Outside The Ropes: OtherSide Of Fear Part 3

Outside The Ropes: OtherSide Of Fear -

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Nadia paused, head barely reaching Dexters shoulder as she stood next to him with her hands on her hips, hinting at a tiny waist under her large white t-s.h.i.+rt and grey sweat pants. "Still staying strong with the sippy cup rule?"

"Yup. Ill go get it. Its past his bedtime anyways."

Gage stood and followed Dexter to the kitchen, leaving me with their mother and Felix.

Nadia watched Gage as he left and smiled in his direction. She might have even spoken too low for me to hear, but he ignored her.

She turned back to me with a plastered on a smile and wiped her hands over her sweats as she knelt on the floor beside me.

"Guess what baby boy, Gi-Gi is having a sleep over," she cooed, tickling his back and making him wriggle in my lap.

"Bu?" He looked from Nadia to me. "Bu! Bu!" Climbing off my lap, he did his dangerously clumsy run to the toy shelf along the wall.

"He wants you to read him a book." She gave me a tight-lipped smile and her blue eyes looked everywhere besides at me.

This was our first time alone together, and with the way Gage always ignored her, I couldnt blame her for being nervous. I was nervous too.

"That book is almost bigger than him." I rose to my feet, going to catch Felix as he dragged a book off the case that was wider than me.

"Good Night Moon is his favorite." She kept glancing to the kitchen. I did too. Dexter was the only one who would be able to ease the tension. Gage would ignite it.

"Bu. Bu," Felix repeated over and over, shoving the book at me. I took it and he grabbed my hand, walking to the couch nearby.

I sat and he tried to hoist his little body up, but couldnt. So I lifted him onto my lap and opened the book in front of us. At least if I was reading conversation wouldnt be necessary.

Felix leaned back on me, his body going limp as he trusted me to support him. One hand reached up and fisted the ends of my straightened hair that hung to my chest. I didnt care if it curled or frizzed in his sweaty fist. I was ready to join his sleep over and forget about going out. This boy had me captivated. He was innocent, trusting, happy, and perfect, but I didnt want to ruin any of that.

Dexter handed Felix his sippy cup on the second page, then went off to hurry Leona along. The little boy used one hand to tilt it back into his mouth, never releasing my hair. By the end of the book he was asleep. I was amazed that it happened so quickly.

"Ill put him in his crib," Nadia whispered, adding a wink for me.

I let her lift him from my lap, missing the weight of his warm body the moment it was gone.

She walked up the stairs with him, and as I pulled my eyes away from them, I caught site of Gage leaning against the kitchen doorframe.

"d.a.m.n, that was a turn on." He pushed off the wall and walked towards me. His eyes dropped over my body, torturously slow, like we had all night alone.

"What was?" I adjusted my silver sequin shorts that had been crumpled beneath Felix. I was dressed in my most Vegas-y outfit I could find. The shorts were short, but the top was flowy, although it had a low neckline. Gage had liked it on me, so I went with it. Anything to help get us back to where we were last time we were in Vegas three months ago, when we said our vows.

Sitting next to me on the couch, he adjusted the wide strap of my dark green tank. The tips of his fingers tickled the skin at my collar as he dragged them under the fabric.

"You reading to Felix." He captured my eyes in his stare, a look that excited and devastated all at once. His head dipped lower, lips softly following behind his fingers at my collarbone. "You can read me a bedtime story anytime."

I snorted, laughing the moment the words were out, and he pulled back, a smile sliding over his face.

"d.a.m.n, that sounded better in my head." He laughed lightly, body vibrating next to me. "Forget I said that."

But I was full on laughing now and couldnt stop.

His cheeks flushed with just a touch of pink under his olive skin. He twisted to face me, eyes narrowing. "Its not that funny." His smile undermined his serious tone.

It probably wasnt that funny, but I was grabbing on to this moment.

I nodded, sucking in air to calm down. "Go pick out a book. Ill read-"

Before I could finish teasing him, his fingers were at my stomach, tickling me. I squirmed under his touch, giggling to the point that I couldnt breathe. I hit at him and trying to pull his hands away.

He silenced my shrieks with a kiss. His lips overlapped mine, his hands stilled their attack and gripped my waist.

And I felt that spark, that heat, a current that ran through my veins, electrifying every cell. The back of his hair was baby soft as my hands ran up his shoulders and neck to grip his head, pressing the kiss, making it last. He kissed me like he meant it, like it was all that was needed.

He pulled back, still clutching me. Both of us were breathing heavy, the air filled with shallow pants. His eyes darted around my face, like he was scared for my reaction.

I smiled, smoothing the hair on the back of his head with my hand, and he relaxed some.

The corner of his mouth tugged up, but no smile formed. "I love you. You know that right? You never have to question that."

