Female Scripture Biography Volume II Part 1

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Female Scripture Biographies.

Vol. II.

by Francis Augustus c.o.x.

The Virgin Mary.

Chapter I.

Section I.

Congratulation of the Angel Gabriel--Advantages of the Christian Dispensation--Eve and Mary compared--State of Mary's Family at the Incarnation--she receives an angelic Visit--his Promise to her of a Son, and Prediction of his future Greatness--Mary goes to Elizabeth--their Meeting--Mary's holy Enthusiasm and remarkable Language--Joseph informed of the miraculous Conception by an Angel--general Remarks.


Such was the congratulatory language in which the commissioned angel addressed the virgin of Nazareth, when about to announce the intention of Heaven, that she should become the mother of Jesus; and such the strain which we cannot help feeling disposed to adopt, while recording her ill.u.s.trious name, and contemplating this wonderful transaction.

On Mary devolved the blessing which the most pious of women had for a long succession of ages so eagerly desired, and which had often created such an impatience for the birth of children, in some of whom they indulged the sublime hope of seeing the promised Messiah. In her offspring was accomplished the long series of prophecy which commenced even at the moment when the justice of G.o.d p.r.o.nounced a sentence of condemnation upon rebellious man; and which, like a bright track extending through the moral night, and s.h.i.+ning amidst the typical shadows of the Mosaic dispensation, fixed the attention of patriarchs, and prophets, and saints, for four thousand years:--and upon this otherwise obscure and insignificant female beamed the first ray of that evangelical morning which rose upon the world with such blissful radiance, and is increasing to the "perfect day."

Infidels may contemplate the manifestation with unholy ridicule or vain indifference; but we will neither consent to renounce the evidence afforded to the historic fact, nor cease to celebrate the mysterious miracle. We will unite with the impa.s.sioned angel, at least in the sentiment and spirit of his address; and join the high praises of the midnight anthem, sung by descending spirits in the fields of Bethlehem: "GLORY TO G.o.d IN THE HIGHEST, AND ON EARTH PEACE, GOOD WILL TOWARDS MEN!"

In the course of Scripture history, we are now advanced to that period which the apostle emphatically denominates "the last days," in which "G.o.d, who at sundry times and in divers manners, spake in time past, unto the fathers by the prophets," speaks to us "by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds." Let us hear his voice, admit his claims, and bow to his dictates. As truth arises upon us with greater splendour, we shall find that character is formed to greater maturity under the immediate influence of "the ministration of righteousness" which "exceeds in glory." By the unparalleled transactions of this age we shall see the whole energy of the human mind drawn forth, and furnished with ample scope for exercise; all the faculties become enn.o.bled and purified; and the female s.e.x especially, from the days of Elizabeth and Mary to the close of the sacred record, becomes marked with a holy singularity. By the starlight of the former dispensation, we have discovered many women of superior excellence, availing themselves of all the means they enjoyed, and presenting a pre-eminence of character proportioned to their comparatively few advantages and imperfect revelation; but amidst the splendours of the "Sun of Righteousness" we shall witness, in the females who adorned this new era, a greater elevation of mind and advancement in knowledge.

Still it must be recollected, that the day only dawned, the shadows were not at first entirely dispersed; and although the favoured inhabitants of Judea and its vicinity saw the age of Christ, not like Abraham, "afar off," but in its commencing glory, their prejudices and prepossessions did but slowly melt away. Some degree of dimness remained upon the moral sight; and we are called to observe, not so much the accuracy of their conceptions as the fervour of their love.

