The History of the Fabian Society Part 23

The History of the Fabian Society -

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113. Communism. 16 pp. William Morris.* Preface by Bernard Shaw.

114. The Education Act, 1902. How to make the best of it. 20 pp.

_Sidney Webb_.

115. State Aid to Agriculture. 16 pp. T.S. Dymond.*


116. Fabianism and the Fiscal Question: An Alternative Policy. 28 pp.

_Bernard Shaw_.

117. The London Education Act, 1903: How to make the best of it. 20 pp.

_Sidney Webb_.

118. The Secret of Rural Depopulation. 20 pp. Lieut.-Col. D.C. Pedder.*


119. Public Control of Electric Power and Transit. 16 pp. S.G. Hobson.

120. After Bread, Education. 16 pp. Hubert Bland.

121. Public Service versus Private Expenditure. 12 pp. Sir Oliver Lodge.*

122. Milk and Public Health. 20 pp. F. Lawson. Dodd.

123. The Revival of Agriculture: A National Policy for Great Britain.

24 pp. Henry W. Macrosty.

124. State Control of Trusts. 16 pp. Henry W. Macrosty.

125. Munic.i.p.alisation by Provinces. 16 pp. W. Stephen Sanders.


126. The Abolition of Poor Law Guardians. 24 pp. Edw. R. Pease.

127. Socialism and Labour Policy. 16 pp. _Hubert Bland (Editor)._

128. The Case for a Legal Minimum Wage. 20 pp. _W. Stephen Sanders_.

129. More Books to Read. 20 pp. _Edw. R. Pease_.


130. Home Work and Sweating: The Causes and Remedies. 20 pp. Miss B.L.


131. The Decline in the Birth-rate. 20 pp. Sidney Webb.

132. A Guide to Books for Socialists. 12 pp. "The Nursery."

133. Socialism and Christianity. 24 pp. Rev. Percy Dearmer, D.D.

134. Small Holdings, Allotments, and Common Pastures. 4 pp. Revised edition of No. 58.

135. Paupers and Old Age Pensions. 16 pp. Sidney Webb.

136. The Village and the Landlord. 12 pp. Edward Carpenter.


137. Parish Councils and Village Life. 28pp. Revised version of No. 105.

138. Trading. 20 pp. _Aylmer Maude_.

139. Socialism and the Churches. 16 pp. Rev. John Clifford, D.D.

140. Child Labour Under Capitalism. 20 pp. Mrs. Hylton Dale.


141. (Welsh Translation of No. 139).

142. Rent and Value. 12 pp. Adapted by Mrs. Bernard Shaw from Fabian Essays, The Economic Basis.

143. Sosialaeth Yng Ngoleuni'R Beibl (Welsh). J.R. Jones.

144. Machinery: Its Masters and its Servants. 20 pp. H.H. Schloesser (Slesser) and Clement Game.

145. The Case for School Nurseries. 20 pp. Mrs. Townshend.

146. Socialism and Superior Brains. A Reply to Mr. Mallock. 24 pp.

Bernard Shaw.

147. Capital and Compensation. 16 pp. Edward R. Pease.

148. What a Health Committee can do. 16 pp. _Miss B.L. Hutchins_.


149. The Endowment of Motherhood. 24 pp. Henry D. Harben.

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