Ossian in Germany Part 5

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A servile imitation of an Ossianic lament, which appeared anonymously.

Gedichte der Bruder Christian und Friedrich Leopold Grafen zu s...o...b..rg.

herausgegeben von Heinrich Christian Boie. Leipzig, pp. 16174: h.e.l.lebek, eine seelandische Gegend.

Cf. Deutsches Museum, 1776. The episode of Fingal and Agandecca is contained on pp. 1647.-In the Gesammelte Werke der Bruder Christian und Friedrich Leopold Grafen zu s...o...b..rg (20 vols., Hamburg 18205), h.e.l.lebek appears in Vol. 1, pp. 13545. For other editions cf. Goedeke's Grundriss. Cp. Werke, Vol. 2 (1821).

@1780.@ Taschenbuch fur Dichter und Dichterfreunde. Eilfte Abtheilung.

Leipzig, pp. 713: Fingal und Hloda. Nach Ossian. Von Kretschmann.

A poetical rendering of the episode of Fingal's battle with the Spirit of Loda, CarricThura, p. 146, l. 22.p. 148, l. 11. Cp.

Kretschmann's Works, 1784.

REVIEW of this and of Kretschmann's Der Schild in the Taschenbuch for 1779: Neue Bibl. der schonen Wissenschaften, Vol. 31, i, pp.

701 (1785).

Wienerischer Musenalmanach. Wien. pp. 1?: Darthula, ein Trauerspiel nach Ossian. Von Friedrich Saam.

A dramatization of Macpherson's DarThula.

Rheinische Beitrage zur Gelehrsamkeit. Mannheim. i, pp. 199213: Sitrik, ein Gedicht aus dem englischen ubersetzt. Von Herrn Obristwachtmeister von Harold.

Rhythmic prose, in imitation of Ossian. Cf. Rheinische Beitrage for 1778.

Leipziger Musenalmanach auf das Jahr 1780. Leipzig. pp. 1067: Die Rache. Von Stz.

An appeal for revenge in free imitation of Ossian.

Teudelinde; dem Grafen Friedrich Leopold zu s...o...b..rg gewidmet. Hamburg.

A tale with lyric pa.s.sages in the manner of Ossian, closing with a panegyric on the bard. The author is Gerhard Anton von Halem (17521819). Cp. Poesie und Prose (1789).

REVIEW: Allg. deutsche Bibl., Vol. 44, i, pp. 1034 (1780).

Buchhandler Zeitung, No. 4: doubts the genuineness of the poems of Ossian.

A copy of this paper was not to be had; the article in question is mentioned in the Beytrag zum ReichsPostreuter, 1780, 10tes Stuck.

@1781.@ Zustand der Wissenschaften und Kunste in Schwaben. Erstes Stuck.

Augspurg. [Herausgegeben von Balthasar Haug.] pp. 3456: Ossians KarrikThura. Aus dem Englischen, von H.

A translation of CarricThura in rhythmic prose, with lyrical pa.s.sages in verse, by Friedrich Wilhelm von Hoven (?). Cf. Arch. fur Litteraturgesch., 1879, p. 537.-Cp. Anthologie, 1782.

Gallische Alterthumer oder eine Sammlung alter Gedichte aus dem Gallischen des Ullin, Ossian, Orran, u. s. w. von John Smith ins Englandische und aus diesem ins Deutsche ubersetzt, benebst einer Geschichte der Druiden hauptsachlich der Caledonischen und einer Abhandlung uber die Aechtheit der Ossianischen Gedichte. 2 vols.


Translation of John Smith's Galic Antiquities, Edinburgh and London, 1780, by Christian Felix Weisse. Cp. Neue Bibl. der schonen Wissenschaften, 1766; Von den Barden, 1770.

REVIEW of English translation: Neue Bibl. der schonen Wissenschaften, Vol. 25, i, pp. 1723 (1780).-For reviews of the Gaelic originals cf. 17878.-A review of an Italian translation of the History of the Druids and of several of the poems appeared in the Gott. Anz. von gel. Sachen, 1788, i, p. 412.

D. Christian Heinrich Schmids Professors zu Giessen Anweisung der vornehmsten Bucher in allen Theilen der Dichtkunst. Leipzig. pp. 1203, 376: List of the works of Ossian and of a few treatises and translations.

Rheinische Beitrage zur Gelehrsamkeit. Mannheim, i, pp. 11729: Die Lieder von Tara. Vom Hrn. Obristwachtmeister von Harold.

Another of Harold's rhythmic prose imitations. Cf. Rheinische Beitrage for 1778.

@1782.@ Die Gedichte Ossians des Celtischen Helden und Barden. Aus dem Englischen und zum Theile der Celtischen Ursprache ubersetzt von Freyherrn von Harold. Zweyte verbesserte mit vielen bisher unentdeckten Gedichten vermehrte Auflage. 3 vols. Mannheim.

Vorbericht of 6 pp. by the publishers.-Fragment einer nordischen Geschichte in prose, 4 pp.; the same translated by Denis in hexameters, 4 pp.-Ueber Ossians Genie und Geist. Aus Hugo Blairs Abhandlung, 4 pp.-Then follow the poems in prose translation with arguments and notes. Vol. 2, pp. 2857 (293): Der Tod Oscars (from Macpherson's Notes to Temora). Vol. 3, pp. 275314: Anhang einiger neu aufgefundener Gedichte. (Bosmina, Ossians letztes Lied, Ossians Lied nach der Niederlage der Romer.)-Kayser, BucherLexicon, gives 1822 as the date of this edition. Cf. 1st ed., 1775, and Rheinische Beitrage, 1778, 1780, 1781.

