Pinheads And Patriots: Where You Stand In The Age Of Obama Part 7

Pinheads And Patriots: Where You Stand In The Age Of Obama -

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It's All About Me

O'Reilly, I love you, man. But shut up once in a while.

-Yankee Stadium spectator

MANY AMERICANS THINK that I, your humble correspondent, am one of the biggest Pinheads in the country. When there is no malice behind the thought, I am amused by the description. When there is malice, I have to wonder, Why do some folks want to stick pins in my head as if I'm some wild voodoo that I, your humble correspondent, am one of the biggest Pinheads in the country. When there is no malice behind the thought, I am amused by the description. When there is malice, I have to wonder, Why do some folks want to stick pins in my head as if I'm some wild voodoo houngan houngan trying to scare gullible folks into giving him money? trying to scare gullible folks into giving him money?

After fourteen years of anchoring the Factor, Factor, I am used to the slings and arrows. They whiz in nearly every day. Thank G.o.d for my pal Glenn Beck. Since he arrived at Fox News, he's taken some of the heat off me. But still, there is no question that I remain one of the most controversial men in the country. Again, why? I am used to the slings and arrows. They whiz in nearly every day. Thank G.o.d for my pal Glenn Beck. Since he arrived at Fox News, he's taken some of the heat off me. But still, there is no question that I remain one of the most controversial men in the country. Again, why?

THE CONFIDENCE FACTOR The answer lies partly in a trait that President Obama and I have in common. We both deliver our messages with confidence. I can't tell you how many letters I've received calling me arrogant after I've stated a strong opinion on something. For what action, I ask, am I deemed arrogant? The answer usually comes down to style, not substance. Because I state my case with certainty, some believe I am supercilious, a person who thinks he knows more than anyone else. Occasionally President Obama comes off that way as well, does he not?

So am I a Pinhead for exuding confidence while a.n.a.lyzing the news? Here's a shocker: I don't think so I don't think so. I base my opinions on solid research and deliver my Talking Points memo with the authority of experience and knowledge. If I stumbled around looking unsure and hesitant, if I based my opinions on what I thought an ideological audience wanted to hear, could I honestly run a no-spin zone? No, I could not. I'd have to work for NBC News.

One of the reasons that President Bush lost the locker room midway through his second term was that he seemed tentative on vital subjects like Iraq and Hurricane Katrina. The President did not seem to have control of the situations, and voters quickly picked up on that. For Mr. Bush, verbal presentations were not easy. Obviously, he is not a glib man. So he often came across as shaky when an authoritative posture was needed in order to sow confidence.

Back in the mid-1990s, I was studying at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government (just that that makes me arrogant in the eyes of some). Seeking a cla.s.s that I might be able to use in real life, I signed up for a course on persuasion. The professor was a Pinhead, but in a good way. He was a guy who mostly lived in his own mind, constantly mulling over ideas and theories. But he was a brilliant thinker. makes me arrogant in the eyes of some). Seeking a cla.s.s that I might be able to use in real life, I signed up for a course on persuasion. The professor was a Pinhead, but in a good way. He was a guy who mostly lived in his own mind, constantly mulling over ideas and theories. But he was a brilliant thinker.

The professor taught me that to truly persuade another person who is opposed to your ideas, you not only have to make stronger arguments, you also have to be able to convince your skeptical opponent that you are in command of the situation. To be persuaded, a person has to submit. And most Americans are not submissive types. But we can be won over if we believe a person is sincere and has ideas that can better our own personal situations.

Does the name Barack Obama ring a bell? Isn't that what he did in the presidential campaign? He persuaded 53 percent of the voters to pull the lever on his behalf. And he did it almost entirely on personal charisma, because he had no real record to run on.

But back to me (how arrogant is that phrase?). I differ from the President because I do not seek approval. I state my case and let the chips fall. I want you to think about what we on the Factor Factor are putting out there, but I don't expect agreement. I mean, I'm happy when that happens, but it is not mandatory. In fact, I respect people like Megyn Kelly who energetically disagree with me on some issues now and then. That's are putting out there, but I don't expect agreement. I mean, I'm happy when that happens, but it is not mandatory. In fact, I respect people like Megyn Kelly who energetically disagree with me on some issues now and then. That's fun fun for me. for me.

