Shadow Warriors: Breaking Point Part 22

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"We'll make it happen, baby. Next week, my platoon goes into the Chocolate Mountains of the Arizona desert for a month of battle rattle and EOD training. I won't be able to get away, but we'll have cell phone, Skype and emails." Gabe held her gaze. He saw the way her mouth flexed, the corners drawn in. He'd come to know many of Bay's quirks, her body language, in the past month. He knew she was withholding a lot of unspoken emotions when the corners of his mouth drew inward. Gabe reached over and tucked some drying strands of her soft hair behind her ear.

"The first month of my cla.s.s will be grueling for me, too. I'll have weekends, but I'll be studying my b.u.t.t off to get a handle on the course material and demands," Bay said before biting into the sandwich.

Gabe saw shadows in Bay's eyes as she ate. "We've been lucky to have this month."

"I know it." She sighed, giving him a tender look. "Every night in your arms has been a luxury I've never taken for granted."

Gabe felt his body respond to her yearning smile, the heat in her eyes for him. "A year from now, we'll have every day together. No more separations."

"I'm feeling very selfish right now. Maybe everyone who is in love feels this way." Bay picked up a chip. "I find myself wanting to stay here, Gabe, not go anywhere else. I've never felt like this before."

She wasn't really hungry, because tomorrow morning Gabe was going to see her off on a commercial flight to San Francisco. From there, she'd pick up another commercial flight into Boston, get a rental car and drive north toward Was.h.i.+ngton, D.C., where the advanced combat medical course was being held.

Moving his hand across her knee, he whispered, "What you're feeling is what every husband and wife feel before separation. You're not alone."

Bay finished her sandwich and closed the plastic box, leaned across Gabe and placed it in the basket. "I wish I could clone you and take you with me." She grinned. "At least you have my afghan to keep you company. And I'll have the heart you carved for me." The soothing sound of the ocean waves cras.h.i.+ng took away some of her anxiety. Gabe would be with his platoon and for the next month they'd be out on a desert training course in the Chocolate Mountains in Arizona, refining their shooting skills. Their platoon would work together once again, renewing their many skills as a flawless precision unit.

Gabe wiped his mouth with the paper napkin and dropped it into the basket. He studied Bay's profile. He felt no less torn by their coming separation, but right now he needed to be the stronger one. "Come here, baby." He brought her into his arms, cradled her head resting against his left shoulder. Kissing her cheek, Gabe rested his jaw against her temple as they watched the restless blue-green ocean. He felt Bay relax within his arms, her trust complete. "You know what today is, don't you?" he whispered against her ear.

"Our last day together."

Gabe smiled a little, hearing the sadness in Bay's lowered voice. "Didn't you know? It's All Hearts Day, too."

She snorted. "Hardly. That's February fourteenth, Valentine's Day."

"Oh," he said, grinning, "wrong day but right time." He released her and reached over into the basket. Gabe pulled out a small dark blue box. "I guess we'll have to consider this an early Valentine's Day gift for you...."

Surprised, Bay sat up between his open legs as he placed the box in her hand. Her flesh tingled. Sensing this was important, Bay eased out of his arms and faced him. "What's this?"

"Gotta open it to find out."

Bay frowned and stared down at the jewelry box in her hand. Her fingers trembled as she eased open the latch on the box. Inside were two rings. One was a simple gold band, a wedding ring. The engagement ring was set with four channel-cut blue sapphires, the color of her eyes. Her lips parted and she drew in a sharp breath of surprise. Lifting her chin, Bay stared into his smiling eyes. "Gabe..." She was at a loss for words, feeling such deep love for this man.

"Do you like them, baby?" Gabe asked.

"Th-they're beautiful," she managed, her voice growing hoa.r.s.e.

Gabe picked up the box and pulled out the sapphire engagement ring. "Give me your left hand. Let's make this official."

