Sweet Water Vet: Taking Rachael Part 19

Sweet Water Vet: Taking Rachael -

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"You're kidding!" she shrieked.

There, lined up, was a banana and thick cuc.u.mber, and each had a condom next to it. She started to giggle.


"When James mentioned using a condom, I don't think he had this in mind." She started to laugh in earnest. "Jesus, Mitch, your imagination has been working overtime, I'm just," she was trying to catch her breath, "I'm just glad you didn't raid the squash section."

She howled with laugher.

"I'm glad you're taking this seriously." He was trying to frown but was failing. He loved the suns.h.i.+ne in her, the uninhibited joy. It and her laughter were infectious and soon the two of them were rolling around on the floor.

"I'm sorry, I just can't stop thinking how you must have furtively foraged in the fruit section and perversely prowled the produce. Oh, G.o.d, my stomach hurts. I'll never be able to go to Mel's Mart again without blus.h.i.+ng. If only they knew what sinister fate awaited their groceries." Another fit of giggles consumed her. "I'm not at all sure I want to lose my virginity to Carl the Cuc.u.mber, no matter how handsome he is!"

"Laugh it up, babe, laugh it up. You'll be thanking me later."

When she calmed down, she asked, "Mitch, why can't you just use your fingers?"

How f.u.c.king obvious. He could kick himself.

"I guess I was thinking about a smaller version of my c.o.c.k, a vibrator or a d.i.l.d.o. I thought that the shape might make it...smoother, easier. I missed the obvious." If he used his fingers he would be able to feel her muscles relax, he would know her response better.

She gave him a heartwarming smile.

"You've been so preoccupied about my comfort that you've forgotten the simple fact that I'm a woman and you're a man and our bodies are designed to fit. I knew there must be a reason I've got hips like these." She waggled her curvy a.s.s. "You worry too much, Deputy."

"Only about you." He looked at her sprawled out next to him, red-faced and breathless from laughing and imagined she'd look similar after s.e.x-irresistible.


"I know, and thank you, but I want you, not a salad. Now, you have me on the floor, horizontal. Whatcha gonna do about it?" she goaded.

It was a good time to show her properly what all the fuss was about. He undid his belt and unzipped his jeans as he lay on the floor next to her. She watched in interest as he hooked his thumbs in the waistband of both his boxers and pants and pushed them down.

"Wow, oh my-wow." She gulped, unable to look away from his canon-like c.o.c.k. "Obviously, I wasn't paying enough attention last night," she whispered, finally having the good sense to look nervous.

"Don't worry," he a.s.sured her gently. "I'll take good care of you, but you see why I went to the trouble?"

She didn't say anything for a few seconds, and then blurted out, "There's an elephant somewhere missing a trunk. Get Carl."

He laughed. "We'll try fingers first, shall we? We've plenty of time."

They began, there and then, on the soft rug on the floor, their laughter turning to groans as they thoroughly explored each other, stripping away the layers of clothing between them.

Mitch marvelled at her soft skin and curves; she had those aplenty and he appreciated it. She had a nice, rounded a.s.s, hips he could firmly hold, and large t.i.ts that filled even his huge paws. He wanted to hold her to him and feel her softness against his hardness. The heat of their bodies merged and he was distinctly aware of her scent mixing with his own. It was a heady combination and he breathed in deeply through his nose, wanting to experience all of the woman who lay under him. He kissed his way down her neck to her generous b.r.e.a.s.t.s and sucked gently on each nipple, teasing each to hard, sensitive nubs.

"You're perfect." He smiled as he cupped and gently squeezed a breast in one big hand. He continued his way south, kissing her flat stomach and curvy hips, caressing her smooth, soft skin, touching her with b.u.t.terfly-light caresses. He stroked her thighs, bent her legs, and opened them wide. The delicate, sensitive folds of her p.u.s.s.y hid her 145.

opening like the closed petals of a flower at night. He bent forward and parted them with his tongue; Janet moaned and tilted her hips. He licked along the seam up to her c.l.i.t and lightly tickled the succulent hood with his tongue.

"Oh, oh, that feels amazing," she groaned.

He made a noise of appreciation deep in this throat as he tasted her. He hadn't been mistaken last night; it was the most delectable treat he'd ever known. The thought that she was his, that her p.u.s.s.y would be on the menu for him anytime, caused his blood to heat and his c.o.c.k to get even harder; not necessarily a good thing under the circ.u.mstances. She threaded her fingers through his hair and gently pulled him away. Her eyes held an ocean of yearning in their depths.

"IaI'm not very experienced, but I want to give you the same pleasure that you give me," she said shyly.

Didn't she know that just being there with him, allowing him to love her, was pleasure enough? This night was all about her.