So I am not getting the arrogant deal. Am I overbearing? Sometimes. Obnoxious? Of course. Impatient with Pinheads who won't answer direct questions? All day long.

Look, I took a chance with this Factor Factor no-spin concept. In fact, it was a huge gamble. I could have made millions simply reading the news and interviewing people with standard questions like: "Tell me more." But how boring is that? no-spin concept. In fact, it was a huge gamble. I could have made millions simply reading the news and interviewing people with standard questions like: "Tell me more." But how boring is that?

As an American who tries to be Patriotic, I was sick of TV news phonies who were afraid to say anything controversial. "Thanks so much," the media Pinheads wail. "Great to see you!" Yeech.

So I decided to do do something about it and designed the something about it and designed the Factor Factor in Cambridge, Ma.s.sachusetts, in between my Harvard The concept was simple because, as you may know, I am a simple man. I set up some rules to define an original TV news/a.n.a.lysis program. Please read them and decide whether I'm a Pinhead or Patriot. in Cambridge, Ma.s.sachusetts, in between my Harvard The concept was simple because, as you may know, I am a simple man. I set up some rules to define an original TV news/a.n.a.lysis program. Please read them and decide whether I'm a Pinhead or Patriot.


Rule One: Tell the truth, always. Tell the truth, always.

Rule Two: Insist on the question being answered. If necessary re-ask it a number of times, and always tell the viewer why you are repeating yourself. In other words, if the guest decides to dance, step on his or her toes. Insist on the question being answered. If necessary re-ask it a number of times, and always tell the viewer why you are repeating yourself. In other words, if the guest decides to dance, step on his or her toes.

Rule Three: Interrupt. This is the most controversial rule of all. President Obama often filibusters his way through interviews. His answers are so lengthy you could have a pizza delivered in that time. In that way, he controls the conversation, avoiding follow-up questions and debate. You may have noticed that Interrupt. This is the most controversial rule of all. President Obama often filibusters his way through interviews. His answers are so lengthy you could have a pizza delivered in that time. In that way, he controls the conversation, avoiding follow-up questions and debate. You may have noticed that never never happens in the no-spin zone. I simply cut people off if they wander or repeat themselves. Is that obnoxious? Of course it is. Do I get nasty mail when I do that? Of course I do. But it has to be done if I don't want to waste your time. And I don't. happens in the no-spin zone. I simply cut people off if they wander or repeat themselves. Is that obnoxious? Of course it is. Do I get nasty mail when I do that? Of course I do. But it has to be done if I don't want to waste your time. And I don't.

Rule Four: Admit you're wrong when you are actually wrong, and cede a point when your guest makes a valid argument. That's the right thing to do and makes the debate much more interesting. I had a girlfriend once who told me that I wasn't Mr. Right, I'm Mr. Admit you're wrong when you are actually wrong, and cede a point when your guest makes a valid argument. That's the right thing to do and makes the debate much more interesting. I had a girlfriend once who told me that I wasn't Mr. Right, I'm Mr. Always Always Right. Not good. Sometimes my being wrong ignites a TV program because it takes the presentation in unexpected directions. n.o.body's right all the time. So when the facts overwhelm you, admit it. Right. Not good. Sometimes my being wrong ignites a TV program because it takes the presentation in unexpected directions. n.o.body's right all the time. So when the facts overwhelm you, admit it.

Rule Five: Don't be a phony, be genuine on the air. Now, this rule presents problems for some TV news people because they are nasty people in real life, and misanthropy rarely works out for a TV anchor. Years ago, the late Charles Kuralt was an unpleasant guy to me and other young CBS News reporters, but the public thought he was a great guy. Kuralt was a total phony on the air and made millions doing it. But his airtime was limited. His tightly edited reports were only a few minutes long and were sometimes s.p.a.ced a week apart. Don't be a phony, be genuine on the air. Now, this rule presents problems for some TV news people because they are nasty people in real life, and misanthropy rarely works out for a TV anchor. Years ago, the late Charles Kuralt was an unpleasant guy to me and other young CBS News reporters, but the public thought he was a great guy. Kuralt was a total phony on the air and made millions doing it. But his airtime was limited. His tightly edited reports were only a few minutes long and were sometimes s.p.a.ced a week apart.

