Complexity - A Guided Tour Part 15

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What Is Network Thinking?

Network thinking means focusing on relations.h.i.+ps between ent.i.ties rather than the ent.i.ties themselves. For example, as I described in chapter 7, the fact that humans and mustard plants each have only about 25,000 genes does not seem to jibe with the biological complexity of humans compared with these plants. In fact, in the last few decades, some biologists have proposed that the complexity of an organism largely arises from complexity in the interactions among its genes. I say much more about these interactions in chapter 18, but for now it suffices to say that recent results in network thinking are having significant impacts on biology.

Network thinking has recently helped to illuminate additional, seemingly unrelated, scientific and technological mysteries: Why is the typical life span of organisms a simple function of their size? Why do rumors, jokes, and "urban myths" spread so quickly? Why are large, complex networks such as electrical power grids and the Internet so robust in some circ.u.mstances, and so susceptible to large-scale failures in others? What types of events can cause a once-stable ecological community to fall apart?

Disparate as these questions are, network researchers believe that the answers reflect commonalities among networks in many different disciplines. The goals of network science are to tease out these commonalities and use them to characterize different networks in a common language. Network scientists also want to understand how networks in nature came to be and how they change over time.

The scientific understanding of networks could have a large impact not only on our understanding of many natural and social systems, but also on our ability to engineer and effectively use complex networks, ranging from better Web search and Internet routing to controlling the spread of diseases, the effectiveness of organized crime, and the ecological damage resulting from human actions.

What Is a 'Network,' Anyway?

In order to investigate networks scientifically, we have to define precisely what we mean by network. In simplest terms, a network is a collection of nodes connected by links. Nodes correspond to the individuals in a network (e.g., neurons, Web sites, people) and links to the connections between them (e.g., synapses, Web hyperlinks, social relations.h.i.+ps).

For ill.u.s.tration, figure 15.2 shows part of my own social network-some of my close friends, some of their close friends, et cetera, with a total of 19 nodes. (Of course most "real" networks would be considerably larger.) At first glance, this network looks like a tangled mess. However, if you look more closely, you will see some structure to this mess. There are some mutually connected cl.u.s.ters-not surprisingly, some of my friends are also friends with one another. For example, David, Greg, Doug, and Bob are all connected to one another, as are Steph, Ginger, and Doyne, with myself as a bridge between the two groups. Even knowing little about my history you might guess that these two "communities" of friends are a.s.sociated with different interests of mine or with different periods in my life. (Both are true.) FIGURE 15.2. Part of my own social network.

You also might notice that there are some people with lots of friends (e.g., myself, Doyne, David, Doug, Greg) and some people with only one friend (e.g., Kim, Jacques, Xiao). Here this is due only to the incompleteness of this network, but in most large social networks there will always be some people with many friends and some people with few.

In their efforts to develop a common language, network scientists have coined terminology for these different kinds of network structures. The existence of largely separate tight-knit communities in networks is termed cl.u.s.tering. The number of links coming into (or out of) a node is called the degree of that node. For example, my degree is 10, and is the highest of all the nodes; Kim's degree is 1 and is tied with five others for the lowest. Using this terminology, we can say that the network has a small number of high-degree nodes, and a larger number of low-degree ones.

This can be seen clearly in figure 15.3, where I plot the degree distribution of this network. For each degree from 1 to 10 the plot gives the number of nodes that have that degree. For example, there are six nodes with degree 1 (first bar) and one node with degree 10 (last bar).

This plot makes it explicit that there are many nodes with low degree and few nodes with high degree. In social networks, this corresponds to the fact that there are a lot of people with a relatively small number of friends, and a much smaller group of very popular people. Similarly, there are a small number of very popular Web sites (i.e., ones to which many other sites link), such as Google, with more than 75 million incoming links, and a much larger number of Web sites that hardly anyone has heard of-such as my own Web site, with 123 incoming links (many of which are probably from search engines).

FIGURE 15.3. The degree distribution of the network in figure 15.2. For each degree, a bar is drawn representing the number of nodes with that degree.

High-degree nodes are called hubs; they are major conduits for the flow of activity or information in networks. Figure 15.1 ill.u.s.trates the hub system that most airlines adopted in the 1980s, after deregulation: each airline designated certain cities as hubs, meaning that most of the airline's flights go through those cities. If you've ever flown from the western United States to the East Coast on Continental Airlines, you probably had to change planes in Houston.