"You don't have to do anything baby. Just relax and let me make love to you."

"But I want-I need to touch you, too. Mitch, sixty-nine. I want to taste and suck you."

Lord Almighty. How could he refuse?

"Sit on my face," he said in a raspy voice, and turned to lie on his back.

She grabbed the tube of lube off the table as she moved to reposition herself.

"Oooh, strawberry flavor, how thoughtful," she delightedly exclaimed as she crouched over him.

Quickly, she spread the gel-like substance onto her right palm.

She leaned over, resting her weight on one elbow, and took as much of a hold of his chunky c.o.c.k as she could. Her grip didn't nearly reach around him, so she twisted her hand with each stroke, clenching and sliding around him as she pumped her hand slowly up and down his length.


"G.o.d, that's so good, baby. That's just right," he growled before pulling her hips down and her p.u.s.s.y closer.

Although she was moist, he grabbed the lube that she had left on the floor and coated his fingers. While he continued to lick and tease her c.l.i.t, he pushed his middle finger slowly inside. Her tight muscles gave way, and he slid back and forth in a slow motion, pressing against the sides of her hot muscular walls. He decided to try two fingers so he withdrew his hand, crossed his middle finger over the index, and entered them into her again. It was a little harder, but he slid inside and slowly spread his fingers apart. He felt her muscles tense but then relax as he tongued her c.l.i.t in a circular motion.

Still gripping his c.o.c.k, she kissed the large head and swirled the flat of her tongue around it before tickling with the tip under the rim.

He made a deep noise of approval, enjoying her hesitant yet thorough investigation.

Starting with a kiss on the top, she slowly took him into her mouth and slid slowly down his length. He could feel her lips widening and tightening around him as he filled her mouth to capacity.

"Breathe through your nose, baby. Don't take me too deep." He didn't want her to gag or feel uncomfortable. There would be plenty of time later for lessons in how to deep throat a large c.o.c.k. Tonight her hand would have to do most of the work, and he wasn't complaining because it was sublime. With tender finesse, she maintained a firm, steady pumping action on his shaft. Her oral effort was focused on the large, sensitive, plum-sized head.

Mitch knew that he was going to come soon, so he began to tongue her c.l.i.t more vigorously and move his fingers deeper and a little faster. He could tell that she was near to climax as she lost some of her tossing rhythm and made small, panting, gasping cries. He was so close to coming his b.a.l.l.s were tightening, but he only had to hold off a few more seconds. She jerked and trembled, and her p.u.s.s.y clamped around his fingers. She held his c.o.c.k tight and gave a m.u.f.fled shriek with her mouth still around the head. He cried out and 147.

bucked his hips, filling her mouth, as her juices coated his face, buried between her trembling thighs.

After a minute, she scooted around and collapsed on top of him.

They stayed that way awhile, floating in a posto.r.g.a.s.mic stupor. He kissed her, registering the fact that he had come in her mouth.

"Sorry, sweetheart. I should have said spit or swallow."

"I did a bit of both. Your face is wet. Is that me?"

He licked his lips. "Yep, delicious."

She sat up, straddling him. "Did I-was it okay. I'm not that experienced."

"No, it wasn't okay. It was perfect." She was perfect. He stroked her face then moved his hands down her sides and between her legs.

"You're very slick and relaxed. Let's see if we can make it three." He wiggled his fingers in front of her.

"Okay." She nodded and splayed her thighs a bit wider.

She displayed nothing but trust, and he was going to make darn sure it wasn't misplaced. Watching her face the whole time, he put his thumb, index, and middle finger close together and gently pressed them into her flesh. Although tight, it was much more pliant than before, and he was steadily able to press deeper. At one point, she winced and he felt her muscles contract. He smiled encouragingly at her.

"Relax, baby, relax," he coaxed. "Yeah, that's right, let it go."

Her muscles eased off, and he was able to slowly move deeper until he was up to the third knuckles. He pumped his hand gently to get her channel accustomed to the invasion and then slowly splayed his fingers, pus.h.i.+ng against the strong muscles of her c.u.n.t.

"Oh," she moaned.

"Does it hurt?" He stopped.

"Not really. It's good."

He moved his fingers in and out a little faster and gave her c.l.i.t attention with his other hand. Within a minute, she was panting and meeting his thrusting hand with her hips.


"Agh, I'm coming again," she cried, rearing up on his chest and gripping his shoulders as she pushed herself farther onto his hand and came. She jerked as her c.u.n.t spasmed around his splayed open fingers.

"Oh, G.o.d, I have to have you. Mitch. I'll die of want if I don't."

"Baby, you look so beautiful. I can't wait until my c.o.c.k's inside you. It will be tonight, I promise." He was hard again already.