The two most extraordinary women that ever appeared in this world were unquestionably EVE, "the mother of all living," and MARY, "the mother of Jesus Christ." They occupied respectively the highest stations and the most critical points of time that ever fell to the lot of mortals; and they exhibit an instructive contrast. EVE lived at the beginning, and MARY at the "fulness of time."--EVE saw the glories of the new made world after creative Wisdom had p.r.o.nounced it all "very good," and before sin had tarnished its beauty and disarranged its harmonies.--MARY beheld it rising from the ruins of the fall, at the moment of its renovation and in the dawn of its happiest day.--EVE was placed in the most glorious and conspicuous situation, and fell into a state of meanness and degradation.--MARY was of obscure origin and lowly station, but was raised, by a signal appointment of Providence, to the highest eminence.--EVE was accessary to the ruin of man--MARY instrumental in the birth of him who came as the Restorer and Saviour of mankind--EVE beheld the fatal curse first take effect, in overcasting the heavens with clouds, in withering the blossoms of paradise, envenoming the spirit of the animal creation, disordering the human frame, and ultimately destroying it, and introducing all the nameless diversities of wo which fill up the tragedy of human life.--MARY witnessed the beginning of that long series of blessings which divine love has for ages dispensed to man "through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus," and which will eventually replenish the cup of existence with unmingled sweetness and perfect joy.--EVE witnessed, with a trembling consciousness of guilt, the awful descent of those mighty "cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life," and which were placed "at the east end of the garden of Eden." MARY, with feelings of ecstatic rapture, beheld the angel Gabriel standing before her, with the smiles of heaven upon his countenance, heard his benedictions, and held "communion sweet" with the holy messenger. Wretched, wretched Eve! Happy, happy MARY!

The Jews have been always celebrated for their care in preserving their genealogies: in consequence of which it providentially happened, that the evangelists were able from their own authenticated records, to verify the ancient predictions of the birth of Jesus Christ. Two of the inspired historians have given a statement of his ancestry; the one tracing it from Abraham, and the other ascending to Adam; the one pursuing the line of Joseph, his reputed father, the other the line of Mary, his real mother; both concurring in the most decisive evidence of his being the Son of David and of Abraham, and the true Messiah of the prophets. [1]

Although in her distant ancestry Mary may justly be considered as of an ill.u.s.trious descent, yet at the period of the incarnation, this family was in a very reduced state: the genealogical tree of David was cut down to its very roots, when the ancient prediction was accomplished respecting that great Personage who is represented "as a slender twig shooting out from the trunk of an old tree, cut down, lopped to the very root, and decayed; which tender plant, so weak in appearance, should nevertheless become fruitful and prosper."

"But there shall spring forth from the trunk of Jesse, And a cion from his roots shall become fruitful.

And the spirit of JEHOVAH shall rest upon him: The spirit of wisdom and understanding, The spirit of counsel and strength, The spirit of knowledge, and the fear of JEHOVAH." [2]

But vain is the "boast of heraldry." It can avail nothing to elevate an insignificant character to eminence, or screen a guilty one from contempt.

The evangelists have not recorded the lineage of Joseph and of Mary for the purpose of emblazoning their names, but solely to authenticate the prophetic declarations respecting Christ, to be connected with whom is real honour and solid glory. Of past generations, how many names, great in human estimation, have descended into oblivion, while those only will obtain an imperishable memorial, who are "written in the Lamb's book of life."

It must ever be deemed a n.o.ble distinction to have stood related to Christ "according to the flesh;" more so than to have been the sons and daughters of the mighty princes of mankind: but to have been his MOTHER was the sole honour of one happy female; still, however, less happy on this account, than because of the genuine humility with which she adorned her lowly sphere, and the lively faith with which she recognized the character of her Son.

In reference to the genealogical tables of Matthew and Luke, it has been admirably remarked, "We observe among these ancestors of Christ, some that were _heathens_; and others that, on different accounts, were of _infamous character_: and perhaps it might be the design of Providence that we should learn from it, or at least should on reading it take occasion to reflect, that persons of all nations, and even the _chief of sinners_ amongst them, are encouraged to trust in him as their Saviour. To him, therefore, let us look even from the ends of the earth; yea, from the depths of guilt and distress; and the consequence will be happy beyond all expression or conception." [3]

