Sweet Water Vet: Taking Rachael Part 4

Sweet Water Vet: Taking Rachael -

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"Ahem, perhaps I should get a lift with you, too," James teased.

"No, you shouldn't," Joshua growled.

"Maybe you're right," James said, failing to hide a mischievous grin.

Rachael now appeared cooler and calmer as she sashayed over holding each end of the towel as it hung around her neck.

"Here's your coffee, Rachael. Strong, dark, and definitely not sweet."


James handed a coffee to her and one to Joshua. As he turned to get his own from the house, she flicked her towel, lightly catching him on the b.u.t.t.

"Ow! Careful, darlin', you'll give me ideas."

"Ideas? What a novel experience for you."

He clutched his chest. "You wound me with your sharp wit, but now I know you'll be thinking about it."

"For goodness' sake, don't you ever stop?" Joshua sighed.

When James was about to answer, Joshua interrupted. "It was a rhetorical question, I know you don't."

After they had finished their drinks, Joshua and Rachael left in the same vehicle she'd arrived in four days ago. Trying to put the maximum possible distance between them, she positioned herself on the far side of the cab next to the door. The a.n.a.lytical side of her mind recognised that natural animal instinct was making her wary. He was a prime male in close proximity to a fertile and, if she were honest, receptive female. Gosh, I can't stop thinking like a vet. It's pathetic.

They drove for a while in silence. The cab, which at first had seemed so s.p.a.cious, now felt confining. She could see, hear, and smell him. If she wanted to-and she did-she could touch and taste him. But there was something else, a sixth sense maybe, operating on another level. Her chest swelled as she breathed deeply, her nostrils flared when she caught a slight waft of his masculine scent, and her body sang in recognition of a primeval melody that her mind refused to acknowledge: special, compatible, potential mate. Of course, it could just be the "pheromone fairies" out to trick her into doing something rash. Already she felt that her panties were damp just from being so close to him. She was finding it difficult not to fidget and wriggle.


As he slowed the truck for the cattle grid at the border of the property, Joshua briefly glanced at Rachael. She didn't look comfortable, but then neither was he with a raging hard-on straining to get out of his jeans and say h.e.l.lo. d.a.m.n but his c.o.c.k was turning into a demanding dictator. Attempting to ease the tension building between them, he asked Rachael about her immediate plans.

"So you're fixing up Flora's Place to move into?"

"Yes," she explained. "Colin, Mark, and Susan are great, but I think I'm cramping their style, if you know what I mean."

"Um, I can imagine, but what about your style?"

"Nothing to cramp." She sighed and shrugged.

"I find that hard to believe."

"Well, I did have a boyfriend, but it ended three months ago."

No boyfriend, good.

"You seem to enjoy flirting with my brother." There, he'd said it, the thing that bothered him.

"Yes, but you know what they say about flirting don't you?

Flirtation is just tension without the intention," she quoted.

Clever, and perhaps she doesn't fancy my brother.

"That's probably why you don't flirt, Joshua."

"What do you mean?" He was intrigued by her observation.

"I doubt you do anything without intention."

She was right.

Suddenly he swerved the UV off the road and brought it to an abrupt halt behind a clump of thick bushes. In one fluid quick move, he slapped both seat belts open and dragged her across his lap.

"WaWhat are-"

"What am I doing? I want you in my bed. I've thought of little else since I met you, but I can't wait," he ground out.

Raw instinct pushed all thoughts from his mind other than to take this woman and to screw her senseless. With an arm under her, he 38 roughly pulled her to him and crushed his mouth down on hers. It wasn't a gentle kiss but a fierce possessive a.s.sault on her lips that claimed her mouth, allowed no refusal.

At first, she weakly attempted to resist, with a protest m.u.f.fled by his kiss. "You're a client. This is not professional."

"Who cares?" He knew in the back of his mind that he should, but the aching need to have her was simply too strong.

He pressed harder and she responded by relaxing her jaw and parting her lips. It was sheer bliss as she willingly received him and they shared their first kiss, full of pa.s.sion and promise for things destined to come. His tongue slipped into the warm wet confines of her mouth, then thrust deeper, duelling with hers. She snaked her arms up around his neck and ran her fingers through his hair. He could sense her fevered desire. It matched his own.

He moved his free hand under her T-s.h.i.+rt, pus.h.i.+ng it over her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

"Front fastener," she said throatily.

"Smart girl."

He deftly unclipped her bra and released her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, beautiful, ample pale globes topped with pretty, candy-pink nipples. His c.o.c.k would fit nicely between them, and that image flitted in his mind as he buried his face and sucked hard on each pert bud while he undid the b.u.t.ton and zipper of her jeans. He slid his hand under the sc.r.a.p of lace that masqueraded as underwear, down over her smooth, partially shaved mound, and felt the moist evidence of her arousal. He gently skimmed his middle finger and thumb over her wet p.u.s.s.y lips and then pressed on her c.l.i.t in a circular motion.

