The Sexual Life Of The Child Part 14

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[54] Kisch, _The s.e.xual Life of Woman_, pp. 79-80, English translation by M. Eden Paul; Rebman, London, 1910.

[55] _Traite de Physiologie_, vol. i. p. 260, Paris, 1869.

[56] The reference will be found in the _Jahresbericht uber die Leistungen und Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Erkrankungen des Urogenitalapparates_, second year of issue, Berlin, 1907.

[57] _Untersuchungen uber die Libido s.e.xualis_ (_Researches into the Nature of the s.e.xual Impulse_), Berlin, 1897, chap, iii.

[58] Paris, 1883, vol. i, p. 91.

[59] S. Hall, "The Early Sense of Self," _Am. Journ. of Psych._, April 1898.

[60] _s.e.xualbiologie_, Berlin, 1907, p. 48 _et seq._

[61] _Union medicale_, May 1877.

[62] _Psychopathologie legale_, Paris, 1903, vol. ii. p. 169.

[63] Havelock Ellis, _Studies in the Psychology of s.e.x_, vol. v., "Erotic Symbolism, &c.," p. 53 _et. seq._

[64] "The Early Sense of Self," _American Journal of Psychology_, April 1898, p. 361.

[65] Moll, _Die kontrare s.e.xualempfindung_, Case 20, 3rd ed., Berlin, 1898.

[66] Neugebauer, _Hermaphroditismus beim Menschen_ (_Hermaphroditism in the Human Species_), Leipzig, 1908.

[67] _L'Hygiene s.e.xuelle et ses Consequences morales_, p. 26, Paris, 1895.

[68] Jacobus X----, _Lois Genitales_, p. 16, Paris, 1906.

[69] Albert Moll, _Untersuchungen uber die Libido s.e.xualis_ (_Studies concerning the s.e.xual Impulse_), p. 256 _et. seq._, Berlin, 1897.

[70] _emile_ (at the beginning of Book IV.).

[71] _Magister Laukhards Leben und Schicksale, von ihm selbst beschrieben, bearbeitet von Viktor Petersen_ (_The Life and Fortunes of Master Laukhard, described in his own words, and edited by Viktor Petersen_), vol. i. p. 15, Stuttgart, 1908.

[72] _Monsieur Nicolas_, vol. i. p. 51, Paris (Liseux), 1884.

[73] _Kinderleben in der deutschen Vergangenheit_ (_Child Life in Old Germany_), p. 112, Leipzig, 1900.

[74] _Die geschlechtlich-sittlichen Verhaltnisse der evangelischen Landbewohner im Deutschen Reiche, dargestellt auf Grund der von der Allgemeinen Konferenz des_ _deutschen Sittlichkeitsvereine veranstalteten Umfrage_ (_The State of s.e.xual Morality among the Protestant Inhabitants of the German Empire, as shown by an Inquiry inst.i.tuted by the General Conference of the German Societies for the Promotion of Public Morals_), vol. ii pp. 562-3, Leipzig, 1897. The collective investigation made by Wagner, Wittenberg, and Huckstadt, as a part of the inquiry inst.i.tuted by the General Conference of the German Societies for the Promotion of Public Morals, is certainly the most exhaustive of which any record at present exists.

[75] _Wie der Geschlechtstrieb des Menschen in Ordnung zu bringen usw._ (_How to Control the Human s.e.xual Impulse, &c._), Brunswick, 1791.

[76] _Studies in the Psychology of s.e.x_, vol. iii.; _a.n.a.lysis of the s.e.xual Impulse_, pp. 59-60 and footnote, Davis, Philadelphia, 1908.

[77] _The s.e.xual Question_, Rebman, London, 1908, pp. 485-86.

[78] _Dreissig Jahre Praxis_ (_Thirty Years of Medical Practice_), Wurzburg, 1907, p. 305.

[79] Quoted by Havelock Ellis, _Studies in the Psychology of s.e.x_, vol. i., 3rd ed., Davis, Philadelphia, 1910, p. 179. The original paper is by C. W. Townsend, "Thigh Friction in Children under One Year," Annual Meeting of the American Pediatric Society, Montreal, 1896. Five cases are recorded by this writer, all in female infants.