In the apostolic epistle to the Hebrews, it is intimated as a fact, of pleasing notoriety, in the history of the church of G.o.d, that angels are "ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation." When appointed by the great Supreme to this service, they usually adopted a human form and appearance, probably for the purpose of securing that degree of familiarity which the nature of their communications required, and which a more splendid manifestation would have precluded; in the scriptural accounts, however, of these remarkable visits to eminent saints in early ages, whether they appeared in numbers, as to Abraham, or individually, as on other occasions, no distinct mention is made of their names or order. But to impress a character of majesty and dignity upon the message, and upon all the circ.u.mstances of the divine communication to Mary, when an angel is commissioned to announce that she was selected by the wonderful providence of G.o.d as the mother of the Messiah, the name of the celestial messenger is recorded by the evangelist in a marked and solemn manner. It was the angel GABRIEL [4] one, as we may infer, of the highest order of those intelligences that "circle the throne rejoicing;" and the same glorious spirit who so many ages before had been sent to Daniel, to specify, in a prophetic enigma, the time of "MESSIAH THE PRINCE," which he now came to announce as having actually arrived.

Never did even an angel before convey so important a message, or descend to this earth with such rapturous sensations. It must ever, indeed, be considered the felicity of an angel, as well as of a man, to do the will of G.o.d, whether this obedience involve personal difficulty, or be accompanied with circ.u.mstances of peculiar delight. It must have afforded satisfaction to the mighty spirit who was despatched from heaven to eject the first parents of our race from the bowers of Eden, and to stretch his flaming sword across the path of access to the tree of life, as well as to that favoured angel who now hastened to the cottage of the virgin of Nazareth; because each was accomplis.h.i.+ng a purpose in which he knew that the divine perfections were pre-eminently displayed; but as, in executing the will of G.o.d, the holiest of men must necessarily experience a different kind and degree of satisfaction, according to the nature of the service itself to which they are called; and as we have scriptural evidence that the inhabitants of the invisible world have peculiar sensations when sinners of the fallen race are converted to G.o.d; it is not surely an inadmissible sentiment, that, as never spirit was honoured before with such a message, Gabriel must have felt unusual joy upon announcing the incarnation of the Son of G.o.d. His very language expresses it. His address is full of pathos and congratulation. It breathes angelic rapture. With it we commenced this subject, and in some measure partic.i.p.ating the bliss, we cite it again: "Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee! Blessed art thou among women!"

There is nothing in the narrative to induce us to think that the angel a.s.sumed any extraordinary splendour of appearance on this occasion; and judging from the usual mode in which blessed spirits visited the sons of men in former times, as well as from a consideration of the tender age and lowly station of Mary, it is probable that he entered the room where she was, as an ordinary stranger. It is besides stated, that she was troubled at his _saying_, not at his _appearance_.

This salutation excited in the virgin's breast a sensation of astonishment mingled with apprehension. Among the Jews it was not lawful for a man to use any salutation to a woman, not even by a messenger, or her own husband; in addition to which, the panegyrical and congratulatory terms in which she was addressed, might well lead her to "cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be."

The benevolent messenger at once relieved her from the embarra.s.sment into which he perceived she had been thrown, by familiarly calling her by name, renewing the solemn a.s.surances of divine favour, and predicting the future glory of that ill.u.s.trious Son whom she should bear, and whose description, being, like all the Jews, well instructed in the prophetic Scriptures, she would immediately recognize. These were his remarkable words: "Fear not, Mary; for thou hast found favour with G.o.d. And, behold, thou shall conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shall call his name JESUS. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord G.o.d shall give unto him the throne of his father David. And he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever: and of his kingdom there shall be no end."

Her surprise was now raised to the highest pitch; and, incapable of comprehending by what means such a declaration could be fulfilled in her who was at present a virgin, she ventured to inquire of the angel, "How shall this be?" It is worthy of observation, that she did not instantly reject the testimony of her ill.u.s.trious visiter as manifestly absurd and impossible, but modestly requested an explanation of the mysterious a.s.surance. She was evidently one of those who "waited for salvation" in Israel; and who well knew that it was the province of human reason to submit, with implicit confidence, even to the most inexplicable statements of revelation.