"Oh, G.o.d, that feels so good," she gasped as she tilted her hips and parted her legs more.

He responded to her unspoken invitation and plunged his thick finger into her creaming c.u.n.t. Her eyes widened as she watched him slowly remove his hand and put the finger to his mouth.



She tasted exquisite. He knew that he would enjoy lapping at her p.u.s.s.y when she was more comfortable and he could take his time, but not now. He returned his hand to between her legs and reinserted his finger. She clenched around it as he slowly moved his hand back and forth, returning pressure on her swollen c.l.i.t with his thumb.

She tugged on his hair to bring his lips in contact with hers again to be devoured by a ravenous kiss. He moaned into her mouth as she writhed on his lap. Her hip pressed against the outline of his hard length straining against the confines of his jeans. She squirmed more and ground against him, and he matched her rhythm with his hand. It was her turn to moan.

He kissed and nipped his way down her throat to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and sucked on her t.i.ts again, alternating between them, gently biting and pulling the hard, protruding nipples. He stopped playing with her b.r.e.a.s.t.s for a moment to look into her dark brown eyes. The pupils were dilated with desire, and he knew that he could lose himself in the depths of that gaze.

She slowly closed her eyes and tipped her head back, exposing her throat and pus.h.i.+ng her b.r.e.a.s.t.s upward. It was both a wanton and submissive gesture, which ignited his pa.s.sion further. He returned his mouth to her nipple and flicked and sucked more forcefully. The sensation began like the small tremors preceding a major earthquake.

Her c.l.i.t was the epicenter, and he felt the shock waves languidly radiating outwards through her body. She stiffened and jerked.

"Joshua, I'm coming," she cried out as her channel gripped and undulated around this finger, flooding his hand with her juices.

He felt a sense of urgency like never before. It screamed at him to take her any which way, to take her now. He removed his hand and clawed at her clothes, yanking her jeans down and off. Flinging the door open, he half dragged her through. She stumbled as her feet hit the ground for a moment before being lifted up against the side of the UV.


"Rachael, if you don't want this, say so now," he said with barely restrained l.u.s.t as he tore open his jeans enough to release his huge c.o.c.k.

Ten and a half inches of ridged, wide shaft sprang out.

Want it? She needed it, craved it, and was desperate for it.

Moments ago the sensations emanating from her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and between her legs had become uncontainable. Shockwaves had crashed up her spine to her brain and down her legs to her toes as she'd climaxed hard. Her p.u.s.s.y now begged for something bigger than his finger to clasp and squeeze around and as luck would have it...

She wrapped her legs around him and ground against him.

"Don't," she pleaded with a moan.

He tensed "Don't," she kissed him, "stop."

"Is that a yes or a no?" he said in frustration.

"It's a yes, d.a.m.n it. Don't stop."

One arm gripped her a.s.s, holding her off the floor, while the other ripped off her panties and positioned the head of his glistening c.o.c.k against her plump swollen nether lips. For a second, he hesitated, and then he groaned her name as he pushed into her, forging through warm, tight, moist muscle.

"Oh, Jesus, yes," he said.

He filled her completely, stretching her c.u.n.t to an almost painful limit. Crying out, she sank her teeth into the s.h.i.+rt on his shoulder to m.u.f.fle her scream. For a moment he stopped, giving her time to adjust, then slowly began to pump into her.

Her pa.s.sion raged like a wildfire on parched land. She made soft mewing noises and gasps, urging him on. He didn't hold back for long and picked up the pace. He thrust into her faster, harder, and deeper. She could feel the friction of his thick, hard length along the


uneven muscular surface of her tightly fisted channel, slick with her juices, as he repeatedly plunged forward and pulled back.

She heard him grunting with each thrust.


"You don't have to," she cried as another climax caused her to jerk and squeeze her legs around him.

She leaned back against the vehicle and spread her arms out in abandonment as he pushed against her. She was helpless. He dictated the pace, and it was perfect. He began to pump his hips faster. She clenched her inner muscles and shuddered and bucked as her o.r.g.a.s.m continued to blaze through her. She howled his name as her c.u.n.t undulated, milking his c.o.c.k, causing him to cry out.

"Oh, f.u.c.k yes. That's right, take it all," he demanded as he violently shot his load deep inside her.

Panting, they held each other closely as the aftershocks subsided.

Slowly, he lifted her off him and loosened his hold. She slid down his body to stand on uncertain legs, wobbly like a newborn colt, but glad that he still held and supported her weight. He tilted her face up and bent down to kiss her while caressing her back.

He was about to speak when she became aware of something sticky seeping down her thigh. Realization hit her like a bucket of cold water.

"d.a.m.n, we didn't use a condom. I've never done that before.

Stupid, stupid girl," she said, disgusted with herself and annoyed with him.

"Me, neither. I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking." He sounded shocked.

"You were thinking, all right, just not with your brain."

He looked taken aback. "If it's any consolation, I had an annual medical a month ago and I'm clear of any STDs. What about you?"

"I don't sleep around. I also had a medical before coming here.

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