If you're on the air every day and are disingenuous, the folks will most likely pick it up. There are exceptions, though. Walter Cronkite was a difficult person, but he still came across as a trusted on-air uncle each night.

Having worked in the business for a while, I was tired of TV charlatans and resolved to be my real self on the air for better or for worse. With my personality, that was an enormous risk, but one many of you clearly appreciated.

THE POWER OF BLUNT COMMENTARY My Fox News colleagues tell me that folks often ask them, "What is O'Reilly really really like?" The underlying question is, of course: Is he a Pinhead or what? like?" The underlying question is, of course: Is he a Pinhead or what?

Well, to help answer that question, I must admit that some people have considered me a Pinhead since my earliest days in the ba.s.sinet. I was definitely considered a Pinhead in some precincts of Chaminade High School on Long Island, and the same was true in college. As an ill.u.s.tration, please allow me to share my first major journalistic controversy with you because, as we know, sharing is the mark of a Patriot.

The year was 1971. The Vietnam War controversy was raging all across the country. It was the hottest issue on nearly every American college campus. The school I was attending, Marist College, located in the garden spot of Poughkeepsie, New York, was basically a working-cla.s.s place gone wild. When I first showed up as a freshman in the fall of 1967, an excessive quant.i.ty of beer was the mind-altering substance of choice. But in the winter of '71, drugs had flooded the campus, and then it became "power to the people" time.

I didn't buy it.

I had returned to Marist as a senior after spending my junior year abroad at the University of London. There I saw the antiwar movement trash Berkeley Square (home of the American and basically cause unnecessary mayhem and destruction in the name of "peace."

I was skeptical of the antiwar zealots because most of the guys I knew who were involved with intense protest were hopheads, stoners, unwashed zombies. Remember, I was a football, baseball, and ice hockey player. My comfort zone was sporting activity, not bongs and acid.

But I wasn't a moron. I knew some of the Levittown guys who had been drafted and sent to Vietnam. When they came back home, many of them were very different people, affected with a myriad of emotional problems. And they all said the same thing: it was brutally chaotic over there.

Disturbed by the condition of my neighborhood pals, I listened closely to both sides of the Vietnam debate and tried to educate myself as to what was really going on. Did America want to kill babies on purpose, as the Yippie Abbie Hoffman was screaming? Was the United States the second coming of the Third Reich? I had a hard time accepting the SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) chant: "Hey, hey, LBJ, how many kids did you kill today?"

Not that I had any use for President Lyndon Johnson. I didn't. But my country was under a.s.sault from all directions, and my instinct was that much of it was unfair. History, I believe, has proved me right. After the United States left Southeast Asia, far worse things occurred than had during the war. The rampaging Communists murdered millions of innocent people. Years later, I a.s.signed Factor Factor producer Jesse Watters to confront Jane Fonda, a major Pinhead and communist sympathizer, with the actions of the Khmer Rouge and the North Vietnamese. Typically, Ms. Fonda said that the Killing Fields of Cambodia never would have happened had America not started all the trouble in the first place. No way Jane was gonna a.s.sign any moral blame to her guys. She'll go to her grave blaming America for just about everything. If you are still in doubt about what a Pinhead really is, take Jane out to dinner. producer Jesse Watters to confront Jane Fonda, a major Pinhead and communist sympathizer, with the actions of the Khmer Rouge and the North Vietnamese. Typically, Ms. Fonda said that the Killing Fields of Cambodia never would have happened had America not started all the trouble in the first place. No way Jane was gonna a.s.sign any moral blame to her guys. She'll go to her grave blaming America for just about everything. If you are still in doubt about what a Pinhead really is, take Jane out to dinner.

So despite all the trouble in 1971, I still believed the USA was a n.o.ble nation, but there was no doubt in my mind that things were screwed up in Southeast Asia.

That was my point of view at age twenty-one as I sat in Dr. Carolyn Landau's political science cla.s.s. But the professor was not nearly as conflicted as I was about America. No, she knew knew we were an evil empire and was not shy in listing the grave sins our nation was committing, not only in Vietnam but also back home. Her cla.s.s was one long anti-American screed. But I had to sit through it because I needed the credits to graduate. we were an evil empire and was not shy in listing the grave sins our nation was committing, not only in Vietnam but also back home. Her cla.s.s was one long anti-American screed. But I had to sit through it because I needed the credits to graduate.

