911 - Decent into Tyranny Part 4

911 - Decent into Tyranny -

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anyone who cares about freedom

anyone who believes in Jesus Christ

anyone who believes in the Second Coming

anyone who discusses a New World Order conspiracy theory

anyone who talks about a New World Order takeover.

The evidence is clear: If you resist a New World Order takeover, you are will be cla.s.sified as a "hate criminal." They say that you're a terrorist if you talk about a New World Order. Well, there definitely are some government terrorists that talk about a New World order, like former President George Bush, for example.

"It is a big idea, a new world order. Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective: a new world order can emerge. . . . Now we can see a new world coming into view, a world in which there is the very real prospect of a new world order."

-President George Bush, September 11, 1991 "The president, George Bush, has talked time and time again about a new world order, and this is the best chance to begin to establish the new world order."

-Dan Quayle, on CNN One of my listeners in Missouri, a patriotic firefighter, sent us footage of a FEMA commando demonizing the Founding Fathers and Christians to a group of police and firefighters in a cla.s.sroom setting. Here's the transcript: "Think about the Christians, okay. Do you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? No. What did they do? They took your head off. They beheaded you if you didn't accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. See, this is reality. Yeah, they're terrorists. But the bottom line is, to them they are not. Now why is that important to understand? Because they are as committed to their cause and to their way of life as you are to yours. And they see you as being wrong. That is very difficult. When people are pa.s.sionate about what they believe in, they become a very difficult enemy to beat. Who was the first terrorist organization in the United States? The Founding Fathers. Thomas Jefferson. George Was.h.i.+ngton. Paul Revere. These guys right here, did they try to scare people? They tried to intimidate the British. Did they use acts of violence? Your Founding Fathers, my Founding Fathers, were involved in acts of terrorism against British officials, because they systematically had British officials . . . George Was.h.i.+ngton -Mr. Honest who cut down a cherry tree and admitted it-is the same guy who signed death orders, if you will, on members of the British government, the British crown, who they wanted to eliminate because politically they influence in certain pockets of the United States-at that time the thirteen colonies- and they wanted to divide and conquer. . . .

"They may kill a whole lot of civilians. And I'm going to be honest with you. If they kill ten thousand civilians tomorrow with a biological agent, that's too bad for them."

Talk about demonization. If anyone is going kill to civilians, it's the Feds. They're the ones who have a track record of slaughtering innocent Americans. All the evidence shows that the globalists are the killers and that they are responsible for the deaths of three thousand at the World Trade Center and Pentagon.

The USA Patriot Act No Sunset Clause Bush signed the U.S.A. Patriot Act, which eviscerated the U.S. Const.i.tution and Bill of Rights. Section 213 delays warrants. It means they can sneak in your house for any reason, take whatever they want, and never even tell you they were there. You're thinking, "Oh, that's okay. There's a sunset clause." The media said that HR 3162 ends in 2005. Well, if you look at that subsection, all of the key areas that violate your Const.i.tutional rights contain no sunset provisions, meaning that these laws never expire (U.S.A Patriot Act, Sunset Provision, Section 224).

Out of one thousand sixteen sections, Section 802 has to be the most frightening. You see, this defines a domestic terrorist as anyone who is involved in "acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State." Under their definition, even those committing misdemeanor crimes, like two high school football players getting in a fistfight at a party are engaging in terrorist activities. This is an absolute outrage. In truth, the people who pa.s.sed this legislation are the real terrorists. They are the real criminals and have engaged in sedition against our Const.i.tutional Republic.

Congressman Ron Paul said that none of the Congress was allowed to even read the bill, and that they were threatened by the White House with charges of anti-patriotism if they didn't sign it. He said the Founding Fathers revolted over much lighter forms of tyranny.

"Unfortunately, we may not always be able to tell you why that agent or agents are knocking on your door. . . . Is there a chance that some of your civil liberties may slip while we guarantee the security of this country?

Maybe. Maybe."

