Jane Stewardess of the Air Lines Part 2

Jane Stewardess of the Air Lines -

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"You shouldn't have gone to all this trouble," protested Jane.

"It wasn't any trouble. I wanted to do it for I want you to have pleasant memories of Good Samaritan."

"We're going to take away a very pleasant memory of you," promised Sue, as she finished a sandwich.

"I have written my own recommendation and a letter of introduction for you and I am also enclosing Mr. Speidel's letter," said Miss Hardy.

"This should insure your seeing him tomorrow morning in Chicago. I'll be anxious to know the outcome."

"We'll telegraph," promised Sue. Then, remembering how little actual cash she had, she added, "That is, we'll try to telegraph you."

Miss Hardy smiled for she knew how little money most of the girls had when they left training school.

They finished the lunch just as the horn of a taxicab squalled in the street below.

"There's your cab. It's a fifteen-minute ride to the airport. You'll have to hurry."

Miss Hardy handed the letter of recommendation to Jane, who folded it and placed it in her purse. They hurried downstairs, the girls carrying the small week-end bags with them.

Miss Hardy walked to the cab with them. Farewells were brief.

"I know you'll both make good," said Miss Hardy. Then she turned and hurried back inside the sheltering walls of Good Samaritan.

The cab lurched ahead, gaining speed rapidly as the driver headed for the airport.

Jane and Sue settled back on the worn leather cus.h.i.+ons. In another half hour they would be aboard an eastbound transport plane, speeding toward Chicago. Their hospital days were definitely behind them and new careers, holding the promise of great adventure, were ahead.

Chapter Three

Adventure Ahead

The cab sped through the sleeping city. The business district was soon left behind and the paved road bordered the Wapsipinicon river, which skirted the south edge of University City. The road swung across the river and ahead of them gleamed the red, green and white lights which marked the boundary of the airport of Federated Airways.

The taxi slowed and drew to a halt in front of the administration building. The driver helped Jane and Sue from the cab. Jane opened her purse to pay the fare from her slender funds, but the driver waved the money away.

"Miss Hardy at the hospital said to charge it to her account," he said, and Jane and Sue were given another glimpse of the warm heart which beat beneath the grim exterior of the supervisor of nurses.

The driver led them into the waiting room and left their bags there.

Jane looked around. It was her first visit to the administration building, although she had been at the field a number of times.

The waiting room was furnished with modernistic wicker pieces. Soft tan drapes were at the windows and a rug of tan and black squares covered the floor. At a large table in the center was a neat stack of magazines while at a buffet along one wall was a silver tea service.

The ticket office opened to the right and Jane stepped up to the window. The night manager looked up from his desk.

"We are the nurses from Good Samaritan that Miss Hardy phoned about.

We're to go out on the eastbound plane for Chicago," she explained.

The night manager swung around to his ticket rack and made out the for their transportation to Chicago. He was efficient but pleasant.

"You'll have to sign permits releasing the system from liability in case of accident. Of course this isn't required from regular pa.s.sengers, but you are traveling free."

Both Jane and Sue signed the papers he placed before them.

"I'm making out round trip," he said. "In case you don't get the jobs, you'll be able to get back here."

Jane wasn't sure there was much consolation in that for there was probably more chance of getting a job in Chicago than in University City.

The night manager stepped into the dispatcher's office to inquire the position of the eastbound plane.

"Your s.h.i.+p will be here in about nine minutes. How about baggage?"

"We have small pieces," replied Sue.

The baggage was weighed, checked and placed on a small cart to be wheeled into the hangar when the plane arrived.

The dispatcher stuck his head out of the operations room.

"Charlie Fischer wants the flood light," he said.

Jane wondered who Charlie Fischer was and just why he wanted the flood light, but to the field manager that message appeared important for he hurried into the hangar. A moment later a flood of blue light illuminated the field and the drone of engines could be heard.

Lights flashed on in the hangar and Jane and Sue left the waiting room.

Two stars appeared to be descending out of the west and the hulk of a great tri-motor biplane drifted into the brilliant light of the field.

The plane settled gently and rolled smoothly along the crushed-rock runway. Its motors boomed as the pilot swung it into the hangar.

Jane and Sue looked at the big s.h.i.+p apprehensively. It didn't seem possible that the three motors could lift the great plane off the ground and hurl it through the air at two miles a minute.

The ground crew wheeled the portable steps up to the cabin and the pilot and co-pilot came down. They were young, clean-cut chaps.

The pilot hastened into the operations room to obtain the latest reports on the weather between University City and Chicago while the co-pilot supervised the refueling.

Jane saw the baggage cart wheeled alongside the plane and their bags disappeared into the forward hold. Then the night manager was at their side.

"You have seats eight and nine, which places you together on the right side of the s.h.i.+p. This way, please."

The girls followed him across the concrete floor and into the s.p.a.cious cabin. Lights inside were turned low for several of the pa.s.sengers were dozing.

Jane was amazed at the roomy interior. Along the right side was a double row of comfortable reclining chairs, very much like those in a railroad coach. There was a single row along the left side, with the aisle running the length of the cabin. Overhead were baggage racks for parcels and wearing apparel and there were individual lights for each chair.

A shaded light in the bulkhead ahead revealed two dials, one marked air speed and the other alt.i.tude. A door led forward to the baggage and pilot's compartment while a door at the rear opened onto a tiny pantry and a lavatory.

Jane counted the seats. There was room for fourteen in the cabin and counting themselves, twelve pa.s.sengers were now aboard.

Chairs eight and nine were almost at the rear of the cabin and Jane and Sue settled into the seats. The night manager handed them each a small, sealed envelope.

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