Outside The Ropes: OtherSide Of Fear Part 18

Outside The Ropes: OtherSide Of Fear -

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I sat on the edge of the bed, headache growing, but still unsure how I felt. It should make me angry, him hitting her, but I didnt feel anything for her. I didnt want to feel anything for her. "Did Nadia- your mom-see her after that? She didnt work at the club I thought."

Gage shook his head. "No she never worked there. My father never let her. She saw her a couple times after that though, with Nikolai. But nothing that helps solve who Jared is." He sat on the bed next to me, hand gripping my thigh. "But I left a message for Nikolai in prison. He might know more. Im on his visitor list, I could go and ask. I have other business to discuss with him anyways."

"Back to Baltimore to see him?" That made my heart drop, even though all the demons there were dead or locked up.

"No." He held me in place with his gentle gaze. "No, his prison is outside the city. Ill fly down and be back within the same day."

"Im going with you then." I didnt want him going alone. I didnt want to be left alone.

"You cant go to visit Nikolai. Youre not on the list."

"Thats all right. Ill just fly down with you. That way you can tell me what he said right away." I could tell Gage saw through my excuse, my nerves were thinly veiled.

He nodded, palm cupping my cheek. "Okay. Come with me, and keep me company. Id like that." He pressed his lips to mine, pulling back with a slight smile. "Now thats settled. Lets make dinner."

I stood with him, his agreement taking some of the weight, but my stomach still spun.

My phone rang as I walked into the math building. I had expected it and pressed the phone to my ear, actually surprised I made it this far without the call.


"I know you want that guy following me everywhere, but hes strange and doesnt even speak English. You said hed be my driver, not escort. I dont want that."

"Sal is a good guy. Hes there to keep you safe," there was a hint of laughter in his voice.

"Hes rude and doesnt recognize social norms. He plowed through a bunch of people in the union, its embarra.s.sing. I dont want him around."

He sighed. "Fine. But he stays nearby, and you use him as your driver."

"Sure." That was easy, easier than I expected. Gage had been in a good mood all week. "Are you going to the gym today?"

"I cant. Actually thats the real reason I called. I already knew you wouldnt like him around you all day, but I wanted to see what youd allow."

b.a.s.t.a.r.d. "What was the reason you called then?" I cut off his laughter.

"Well, Ive got a meeting tonight. I wont be home till late."

"All right." I spoke slow, trying to read his tone.

"Its important. About the new club, Ill fill you in later, in person."

He wanted to say more, I could tell, but couldnt. He had been careful about phones since his run in with FBI at the gym.

"Thats fine, well talk later." I tried to sound rea.s.suring, but his pause was spiking my nerves.

"Well, theres something else I need you to think about."

Leo was waiting at the door to our cla.s.s and Kendall was coming down the start of the hall. I ducked into an empty cla.s.sroom to try and finish this call without being interrupted. The windows along the far wall let in bright light, enough to fill the small room.


"You know that trip we were taking this"

"Yeah." The Maryland trip that had been haunting my thoughts for days.

"Well, he called today, and I told him a little about what I wanted to know."

The pause could have been a second, but it was heavy.

"He says he wont talk about that unless you come too. He wants to talk to you."

"Oh." My mind blanked.

"Youd have to be on his list, they have to process that paperwork so we wouldnt be able to go till next"

"All right. Ill do it. Youll be there, right?"

"Of course. Ill be right there, but you dont have to do this. You dont have to answer yet. Think about it." There was some sound in the background, someone trying to get his attention. "Think about it. I have to go. I love you."

"I love you." I hung up, staring around the empty cla.s.sroom. I wanted to know who my father was. I had to go. Gage would be there. I had to go. He was in prison. The visit would be safe, surrounded with guards.

I had to go.

Decision made, I turned around just as someone slipped into the room, closing the door behind him.

I stepped back, thinking my mind was playing tricks on me. The man was dressed casual, jeans and leather coat over a dark t-s.h.i.+rt, his hair was swooped back. He looked at me like the past couple of years never happened. Like we were familiar with each other still.


20: Never That Good.

"REGAN." HE WAS QUICK TO CLOSE THE s.p.a.ce between us and wrapped an arm around me.

His touch snapped me out of my stunned state. I jumped back, out of his reach. "What are you doing?"

"It was only a hug." He held up his hands in innocence.

I b.u.mped into a table behind me; the cla.s.s was cluttered with them. I placed my palm on the desk, stopping my retreat, forcing myself to face him. "What are you doing here?"

"Its been a long time." He spoke soft, a strange smile on his face as his eyes scanned over me. "I wanted to contact you sooner."

He took a step towards me, and I took a step to the side, keeping the distance between us.

He frowned. "Relax. Im only here to talk. I know youre married."

"Talk about what?" I stood up tall with my arms crossed over my chest. Talking is what I was afraid of. I couldnt think of one good reason for him to come find me. "I dont think we have anything left to say to each other."