-Stephen Steinhauser, FBI agent on PBS' Lehrer Newshour

Conditioning and Preparation for Total Takeover Slimeball FBI agents like Stephen Steinhauser gave speeches all over the country in huge meeting halls, telling people they have to give up their liberty for security. Now we are seeing urban warfare teams pop up in major cities and small towns alike. They would like you to believe that this is some new phenomenon that has emerged since September 11. I'm about to present the evidence that this has been going on over the past decade here in the United States, and to show you how they have been training the cadres of officers to go out and train the ma.s.s of troops for a total militarized takeover of the United States of America in the name of protecting the population from enemy terrorists.

In truth, the military has been training to attack the American population for some time, through "Urban Warfare Training Exercises." Back in 1999, Texas got hit by six black helicopter raids. During the first military occupation drill, the Kingsville police station was set ablaze by US Army commandos. Military checkpoints were inst.i.tuted across the state, and mayors were forced to throw the invading armies out of their cities in response to public outrage.

Police chiefs went public about these bizarre military takeovers of American cities. These exercises were carried out not only by Army Special Operations from Fort Brag, but included foreign troops. Czechoslovakian troops, on American soil, were terrorizing the public, running around firing automatic weapons. The operations were to condition the public, and to acclimatize them to accept the military-with foreign troops-working with our local police (Corpus Christie Caller Times, February 13, 1999, "Operation Last Dance: Army exercises in South Texas"; WorldNetDaily, February 17, 1999 "Army admits live ammo used"; WorldNetDaily, February 15, 1999, "Fear and Loathing in Kingsville, Texas"; Austin-American Statesman, April 17, 1999, "Invasion, South Texas: Army exercises make black helicopters the talk of town").

In my video, Police State 2000, I shot footage of Delta Force troops-U.S. Special Forces with Czechoslovakian commandos-running around in downtown Kingsville, Texas, setting fire to local structures. Years before, Army Special Operations were released on the civilian population. The controlled media put out hundreds of reports stating that the hallmark of a delusional "kook" was their obsession with "imaginary" black helicopters. Then, in the mid 1990's, when the militarization exercises began in American towns and cities, the public had been pre-conditioned not to speak out against the takeover, because only "delusional freaks" talked about such things.

"Looking out your window and seeing unmarked helicopters with troops, and ninjas in black suits with a.s.sault rifles. Its kind of spooky." -Tomas Sanchez, Kingsville Emergency Manager Urban Warfare Training practices exist to train the public, the police, and the military to believe that all of these militarized police actions against the population are acceptable. Read this quote from the mayor of Port Aransas, Texas. He was quite upset.

"n.o.body wants to get in their business, but we ought to be able to answer questions. Especially when they are flying at dangerously low levels and alarming the citizenry."

The chief of police of San Antonio refused for two years to let Delta Force take over the city. When he refused, the just did it anyway. They don't care about local authorities.

Transcript with Al Philipius, police chief of San Antonio from my video, Police State 2000: Police Chief: They approached me to get me to change my mind. Well, then, when we said no, then some elected officials were contacted to bring pressure to bear. And then offers were made to give money, cash money, to Carlos Lerma, the City Manager of Kingsville, Texas who was interviewed on February 9, 1999 stated the following: elected officials' charities if they could get us to change our minds. As one of my deputy chiefs said, in some circles that's called bribery. They wanted to carry out operations. I'm still getting contacted by various officials. I mean, they never would take no for an answer.

Alex Jones: So they were not respecting your jurisdiction?

Police Chief: They were not respecting our jurisdiction. I don't think they respected our decision not to go into predominately minority areas of the city where we had vacant warehouses and buildings and try to do those types of exercises at those locations in the middle of the night.

Alex Jones: What type of exercises? Oh, I'm sorry. In the middle of the night?

Police Chief: In the middle of the night. Sometime between nine p.m.

and midnight. I mean, people become frightened. We drew a lot of our decision-making on experiences that had happened in a lot of other cities. We were very concerned some things that had happened over there.

We didn't get any real good, clear answers.

Alex Jones: So they were being secretive about it?

Police Chief: Very secretive.

Alex Jones:We're just curious about Army Special Operations from Fort Bragg coming here-Delta Force. And we'd like just basically to ask some questions about, was the public informed beforehand? Are you aware of the Tenth Amendment and Posse Comitatus, and things like that? Official: I'm probably not aware of the Tenth Amendment, but I made the decision not to inform the public.

