Outside The Ropes: OtherSide Of Fear Part 9

Outside The Ropes: OtherSide Of Fear -

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"No, I can stay. Weve got extra security and Ian can handle it tonight." He leaned in close, arms on either side of me as he braced himself on the bed, face a few inches from mine. "Youre something else. Im sorry I f.u.c.king doubted this, you." He pressed his lips to mine, trapping my bottom lip between his as he nibbled lightly at it, one hand snaking up my spine and gliding into my hair. He pulled back slightly. "Youre the most important thing to me." He pecked the corner of my mouth. "You." His lips pressed to my cheek, hand caressing behind it. "And Im sorry for making you doubt that."

I had to slide my arms around him to keep myself from falling back as he pressed into me, inhaling me as his lips covered mine again. I moved with him, letting him guide us back to the bed in slow motion.

I wasnt sure what this was, but his touches and kisses sucked me in to the point of no return even though the fall was excruciatingly slow. Each of his movements were controlled and deliberate, one at a time. He moved over me, every inch of him felt as he rolled his hips. I wanted more. He raised my arms over my head and held them still, meeting my eyes with his.

"Let me show you. Let me take care of you. Only you."

The weight of his body on mine, and the intensity in his gaze was enough to unravel me. Sweet pressure built low in my stomach, making me s.h.i.+ft below him.

"Only me." I needed those words. They washed over the wounds of the past month, soothing.

"Always. Forever." His lips teased mine, barely grazing them, and his hands slid down the length of me. "Only you." He slid his fingers under my s.h.i.+rt, tickling as he lifted the fabric from my skin. s.h.i.+fting down, his lips followed his fingers as he slid up my s.h.i.+rt. Then his hands hooked onto the top of my pants, sliding them down and off.

I watched him with a heated need building, all ice from earlier melted, puddled in my stomach.

He stopped between my legs. The glint in his eyes promised pleasure, and I welcomed the escape. I dropped my knees open to let him in.

Threading my fingers through his hair, I let all other thoughts roll off me as pleasure pulsed, consuming everything else. Everything else would have to wait because for the rest of the night we made each other the priority, not letting thoughts interfere with our promises to each other. We escaped reality in the best way we knew, with each other.

It was pointless to be in cla.s.s, but here I was, for the third day in a row since hed told me everything. He said, since I wouldnt leave the state, I needed to keep on routine, anything else could be seen as suspicious if things were investigated.

But I couldnt concentrate. My paper was blank, besides the topic of the lesson and date at the top. I stopped listening after that. The professors voice was only a background buzz to my thoughts.

I dont know what type of life I thought I was building this last year and a half, but deep down, I knew it was never real, never permanent. There was a peace in finally accepting it, but I was restless straddling both worlds.

My agitation rose, muscles straining and stomach twisting as I thought about Gage. I made sure to be home for him, to be the one he let his guard down with and opened up to. I finally had that part of him back, but he hadnt let me do more than that. Short of searching back alleys and rivers, I couldnt think of what to do. I didnt know how to help his situation, but I wanted to.

I looked down at the ladder pattern I was scribbling on my paper, like a train track. Nan and I always hung out on the train tracks behind her moms house, for the risk. Trains were noisy, but by time you heard them, you only had seconds to move out of the way. Nan knew then, what I was only realizing now, we both sought danger, we fed off of it.

My phone vibrated in my pocket, sliding it out, I read the text lighting the screen.

Dexter: Sis help me out?

Me: ?

Dexter: Ive got a fight next month. Tell Gage when hes in a good mood.

Me: Who? Where? When? What type?

He didnt respond back as quick as his other texts, and I stared at the screen waiting, already sure he wasnt talking about boxing. There would be no concern telling Gage if it was boxing.

When the professor dismissed us, I scooped up my notebook in my arm and kept my phone in my hand, waiting for Dexter to respond.

Jogging down the steps, Leo tapped my shoulder from behind.

"You didnt take very many notes."

"Yeah, Im off today." I slowed my pace, letting him step beside me.

