State Trials -
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WITNESS--No, indeed, I cannot tell who went with my lord Warwick; there came in a gentleman in black, whom I knew to be my lord of Warwick's steward, and he came and spoke some words to my lord of Warwick, about a quarter of an hour after they came in, and then they went away, for after that I did not hear any further discourse.
ATTORNEY-GENERAL--What became of the rest of the company?
WITNESS--They went away; I do not know what became of them, nor whither they went; some of them went in and out of one room into another several times, two or three times, and came out again.
ATTORNEY-GENERAL--My lord, we have done with the witness.
LORD HIGH STEWARD--My lord Warwick, will you ask him any questions?
EARL OF WARWICK--No, my lord.
_Mr. Salmon_, the surgeon who, by the coroner's orders, examined Coote's wounds, was called. There were two wounds: one on the left breast, near the collar-bone, running down four or five inches. He could not guess what sort of a sword made it; the wound was about half an inch broad.
There was another wound under the last rib on the left side, an inch broad, six inches deep. They were both mortal. In answer to Lord Warwick, he said that neither could be given by a sword run up to the hilt. He could not say that they must have been given by the same weapon: but they might have been.
_Stephen Turner_, Coote's servant, identified his master's sword; he believed he fenced with his right hand, but had never seen him fence at all.
EARL OF WARWICK--I desire he may be asked, whether he has not observed a particular kindness and friends.h.i.+p between his master and me?
TURNER--Yes, my lord; I have several times waited upon my master, when my lord and he was together, and they were always very civil and kind one to another; and I never heard one word of any unkindness between them.
EARL OF WARWICK--Whether he knows of any quarrel that was between us?
TURNER--No, I never did.
EARL OF WARWICK--Whether he did not use to lie at my lodgings sometimes?
LORD HIGH STEWARD--You hear my lord's question: what say you?
Did your master use to lie at my lord of Warwick's lodgings at any time?
TURNER--Yes; very often.
ATTORNEY-GENERAL--Pray call Pomfret again, and let him see the sword.
[Then he came in, and two swords were shewn him.]
ATTORNEY-GENERAL--I desire he may acquaint your lords.h.i.+ps what he knows of those two swords.
POMFRET--These two swords were brought in by some of the company that came to my master's house; and when they were shewn to captain French in the morning he owned this to be his, and the other to be Mr. Coote's; and he desired that notice might be taken, that his sword was dirty but not b.l.o.o.d.y; and there was some blood upon the other.
ATTORNEY-GENERAL--Who brought in Mr. Coote's sword?
POMFRET--Indeed I cannot tell.
_White_, the coroner, was called, and said that he had asked Salmon whether the two wounds on Coote's body were given by the same weapon, and he said he could not say.
ATTORNEY-GENERAL--We have done with our evidence, until we hear what my lord of Warwick says to it.
LORD HIGH STEWARD--My lord of Warwick, will you ask this witness any questions?
EARL OF WARWICK--No, my lord.
LORD HIGH STEWARD--Make proclamation for silence.
CLERK OF THE CROWN--Serjeant at arms, make proclamation.
SERJEANT-AT-ARMS--O yes, O yes, O yes! His grace, my lord high steward of England, does strictly charge and command all manner of persons here present to keep silence, upon pain of imprisonment.
LORD HIGH STEWARD--My lord of Warwick, the king's counsel have made an end of giving evidence for the king; now is the proper time for you to enter upon your defence.
EARL OF WARWICK--May it please your grace, and you my n.o.ble lords, my peers.
I stand here before your lords.h.i.+ps, accused of the murder of Mr. Coote, of which I am so innocent, that I came and voluntarily surrendered myself so soon as I heard your lords.h.i.+ps might be at leisure to try me; and had sooner done it, but that the king was not then here, nor your lords.h.i.+ps sitting, and had no mind to undergo a long confinement; and now I think I might well submit it to your lords.h.i.+ps' judgment, even on the evidence that has been offered against me, whether there hath been any thing proved of malice prepense, or my being any actor therein, so as to adjudge me guilty. And I think I may with humble submission to your lords.h.i.+ps say, that my innocence appeareth even from several of the witnesses who have been examined against me, which I will not trouble your lords.h.i.+ps to repeat, but submit to your memory and observation.
But, my lords, the safety of my life does not so much concern me in this case, as the vindication of my honour and reputation from the false reflections to which the prosecutor has endeavoured to expose me; and I shall therefore beg your lords.h.i.+ps' patience to give a fair and full account of this matter: in which the duty I owe to your lords.h.i.+ps, and to justice in general, and the right I owe to my own cause in particular, do so oblige me, that I will not in the least prevaricate, neither will I conceal or deny any thing that is true.
My lords, I must confess I was there when this unfortunate accident happened, which must be a great misfortune in any case, but was more so to me in this, because Mr. Coote was my particular friend; and I did all I could to hinder it, as your lords.h.i.+p may observe by the whole proceedings.