A major discovery to date of network science is that high-cl.u.s.tering, skewed degree distributions, and hub structure seem to be characteristic of the vast majority of all the natural, social, and technological networks that network scientists have studied. The presence of these structures is clearly no accident. If I put together a network by randomly sticking in links between nodes, all nodes would have similar degree, so the degree distribution wouldn't be skewed the way it is in figure 15.3. Likewise, there would be no hubs and little cl.u.s.tering.

Why do networks in the real world have these characteristics? This is a major question of network science, and has been addressed largely by developing models of networks. Two of models that have been studied in depth are known as small-world networks and scale-free networks.

Small-World Networks.

Although Milgram's experiments may not have established that we actually live in a small world, the world of my social network (figure 15.2) is indeed small. That is, it doesn't take many hops to get from any node to any other node. While they have never met one another (as far as I know), Gar can reach Charlie in only three hops, and John can reach Xiao in only four hops. In fact, in my network people are linked by at most four degrees of separation.

Applied mathematician and sociologist Duncan Watts and applied mathematician Steven Strogatz were the first people to mathematically define the concept of small-world network and to investigate what kinds of network structures have this property. (Their work on abstract networks resulted from an unlikely source: research on how crickets synchronize their chirps.) Watts and Strogatz started by looking at the simplest possible "regular" network: a ring of nodes, such as the network of figure 15.4, which has 60 nodes. Each node is linked to its two nearest neighbors in the ring, reminiscent of an elementary cellular automaton. To determine the degree of "small-worldness" in a network, Watts and Strogatz computed the average path length in the network. The path length between two nodes is simply the number of links on the shortest path between those two nodes. The average path length is simply the average over path lengths between all pairs of nodes in the network. The average path length of the regular network of figure 15.4 turns out to be 15. Thus, as in a children's game of "telephone," on average it would take a long time for a node to communicate with another node on the other side of the ring.

FIGURE 15.4. An example of a regular network. This network is a ring of nodes in which each node has a link to its two nearest neighbors.

FIGURE 15.5. A random rewiring of three links turns the regular network of figure 15.4 into a small-world network.

Watts and Strogatz then asked, If we take a regular network like this and rewire it a little bit-that is, change a few of the nearest-neighbor links to long-distance links-how will this affect the average path length? They discovered that the effect is quite dramatic.

As an example, figure 15.5 shows the regular network of figure 15.4 with 5% (here, three) of the links rewired-that is, one end of each of the three links is moved to a randomly chosen node.

This rewired network has the same number of links as the original regular network, but the average path-length has shrunk to about 9. Watts and Strogatz found that as the number of nodes increases, the effect becomes increasingly p.r.o.nounced. For example, in a regular network with 1,000 nodes, the average path length is 250; in the same network with 5% of the links randomly rewired, the average path length will typically fall to around 20. As Watts puts it, "only a few random links can generate a very large effect ... on average, the first five random rewirings reduce the average path length of the network by one-half, regardless of the size of the network."

These examples ill.u.s.trate the small-world property: a network has this property if it has relatively few long-distance connections but has a small average path-length relative to the total number of nodes. Small-world networks also typically exhibit a high degree of cl.u.s.tering: for any nodes A, B, and C, if node A is connected to nodes B and C, then B and C are also likely to be connected to one another. This is not apparent in figure 15.5, since in this network most nodes are linked to only their two nearest neighbors. However, if the network were more realistic, that is, if each node were initially connected to multiple neighbors, the cl.u.s.tering would be high. An example is my own social network-I'm more likely to be friends with the friends of my friends than with other, random, people.

As part of their work, Watts and Strogatz looked at three examples of real-world networks from completely different domains and showed that they all have the small-world property. The first was a large network of movie actors. In this network, nodes represent individual actors; two nodes are linked if the corresponding actors have appeared in at least one movie together, such as Tom Cruise and Max von Sydow (Minority Report), or Cameron Diaz and Julia Roberts (My Best Friend's Wedding). This particular social network has received attention via the popular "Kevin Bacon game," in which a player tries to find the shortest path in the network from any given movie actor to the ultra-prolific actor Kevin Bacon. Evidently, if you are in movies and you don't have a short path to Kevin Bacon, you aren't doing so well in your career.

