Ossian in Germany Part 6

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Die Lieder Sineds des Barden ... von M. Denis ... Wien. Cf. 1772.

@1783.@ Works of Ossian. 4 vols. Francfort and Leipzig.

Edited by Merck; cf. 1st ed., 1777. This edition contains Clark's Answer to Shaw's Inquiry (for a review of which cf. Bibl. der schonen Wissenschaften, 1782), as well as Macpherson's Dissertation concerning the Aera of Ossian in Vol. 1. At the end of the fourth volume an Alphabetical Index of Names and Things is given, the specimen of Temora's original added to the English edition being omitted.

PRELIMINARY NOTICE: Gothaische gelehrte Zeitungen, 1783, p. 278.

Deutsches Museum. Leipzig. i, pp. 17681: Der Tod Oscars, des Sohns Caruth. Aus dem Lateinischen.

Metrical translation from Denis's Latin version of The Death of Oscar, by K. F. Trost. Cp. Der Tod Oskars, 1772.-pp. 1768: An Denis.

_Ibid._, i, pp. 1857: Ueber die Aechtheit Ossians.

A letter from a correspondent with reference to an article ent.i.tled The Ossian Controversy stated, London Magazine, Nov. 1782.

_Ibid._, ii, pp. 1912: Anecdotes told by a correspondent in substantiation of the authenticity of the poems of Ossian.

Bodmers Apollinarien. Herausgegeben von Gotthold Friedrich Staudlin.

Tubingen. pp. 35766: Zweifel gegen die Aechtheit der Kaledonischen Gedichte erhoben.

An expression of the doubts as to the authenticity of Macpherson's poems entertained by Johann Jakob Bodmer.

Vermischte Aufsatze zum Nachdenken und zur Unterhaltung. Erster Theil.

Dessau und Leipzig, pp. ??: Homer und Ossian.

I was unable to procure a copy of the Aufsatze, which are reviewed in the Allg. deutsche Bibl., Vol. 56, i, pp. 1212 (1783), where the essay in question is referred to as a Raisonnement uber Homer und Ossian and severely criticized.

Versuche uber die Geschichte des Menschen von Heinrich Home. Vol. 1, 2d Edition. Cf. 1st ed., 1774, and English ed., 1796.

Inamorulla, oder Ossians Ein Schauspiel in funf Aufzugen. Nach Ossian. Dessau.

A prose drama with occasional lyric pa.s.sages, based upon Macpherson's Croma and OinaMorul. Reprinted in Vol. 272 of the Deutsche Schaubuhne, Wien, and in Vol. 46 of the Theatralische Sammlung, Wien, 1793, _q. v._ The author is K. H.; cp.

Fingal in Lochlin, 1782. Goedeke, Grundriss., 2d ed, Vol. 5, p. 393, has Inamoralia. Another edition was issued at Leipzig in the year 1787.

Deutsches Museum. Leipzig. i, pp. 1168: Die Klage Lesbana's. Nach dem Celtischen von v. H.-i, pp. 27981: Klage. Nach dem Celtischen. von v.


Two metrical imitations of an Ossianic lament by G. A. von Halem.

Cp. Poesie und Prose, 1789. Reprinted in Vol. 5 (1807) of his Schriften (Munster), pp. 204, 1114.

@1784@. Ossians und Sineds Lieder. 5 vols. Wien.

Denis's translation of Ossian (revised with reference to the last English edition, 1773) and a collection of his own poems, most of which are contained in Die Lieder Sineds des Barden, 1772. New edition, 17912, _q. v._ Lowndes, Bibliographer's Manual, London (Bohn), Part vi, _sub_ Ossian, p. 1738, mentions one edition only and dates it 1799. Cf. _infra_, p. 135. Vol. 1 contains a translation of Macpherson's first, Vol. 2 of his second dissertation, Vol. 3 of Dr. Blair's. Macpherson's, Cesarotti's and original notes are found at the foot of the page. Vol. 4 opens with the Vorbericht von der alten vaterlandischen Dichtkunst. Vol. 5 with a Gesprach von dem Werthe der Reime, with an appendix on the use of the hexameter. In the 17912 ed. this appendix is inserted in Vol. 4 under the t.i.tle Von dem Gebrauche des Hexameters. In the latter ed.

the translation is contained in the first 4 vols. and the poems of Denis in Vols. 5 and 6.

REVIEW: Allg. deutsche Bibl., Vol. 60, ii, pp. 4106.

Nachlese zu Sineds Liedern. Aufgesammelt und herausgegeben von Joseph von Retzer. Band 6. Wien. pp. 2009: Mors Oscaris, Filii Caruthi.