It was on the night when my lord Mohun and I, and several other gentlemen, met at Locket's, where the same company used often to meet; and in some time after several of us had been there, Mr. Coote came unexpectedly, and for some time he and we were very friendly, and in good humour, as we used to be with each other; but then there happened some reflecting expressions from Mr. Coote to Mr. French, who thereupon called for the reckoning; and it being paid, we left the upper room, and I proposed to send three bottles of wine to my own lodging, and to carry him thither to prevent the quarrel. But while the company stopped to call for a gla.s.s of ale at the bar below, Mr. Coote (whose unfortunate humour was sometimes to be quarrelsome) did again provoke Mr. French to such degree, that they there drew their swords; but we then prevented them of doing any mischief: then Mr. Coote still insisting to quarrel further with Mr. French, my lord Mohun and I proposed to send for the guards to prevent them: but they had got chairs to go towards Leicester-fields; and my lord Mohun and I, as friends to Mr. Coote, and intending to prevent any hurt to him, did follow him in two other chairs; and as he was going up St. Martin's-lane, stopped him, and I extremely there pressed him to return and be friends with Mr. French, or at least defer it, for that the night was very dark and wet; and while we were so persuading of him, Mr. French in one chair, and Mr. James and Mr. Dockwra in two other chairs past by us (which we guessed to be them), on which Mr. Coote made his chairmen take him up again, and because the chairmen would not follow Mr. French faster, threatened to p.r.i.c.k him behind; and when we were gone to Green-street and got out of our chairs, Mr. Coote offered half a guinea to be changed to pay for all our three chairs, but they not having change, he desired lord Mohun to pay the three s.h.i.+llings, which he did. And in a few minutes after, Mr. Coote and Mr. French engaged in the fields, whither I went for the a.s.sistance and in defence of Mr. Coote, and received a very ill wound in my right hand; and there this fatal accident befel Mr. Coote from Mr. French whom Mr. Coote had dangerously wounded, and I must account it a great unhappiness to us all who were there: but so far was I from encouraging of it, that I will prove to your lords.h.i.+ps that I did my utmost endeavours to prevent it; so far from any design upon him, that I exposed my own life to save his; so far from prepense malice, that I will, by many witnesses of good quality and credit, prove to your lords.h.i.+ps a constant good and uninterrupted friends.h.i.+p from the first of our acquaintance to the time of his death; which will appear by many instances of my frequent company and correspondence with him, often lending him money, and paying his reckonings; and about two months before his death lent him an hundred guineas towards buying him an ensign's place in the guards, and often, and even two nights before this, he lodged with me, and that very night I paid his reckoning. And when I have proved these things, and answered what has been said about the sword and what other objections they have made, I doubt not but that I shall be acquitted to the entire satisfaction of your lords.h.i.+ps, and all the world that hear it.
Before I go upon my evidence, I will crave leave further to observe to your lords.h.i.+ps, that at the Old Bailey, when I was absent, Mr. French, James, and Dockwra, have been all tried on the same indictment now before your lords.h.i.+ps; and it was then opened and attempted, as now it is, to prove it upon me also; and by most of them the same witnesses who have now appeared; and they were thereupon convicted only of manslaughter, which could not have been, if I had been guilty of murder. And on that trial it plainly appeared that Mr. French was the person with whom he quarrelled, and who killed him. And now I will call my witnesses.
LORD HIGH STEWARD--Will your lords.h.i.+p please to go on to call your witnesses, for the proof of what you have said; that is the method, and then you are to make such observations as you please.
EARL OF WARWICK--My first witness is capt. Keeting, who was with me at Locket's, but went away before capt. Coote or any of them came; and he will tell you I was with him a while.
[Then captain Keeting stood up.]
LORD HIGH STEWARD--Capt. Keeting, you are not upon your oath, because the law will not allow it. In cases of this nature the witnesses for the prisoner are not to be upon oath; but you are to consider that you speak in G.o.d's presence, who does require the truth should be testified in all causes before courts of judicature; and their lords.h.i.+ps do expect, that in what evidence you give here, you should speak with the same regard to truth as if you were upon oath; you hear to what it is my lord of Warwick desires to have you examined, what say you to it?
CAPTAIN KEETING--My lord, I will tell your lords.h.i.+p all the matter I know of it. I met with my lord of Warwick that evening at Tom's Coffee-house, and we continued there till about eight at night; I went away to see for a gentleman that owed me money, and afterwards I went to Locket's; and while I was there, the drawer came up and told me, my lord of Warwick desired to speak with me; and when he came up into the room, he said he was to meet with my lord Mohun there, and capt. Coote, and he asked me if I knew where capt. French and capt. James were; I told him I dined with capt. Coote at Shuttleworth's; and in a while after, capt. Coote came in, and about an hour and an half, I think, I continued there, and capt. French came in; capt. Dockwra and we drank together for an hour and an half, and they admired, about ten o'clock that my lord Mohun was not come; and I payed my reckoning, not being very well, and away I went home; Mr. James came in just before I went away; but there was no quarrelling, nor any thing like it before I went away.
EARL OF WARWICK--My lord, I desire he may be asked, Whether we did not usually meet there as friends, especially capt. Coote and I?
CAPTAIN KEETING--Captain Coote and my lord of Warwick used to be almost every day together at that place.
EARL OF WARWICK--Pray, did he ever know or observe any difference or quarrel between capt. Coote and me?
CAPTAIN KEETING--No, my lord, I never saw any thing but the greatest friends.h.i.+p between my lord of Warwick and captain Coote that could be; I was with them, and saw them together almost every day.
LORD HIGH STEWARD--Have you any thing further to examine this witness to?
EARL OF WARWICK--No, my lord, I have no further question to ask him.
LORD HIGH STEWARD--Who is your next witness, my lord?
EARL OF WARWICK--My lord, I suppose I shall not need to trouble you to examine the chairmen over again; your lords.h.i.+ps have heard what they can say: I desire colonel Stanhope may be called.
[Who it seems stood by the Chair of State, and it was some while before he could get round to come to the place the witnesses were to stand.]