The second example is the electrical power grid of the western United States. Here, nodes represent the major ent.i.ties in the power grid: electrical generators, transformers, and power substations. Links represent high-voltage transmission lines between these ent.i.ties. The third example is the brain of the worm C. elegans, with nodes being neurons and links being connections between neurons. (Luckily for Watts and Strogatz, neuroscientists had already mapped out every neuron and neural connection in this humble worm's small brain.) You'd never have suspected that the "high-power" worlds of movie stars and electrical grids (not to mention the low-power world of a worm's brain) would have anything interesting in common, but Watts and Strogatz showed that they are indeed all small-world networks, with low average path lengths and high cl.u.s.tering.

Watts and Strogatz's now famous 1990 paper, "Collective Dynamics of 'Small-World' Networks," helped ignite the spark that set the new science of networks aflame with activity. Scientists are finding more and more examples of small-world networks in the real world, some of which I'll describe in the next chapter. Natural, social, and technological evolution seem to have produced organisms, communities, and artifacts with such structure. Why? It has been hypothesized that at least two conflicting evolutionary selective pressures are responsible: the need for information to travel quickly within the system, and the high cost of creating and maintaining reliable long-distance connections. Small-world networks solve both these problems by having short average path lengths between nodes in spite of having only a relatively small number of long-distance connections.

Further research showed that networks formed by the method proposed by Watts and Strogatz-starting with a regular network and randomly rewiring a small fraction of connections-do not actually have the kinds of degree distributions seen in many real-world networks. Soon, much attention was being paid to a different network model, one which produces scale-free networks-a particular kind of small-world network that looks more like networks in the real world.

Scale-Free Networks.

I'm sure you have searched the World Wide Web, and you most likely use Google as your search engine. (If you're reading this long after I wrote it in 2008, perhaps a new search engine has become predominant.) Back in the days of the Web before Google, search engines worked by simply looking up the words in your search query in an index that connected each possible English word to a list of Web pages that contained that word. For example, if your search query was the two words "apple records," the search engine would give you a list of all the Web pages that included those words, in order of how many times those words appeared close together on the given page. You might be as likely to get a Web page about the historical price of apples in Was.h.i.+ngton State, or the fastest times recorded in the Great Apple Race in Tasmania, as you would a page about the famous record label formed in 1968 by the Beatles. It was very frustrating in those days to sort through a plethora of irrelevant pages to find the one with the information you were actually looking for.

In the 1990s Google changed all that with a revolutionary idea for presenting the results of a Web search, called "PageRank." The idea was that the importance (and probable relevance) of a Web page is a function of how many other pages link to it (the number of "in-links"). For example, at the time I write this, the Web page with the American and Western Fruit Grower report about Was.h.i.+ngton State apple prices in 2008 has 39 in-links. The Web page with information about the Great Apple Race of Tasmania has 47 in-links. The Web page has about 27,000 in-links. This page is among those presented at the top of the list for the "apple records" search. The other two are way down the list of approximately one million pages ("hits") listed for this query. The original PageRank algorithm was a very simple idea, but it produced a tremendously improved search engine whereby the most relevant hits for a given query were usually at the top of the list.

If we look at the Web as a network, with nodes being Web pages and links being hyperlinks from one Web page to another, we can see that PageRank works only because this network has a particular structure: as in typical social networks, there are many pages with low degree (relatively few in-links), and a much smaller number of high-degree pages (i.e., relatively many in-links). Moreover, there is a wide variety in the number of in-links among pages, which allows ranking to mean something-to actually differentiate between pages. In other words, the Web has the skewed degree distribution and hub structure described above. It also turns out to have high cl.u.s.tering-different "communities" of Web pages have many mutual links to one another.

In network science terminology, the Web is a scale-free network. This has become one of the most talked-about notions in recent complex systems research, so let's dig into it a bit, by looking more deeply at the Web's degree distribution and what it means to be scale-free.


How can we figure out what the Web's degree distribution is? There are two kinds of Web links: in-links and out-links. That is, suppose my page has a link to your page but not vice versa: I have an out-link and you have an in-link. One needs to be specific about which kinds of links are counted. The original PageRank algorithm looked only at in-links and ignored out-links-in this discussion I'll do the same. We'll call the number of in-links to a page the in-degree of that page.

Now, what is the Web's in-degree distribution? It's hard, if not impossible, to count all the pages and in-links on the Web-there's no complete list stored anywhere and new links are constantly being added and old ones deleted. However, several Web scientists have tried to find approximate values using sampling and clever Web-crawling techniques. Estimates of the total number of Web pages vary considerably; as of 2008, the estimates I have seen range from 100 million to over 10 billion, and clearly the Web is still growing quickly.