"Well, I took excellent notes." He held up his spiral notebook with a grin. "Kendall told me I had to since shes out with a broken ankle. That girl is clumsy."

I stopped at the bottom steps to talk. Our next were in opposite directions. "Sylvie told me about it at practice yesterday. I heard it happened after a double date, you and Brice?"

"Dont I wish there were something to tell? We had subs and went home." He shrugged, but his face twitched as he tried to keep the smile from stretching.

My phone buzzed Dexters response. It was a link to a flier for his fight, and it proved my suspicions. It was a UFC event sponsored by that guy that approached Gage in Vegas, Phil Magnally.

"So Whadya say?"

I tore my eyes off my screen to focus on Leo.

"Sunday? Study and then Sidelines?" He rolled his eyes at having to explain again.

"I cant. Have fun though, Ill see you Monday." I waved as I turned to walk away, fingers navigating over my phone to call Dexter.

Gage called first. His photo popping up surprised me, but I answered immediately.

"Hey." My nerves p.r.i.c.ked. He wasnt the type to call without a reason.

"Regan," my name dropped from him with relief. "I-I need to see you. Meet me at our place. Ill be there as soon as I can."

"Are you at the club? Thats closer for me, I could be there in twenty."

"No," he groaned, and I could picture his hand moving through his hair with it. "Or, okay. Okay, do that. Meet me here."

"Im on my way."

I headed to the car instead of my next cla.s.s, trying to still the swirling thoughts in my head. There was no point in speculating, he would tell me soon enough, but it didnt keep me from worrying.

I hated driving in the city; even with my license I preferred to take the subway, but Gage had insisted I drive this week. My agitation was rising, and traffic wore on my already frayed nerves. By the time I reached the nearly empty lot of the club, I was ready to fight whatever battle there was.

A tall, skinny brunette was smoking a cigarette outside the back door in skintight jeans and a mid-drift showing Giants jersey.

"Not open yet." Her accent was thick, but words were clear.

She pushed off the wall and tossed her cigarette, stepping in front of the door when she saw I wasnt stopping. "I said-"

"I heard you." I looked directly into her light green eyes but stopped myself from pus.h.i.+ng her out of the way. Not for fear, but because I didnt want to cause any more drama for Gage. "Im here to see my husband."

She scanned over me and her red lips curled. "Oh, Mrs. Lawson? I didnt recognize." She opened the door, pus.h.i.+ng it for me to catch as she walked through the backroom to the open club area, long dark hair swaying behind her. "Hes in his office. I get him for you," she said over her shoulder.

"No, Thats all right. Ill get him." I didnt need a go between.

She paused, turning to me with folded arms. "Im Katya. Good to meet you. Finally." Her sweet smile was fake, the dig clear in her tone.

"Katy? Im Regan-"

"Kah- tee- ya." She shrugged off the correction. "Everyone calls me Cherry though."

"Cherry?" I had to look at her skinny frame with new respect since she fought off a guy with a knife.

Her teeth bit into her bottom lip as she smiled knowingly. "You hear of me. From who? Ian or Lawson?"

"Regan." Gage leaned out of his office on the opposite side of the room, signaling for me to come over.

"Kegs delivered. No liquor yet," Cherry yelled to him.

He glanced towards her, tone changing to business. "If its not here in the next hour, well call." He nodded for me and opened the door wider in invitation.

And I didnt look back or give another thought to the girl standing in the club. She could be as smug as she wanted to be about her role here, my man needed me.

I stepped into his office, a clean s.p.a.ce of blacks and greys with simple, but strong, furniture.

He enveloped me in his arms the moment the door clicked shut, filling my senses. His strong warmth surrounded me, his natural clean scent just under the slightly sweet smoky scent of the club. His stiff muscles relaxed in my arms, and then his lips covered mine, hands gripping my waist. His kiss was cool and sweet like he just had a drink, but it quickly warmed as he sucked my bottom lip between his.

His hands moved over the edge of my jeans, circling around me, when they reached my back he pulled away. "Wheres your gun?"