"Not later, now, Mitch, now," she pleaded "Are you sure?" He wasn't convinced that she was could take him but he wasn't about to argue because his weapon was c.o.c.ked tight and ready to go again.

"Yes, I want it," she demanded.

"Stay on top, at least until I'm in. You can control the entry. Use lots of lube." This way, he wouldn't get too carried away and she could dictate the pace. "Oh, and don't forget a condom."

She reached up and s.n.a.t.c.hed a foil-wrapped condom next to the cuc.u.mber. "Sorry, Carl, buddy, you're out of luck."

Janet tore open the wrapper and noticed the extra-large sizing. You got that right. Using two hands, she smoothly rolled it over his very taut d.i.c.k. Now for the lubrication, las.h.i.+ngs of it-her p.u.s.s.y would be strawberry flavored for hours.

"I'll help support you," Mitch said, and placed his big hands on her hips as she squatted over him.

Janet reached down and positioned his c.o.c.k in line with her hungry c.u.n.t. So long she had waited, but no more. She slowly began to descend on him. The large, round, purple head was nestled between her plump p.u.s.s.y lips, which parted like a mouth stretched in an expression of wide exclamation as she slowly fed herself his c.o.c.k.

She felt the first pull of her soft tissues over his hard, solid, slippery shaft. It wasn't painful- not yet. She breathed deeply then continued 149.

slowly, slowly until the first pinch of pain struck. She stopped, unsure what to do.

"Help me, Mitch."

"Back up a bit, babe, just a bit," he gently advised.

She did as he bid her and the sharp pinching sensation eased.

"Let's relax those muscles a bit more, shall we? Use your knees to support yourself. Yeah, that's right. It's a good thing you've got long legs."

Once she was settled and could relax her leg muscles more, he began to play with her c.l.i.t. Like a master conductor, he controlled her body, bringing her toward the ultimate crescendo. She gave herself over to him because she knew he would take care of her. She tilted her head back, feeling wild and wanton.

"So f.u.c.king beautiful," he growled at the lush sight of her. "Take more of my c.o.c.k, Janet."

Again, she began to descend onto him, but this time she felt a need greater than her fear of pain and sank farther. He continued to lightly rub her c.l.i.t with a well-lubricated finger and spoke to her in a voice dripping with desire. "I want you riding my fat c.o.c.k to oblivion, babe. Soon, you'll be so stuffed full of my c.o.c.k that you'll never want any other man ever. You saved the best for first, Janet."

Yes. After this, she would never underestimate the power of the mind as an aphrodisiac.

"Oh, G.o.d," she half yelped, half gasped as she slid farther down his length. Her o.r.g.a.s.m loomed and demanded completion. She needed him all the way inside, not just the two inches of ground gained.

"Mitch, just thrust into me. Do it quickly, do it now," she cried.

"No way, Janet. I'll not hurt you that way." His jaw muscle twitched as he gritted his teeth.

It drove her insane. She needed all of him. When the contractions in her c.u.n.t began, they swept away any doubt. When the full force of 150 her o.r.g.a.s.m hit, she jerked and fell, plunging herself onto him, screaming in both pleasure and pain.

"Janet!" he cried, holding her still, not moving.

At first it felt as if she were impaled much too deeply upon him and her p.u.s.s.y and womb protested with an intense cramping pain. She didn't dare move, but the pain receded relatively quickly. She began to relax and feel more comfortable.

"I'm okay," she half panted, half sobbed, "just give me a moment."

It almost resolved the problem of his size and libido in an instant.

He felt wretched and ashamed because he was close to emptying his b.a.l.l.s into her as she'd cried out in agony. Even so, her p.u.s.s.y was warm and clenched tightly, vigorously quivering around his embedded c.o.c.k. It urged him on, tempting him to move. He agonized over what to do. His c.o.c.k was on a hair trigger, but he didn't want to shoot-not this way, not with her, not the first time.

"Janet, baby, are you okay? Why did you do that?"

He was distraught with concern for her.

"The pain is pa.s.sing. The pleasure's still there. I've waited long enough; I want all that you can give. Make love to me, Mitch."

Oh, G.o.d. He couldn't resist. The unrelenting pressure of her c.u.n.t clamped around his restless d.i.c.k like a sprung trap was taking its toll.

His b.u.t.t clenched as he sought to stave off the inevitable for as long as necessary. He pulled her head down to his, her curtain of soft, dark hair falling about his shoulders. He kissed her, thoroughly exploring her mouth, nibbling her bottom lip and kissing her face. He rolled her underneath him and then sat up with her on his lap. She hissed with the slight s.h.i.+ft in position, but smiled and mouthed that she was okay.

In this position, he could stand up and stay within her p.u.s.s.y. She 151.

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