Stunned, she lifted her left hand. Gabe gently held her hand and slipped the engagement ring on her finger. Bay stared down at the tasteful, cla.s.sic ring now on her finger. Fighting tears, she blinked and then met and drowned in his warm green eyes. He was no longer smiling. As his fingers tightened a little around her hand, she saw the naked desire in his gaze. Her body responded just as hotly as she got to her knees and threw her arms around his shoulders.

Gabe brought Bay up against him, settling her across his lap. "I love you, Bay. I wanted to give you the ring today before your left." He felt her tremble, her face buried against his neck. Her arms tightened around him and he smiled a little, feeling her trying to fight back her tears that wanted to fall. "When you get to missing me, you can have that ring sitting right along with that cedar heart I carved for you in your Kevlar vest. I'll be that close to you, baby. I'll be with you in spirit, watching over you...."

Bay felt hot tears squeezing beneath her lids as she clung to him. Right now Gabe was like a rock, steady and calm, while she felt her emotions bouncing back and forth between giddy happiness and desperate sorrow over their coming separation. She felt his hand move in a caress down her back and come to rest against her hip. She loved his ability to show her how he felt. Choking back a sob, Bay lifted her head from his shoulder and held his stormy looking gaze.

"You surprised me. You always do. I never expected this." Bay managed a one-cornered smile. Leaning upward, she captured his mouth. He groaned, his arms tightening around her, crus.h.i.+ng her against his lean, powerful body. She surrendered to Gabe in every way. He eased her onto her back on the blanket and propped himself up by one elbow. No matter what they did together, whether it was going to a grocery store, seeing a movie, scuba diving off the kelp beds of La Jolla, his guardian energy always surrounded her.

Lifting his hand, Gabe gently threaded his fingers through her dry, soft strands. He saw the love burning in Bay's eyes, saw it in her well-kissed lips. He moved silky curls away from her flushed cheek. "You are my life," he told her huskily, kissing her brow, her nose, finally settling his mouth tenderly on her lips. Bay's hand came to rest on his shoulder. Her mouth was soft, searching, and he felt every ounce of her love in that kiss with him. He inhaled her warm breath deeply into his lungs and released his breath into her mouth.

Easing away just enough to hold her tearful gaze, Gabe whispered unsteadily, "We'll get through this together, Bay. We're strong people as individuals. Now we're twice as strong because we have each other." His hand came to rest on her flushed cheek. "I'm going to look forward to putting that wedding ring on your finger a year from now. And it's something we can look forward to, no matter where life takes us."

Gabe wanted to brand his belief into her heart and remove the sadness he saw in her expression. Moving his thumb, Gabe erased a single tear from the corner of her eye. "You're incredibly strong and resilient, Bay. And so am I. We've already weathered the worst. Now all we have to do is coast downhill for the next year." The last six months when she was once again in Afghanistan were going to be a special h.e.l.l for them. Gabe would worry about her every single day, knowing she would be with either an SF or a SEAL team.

Bay reached up and grazed his cheek. "I know you're right. And I am strong. We've got so much to look forward to."

Gabe smiled a little. "Your mother is already in high gear with wedding plans. My mother has been talking with her about them. They're already fast friends. We'll let them dream for us, and that will keep them happy and help them not worry as much as they might."

Laughing softly, Bay agreed. "Let's go back to your condo. I want to spend the rest of the day with you, Gabe. Just you..."

He eased Bay up into a sitting position. "Anything you want, baby."

Also available from Lindsay McKenna.

and Harlequin HQN.

Down Range.

High Country Rebel.

The Loner.

The Last Cowboy.

Deadly Silence.

Deadly Ident.i.ty.


The Adversary.


Shadows from the Past

Dangerous Prey

Time Raiders: The Seeker.

The Quest

Heart of the Storm.

Dark Truth

Beyond the Limit.


Silent Witness.

Enemy Mine


Morgan's Honor.

Morgan's Legacy.

An Honorable Woman.

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