He made the decision not to warn the public, the emergency managers, or the police when eight black helicopters slammed into the town. Here is the chief of police in Alice, Texas, Jack Compton, admitting foreign troops.

Interviewer: The government is training other so-called friendly countries?

Jack Compton: They are training friendly countries, and I'm not at liberty to give you their names. But I know that they are.

Interviewer: They were there in Alice a couple of weeks ago? Jack Compton: Yeah.

What a startling revelation for a small-town police chief: the foreign troops were there. He went on to tell our cameras that locals were told that they would be arrested if they left their homes during the five hour operation. He said that the population, if allowed to watch the training, might learn their tactics. In other words, it's okay to let the Czechoslovakian troops know Army Special Operations' tactics, but not the American people. It is clear, in their eyes we are the enemy. We pay the bills, we built this country, but now we are captive slaves of this government. If they get our guns, it's all over.

In footage we have from Fort Hood, Texas, the BATF-the gun confiscators-train with the Green Berets for an a.s.sault on the Waco compound, the wooden church full of men, women, and children. Violating every canon of a free society, the military with the state police and the BATF a.s.saulted the Branch Davidians. And then, of course, on April 19 they actually burned the structure down, full of men, women, and children. The training and the a.s.saults on the population having been going on for over a decade here in the United States. The death toll is climbing.

What's happened to our Special Forces? What type of cowards have they been twisted into that they go out and attack American citizens, wooden churches full of men, women, and children, and then slough it off as, "Oh, well, they're just a bunch of cult members"? Whatever happened to live and let live? And whatever happened to the federal law barring troops from a.s.saulting civilians? Whatever happened to the 1878 law, Posse Comitatus, which forbids Federal troops to engage in law enforcement activities inside the United States (specifically checkpoints and search-and-seizure)?

From the film, Police State 2000 Alex Jones (reporting from a hilltop overlooking military operations in urban terrain): "I'm in northern California, in Oakland, where Marines have come in for Operation Urban Warrior, which should be deemed Operation Desensitization of the Population. They have role players. They have fake camps set up. You name it. We're going to take you in and show you what is happening."

Military loudspeaker (surrounded by role-players dressed as Americans begging not to be interned in a concentration camp): "Attention. Attention. Attention. American forces are here to help. Please remain calm. We will not tolerate civil disobedience."

Note: I've made two doc.u.mentary films on the police state and have been to many of these military training operations where they hire hundreds of role players to beg and scream, "We're Americans. Please don't put us in camps. Don't take our guns."

The loudspeakers blare as women and children are led handcuffed to the interrogation center of the camp: "Attention. Attention. Attention. Due to the large number of people arriving, you will experience a short delay. Please remain calm and cooperate so that we can process you into the camp faster."

A young marine officer discusses urban pacification techniques: "That's a hostile act. The technology they are working on makes you nauseous. In the past, in a situation like that she might have been shot. In the future, we want to give our Marines a non-lethal option where they can say, 'No, she is not armed, maybe threatening, but I don't want to kill her,' or him, or them. Use your soundwave rifle, I guess you could call it, and down they go."

Suddenly the young marine officer stopped rambling about non-lethal weapons.

He directed the tour's attention to see a man on his knees with a gun to the back of his head, and stated: "Now you're going to see an execution."

"Now you're going to see an execution"? This terrifying un-American statement is doc.u.mented on videotape in my film, Police State 2000. If you find this hard to believe, examine this statement that was made by Army Private Matt Guckenheimer, who recently returned home from the undeclared war in Afghanistan.

He told the his hometown paper, the Ithaca Journal on May 25, 2002, in an article t.i.tled, "Memories of War": "We were told there were no friendly forces. If there was anybody there, they were the enemy. We were told specifically that if there were women and children to kill them."

At least, during Operation Urban Warrior in 1999 in Oakland, the people weren't buying the Police State propaganda. Here's an interview conducted with a man on the street.

Man on street: Well, I think terrorism is being practiced on the residents of the city of Oakland, because many of the retired teachers, retired military people, have informed me that they understand what is going on, and it is not anything that relates to humanitarian training whatsoever. This is psychological, as we in the research community say, this is a psy-ops. They are preparing people for what is coming, not for what is being presented today.