It is true, she could not conjecture by what miraculous conception the angelic prediction would be verified; but she did not hesitate a moment to allow the apparently incongruous facts of his being her son, and yet the Son of the Highest, who should rise to the throne of David, and possess an everlasting kingdom. Her reason was confounded, but her faith triumphed; and though she knew not the _manner_, this was no sufficient evidence with her against the probability of the declared fact. Upon how many inferior occasions, and under far less mysterious circ.u.mstances have we been incredulous, deeming even the plainest declarations improbable, because they were unaccountable; and presuming to introduce some arbitrary alteration into the record of heaven, or some far-fetched comment, rather than humbly bow to supreme authority.

If, however, it were admitted that the question of Mary betrays at least a momentary incredulity, this was soon dispersed by the angel's reply: "The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee; therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee, shall be called the Son of G.o.d. And, behold, thy cousin Elizabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age; and this is the sixth month with her who was called barren. For with G.o.d nothing shall be impossible."

In the exercise of lively faith and joy she answered, "Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her."

Let us endeavour to imitate the spirit of Mary. She acknowledged the power of G.o.d to accomplish the greatest, and, to her, the most inconceivable designs; and with unaffected simplicity, blended with humble and holy satisfaction, she received the divine word. Thus let us resign ourselves to the will of G.o.d, and confide in his most wonderful declarations. It is for mortals to believe, and not to cavil; when Jehovah speaks, to hear and to obey. Let us beware of stumbling at the promises through unbelief; and cherish increasing pleasure in the conviction, that he who sent his Son into the world to be the Saviour of men, will freely bestow upon his redeemed people all the blessings of time, and all the riches of eternity.

It is observable, that on this occasion a young woman, though at first overawed by the heavenly manifestation, at length displayed a faith which s.h.i.+nes with peculiar brightness, when brought into comparison with the sentiments of the aged priest Zacharias, when the same angel appeared to him a few months before, to communicate a prediction of far less apparent improbability.

When this venerable man was burning incense on the golden altar before the Lord, and therefore in circ.u.mstances peculiarly favourable to the most elevated exercises of faith and devotion, Gabriel appeared to him, and gave him a.s.surance that his frequent prayer for the redemption of Israel was heard, and that his aged partner should become in due time, the mother of a distinguished son, to be named John, who should be "great in the sight of the Lord," eminently useful in converting many of the children of Israel, and preparing their minds for the speedy approach of the Messiah; and yet it is stated, that Zacharias "believed not his words," in consequence of which he was smitten with dumbness till the birth of the child. But Mary, though so inferior in age, in situation, and in spiritual advantages, glorified G.o.d by a full acquiescence in his declarations; thus exemplifying what the grace of G.o.d can accomplish, even in the youngest persons, and the weakest s.e.x. It must not indeed, be overlooked, that _at first_ the language of Mary indicated a certain degree of hesitation and doubt, somewhat allied to the unbelief of Zacharias, although she _eventually_ triumphed over every feeling of fear or of unbelief; and yet no sign of divine displeasure was given. May we not, therefore, take occasion to admire the discriminating goodness of G.o.d, who, while he does not "willingly afflict or grieve the children of men,"

proportions his chastis.e.m.e.nts to the demerit of the individual, and the circ.u.mstances of the case? The omniscience of the Searcher of hearts is perfectly acquainted with the secret workings of the mind, and measures with perfect discernment the exact delinquency of every thought and deed, when we can judge only by the appearance or the words of the individual.

It is peculiarly gratifying to witness the beginnings of faith in the young, and especially in young females. It becomes their age and s.e.x. It const.i.tutes their best accomplishment, and their most s.h.i.+ning ornament.

Beauty is a fading flower, wealth a perishable treasure, and admiration "a puff of air;" but religion in the heart is an unfading inheritance. While so many vain and inconsiderate young women value themselves upon exterior charms and unmeaning flatteries, upon the symmetry of a face, the elegance of a form, and the decoration of a ribbon, may every female reader of these pages aspire after the n.o.bler distinction of Mary, and by her undissembled piety afford pleasure to her parents, to her friends, to the church of G.o.d, and to those witnessing spirits, "in whose presence there is joy at the repentance of a sinner!"