Die Gedichte Ossians neuverteutschet. Tubingen.

Prose translation by Johann Wilhelm Petersen, with some notes from Macpherson and others added by the translator. Vorbericht, pp.

iiixiv.-pp. 441508: Anhang. pp. 4438: KolnaDona, placed here in the appendix because Petersen considers it far too unimportant to be given a place among the others. pp. 44954: Der Tod Oskars, a.s.signed to the appendix because he considers it unauthentic. pp. 45568: Bosmina. pp. 46978: Ossians letztes Lied. The last two from von Harold (cf. _supra_). pp. 479501: Macpherson's first dissertation translated. pp. 5028: Anhang des teutschen Uebersetzers zu vorstehender Abhandlung: account of the strife over the authenticity.-The translation of The Songs of Selma is Goethe's, as is the pa.s.sage from Berrathon given in Werthers Leiden.-Second edition: 1808.

REVIEWS: Allg. deutsche Bibl., Vol. 56, i, pp. 11820 (1783).

Frankfurter gelehrte Anzeigen, 1782, pp. 2415, which for the sake of comparison quote the beginning of Fingal (to p. 216, l. 21) in Petersen's, in Denis's, and in Lenz's translations.

Anthologie auf das Jahr 1782. Gedrukt in der Buchdrukerei zu Tobolsko.

[Herausgegeben von Schiller.] pp. 1124: Ossians Sonnengesang aus dem Gedichte Karthon. (In Musik zu haben beim Herausgeber.) von H ...

Translation in rimed verses of the Apostrophe to the Sun, Carthon, p. 163, l. 32p. 164, end. The translator is Friedrich Wilhelm von Hoven; cp. Zustand der Wissenschaften etc., 1781, and cf. Arch. fur Litteraturgesch., 1879, p. 537. The poem was set to music by Johann Rudolf Zumsteeg (17601802); cf. _infra_, p. 64.-A new edition of the Anthologie appeared in 1798, _q. v._ Cf. also Schiller's sammtliche Schriften, ed. Goedeke (Stuttgart), Erster Theil, Jugendversuche, pp. 2656; Schiller's letter to von Hoven, establis.h.i.+ng the latter's authors.h.i.+p of the translation is given on p. 196.

Vom Geist der Ebraischen Poesie. Eine Anleitung fur die Liebhaber derselben, und der altesten Geschichte des menschlichen Geistes, von J.

G. Herder. 2 vols. Dessau. 17823. p. 115: Ossians Anrede an die untergehende Sonne. pp. 1156: An die Morgensonne. pp. 1178: An den Mond. pp. 1189: An den Abendstern.

Metrical translations of four of Macpherson's apostrophes to ill.u.s.trate Ossian's personifications and nature poetry. The first is a translation of the beginning of CarricThura, p. 143, first paragraph; the second of Carthon, p. 163, l. 32p. 164, end; the third of DarThula, p. 278p. 279, l. 13 (cf. Silbernes Buch, 1771), and the last of the beginning of The Songs of Selma, p. 208, first nine lines. Cp. ed. Leipzig, 1787, and Alb.u.m des lit. Ver. in Nurnberg fur 1854, and cf. the editions of Herder's works. In Suphan's edition the translations are found in Vol. ii, pp. 297300.

Der Teutsche Merkur. Weimar. ii, pp. 1217: Metrical translation of the Presages of Ossian's Death, Berrathon, p. 380, l. 17p. 382, end. pp.

1722: Elegy on the Death of Malvina, Berrathon, beginning, p. 374p.

376, l. 14. p. 24: Translation of the War of InisThona, p. 205, ll.


These translations are by Herder, being inserted in his essay Hades und Elysium, oder Meinungen und Dichtungen verschiedner Volker vom Zustande der Menschen nach diesem Leben, in order to serve as an ill.u.s.tration of the ideas of the Celts on the subject, pp.

1124.-Cp. Zerstreute Blatter, 1797. In Suphan's edition of Herder's Works the Celtic conception of the Land der Seelen is given on pp. 32333 of Vol. 16 (1887.)

Bibliothek der schonen Wissenschaften und der freyen Kunste. Leipzig.

Vol. 27, i, pp. 1467: Review of Shaw's Enquiry into the Authenticity of the Poems ascribed to Ossian, London, 1781, and of John Clark's Answer to Mr. Shaw's Inquiry into the Authenticity of the Poems ascribed to Ossian, Edinburgh, 1781.

Fingal in Lochlin. Ein Schauspiel in funf Aufzugen. Nach Ossian. Dessau.

A dramatization in prose with several lyric pa.s.sages in verse based upon the story in Fingal, Book iii, p. 236, 16p. 238, l. 5, and upon CathLoda, while an episode in Act iii, 3, is based upon CarricThura (Fingal's battle with the Spirit of Loda). The drama was reprinted in Vol. 272 of the Deutsche Schaubuhne, Wien. Another edition appeared in 1787, _q. v._ Gurlitt (1802, April 9, p. 8), Nicolai (1877) and others give the date of the first appearance as 1783, which is incorrect. The author of this and the drama Inamorulla (1783) is Karl Heinrich, born 1760.

REVIEW: Gottingische Anzeigen von gelehrten Sachen, 1782, ii, pp.


Wienerischer Musenalmanach auf das Jahr 1782. Wien, pp. 14151: Das Grabmahl in Caracthuna. 1781. von Joseph Blodig v. Sternfeld.

A free invention in the Ossianic style.

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