Alex Jones:So you're saying they are preparing people to accept it with incrementalism?

Man on street:That's is correct, like the old frog example. You know, you put the frog in the water and you just gradually continue to raise the heat on the water until the frog is cooked. And that's the way it works.

Of course, that was California in 1999. By 2000, they were actually arresting people in Swansboro, North Carolina (WorldNetDaily, April 14, 2000, "Marines on Main Street: warfare training, car searches scare some residents, thrill others"). The Pentagon called these activities "training," "patrolling." Their operations entailed taking over the City Council buildings, running checkpoints, searching people's cars, taking them to jail for minor infractions, and confiscating firearms. The att.i.tude in the local newspaper was something like, "Oh, wow, the Marines are out on the roads just helping us, because the government said it wasn't a question of if, but when the next terrorist attack was coming and we are going to have to give up our liberties for security." Remember what the FBI agent said: "Are you going to have to give up your rights? Maybe... Maybe..."

Preparing the cadres. Searching people's cars. Taking people to jail. Is this Russia? Is this Mexico? No, this is the new America.

We showed you what was happening in Oakland in 1999, and Swansboro in 2000. In 1998 in Hebron, Maryland, the military was publicly training children to go and find out where the gun owners lived (The Daily Times, September 4, 1998, "Hebron at ease under 'siege'"). We interviewed the commander of the Marines and he admitted they were doing house-to-house searches with volunteers for weapons sweeps. When we talked to Marines on the ground, they admitted this was for a domestic takeover, to fight domestic insurgents.

How do you feel about the military patrolling America? Taking over the City Council? Taking over the Town Hall? Working with the local police? Wide-awake Americans realize that this is all part of a process to integrate the public into the new homeland security police state.

The Army teams descending on America's cities have an obsession with the youth. They coordinated large gangs of young children to rove around day and night on their bicycles, reporting intelligence about citizens in Hebron, Maryland to Marine Corps officers in plain clothes. There were also hundreds of active duty military marching around in plain clothes directing the civilian police.

They want to terrorize you into believing that America needs a secret police, otherwise al-Qaeda "will get us." This system that is being created is diametrically opposed to everything our veterans have fought and died to preserve.

Through think tanks and psychological warfare propgrams, social architects have created a program of incrementalism in the last decade that has brought us to this point in America. Since September 11 they have their pretext, their excuse, to roll the troops out en They've announced this rollout in the Was.h.i.+ngton Post on November 21, 2001. The headline reported that the United States Army plans to deploy 365,000-plus troops to patrol our highways. This will be the new American way of life under NORTHCOM.

Imagine Marines in your backyard, in your front yard, or walking down your streets in the middle of the night. Well, you're a patriot, aren't you? I certainly am, but this is a deadly, dangerous precedent that is being set. They are brainwas.h.i.+ng our military.

In my film, Police State 2000, we have footage of Marines backed up by local police ordering a man with a camera to stop filming and to turn his camera off. There are two questions here: 1. What is it that they have to hide? 2. Why are Marines engaging in law enforcement activities that violate the First Amendment?

An article from Reuters, February 16, 2002, was headlined "Marines to Practice Urban War in Real City." This article details how Marines are occupying multiple cities in the continental United States, and that they are engaging in strategic deception against the population. Jenny Holbert, the Marine Corps war fighting spokesperson, told the public, "Oh, this is the first time we've done something like this. It's very unusual. We've never been in an American city. We've never done urban warfare training in an American city before." The above statement is an out and out lie counting on the ignorance of the reporter. As of the writing of this book, the Marine Corps website states that they've conducted 144 such "training" missions. Our film crews have been to eight of them.

The Army War College called for foreign troops to occupy the United States back in 1999. Now George W. Bush has actually done it. A headline from the CBC on October 30, 2001 read, "Military Favors a Homeland Command: U.S. bill calls for continental security perimeter." They want hundreds of thousands of foreign U.N. troops on our streets. And the shadow government wants 365,000-plus U.S. troops to "patrol the U.S." (to patrol our highways, our neighborhoods, our communities in total violation of Posse Comitatus). The globalists are announcing publicly that they are actually sc.r.a.pping the law that prohibits Federal troops from policing civilians (AP, November 24, 2001, "1878 Military Law Gets New Attention"). Not that it even matters. They have already turned our local police into para-military organizations.