My heart dropped along with my smile. I searched his face for signs of where this was going. His brows were creased with worry and he gripped my side harder, encouraging me to speak.

"I know that. Just like I love you. I always will. Always." I met his eyes, hoping he really let my words sink in and believed them.

This weekend was my last attempt with patience. I had planned on avoiding this topic. I wanted to have fun with him, get us to a good spot, and then, hopefully, when we returned to the city he would be more open with me. If not, I wouldnt be so quiet about my anger anymore. I just hoped we didnt get to that point. But he seemed to be giving an opening to talk now. I only wish we werent at Dexters house about to leave. We were bound to be interrupted.

I gripped his forearms, moving my hand over the smooth material of his black b.u.t.ton up. "You can tell me anything, and that wont change. I will still love you."

His lips pressed to a firm line, his eyes lost that open gaze, a veil dropping over the little bit of him I thought I had gotten back, and my heart cracked. He rose to his feet, tugging my hand with him, but he was looking towards the steps.

Dexter and Leona were coming down.

"Finally, shes ready," Dexter groaned with his head tossed back.

"Shut up." Leona slapped at him, but he caught her hand, laughing.

"Its okay Lee. You look good, Id wait all night if I had to." He spun her around as she reached the bottom step, making her high waisted skirt flutter up. Her red crop top showed a little skin and matched her fire engine red lips.

She smiled up at Dexter but turned her head so he could only kiss her cheek when he swooped down. "Dont mess up the lips or Im gonna have to go reapply already," she warned him.

"Oh, good Lord, no." He pulled back quick, tugging her to the door. "Lets go before she decides she wants her hair up or something. Aliya and the others are already waiting for us."

5: Some Rumors.

LEANING OVER THE BALCONY, I WATCHED THE sea of people below. Theyre packed so close its impossible to tell where the dance floor ends, except that the center of the room was pulsing, bouncing with the strobe light flashes. Multiple laser lights cut through the smoke winding around the crowd and streak past the untouchable go-go dancers twisting around poles on elevated platforms.

A VIP area was marked off for our group. Dark lounge sofas and chairs surrounded a curvy table filled with alcohol. Gage had arranged it, but it was filled with people we didnt know. Aliya and Leona had their friends with them, fellow dancers and actors from the shows they performed in. Dexter had invited friends from school and the gym, too. Jace was the only other recognizable face.

Gage leaned on the railing next to me, head dipped close so I could hear him over the thumping of the music. "Still nursing that same drink?"

I held up my gla.s.s and nodded. There was about a third of my long island ice tea left.

He gestured to the table and I followed, sitting beside him on the long sofa. He handed me his drink and took mine from my hands. "Try that instead."

I sipped at the beer. "Not bad," I admitted, putting the gla.s.s back on the table. It wasnt, especially compared to my drink that had nothing but liquor left.

"You can have it." He brought my gla.s.s to his lips.

My stomach ached watching him finish the alcohol in one gulp. I took one last sip of his beer and handed it back to him. "Thats okay. I think Im going to get a regular ice tea this time."

He paused, both of our hands still on the gla.s.s, and then reluctantly pulled it away.

"Ill get you a different drink then. Its still early, youre twenty one now, why not drink?"

It was hard to tell if he was angry or if the noise of the club was making him raise his voice.

"Ive got a fight-"

"Not for another three weeks." He leaned forward, forearms on his knees, head twisted to look at me. "And you dominated your last three fights, taking each girl out in the first round. Youre not fighting at your level, it doesnt matter. You can drink."

"It does matter," I was quick to defend. "Im fighting what my club sets up. Each fight is building our rank." The fact that I had to defend anything was p.i.s.sing me off. I leaned forward, making sure he was looking directly at me. "Besides, thats not the point. Im not a big drinker. You know this, so why are you pus.h.i.+ng?"

"Forget I said anything." He fell back on the seat and tossed his hand up, dismissing the conversation. "I just wanted you to have fun for once."

My mouth dropped, his words. .h.i.tting me. He didnt think I was fun? I could imagine him at his club, drinking with those girls. They were probably plenty of fun.

"Find someone else to drink with. Im done." The words were out before I could stop myself, my promise to keep my anger in, gone.

"I didnt mean it like that." He grabbed my hands before I could push him away. "Stop." His grip tightened around my wrists, and I gave up the struggle to pull away, stilling myself to face him. "I meant I didnt mean to start a fight. I wanted you to have fun tonight, but you dont have to drink for that. I dont want to fight with you." He let go of my wrists and one arm slid across my shoulders, pulling me close to him. "Im sorry. Ill get you tea. Just sit with me."

My anger drained some but still tensed my muscles enough to keep me from relaxing in his arms. I looked at the strangers chatting in small cl.u.s.ters around us and reminded myself that this was supposed to be our weekend, our chance to reconnect. Letting out the rest of my anger in an exhale, I nudged him with my shoulder. "All right, Ill sit with you, but only because I dont know who any of these people are." I smiled at him, letting him see that I was joking, kind of. My anxiety was rising, heart beat increasing as I even thought about walking away from him into a sea of strangers.

