and reinforced the doors and stuff with bars."

They announced it on the news; they threw it in our face. The U.S. Army and FEMA were operating out of an old 747 hangar. There are bolts and chains in the floor, port-apoties, thousands of cots and armored vehicles. The local FOX affiliate (KTND) was given a tour and the County and City admitted that it is an overflow facility in case of a civil disturbance.

Emergency Health Powers Act Long before the September 11 attack, they were lovingly preparing to take good care of us. After the attack, the Was.h.i.+ngton Times, in an article ent.i.tled, "Wartime presidential powers supersede liberties" reported George W. Bush enacted five hundred dormant legal clauses and provisions, allowing censors.h.i.+p, martial law, and forced round-ups. There is also the Emergency Health Powers Act which allows the government to force entire towns into sports stadiums or aircraft hangers and authorizes troops to "shoot a grandmother" if ordered to do so (Detroit Free Press Was.h.i.+ngton, November 7, 2001, "Vast quarantine role advocated for states").

Concerning the pa.s.sage of the Model States Emergency Health Powers Act(MSEHPA) by many of the states, Joseph Farah, Director of the Western Journalism Center, wrote in a report for WorldNetDaily (June 21, 2002, "Fascism at the Door") that MSEHPA is a "nightmarish, Orwellian federal-state power grab." Reporting on the text of the legislation, Farah writes, "It authorizes the "control of property" a nice term for confiscation of everything, including but not limited to your house, your car, your guns, your food, your clothing and your fuel. It authorizes the management of people meaning forced vaccinations, incarceration and restrictions on transportation. It also authorizes the government to seize control of communications."

Most of the fifty states are pa.s.sing the Model States Emergency Health Powers Act as we write this book. It is an Adolph Hitler wish list that is quickly manifesting itself at every level of government.

The plans talk about how to deal with the millions of dead bodies; how they are going to round us up; how they are going to herd us into compact cities (November 7, 2001 Detroit Free Press quotes the Federal head of MSEHPA detailing how they plan to use sport stadiums as detention camps); and how to use slave labor at the different federal camps, which they have already been doing since 1989 at twelve different Army bases see the Army Civilian Inmate Labor Program.

Army Civilian Inmate Labor Program The Civilian Inmate Labor Program was conducted in secret at US military bases from 1989 to 1996. This nightmare program was recently decla.s.sified. If Civilian Inmate Labor Programs are so wonderful, why did the Army keep them secret for over seven years? There are thousands of pages of doc.u.ments on the Army's website detailing the ma.s.sive scope of this program, much of which is still secret. Many of the doc.u.ments are contradictory. For example, on the same page it will say that the Army is not allowed to house and use State inmate labor, and, in the next paragraph will say that they have been housing and using State inmate labor.

[Note to publisher: please insert inmate.htm file as one page in book with black border and the captions "Public Doc.u.ment from the US Army's Website]

You see, there are a lot of things going on in the country that Sally Soccer Mom and Joe Six Pack have been kept in the dark about. Globalists have been busy building FEMA camps and getting you ready to submit to their tyranny in the name of safety. There are bills like H.R. 2977 where they talk about different mind control systems they have developed using different ultra-low frequency mind control devices that can make you become sick, or even kill you.

H.R. 2977.

From H.R. 2977 (A bill, that on the surface restricts mind-control weapons, but in reality actually authorizes their use): 107th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 2977 Mr. KUCINICH introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Science, and in addition to the Committees on Armed Services, and International Relations, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned


This Act may be cited as the 's.p.a.ce Preservation Act of 2001'. SEC. 6. NON s.p.a.cE-BASED WEAPONS ACTIVITIES. Nothing in this Act may be construed as prohibiting the use of funds for-- (1).

s.p.a.ce exploration;


s.p.a.ce research and development;


testing, manufacturing, or production that is not related to s.p.a.ce-based weapons or systems; or


civil, commercial, or defense activities (including communications, navigation, surveillance, reconnaissance, early warning, or remote sensing) that are not related to s.p.a.ce-based weapons or systems.


In this Act: (1).

The term 's.p.a.ce' means all s.p.a.ce extending upward from an alt.i.tude greater than 60 kilometers above the surface of the earth and any celestial body in such s.p.a.ce.

(2)(A) The terms 'weapon' and 'weapons system' mean a device capable of any of the following:

(i) Damaging or destroying an object (whether in outer s.p.a.ce, in the atmosphere, or on earth) by--


firing one or more projectiles to collide with that object;


detonating one or more explosive devices in close proximity to that object;

(III) directing a source of energy (including molecular or atomic energy, subatomic particle beams, electromagnetic radiation, plasma, or extremely low frequency (ELF) or ultra low frequency (ULF) energy radiation) against that object; or (IV).

any other unacknowledged or as yet undeveloped means.

(ii) Inflicting death or injury on, or damaging or destroying, a person (or the biological life, bodily health, mental health, or physical and economic well-being of a person)--


through the use of any of the means described in clause (i) or subparagraph (B);


through the use of land-based, sea-based, or s.p.a.ce-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser, or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations for the purpose of information war, mood management, or mind control of such persons or populations; or

(III) by expelling chemical or biological agents in the vicinity of a person.


Such terms include exotic weapons systems such as--

(i) electronic, psychotronic, or information weapons;

(ii) chemtrails;

(iii) high alt.i.tude ultra low frequency weapons systems; (iv) plasma, electromagnetic, sonic, or ultrasonic weapons;

(v) laser weapons systems;

(vi) strategic, theater, tactical, or extraterrestrial weapons; and

(vii) chemical, biological, environmental, climate, or tectonic weapons.

(C) The term 'exotic weapons systems' includes weapons designed to damage s.p.a.ce or natural ecosystems (such as the ionosphere and upper atmosphere) or climate, weather, and tectonic systems with the purpose of inducing damage or destruction upon a target population or region on earth or in s.p.a.ce.

H.R. 2977 is an actual federal doc.u.ment, an actual bill, admitting that they are spraying chemical and biological weapons on us through the use of something called chemical trails that they are adding to jet fuel, especially in military aircraft.

Undetectable Police State Weaponry And then, if you go to law enforcement catalogs like Shomer-Tec, one of the biggest law enforcement and military catalogs in the world, there are devices for sale like the Super-Sonic Nausea System. The police brag that they have been using this contraption for years to manipulate and stop activists from speaking at political rallies by inducing nausea at a distance. The device can make a whole crowd get sick without their being able to hear it or to determine the source of the nausea-inducing wave.

Low-frequency weapons testing has been cited as a possible source of the mysterious Kokomo, Indiana hum. ABC News reported on the Kokomo Hum, where an entire town of people became ill from an ultra-low frequency attack on a ma.s.s scale (ABC News, February 13, 2002 "The Kokomo Hum: Reports of Mysterious Noise and Illness in Indiana).

[Note to publisher: insert graphic: 12_kokomo with the caption "The Mysterious Kokomo Hum"]

Indoctrination of Our Children Throughout history, empires have understood the importance of winning the hearts and minds of the people. In recent years in the United States we have seen an explosion of police state indoctrination focusing on the youth the old notion of "get'em while they're young." Whether it's n.a.z.i Germany, or the New Homeland Security Agency, the youth are always a centerpiece of any secret police tattletale society.

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