Several different research groups have found that the Web's in-degree distribution can be described by a very simple rule: the number of pages with a given in-degree is approximately proportional to 1 divided by the square of that in-degree. Suppose we denote the in-degree by the letter k. Then Number of Web pages with in-degree k is proportional to .

(There has been some disagreement in the literature as to the actual exponent on k but it is close to 2-see the notes for details.) It turns out that this rule actually fits the data only for values of in-degree (k) in the thousands or greater.

To demonstrate why the Web is called "scale free," I'll plot the in-degree distribution as defined by this simple rule above, at three different scales. These plots are shown in figure 15.6. The first graph (top) plots the distribution for 9,000 in-degrees, starting at 1,000, which is close to where the rule becomes fairly accurate. Similar to figure 15.3, the in-degree values between 1,000 and 10,000 are shown on the horizontal axis, and their frequency (number of pages with the given in-degree) by the height of the boxes along the vertical axis. Here there are so many boxes that they form a solid black region.

The plots don't give the actual values for frequency since I want to focus on the shape of the graph (not to mention that as far as I know, no one has very good estimates for the actual frequencies). However, you can see that there is a relatively large number of pages with k = 1,000 in-links, and this frequency quickly drops as in-degree increases. Somewhere between k = 5,000 and k = 10,000, the number of pages with k in-links is so small compared with the number of pages with 1,000 in-links that the corresponding boxes have essentially zero height.

What happens if we rescale-that is, zoom in on-this "near-zero-height" region? The second (middle) graph plots the in-degree distribution from k = 10,000 to k = 100,000. Here I've rescaled the plot so that the k = 10,000 box on this graph is at the same height as the k = 1,000 box on the previous graph. At this scale, there is now a relatively large number of pages with k = 10,000 in-links, and now somewhere between k = 50,000 and k = 100,000 we get "near-zero-height" boxes.

FIGURE 15.6. Approximate shape of the Web's in-degree distribution at three different scales.

But something else is striking-except for the numbers on the horizontal axis, the second graph is identical to the first. This is true even though we are now plotting the distribution over 90,000 values instead of 9,000-what scientists call an order of magnitude more.

The third graph (bottom) shows the same phenomenon on an even larger scale. When we plot the distribution over k from 100,000 to 1 million, the shape remains identical.

A distribution like this is called self-similar, because it has the same shape at any scale you plot it. In more technical terms, it is "invariant under rescaling." This is what is meant by the term scale-free. The term self-similarity might be ringing a bell. We saw it back in chapter 7, in the discussion of fractals. There is indeed a connection to fractals here; more on this in chapter 17.


Scale-free networks are said to have no "characteristic scale." This is best explained by comparing a scale-free distribution with another well-studied distribution, the so-called bell-curve.

Suppose I plotted the distribution of adult human heights in the world. The smallest (adult) person in the world is a little over 2 feet tall (around 70 cm). The tallest person is somewhere close to 9 feet tall (around 270 cm). The average adult height is about 5 feet 5 inches (165 cm), and the vast majority of all adults have height somewhere between 5 and 7 feet.

FIGURE 15.7. A bell-curve (normal) distribution of human heights.

The distribution of human heights looks something like figure 15.7. The plot's bell-like shape is why it is often called a bell curve. Lots of things have approximate bell-curve distributions-height, weight, test scores on some exams, winning scores in basketball games, abundance of different species, and so on. In fact, because so many quant.i.ties in the natural world have this distribution, the bell curve is also called the normal distribution.

Normal distributions are characterized by having a particular scale-e.g., 70270 cm for height, 0100 for test scores. In a bell-curve distribution, the value with highest frequency is the average-e.g., 165 cm for height. Most other values don't vary much from the average-the distribution is fairly h.o.m.ogeneous. If in-degrees in the Web were normally distributed, then PageRank wouldn't work at all, since nearly all Web pages would have close to the average number of in-links. The Web page would have more or less the same number of in-links as all other pages containing the phrase "apple records"; thus "number of in-links" could not be used as a way to rank such pages in order of probable relevance.

Fortunately for us (and even more so for Google stockholders), the Web degree distribution has a scale-free rather than bell-curve structure. Scale-free networks have four notable properties: (1) a relatively small number of very high-degree nodes (hubs); (2) nodes with degrees over a very large range of different values (i.e., heterogeneity of degree values); (3) self-similarity; (4) small-world structure. All scale-free networks have the small-world property, though not all networks with the small-world property are scale-free.

In more scientific terms, a scale-free network always has a power law degree distribution. Recall that the approximate in-degree distribution for the Web is Number of Web pages with in-degree k is proportional to .