In February of 2002, two Special Forces trainees were killed by a sheriff's deputy. You ask why? They were trying to disarm him (Ashville Tribune, February 25, 2002, "Soldier killing 'tragic' error"). They were trying to take over local law enforcement. This is the new type of training our military are being given-to overthrow the civilian government, the elected government right here in the United States. Shockingly enough, there are actually two cases of this type of takeover that took place in the same week in North Carolina, where the military were being trained to go up against the local police to takeover town halls.

Every day in America, militarized SWAT teams kill innocent people. Seldom are they held accountable. More often, they kill their own officers, and still they are not charged. What's happening in America? How did they become so militarized? We interviewed a former Marine Corps officer who, in 1989, while he was in the Marine Corps, was serving search warrants on American citizens' homes and businesses. Here's a transcript of that interview from my film 911: The Road to Tyranny: Alex Jones: Just start at the beginning for us-how you first got started in the military, and some of the things you did, and later in life, some of the questions that you started raising yourself after you had ended your tour with the Marine Corps and become a police officer.

MC Officer:I started out and I joined the Marines. I tested real high in the HAZVAB, which is the Armed Forces Vocational Apt.i.tude Battery. Did real well in that, and was a MP 1500 Military Police. From that I was sent over to various duty stations. I began to have an interest in civilian law enforcement, so I was able to take part in joint military police and civilian police exercises.

Alex Jones:We've seen military training all across the country-the black helicopters, the Special Forces, in cities. And it seems like it has been ratcheted up in the last five years from just basic training to actual live fire in city streets. What type of relations.h.i.+p did you have with law enforcement when you were in the Marine Corps?

MC Officer:Very cohesive, a lot of interaction. In 1988 and 1989, I helped a.s.sist in three search warrants; a lot of entry team operations, giving civilian law enforcement advice and critiquing how they're doing on raids, such as crack houses or supposed terrorist organizations, as far as multiple entry points of a home whether it be through the roof, the windows, the front door, or a combination of all at the same time.

Alex Jones:So, you were actively, as a member of the United States Marine Corps active duty, out with civilian law enforcement serving search warrants to homes?

MC Officer:That's correct. They weren't missions; they were called exercises. But it was actual, with real what we call combatants. It was live. It was the real deal, helping execute search warrants. Late '80s. I've actually been on point with an MP5 (German fully-automatic rifle).

And I was not in a police uniform; I had a police flak vest on and a police jacket, and black BDUs.

Alex Jones:These were obviously drug dealers?

MC Officer: One. Maybe.

Alex Jones:What were the other raids concerning?

MC Officer:One was a p.a.w.n shop owner, and the other was working jointly with the ATF.

Alex Jones:As a member of the Marine Corps, you are telling us you raided a civilian business with the BATF going after guns.

MC Officer:It was the business owner's home.

Alex Jones:Oh, the business owner's home.

MC Officer:The homes were civilian homes-some upper middle-cla.s.s to white-collar homes. One was a warehouse facility.

Alex Jones:Later on in life, out of the Marine Corps, you got into law enforcement. Is that when you started asking questions once you learned more about the civilian roles?

MC Officer:Toward my end in law enforcement, when I started getting discouraged with it, yes. That's when I started questioning. But when you're younger, you're trying to achieve, and you've got all the fancy jewelry on and all the badges, and the cars with all the decals and lights, and you know. You get disillusioned by a lot of different things once reality hits, and just by the way law enforcement has changed . . . and it is changing a lot.

Alex Jones:How has it changed?

MC Officer:How people perceive law enforcement as more of an occupying army than somebody that is there to be part of that community and help that community. Like I said before in a prior interview, before people knew the law enforcement officer that patrolled their neighborhood or could go down to the city police department and ask for help. Where now, it's more that you are making trouble for yourself by going to report a crime, or just the perception that people have of law enforcement now. Don't get me wrong, there's some great cops out there, some of the best, and they're still there doing the job well. But for the most part, it's treated like an occupying army. You're seeing a lot more of the training, putting distance between yourself and the people you're trying to protect.

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