The Sexual Life Of The Child Part 13

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[12] _Der Korper des Kindes_ (_The Body of the Child_), Stuttgart, 1903.

[13] Halban, _Die Entstehung des Geschlechtscharakters_ (_The Origin of s.e.xual Differentiation_), Archiv fur Gynakologie, vol.

lxx., Heft 2. p. 268.

[14] _Man and Woman_, London.

[15] _Weib und Mann_, Berlin, 1897, p, 116.

[16] Meumann, _Vorlesungen zur Einfuhrung in die experimentelle Padagogik und ihre psychologische Grundlagen_ (_Introductory Lectures on Experimental Pedagogy and its Psychological Basis_), Leipzig, 1907, vol. i. p. 145.

[17] _Zeitschrift fur Psychologie_, Leipzig, 1906, p. 384.

[18] _Geschlecht und Krankheit_ (_s.e.x and Disease_), Halle, 1903.

[19] _Die Hysterie im Kindesalter_ (_Hysteria in Childhood_), 2nd ed., Halle, 1906.

[20] _Die Hysterie des Kindes_ (_Hysteria in the Child_), p. 8, Berlin, 1905.

[21] _Vorlesungen uber Storungen der Sprache_ (_Lectures on Disturbances of Speech_), p. 105. Berlin, 1893.

[22] _Hautkrankheiten und s.e.xualitat_ (_Diseases of the Skin in Relation to s.e.x_). Reprinted from the _Wiener Klinik_, 1906.

[23] William Douglas Morrison, _Jugendliche Uebeltater_ (_Youthful Delinquents_), p. 28. Leipzig, 1899.

[24] _Die Seele des Kindes_ (_The Soul of the Child_) p. 147, 4th ed., Leipzig, 1895.

[25] Although in various other parts of this book I draw attention to the fact that the s.e.xual processes of childhood described by me are not to be witnessed in every child, but that on the contrary there are many children in whom such s.e.xual phenomena are by no means to be observed, I take this additional opportunity of stating categorically that erections naturally occur in children less frequently than in adults; they are in fact notably less common in the former, but nevertheless erection is not, in my opinion, a pathological manifestation even in very early childhood. The comparatively slight capacity for erection possessed by children, as compared with adults, is, for example, shown by the fact to which Jullien draws attention, in his work _Seltenere und weniger bekannte Tripperformen_ (_Rare and Little Known Forms of Gonorrhoea_), Vienna and Leipzig, 1907, that the painful erections (chordee) which so commonly accompany gonorrhoea in adults, are very rare indeed in the case of gonorrhoea in children, and even in the case of older children are hardly ever observed.

[26] _Op. cit._, p. 8.

[27] _The Hygiene of Love._

[28] _Lehrbuch der Gerichtlichen Medizin_ (_Text-book of Forensic Medicine_), p. 58, 7th ed., Vienna, 1895.

[29] Pauli Zacchiae, _Quaestiones Medico-Legales_, lib. i, p. 26, Lipsiae, 1630.

[30] _Lehrbuch der Gerichtlichen Medizin_ (_Text-book of Forensic Medicine_), p. 64, Stuttgart, 1895.

[31] In the next chapter I shall describe certain a.n.a.logous pathological processes.

[32] _Handbuch der Eingeweidelehre_ (_Handbook of Splanchnology_), 2nd ed., Brunswick, 1873.

[33] German, _Kitzelgefuhl_. In German, the word _Kitzel_ signifies both _itching_ and _tickling_ and is likewise used to denote both _s.e.xual desire_ and _s.e.xual gratification_. Consult my note "Itching, Ticking, and s.e.xual Sensibility," in the English edition of Bloch's _The s.e.xual Life of Our Time_, pp. 43, 44.--TRANSLATOR.

[34] "Zur Psychologie der Vita s.e.xualis" ("Contributions to the Psychology of the s.e.xual Life"), _Zeitschrift fur Psychiatrie_, vol. 1.

[35] Compare Mrs. Browning's graceful treatment of a young girl's imaginings, in her well-known poem, "The Romance of a Swan's Nest."

"Little Ellie sits alone .....

While she thinks what shall be done, And the sweetest pleasure chooses For her future within reach.

Little Ellie in her smile Chooses, 'I will have a lover Riding on a steed of steeds: He shall love me without guile, .....

And the steed shall be red-roan, And the lover shall be n.o.ble, With an eye that takes the breath: And the lute he plays upon Shall strike ladies into trouble, As his sword strikes men to death.'

And later, little Ellie imagines her lover kneeling at her knee to tell her--

'I am a duke's eldest son, Thousand serfs do call me master, But, O love, I love but _thee_!'"


[36] Mantegaaza, _Fisiologia del Amore_.

[37] "Precocite et Impuissance s.e.xuelle," _Annales des Maladies des Organes Genito-Urinaires_, vol. i. No. 2, 1906.

[38] By _masturbation_ or _onanism_ I understand the artificial mechanical stimulation of the genital organs. Etymologically and strictly, onanism denotes coitus interruptus (Gen. x.x.xviii. 9); masturbation (ma.n.u.stupration), artificial stimulation of the genital organs with the hand.

[39] _Drei Abhandlungen zur s.e.xualtheorie_, p. 41, Leipzig, 1905.

For reference to English translation, see footnote to p. 14.

[40] _Dreissig Jahre Praxis_, Part I. p. 306, Vienna, 1873.

[41] _Nervose Angstzustande und ihre Behandlung_, Berlin, 1908.

[42] See note to page 3.

[43] Translated from the German edition of the _Memoirs of Madame Roland_, Part I., p. 82 _et seq._, Belle-Vue, near Constance, 1844 (_Bibliothek ausgewahlter Memoiren des XVIII. und XIX.

Jahrhunderts_, berausgegeben von F. E. Pipitz and G. Fink).

[44] _The Introduction to a Devout Life_, by St. Francis of Sales, published early in the seventeenth century.

[45] _Die Spiele der Tiere_ (_The Games of Animals_), Jena, 1895, p. 255 _et seq._

[46] Moll, _Untersuchungen uber die Libido s.e.xualis_, Berlin, 1897, p. 374.

[47] "Die Entstehung der Geschlechtscharaktere" ("The Origin of the s.e.xual Characters"), _Archiv fur Gynakologie_, Berlin, 1903, vol. lxx.

[48] Gall maintained that as a result of castration the development of the cerebellum was hindered, and that this failure of development could be detected by external examination of the occipital region.

[49] Jastrowitz, _Einiges uber das Physiologische und uber die aussergewohnlichen Handlungen im Liebesleben der Menschen_ (_Physiological Considerations regarding the Amatory Life of Mankind, and regarding certain unusual Features of that Life_), p. 16 _et seq._, Leipzig, 1904.

[50] Ancel et Bouin, "Insuffisance spermatique et Insuffisance diastematique," _La Presse Medicale_, January 13th, 1906.

[51] The quotation in the German original, from the German poet Storm, would have lost life and spirit in any translation possible to me. I have therefore replaced it by an appropriate quotation from Longfellow.--TRANSLATOR'S NOTE.

[52] In the German language the word _castration_ is used of both s.e.xes; _i.e._, it signifies removal of the ovaries as well as removal of'S NOTE.

[53] A record of such cases will be found in the article on "Menstruation," p. 700 of the _Dictionnaire des Sciences Medicales_, Dechambre, Paris, 1873.

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