He dipped his head towards my ear, warm breath fanning over me as he laughed. "I dont know anyone either. Dexter said he was inviting a few friends, I should have expected this. But where is he? I havent seen him in a while."

Gage raised his hand to stop the server as she pa.s.sed by. She leaned over, giving us a view of her cleavage as she took our order.

When she walked away, I answered, "He went with Leona and Aliya to the dance floor."

He pulled the beer from his mouth, nodding at no one in particular in the room. "He should take his friends with him."

"Its not like theyre bothering us." I tugged at the collar of his s.h.i.+rt, unable to take my eyes off his stern face. His blue eyes almost glowed under his thick brows and his soft lips were surrounded by rough stubble along his strong jaw.

"They arent, are they?" The corner of his lip tugged up. He pulled on my legs, lifting them to drape over his thighs. The tips of his fingers dragged across the length of my bare skin, tickling me. "Maybe I dont mind then."

The server returned with our drinks and Gage removed his hands from me to take them, but I didnt move my legs back down. The intimate gesture wasnt nearly as intimate as the way some were dancing in our lounge area.

Gage gulped his drink then grabbed mine and set them both down on the table in front of us. He focused on me and slipped his hand into my hair, smoothing it out on the couch cus.h.i.+on. He moved slowly towards me, tension building as I waited for his lips to reach mine. But his path was interrupted when three men slid onto the seats beside us. Gage sat back some, looking towards them with a raised brow, a silent 'what the f.u.c.k expression they should be able to read easily enough.

"Gage 'Lightning Lawson," the older man closest to us spoke up, pus.h.i.+ng back his already gelled stiff hair. "I didnt mean to interrupt, but I had a great opportunity to talk to you about."

"Not tonight," Gage groaned and captured my legs before I could move them back to the ground. He turned back to me, ignoring the still present man and his entourage, two thick men who could be hired as bouncers in an instant.

"Dave Leola wants to invite you to fight in the UFC." The man extended a card towards us.

I did pull my legs away as Gage tore the card up in front of them.

The man closest to us was turning red. It started at his neck and moved up to his face like a thermometer measuring his anger.

The pieces fluttered to the floor as Gage ripped it to bits. Then he lifted his empty hands, dismissing them.

The man put his own hand up, signaling his thugs to stay seated.

I dont know what they thought they were going to do, but they had been about to move. That threatening gesture was enough to tense all my muscles, and I was ready to react to whatever happened next.

"How much money did you make on your t.i.tle fight?" The now red man sat forward, straining to cover his frustration. "I can promise youll make more fighting in the cage, especially since itll be against Brody Kane."

Gage leaned over me, blocking my view of them. "Ive already heard this offer over the phone. I said no then, and now you interrupt my night with this? This is a private party. You shouldnt have been let in. Leave."

"Dexter invited us up. Seems your brother has more sense than you," the man threw out as he rose to his feet.

Gage stood, rolling his shoulders back as the men pa.s.sed by. The last man in the line was taller than Gage and he looked him up and down with a sneer as he pa.s.sed. I held my breath until they were out of our area.

"What the f.u.c.k is Dexter doing now?" Gage turned back to me, plopping down on the seat. "Where the h.e.l.l is he?" He pulled out his phone, fingers bouncing over the screen.

"You texting him?" I asked.

"Yeah." He watched the screen. "Hes coming up now." Sliding the phone in his pocket, he leaned forward to guzzle down his drink and signaled to our server for another one.

Leaning back on the seat with a sigh, he slid his arm around me. "Just one f.u.c.king night. I thought Id get one f.u.c.king night without some bulls.h.i.+t."

I leaned into him, fiddling with the b.u.t.tons on his s.h.i.+rt, wanting to calm him. "Theyre gone now. Its over. Dont let them ruin the night."

He snorted. "Oh they wont ruin my night. Ill make sure of it."

He sat up as the server came back to drop off his next drink. "Did you see the men that were just with us?" At her nod he continued, "Tell your security that they are not allowed back in here. The main one is Phil Magnally."

She nodded with a promise to do so and walked away.

"Is Phil that tall one?" I questioned.

"No, Phil was the one running his mouth. The guys with him are some of his fighters, but not anybody worth mentioning." He paused to sip his drink. "Phils one of the top managers in the UFC, but he doesnt have a t.i.tle holder on his team-Dexter," Gage waved his brother over.

Dexter had walked in with Leona and immediately got pulled into conversation with a group of friends. His smile dropped as he saw his brothers disapproval. He walked over, his typical swagger subdued.

"Whats up?" He asked, taking the seat next to me.

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