[80] Regarding the precise significance of the terms _iomasturbation_ and _onanism_, see the author's footnote to page 87. The adjectives corresponding to those words are respectively _masturbatory_ and _onanistic_. By German writers, _onanismus_ or _onanie_, and _onanistisch_, are often used where, strictly speaking, the words are inapplicable, since reference is made to cases in which s.e.xual gratification is obtained by direct manipulation. In this translation, I prefer for such cases to use the words _masturbation_ (i.e. _ma.n.u.stupration_) and _masturbatory_; and to limit the use of the terms _onanism_ and _onanistic_ to cases in which no direct use is made of the hand. Where s.e.xual gratification is obtained without any mechanical act at all, it to preferable to speak of _psychical onanism_, or else to employ the general term introduced by Havelock Ellis for the description of all varieties of self-induced s.e.xual stimulation and s.e.xual gratification--whether mechanical or psychical--viz. _auto-erotism_ (adjectival form, _auto-erotic_). See Havelock Ellis, _Studies in the Psychology of s.e.x_, vol. i., 3rd ed., 1910. Part III., "Auto-Erotism: A Study of the Spontaneous Manifestations of the s.e.xual Impulse."--TRANSLATOR'S NOTE.

[81] Kisch. _The s.e.xual Life of Woman_, English translation by M.

Eden Paul, Rebman, London, 1910, p. 81.

[82] "Die Entwicklung der Geschlechtscharaktere," _Archiv fur Gynakologie_, vol, lxx. p. 239, Berlin, 1903.

[83] Kisch, _The s.e.xual Life of Woman_, English translation by M.

Eden Paul, Rebman, London, 1910, p. 82.

[84] _Drei Abhandlungen zur s.e.xualtheorie_ (_Three Essays on the s.e.xual Question_) p. 36 _et seq._, Leipzig and Vienna. [For reference to English translation, see footnote, p. 14.]

[85] _Jahrbuch fur Kinderheilkunde_, 1879.

[86] _Die Masturbation_, p. 50, Berlin, 1899.

[87] _L'Hygiene s.e.xuelle_, Paris, 1895, p. 23.

[88] "Die Beziehungen des s.e.xuellen Lebens zur Entstehung von Nerven- und Geisteskrankheiten" ("Relations.h.i.+ps of the s.e.xual Life to the Causation of Nervous and Mental Diseases"), _Munchener Med. Wochenschrift_, No. 37, 1906.

[89] "Quelques mots sur l'onanisme" ("A Few Words on Masturbation"), _Annales des maladies des organes genito-urinaires_, 1905, No. 8.

[90] "Schulerselbstmorde" ("Suicide during School-Life"), _Zeitschrift fur padagogische Psychologie_, April 1907, p. 21 _et seq._

[91] _Du Suicide_, 2nd ed., Paris, 1865, p. 139.

[92] For a comprehensive account of these views, see Lowenfeld, _s.e.xualleben und Nervenleiden_ (_The s.e.xual Life and Nervous Diseases_), 4th ed., Wiesbaden, 1906, chap. xiv.

[93] "Das Erleiden s.e.xueller Traumen usw." ("The Ill Effects of s.e.xual Dreams"), _Zentralblatt fur Nervenheilkunde_, November 15, 1907.

[94] _Seltene und weniger bekannte Tripperformen_ (_Rare and little-known forms of Gonorrhoea_), German translation by George Merzbach, Vienna and Leipzig, 1907.

[95] _La Donna delinquente, la Prost.i.tuta e la Donna normale_ (_Woman as Criminal and Prost.i.tute_), p. 374, Turin, 1893.

[English readers will find an account of this widely-read book in Kureila's _Cesare Lombroso, a Modern Man of Science_, pp. 55-64, translated by M. Eden Paul; Rebman, London, 1911--TRANSLATOR'S NOTE.]

[96] _etude medico-legale sur les Attentats aux Moeurs_, p. 31, Paris, 1857.

[97] Kisch, _The s.e.xual Life of Woman_ p. 80, translated by M.

Eden Paul; Rebman, London, 1910.

[98] _L'Onanisme chez l'homme_, p. 99, 2nd ed, Paris.

[99] _Minorenni Delinquenti_, p. 184, Milan, 1895.

[100] _The s.e.xual Question_, p. 482 _et seq._, Rebman, London, 1908.

[101] _Op. cit._, p. 230.

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