Dr. Landau, since departed, loathed your humble correspondent, perhaps because I showered daily, unlike some refugees from Woodstock. Certainly, she thought I was a Pinhead and awarded me a C in the cla.s.s, my lowest collegiate grade. I'm not a whiner, so I swallowed the C. But then a funny thing happened on my way to Pinhead-or-Patriot status. I struck up a conversation with a cla.s.smate-a guy named Trent who had cut 90 percent of Landau's lectures. In fact, Trent showed up for just three poli-sci the entire semester. Somehow he was MIA for the other seventeen. Despite that, the guy was awarded an A by Landau. Did I mention that Trent was African American?

"You got an A?" I said to him.

"Right on."

"But you never showed up."

"Don't have to show up with Landau. Just have to be a brother."


"Everyone knows she has a thing for us."

Trent then laughed and walked away.

That did it. I immediately put pen to paper. I had an outlet because I'd been writing a column for the student newspaper, the Circle, Circle, for three years. And so, on January 21, 1971, the no-spin zone officially began with the following article, which I am reprising the way it was originally written, bad grammar and all: for three years. And so, on January 21, 1971, the no-spin zone officially began with the following article, which I am reprising the way it was originally written, bad grammar and all: ATt.i.tUDES: OUTRAGEOUS By Bill O'Reilly Good morning, cla.s.s, welcome to Political Science 203. My name is Dr. Landleft and all I have to say is, "Power to the people."This semester's work will be very interesting providing you have the right att.i.tude. I know there is some talk around campus to the effect that I do not give an objective course. This talk was obviously started by some disturbed fascists and it definitely has racist overtones, as I'm sure you can all see.Well, to dispel all of my critics, I have decided to a.s.sign readings concerning both the Left and the Right. The first two books, which will be read by tomorrow, are the "Agony of the New Left," by Fidel Castro and "Danger on the Right," by Gore Vidal.Hey, I just thought of a joke. If Fidel Castro married Gore Vidal he'd be-Fidel Vidal!I just noticed that a few of the slower ones in the cla.s.s did not laugh at that joke. Well, I have your names, you can be sure of that. Don't misunderstand me, you are under no obligation to laugh at my jokes or say yes to everything I say. You are all free to dissent-no matter how misguided and immature that dissent may be. I like people to dissent. As you know, I'm a revolutionary myself. But keep in mind who has the power here."The people, right, Dr. Landleft?"Er, yes. Who said that? Oh, the black lad, very good, very good. I bet you had a hard time growing up in the ghetto with the FBI always hounding your parents?"Not really, Doctor. My father is a detective."Oh, well, you can be sure you'll be treated equally in this cla.s.s. In fact, you get an A.Well, cla.s.s, let's get back to the subject. What is it again? Oh, yes, Political Science. As you all know, Spiro and the CIA are all around us and closing in fast. Perhaps we might have to take to the streets."Dr. Landleft, I have a question."Oh, my G.o.d. Well, go ahead."Why is it that communistic regimes always wind up as repressive states?""That question is not relevant, it's the kind of question that only a neo-n.a.z.i would ask. Besides, it's off-topic and we must always stay on-topic.""Dr. Landleft, I think that question pertains to Political Science.""I decide what pertains to the subject around here. My cla.s.s is liberal but I must have some control, right? Of course, I'm right. Let me throw this out for discussion: We all know that here in racist Amerika, notice that I spell the country with a K instead of a C. Isn't that right on? Anyway, what do you think can be done to overthrow the present government? Yes, that student.""I don't think we ought to overthrow the government, Dr. Landleft.""Wrong! Someone else? Yes, the longhaired student wearing that 'put the pigs in the pen' b.u.t.ton.""Uh, I really didn't hear your question, I wasn't listening.""Exactly. The whole cla.s.s could take a lesson from that student."

Circle this news story! Here's my first brush with political commentary.

