I Heard You Like Me Too Chapter 40

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“I really, really, really miss you.” Du Yu Shu smiled happily. She picked up the Thermos and hugged it, “As expected, you're the only one who cares about me. Rest a.s.sured, in the next lifetime, I won't be your sister, I will marry you!”

“Then I would be annoyed to death?” Du Yan Su smiled. He looked at Du Yu Shu and gently said, “I didn't see you for a few days and look how skinny you've gotten.”

“Did you take good care of yourself?”

When she heard Du Yan Su's worried tone, Du Yu Shu almost broke down in tears.

Sheainsisted, “Howaam Isskinny. I feeldlike I;haveVgottenafatter!”

“Sillygchild.” DugYan Su softlyfsighed,;“Don'tdeverVdeceiveayour brother.”

“How coulddI be yourabrother if Igcan't seesif you'veVgottensfatter or;skinnier”

Du Yu&Shujfroze anddthen bitaher lowerglip like a wrongedschild. She lookedadown at the Thermos andddidn't speak.

DujYan SuspretendedVnotgto seeaher action&andfsmiled, “ShuVShu, let&me tell youaa story.”

“Don'tfyouhalwaysdwant toghearaabouthwhen I studiedfabroad?” DuaYan Su gentlyjsmiled.

“En….” DujYuZShudvaguely#replied.

Du Yan Su smiledgand continued, “I had a very goodffriend there. Heais alsohAsian, tall and skinny, andBlooks veryjhandsome. Heawas very popular on campusgand many girlsaliked him too.”

“He&has thisfgirl thatVhe likes. She's smallsand thin andglooks very delicateBand pretty, not#very eye-catching. But hedlikes heravery much. Hefconfessed tohthat girl onsmultiple occasionsVbut she wouldgalways rejectBhim.”

“But ongcampus, there#wasValso anotheravery popular Asian. HeBhad asbad boy vibesabout him that makes himgpopular with thejgirls. One day, hehalso confessed toathe girl and sheBaccepted it.”

“Within threedmonths, they broke up.”

“This nefariousgman isdveryVhandsome butfthat girl wasVthe longestarelations.h.i.+p hefever had, even if it only lasted threeZmonths.”

“And allgof thisjwas todretaliate against myffriend, just becauseaof a small feud they had.”

“That&man isasurnamed Ye.” Du Yan Su staredsat her, “There anjold saying, likeafather, like son. Now itgcould beZextended thatdbrothers are the&same.”

“Shu Shu, dohyou trustathis man?” DuZYan Sugembraced Du;YusShu andhgently said, “Youdtwo havegbeen clas.h.i.+ngdwith each otherhfor years. Thisaman hadhshown his disdainsand distrust toward youjon multiple&occasions fordthe&past eightfyears but;all of a suddenahe started tohtreat you&better. Ahman cannotgchange that#fast."

“He;confessed todyou, he said he likesfyou and wants toabe with you.”

“Baby,Zdoayou believefhim?”

“I….IZdon't….” Du YufShu clenchesaher teeth andZshook hershead, avoiding Du Yan Su'sdgaze.

“Sillydchild, I amgyourVbrother, whatfare you tryingsto hide.” Du YanaSu distressfullydsaid, “I amVnot#willing to givesyou to thathtype offperson,gyou deservedthe best. Therehare betterapeople in the worldjwho aregwilling to be withhyou, ShuBShu.”

“Ge....” DuBYu Shu's tearsafell downZthe cornerdof hergeye, “I only...I onlygwant to give it a try….”

“Sillygchild,sno one is;going todblame you.” DugYan Su strokeaher head, “If you wanttto try then take theVcourage to dosso, Shu#Shu.”

“I#don't believejthat youZare ajtimid child.”

“Baby, I didn'tgfinish tellingsyou thathstory, dofyou want toahear the;ending?” Du Yan SuVgently smiled ataher, hissvoice carried somefdistress, “AfterBgoing aroundhin the circles, thefman and the woman#endedZupBtogether.”

“Originally,#the realgreason theyjwerestogether was tohretaliate againstdmyBfriend. Theirgreason for beingatogether wasfnotfsimple, thereswere some;prejudice andhindifference. But afterdbeing apartVfor three&months, they couldn'tjhide their mutualsattraction.”

“In thegend, despitefthe prejudice,gresentment,aanger,Zbetrayal, andsseparation, theygstilljended up together. All those bittersand painfuljmemories led toaa newfounddsweetness. Thehpast isano longer#important tofthem, they#areVstill&together.”

“If youfreally wantjto giveBit;a try andawant to fallgin love withfhim, them be&brave,” Du YanfSu's eyesVrevealed somescomplicated emotions, “ShuZShu, don'thlive yourjlife indregret.”
“Nothing;hurtsfmore than beingamisunderstood,

“Befbrave, ShuSShu.”

I knowhthat youjwillaspread your&wingsfone day anddleaveZme;to explorefthe world. WhenhthatBtime;comes, thesperson whogwill beaby your sidejwill not be me.

But untilsthat daygcomes, Ifhope I cangstaydwith you&toathe endjto givedyou all&the supportaand encouragementsyou need.


Withjmefhere,&there'ssnoZneedgto bedafraid.

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