Immediately after the visit of the angel Gabriel to Mary, perhaps on the same day [5], she hastened to her cousin Elizabeth, the wife of Zacharias, who resided in that part of Judea called the hill-country, which extended from Bethoron to Emmaus. The purpose of this visit was to congratulate her pious relative on the singular mercy which she was informed by the angel she had experienced, in the promise of a son at her advanced period of life, and to communicate an account of the heavenly intercourse with which she had herself been favoured.

"Now theirs was converse such as it behoves Man to maintain, and such as G.o.d approves"--

worthy of the excellent characters who met, and calculated to confirm each other's hopes, and awaken mutual grat.i.tude:

"Christ and his character their only scope, Their object, and their subject, and their hope."

If, when pious persons a.s.sociate together, they have not to relate the visits of angels, or the miraculous interferences of Providence, it is surely in their power to diversify, enliven, and improve their social interviews, by some allusions to experimental religion, and some interchange of pious sentiment. The Christian world suffers incalculable loss by neglecting suitable opportunities for such communications, which might be eminently conducive to the great purposes of mutual comfort and instruction; for

"------What are ages and the lapse of time, Match'd against truths, as lasting as sublime?

Hearts may be found, that harbour at this hour That love to Christ, and all its quickening power; And lips unstain'd by folly or by strife, Whose wisdom, drawn from the deep well of life, Tastes of its healthful origin, and flows A Jordan for the ablation of our woes.

Oh days of heaven, and nights of equal praise.

Serene and peaceful as those heavenly days, When souls drawn upwards, in communion sweet, Enjoy the stillness of some close retreat, Discourse, as if releas'd and safe at home, Of dangers past and WONDERS YET TO COME, And spread the sacred treasures of the breast Upon the lap of covenanted rest."


As soon as Mary had reached the residence of Elizabeth, and saluted her, the babe, which the latter had conceived, leaped with unusual and supernatural emotion; and she became so filled with the Holy Spirit, as instantly to burst out in the most impa.s.sioned language, indicative of the glorious discovery, that Mary was the long predestined mother of Messiah.

Although it seems probable that her husband, upon his return home, had informed Elizabeth (perhaps by means of writing, for he was still suffering that temporary dumbness which his unbelief had occasioned) of the vision he had seen at Jerusalem, and of the promise of the angel that he should have a son remarkably distinguished, especially as the precursor of the Saviour; yet till this moment she had no suspicion that her beloved relative was to be that ill.u.s.trious mother, who should inherit the blessing of all future ages. Now a ray from heaven breaks upon the mysterious subject, and "the glory of the Lord" is risen upon this venerable matron. She pours forth unusual benedictions upon Mary, and congratulates herself upon the felicity of her own circ.u.mstances.

The generous nature of this joy is truly admirable, and worthy of imitation. Exempt from that envious spirit which is so predominant in the world, and so utterly subversive of the real interests and happiness of those who cherish it, Elizabeth congratulated her young relative upon the superior favour which Heaven had conferred upon her; and murmured not at the will of Providence, in a.s.signing her so unexpected a pre-eminence. Her words were as follows: "Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. And whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For, lo, as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in mine ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy. And blessed is she that believed; for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord."

The same spirit which dictated the language of Elizabeth, animated the bosom of Mary with inspirations of a still higher order. Unable to restrain the vehement enthusiasm of her mind, she thus began:--


The mother of Jesus here adopts the prophetic style, speaking of the future character of her ill.u.s.trious Son as though he were already born, and had attained to that eminency to which he was predestined. She extols him as "G.o.d her Saviour," more enraptured with the hope of salvation through his name, than with the honour of her maternal connexion with him.

We need feel no surprise at her a.s.signing this t.i.tle to her antic.i.p.ated offspring, when we recollect that she was at the moment divinely inspired, and that she had been previously informed by the angel Gabriel of his being "the Son of the Highest." This was no doubt understood by the Virgin Mary as expressive of his divine personality. He did not, indeed, _become_ the Son of G.o.d by his miraculous conception; but it was the reason of his being called so. Thus he is _called_ the Son of G.o.d as raised from the dead, no more to return to corruption, but he was not _const.i.tuted_ such by these events. It was a _declaration_ of what he was antecedently to his conception by the overshadowing influence of the Holy Spirit.

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