Circle Newspaper, Marist College Archives Well, my first venture into the world of contentious journalism was not exactly like the sharp-witted work of Pulitzer Prizewinning journalist Mike Royko, but it sure did stir things up at Marist College and, unbeknownst to me at the time, launched my flamboyant career. Letters poured in to the Circle, Circle, and they were pretty much evenly divided over whether I was a Pinhead or Patriot. You know, it's kind of eerie. What happened almost forty years ago is precisely what's happening to me today. I learned the power of blunt commentary and reacted with bemus.e.m.e.nt as long as the criticism wasn't personal. I didn't know it at the time, but that rudimentary column about the nutty professor was the beginning of a beautiful friends.h.i.+p between me, opinionated journalism, and millions of Americans. and they were pretty much evenly divided over whether I was a Pinhead or Patriot. You know, it's kind of eerie. What happened almost forty years ago is precisely what's happening to me today. I learned the power of blunt commentary and reacted with bemus.e.m.e.nt as long as the criticism wasn't personal. I didn't know it at the time, but that rudimentary column about the nutty professor was the beginning of a beautiful friends.h.i.+p between me, opinionated journalism, and millions of Americans.

Back then (as now), I didn't worry too much about those who called me a Pinhead (mostly behind my back, since I am six-four). I liked the action that controversy brought, and I was able to whack Dr. Landau, who certainly deserved it.

To this day, millions of people think that I am just awful because I say things they don't like. For example, the actor George Clooney certainly thinks I'm a Pinhead. Back in 2001, I suggested that he and other Hollywood stars track the money they raised for the families of those killed on 9/11. You may remember that Clooney didn't like some punk (me) demanding accountability from him and his swell friends, so he ran around taking my name in vain. I was much amused, and the controversy brought great ratings, a very important thing for any media Patriot, or Pinhead for that matter.

After thinking about the situation for a while, I replied to Clooney's angst with my usual eloquence. I called him him a Pinhead. Let the playground rank-out session begin. a Pinhead. Let the playground rank-out session begin.

Thank G.o.d (and I do), millions of other folks respect the fact that I speak my mind bluntly and honestly. After all, isn't that what a Patriot does? Or am I wrong?


Loathing Obama


-The Greek Chorus

IF YOU HATE any American President, you are a Pinhead. I simply cannot understand why people do that. Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama-all these guys were and are loathed by millions of their fellow citizens. Here's my question: any American President, you are a Pinhead. I simply cannot understand why people do that. Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama-all these guys were and are loathed by millions of their fellow citizens. Here's my question: WHY WASTE YOUR TIME? WHY WASTE YOUR TIME?

Hatred is the the most powerful emotion, one that can lead to violence. It is far more intense than love and, left unchecked, can actually destroy the one who hates. If you can possibly avoid hating, please do that. most powerful emotion, one that can lead to violence. It is far more intense than love and, left unchecked, can actually destroy the one who hates. If you can possibly avoid hating, please do that.

But I am not Yoko Ono. I well understand evil, betrayal, and destruction. I've seen all of those things up close and personal. And do you know what? I've come to hate some of the evildoers. I seriously despise them and do whatever I legally and morally can to neutralize their activities. This genuine loathing for the merchants of destruction motivates me to take them on. So I'm able to use this kind of "hatred" in a positive way. Or so I tell myself.

But hating Barack Obama or George W. Bush is a neurosis. These men do not deserve that. You can disagree with them all day long and vocalize your disenchantment to all who will listen. But really, hating these guys is something that you should think about, because it could harm you.

That being said, you may sincerely believe that your place in the age of Obama is not a good place. And if that's the case, you have the right to dislike the President's belief system and actions very, very much. Certainly, the President is trying to change the country by imposing his version of "social justice." In this effort, some Americans will be helped and some will be harmed. If you are being harmed, it is only natural for you to frown on Mr. Obama. But there's a long way between dislike and hate.

As we discussed earlier in the Rush LimbaughBill O'Reilly pages, some Americans sincerely believe that Barack Obama is a socialist who is trying to alter our free-market way of life. If you love the free market, as I do, you may hate that perceived action. That's logical. But you should not hate the man. That's irrational.