"Im sorry," his voice was heavy with sincerity.

That stopped me, and I met his honey brown eyes for the first time since he walked into the room.

"I heard what happened." He placed his hand on my elbow, so light I almost didnt care, but I s.h.i.+fted out away all the same.

He sighed, dropping his hand. "Im sorry I didnt do anything when you came to me about that man. Maybe if I had, it could have been different. But I didnt know the right people then. I couldnt-"

"Stop," I had to silence him, his words took me to a time and place I didnt want to go. "That wasnt your fault. Theres nothing to apologize for." I looked past him to the door. "I have to get to cla.s.s."

His hand gripped my elbow as I tried to pa.s.s him, this time with much more force. "Not yet."

My heart leapt to my throat. I knew it wasnt his guilt that brought him here. I jerked away from him, spinning towards him so the door was behind me now. At least he wasnt blocking me in anymore; I had that advantage. But he was strung with energy, practically on his toes and hands at his side, ready to pounce at my next move.

"I didnt know people then." He spoke with force, voice as rigid as his body. "But I do now. I can help you now."

"Help me? With what? Damiens dead, theres nothing left to do." I tried to cover my nerves with the lie of ignorance, like all my problems were dead.

"With what youre involved in now."

I widened my eyes and gestured out the door. "What? Statistics? Economics?" I laughed with no humor. "Im involved in school. Thats it. Come on, Anthony, if you have something to say, say it. Ive got to get to cla.s.s."

"Id give up on making it to cla.s.s. We have a lot to discuss." He was still poised for attack, and he had the height and reach advantage.

I dropped the idea of running. Best to hear him out, talk him down from whatever he thought he could do, whatever he thought he knew.

"Fine." I took a step forward and he flinched, relaxing when he realized the direction I moved.

Pulling out a chair, I plopped into it and waited for him, like a kid in the princ.i.p.als office.

"I got that degree I was going for when I met you," he spoke casual as he pulled his own chair in front of mine.

"Congratulations." I had no clue what he was talking about.

"It came with a promotion. I moved to detective."

"Good for you." My palms were clammy, tingling, the feeling spread over me.

"Then I moved up to the FBI." He paused, eyebrow raised like everything should be made clear with that one statement.

And it was.

Painfully clear, icicles growing and stabbing in my stomach. I needed out of this room. Out of this conversation. Now.

"Im part of the team investigating a trafficking ring that crosses borders, we think its hub is here in New York."

"Thats impressive. Im happy for you. I always knew you would do well." Everything in my body was reaching for the door, but I stayed still, resisting the urge.

"Regan." He grounded out my name. "Your name has shown up a few times in the investigation."

"My name?" I didnt have to fake this reaction.

He didnt smile, but excitement flickered across his features. He nodded and leaned forward in his chair. "I can help you. If you tell me what you know."

He was getting closer to me, and I didnt like it. I sat back in my chair and scoffed. "You tell me what you know, because I have no clue why my name would show up."

He stared at me like all my secrets were written on my skin. "The first time was innocent enough. You were rescued from being sold to Shadow, one of the FBIs most wanted. But then, when your name came up again, attached to Gages, more questions started being asked. Maybe you are more than a victim here. Maybe you know more than you let on. So what do you know Regan? Who are these people that Gage has you involved with?" His voice was getting harsh, and his features hardened. "I know its him. I can help you this time, just tell me."

"I dont know what youre talking about." I stood up. "I already talked to the FBI after everything happened. I told them what I know. If you all want to question me again, do it the right way and call me in."

"Dammit, Im here as a friend, Regan-not an agent right now." He rose to his feet and moved in front of me, blocking the door. "Youre involved with some dangerous people, in some dangerous business. I can get you out."

"Oh please Anthony, cut the c.r.a.p. You didnt come here as a friend." I tried to push by him, but he gripped both of my arms.

"Think about your baby."

My confidence burst, taking my fight, and I froze in his hands.

"Thats right. I know, everyone on the case knows. So do you really think others dont know?"

"Its not a secret." I pulled out of his grip.

"Dont go." His voice and gestures were meant to calm me, but he was stalking towards me, backing me from the door at the same time. "Im worried about you. We use to be friends."

"Never that good of friends." I was close to spitting. My escape was blocked; all that was left was fight. Id try and stick to words.

"Thats right." His dimples shown even though the laughter was harsh, and his eyes hardened on me. "You dont do friends.h.i.+p. You just use people to get what you need. Hows that working out for you?"

"Wow." He suddenly looked small to me. "Get out of my way. Im done talking to you."

"Dont make another stupid choice. You will end up in prison or dead if you stick by Gage."

I should just walk out the door, but he kept throwing Gages name around and I had to know. "What is it you think you have on him?"

"The women working at his strip club, where are they from?"

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