The History of the Fabian Society Part 22

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74. The State and Its Functions in New Zealand. 16 pp. The Hon. W.P.



75. Labour in the Longest Reign. 20 pp. Sidney Webb.

76. Houses for the People. 20 pp. _Arthur Hickmott_.

77. The Munic.i.p.alisation of Tramways. 16 pp. F.T.H. Henle.

78. Socialism and the Teaching of Christ. 16 pp. Rev. John Clifford, D.D.

79. A Word of Remembrance and Caution to the Rich. 16 pp. John Woolman.*

80. Shop Life and its Reform. 16 pp. _William Johnson_.

81. Water. 4 pp. _C.M. Knowles_.*

82. The Workmen's Compensation Act. 20 pp. _C.R. Allen, junr_.

83. State Arbitration and the Living Wage. 16 pp. _H.W. Macrosty_.

84. The Economics of Direct Employment. 16 pp. Sidney Webb.

85. Liquor Licensing at Home and Abroad. 16 pp. Edw. R. Pease.

86. Drink Traffic. 20 pp. _Edw. R. Pease_.


87. A Welsh Translation of No. 78. 16 pp.

88. The Growth of Monopoly in English Industry. 16 pp. Henry W. Macrosty.

89. Old Age Pensions at Work. 4 pp. _Bullock_.

90. The Munic.i.p.alisation of the Milk Supply. 4 pp. _Dr. G.F. McCleary_.

91. p.a.w.nshops. 4 pp. _Charles Charrington_.

92. Slaughterhouses. 4 pp. _George Standring_.


93. Women as Councillors. 4 pp. _Bernard Shaw_.

94. Bakeries. 4 pp. _Dr. G.F. McCleary._

95. Hospitals. 4 pp. _Do_.

96. Fire Insurance. 4 pp. (1901). _Mrs. Fenton Macpherson_.

97. Steamboats. 4 pp. (1901). _S.D. Shallard_.

98. State Railways for Ireland. 16 pp. _Clement Edwards (M.P.)._

99. Local Government in Ireland. _C.R. Allen, junr_.

100. Metropolitan Borough Councils: Their Powers and Duties. 20 pp.

_Henry W. Macrosty_.

101. The House Famine and How to Relieve it. 52 pp. Various.

102. Questions for Candidates: Metropolitan Borough Councils. 4 pp.

_H.W. Macrosty_.

103. Overcrowding in London and its Remedy. 16 pp. W.C. Steadman, M.P.

104. How Trade Unions Benefit Workmen. 4 pp. _Edw. R. Pease_.


105. Five Years' Fruit of the Parish Councils Act. 24 pp _Sidney Webb_.

106. The Education Muddle and the Way Out. 20 pp. _Sidney Webb_.

107. Socialism for Millionaires. 16 pp. Bernard Shaw.

108. Twentieth Century Politics: A Policy of National Efficiency.

16 pp. Sidney Webb.


109. Cottage Plans and Common Sense. 16 pp. Raymond Unwin.

110. Problems of Indian Poverty. 16 pp. S.S. Thorburn.*

111. Reform of Reformatories and Industrial Schools. 16 pp. H.T. Holmes.

112. Life in the Laundry. 16 pp. Dr. G.F. McCleary.


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