Perhaps you will remember from high school math that also can be written as k2. This is a "power law with exponent 2." Similarly, (or, equivalently, k1) is a power law with exponent 1." In general, a power-law distribution has the form of xd, where x is a quant.i.ty such as in-degree. The key number describing the distribution is the exponent d; different exponents cause very different-looking distributions.

I will have more to say about power laws in chapter 17. The important thing to remember for now is scale-free network = power-law degree distribution.

Network Resilience.

A very important property of scale-free networks is their resilience to the deletion of nodes. This means that if a set of random nodes (along with their links) are deleted from a large scale-free network, the network's basic properties do not change: it still will have a heterogeneous degree distribution, short average path length, and strong cl.u.s.tering. This is true even if the number of deleted nodes is fairly large. The reason for this is simple: if nodes are deleted at random, they are overwhelmingly likely to be low-degree nodes, since these const.i.tute nearly all nodes in the network. Deleting such nodes will have little effect on the overall degree distribution and path lengths. We can see many examples of this in the Internet and the Web. Many individual computers on the Internet fail or are removed all the time, but this doesn't have any obvious effect on the operation of the Internet or on its average path length. Similarly, although individual Web pages and their links are deleted all the time, Web surfing is largely unaffected.

However, this resilience comes at a price: if one or more of the hubs is deleted, the network will be likely to lose all its scale-free properties and cease to function properly. For example, a blizzard in Chicago (a big airline hub) will probably cause flight delays or cancellations all over the country. A failure in Google will wreak havoc throughout the Web.

In short, scale-free networks are resilient when it comes to random deletion of nodes but highly vulnerable if hubs go down or can be targeted for attack.

In the next chapter I discuss several examples of real-world networks that have been found to have small-world or scale-free properties and describe some theories of how they got that way.


Applying Network Science to Real-World Networks.

NETWORK THINKING IS EVIDENTLY ON a lot of people's minds. According to my search on the Google Scholar Web site, at the time of this writing over 14,000 academic papers on small-world or scale-free networks have been published in the last five years (since 2003), nearly 3,000 in the last year alone. I did a scan of the first 100 or so t.i.tles in the list and found that 11 different disciplines are represented, ranging from physics and computer science to geology and neuroscience. I'm sure that the range of disciplines I found would grow substantially if I did a more comprehensive scan.

In this chapter I survey some diverse examples of real-world networks and discuss how advances in network science are influencing the way scientists think about networks in many disciplines.

Examples of Real-World Networks.


Several groups have found evidence that the brain has small-world properties. The brain can be viewed as a network at several different levels of description; for example, with neurons as nodes and synapses as links, or with entire functional areas as nodes and larger-scale connections between them (i.e., groups of neural connections) as links.

As I mentioned in the previous chapter, the neurons and neural connections of the brain of the worm C. elegans have been completely mapped by neuroscientists and have been shown to form a small-world network. More recently, neuroscientists have mapped the connectivity structure in certain higher-level functional brain areas in animals such as cats, macaque monkeys, and even humans and have found the small-world property in those structures as well.

Why would evolution favor brain networks with the small-world property? Resilience might be one major reason: we know that individual neurons die all the time, but, happily, the brain continues to function as normal. The hubs of the brain are a different story: if a stroke or some other mishap or disease affects, say, the hippocampus (which is a hub for networks encoding short-term memory), the failure can be quite devastating.

In addition, researchers have hypothesized that a scale-free degree distribution allows an optimal compromise between two modes of brain behavior: processing in local, segregated areas such as parts of the visual cortex or language areas versus global processing of information, for example when information from the visual cortex is communicated to areas doing language processing, and vice versa.

If every neuron were connected to every other neuron, or all different functional areas were fully connected to one another, then the brain would use up a mammoth amount of energy in sending signals over the huge number of connections. Evolution presumably selected more energy-efficient structures. In addition, the brain would probably have to be much larger to fit all those connections. At the other extreme, if there were no long-distance links in the brain, it would take too long for the different areas to communicate with one another. The human brain size-and corresponding skull size-seems to be exquisitely balanced between being large enough for efficient complex cognition and small enough for mothers to give birth. It has been proposed that the small-world property is exactly what allows this balance.

It has also been widely speculated that synchronization, in which groups of neurons repeatedly fire simultaneously, is a major mechanism by which information in the brain is communicated efficiently, and it turns out that a small-world connectivity structure greatly facilitates such synchronization.

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