(Denis.) Der Tod Oscars. Des Sohnes Karuths. von Anton Freyh. v.


Denis's Latin hexameter version of The Death of Oscar, with a German translation in hexameters on the opposite pages. Cp. Der Tod Oskars (1772) and Deutsches Museum (1783).

REVIEW: Allg. deutsche Bibl., Vol. 69, i, pp. 967 (1786).

Ungedruckte Reste alten Gesangs nebst Stucken neurer Dichtkunst. von A.

Elwert. Giesen und Marburg. pp. 234: Klage der Barden bei Darthulas Grab. Aus dem Ossian. von S--a. pp. 258: Schilriks Gesang. Aus dem Ossian. von S--a. pp. 659: Allins Trauergesang uber den Tod der Liebenden. Aus dem Ossian. von S. pp. 701: Trauergesang uber Malvinas Tod. Aus dem Ossian. von S.

All four are poetic translations, the first of DarThula, p. 288, l.

31p. 289, l. 3; the second of CarricThura, p. 145, l. 27p. 146, l. 20; the third of CarricThura, p. 152, l. 12p. 153, l. 7; the fourth of Berrathon, p. 374, beginningp. 375, l. 1. The editor is Anselm Elwert, 17611825.

REVIEW: Allg. deutsche Bibl., Vol. 59, ii, pp. 4135 (1784).

Tales of Ossian for Use and Entertainment. Ein Lesebuch fur Anfanger im Englischen. Mit beigefugten historischen und lokalen Erlauterungen &c.


The editor of the Tales is J. Balbach. They are taken exclusively from the epics of Fingal and Temora: Morna, and Cairbar and Grudar from Fingal, Book i; Cuchullin to Connal, and Comal and Galvina from Bk. ii; The Song of Tura, and Fingal to Oscar from Bk. iii; Ossian and Evirallin from Bk. iv; Fingal and Orla, and Ryno's Death from Bk. v; Trenmor and Inibaca from Bk. vi; Oscar's Death, and The Tale of Fallen Cormac from Temora Bk. i; Fingal and Roscrana from Bk. iv; Sulmalla and Cathmor from Bk. vii, and Cathmor's Death, and Sulmalla from Bk. viii. Copious notes are provided. A second edition appeared in 1794, a third in 1822, _q. v._

REVIEW: Allg. deutsche Bibl., Vol. 61, ii, pp. 6089 (1785).

Karl Friedrich Kretschmans samtliche Werke. 6 vols. Leipzig. 178499.

Vol. 1, pp. 23548: Zwey Fragmente nach Ossian. I. Fingal und Hloda. II.

Der Schild. Cf. Taschenbuch, 177980.

REVIEW of the first two volumes: Neue Bibl. der schonen Wissenschaften, Vol. 31, i, pp. 5787 (1785); pp. 701: Review of the fragments.

Von dem Einflusse der Wissenschaften auf die Dichtkunst. Aus dem Franzosischen des Herrn Merian, ..., ubersetzt von Jakob Bernoulli.

[175989.] 2 vols. Leipzig. 17847. Vol. 1, pp. 2536: Poesie der Celten, pp. 316: Poems of Ossian. Note, pp. 369: Authenticity of the poems.

A translation of Johann Bernhard Merian's (17231807) Comment les sciences influentelles sur la poesie?

@1785.@ Doctor Blairs ... Critische Abhandlung uber die Gedichte Ossians, des Sohnes Fingals. Aus dem Englischen ubersetzt von Otto August Heinrich Oelrichs. Hannover und Ossnabruck.

This translation appeared in 1785 not in 1786, as stated by Gurlitt (April 9, 1802, p. 15), in Fingal, Gottingen, 1788, etc. A notice of Dr. Hugh Blair's death appeared in the Intelligenzblatt der Allg.

Lit.Zeitung, 1801, No. 92.

REVIEWS: Allg. Literatur Zeitung, 1785, iii, pp. 445.

Allg. deutsche Bibl., Vol. 65, i, pp. 1246 (1786).

K. G. Kuttners Briefe uber Irland an seinen Freund, den Herausgeber [M.

Schenk]. Leipzig, pp. 24858, 30910, 4412: Macphersons fruchtlosse Bemuhungen Schottlands Alterthum zu retten.-Unachtheit der Ossianischen Gesange.

REVIEW: Allg. deutsche Bibl., Vol. 65, ii, pp. 4956.

Magazin fur Wissenschaften und Litteratur. I. Bandes II. Theil.

Herausgegeben von Otto von Gemmingen. Wien. pp. 13541: Das Orakel der Deutschen, oder gesammelte Urtheile deutscher Kunstrichter uber die Denisische Uebersetzung Ossians.

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