I took a breath, recovering from the greeting. I patted the top of my boot where my Sig was strapped to my calf, hidden under the leather of my riding boots. "Here."

"What have I told you? Keep it at your waist, so you can get to it quick. You waist time getting it from your boot or if someone grabs you-"

"If they grab me, theyll probably get to my gun at my waist before I can." I felt the need to defend my choice. "I cant walk around campus strapped like that, someone will see."

Stepping back from me, he gripped his head and growled, "When will you stop fighting everything I tell you?"

"Whats going on? You didnt call me here over my gun." I took a tentative step towards him and he melted, starting with his eyes, anger evaporating.

He stepped back to his sofa and lowered himself down. "They found her."

"Her? The missing girl."

His face was blank when he lifted his head.

Sitting next to him, I grabbed his hands, not sure if it was to calm him or me. "Is she...Where did they find her?"

He looked over at me with a strange expression, an emptiness I couldnt place. But when he shook his head, my heart dropped with the weight of the admission.

"Stop." He pushed my hands off of him and stood up. "That girl was killed and dropped at one of Viktors warehouses. And I did nothing." He stalked across the room, spinning back around. "Nothing."

He was close to erupting, so I sat still, not wanting to be a trigger.

He looked around the office, his strained breathing reaching me. "Viktor. I havent been able to get a hold of him yet. I have to talk to him and find out more."

His talking seemed to help release some of the pressure so I questioned him, "When do you think that will happen?"

His eyes snapped to mine, like my voice surprised him. "Maybe this weekend. Hes in DC for some political s.h.i.+t. But when he gets back, Ill meet with him. Until then..." he took a deep breath and stepped towards me. "I dont want you going anywhere. Stay at the condo until I can figure out if this is in retaliation for what Ive done or if its really towards Viktor."

I was just about to respond when a knock echoed around the room.

Gage pulled open the door and Cherry leaned into the frame. "Liquor delivered, but Sams a no shown. I need help to open."

"Ians out there right?" He quickly slipped into business mode, like nothing else bothered him. "Have you called Tyson?"

"Ians here. Tyson will be here at five."

He nodded, gripping the door edge. "All right. Ill be out soon."

When she walked away he closed the door and turned to me.

I jumped up before he could speak. "I can help." I stepped towards him. "I get that youre worried, but I cant just sit at home. I can help out-"

"Youre not working out there," He cut me off.

"I wont, but I can do other stuff, stock, clean, handle phones. Whatever. Anything. But I cant sit at home."

He watched me wearily, and I saw the cracks in his decision and pressed on them.

Stepping closer, I slid my fingers lightly over his s.h.i.+rt. "Plus, then Ill be here, youll know Im okay."

The phone on his desk started ringing and he groaned. "For tonight. Only."

11: Off Limits.

ONE NIGHT TURNED INTO SEVERAL, AND BY Sunday I had found a good groove. I managed the stock room and deliveries, staying out of the main club mostly. But I was close enough to see everything, and I absorbed whatever information I could, taking on a new task each day. Tonight, I moved in on the money.

I counted the set amount of twenties to keep in the register and slid the rest into a zipper pouch to count later. I did the same thing with the tens, unable to quit the old habit of straightening them by lining up the heads to face the same way.

The place was packed for a Sunday evening. All three stages were going and lights crossed the darkness to highlight the girls performing. Ba.s.s vibrated my bones as the sultry sound filled the air. The pressure was heightened since a large business group from Tokyo had rented a private room for themselves, and they were a demanding crowd.

Cherry came behind the bar and grabbed two more bottles of Fortaleza for the private group, they were drinking it like water. At this rate, Id have to send Kane, the smallest of the bouncers, on a liquor store run. Cherry zipped from one end of the bar to the other, setting up their tray. She managed to keep her quick movements seductive, an art all the girls had down pat when the lights dimmed and doors opened.

I froze while counting when Alessandra Rusnak walked out of Gages office. Her eyes swept up and met mine as she closed the door behind her. Placing the bills into the bag, I zipped it up and slid it into the side of my jeans, pulling my s.h.i.+rt over it.

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