BELOW-AVERAGE MARX ON THE SOCIALISM TEST Is the President truly a socialist? Not if you define socialism as government owners.h.i.+p owners.h.i.+p of business and private property. Yes, the Obama administration is interfering in the marketplace by upping government oversight of the financial industry, as well as bailing out some car companies and banks with taxpayer money. But past administrations have also done this kind of stuff in times of economic emergency. Therefore, opining that Mr. Obama is on a par with, say, Karl Marx, is foolish. There's a huge difference between the President and hard-core socialists who will seize your hat at the drop of it. of business and private property. Yes, the Obama administration is interfering in the marketplace by upping government oversight of the financial industry, as well as bailing out some car companies and banks with taxpayer money. But past administrations have also done this kind of stuff in times of economic emergency. Therefore, opining that Mr. Obama is on a par with, say, Karl Marx, is foolish. There's a huge difference between the President and hard-core socialists who will seize your hat at the drop of it.

But my pal Glenn Beck and some of my viewers observe it differently, believing that I am an incredible Pinhead for denying what they see as obvious. If it walks like a duck, they say. Okay, I get that Van Jones and a.s.sistant Secretary of State Michael Posner are Far Left guys. I get that the President did not object to the fiery anti-American nonsense of the Reverend Wright and the radical resume of Bill Ayers. There is no question that Barack Obama does not see the fringe left as all that objectionable. That's what can happen when you attend Harvard and work on the south side of Chicago. But, as I wrote in my newspaper column, socialism is defined as a system in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively.

Yes, President Obama has intruded into the private sector in the areas of health and finance. As I mentioned, he also wants big-time federal oversight on the financial and energy industries. All of that is true. But I have produced this book, and Obama can't intrude on that. He'll tax the h.e.l.l out of my profits, but these pages are not a "collective" effort. They belong to my publisher, Harper Collins, and to me.

Until Barack Obama begins to insinuate himself into the livelihoods of American workers, he cannot accurately be described as a socialist. A quasi-socialist, maybe. A Pinhead about economic matters, probably.

Nevertheless, my mailbag is on fire. Kathy from Georgia wrote: "Bill, why does the question of whether Obama is a socialist bother you so? Let me verify it. Yes, he's a socialist. Does that make you feel better?"

Not really, Kathy.

John, who lives in Louisiana, opined: "O'Reilly, so you don't think Obama is a socialist? Duh!"


Obviously, anti-Obama pa.s.sions are currently running high in America, but here's an interesting observation: the Obama angst almost exactly mirrors the anti-Bush madness. Different folks, same strokes. He (fill in Bush or Obama) is the devil. He's a joke. He's ruining the country! In both cases, I feel criticism was overdone.

As I wrote this book, I was feeling fairly confident about my Obama a.n.a.lysis and believed I was putting forth a fair and balanced portrait of the President. Then, speaking in Illinois about Wall Street reform on April 28, 2010, Mr. Obama said this: We're not trying to push financial reform because we begrudge success that's fairly earned. I mean, I do think at a certain point you've made enough money. But part of the American way is you can just keep on making it if you're providing a good product or providing a good service.

You've made enough money? Oy.

See, once a President or other powerful politician starts telling folks they've made enough money, all h.e.l.l breaks loose. The American dream is unlimited. If you want to be a billionaire, you can try. If you want to teach school for $80,000 a year, you can do that, too. It should be all up to you, not to President Obama.

When he says stuff like that, the socialism flags come out. And that's not irrational. Again, if it walks like a duck.

Let me make one more attempt here to define what I think Barack Obama believes about currency and social justice. Based upon my time at Harvard and working with hundreds of liberals in the media industry, I see the President as a man committed to leveling the playing field. That means he is down with taking as much money as he can from affluent Americans, and giving said cash to those who do not have much. The President is a big income-redistribution guy. He's a big social justice guy. He sincerely believes that federal power should be expanded to make life better for the have-nots by inst.i.tuting a series of expensive government-funded ent.i.tlements. Therefore, he walks a tightrope. Wages and investment income are, after all, a form of private property. You earned it, it's yours. But Barack Obama wants at least some of yours, and the Const.i.tution gives Congress the right to tax us. So the question becomes, just how far will Mr. Obama eventually go to impose his view of social justice on the country? Already, ObamaCare is the biggest ent.i.tlement since the New Deal, and federal spending is at record levels. So to be fair, I can't call Americans who believe Obama is a full-blown socialist Pinheads. Under his cool demeanor, he might have a big "S" on his chest just as Superman does. But I think not. As I've said before and will again, I think he is the most liberal President ever elected in this country, but he is not a stealth Hugo Chavez.

As always, I could be wrong.

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