The Covenants And The Covenanters Part 20

The Covenants And The Covenanters -

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After the blessing was p.r.o.nounced, the minister went to the pulpit and had the following exhortation, the king sitting still upon the throne.

Ye have this day a king crowned, and entered into covenant with G.o.d and His people; look, both king and people, that ye keep this covenant; and beware of the breach of it. That ye may be the more careful to keep it, I will lay a few things before you.

I remember when the Solemn League and Covenant was entered into by both nations. The commissioners from England being present in the East kirk of Edinburgh, a pa.s.sage was cited out of Nehemiah, which I shall now again cite. Nehemiah requireth an oath of the n.o.bles and people, to restore the mortgaged lands, which they promise to do; after the oath was tendered, he did shake his lap, and said, "So G.o.d shake out every man from his house, and from his labour, that performeth not this promise, even thus be he shaken out and emptied. And all the congregation said, Amen."

Since that time, many of those who were in the covenant, are shaken out of it; yea, they have shaken off the covenant, and laid it aside. It is true, they are prospering this day, and think that they prosper, by laying aside the covenant; but they will be deceived. That word spoken then shall not fall to the ground; G.o.d shall shake them out of their possession, and empty them for their perfidious breach of the covenant.

The same I say to king and n.o.bles, and all that are in covenant; if you break that covenant, being so solemnly sworn, all these who have touched your crown, and sworn to support it, shall not be able to hold it on; but G.o.d will shake it off, and turn you from the throne: and ye n.o.blemen, who are a.s.sistant to the putting on of the crown, and setting the king upon the throne, if ye shall either a.s.sist, or advise the king to break the covenant, and overturn the work of G.o.d, He shall shake you out of your possessions, and empty you of all your glory.

Another pa.s.sage I offer to your serious consideration. After that Zedekiah had promised to proclaim liberty to all the Lord's people, who were servants, and entered into a covenant, he and his princes let them go free, and according to the oath had let them go; afterwards they caused the servants to return, and brought them into subjection. What followeth upon this breach? "Ye were now turned, and had done right in My sight, in proclaiming liberty; but ye turned, and made them servants again." And therefore, "I will give the men who have transgressed My covenant, who have not performed the words of the covenant, which they made before me, when they cut the calf in twain, and pa.s.sed between the parts thereof; I will even give them into the hands of their enemies, into the hand of them that seek their life, even Zedekiah and his princes."

If the breach of the covenant made for the liberty of servants was so punished, what shall be the punishment of the breach of a covenant for religion, and the liberty of the people of G.o.d? There is nothing more terrible to kings and princes than to be given into the hand of enemies that seek their life: if ye would escape this judgment, let kings and princes keep their covenant made with G.o.d: your enemies who seek your life, are in the land; if ye break the covenant, it may be feared G.o.d will give you over unto them as a prey: but, if ye keep the covenant, it may be expected G.o.d will keep you out of their hands.

Let not the place ye heard opened, be forgotten, for in it ye have an example of divine justice against Joash and the princes, for breaking that covenant. The princes who enticed to that breach, are destroyed: and it is said, "The army of the Syrians came with a small company of men, and the Lord delivered a very great host into their hand;" because they had forsaken the Lord G.o.d of their fathers: so they executed judgment against Joash. "His own servants conspired against him and slew him on his bed."

The conspiracy of servants or subjects against their king is a wicked course: but G.o.d in His righteous judgment suffereth subjects to conspire and rebel against their princes, because they rebel against G.o.d: and He suffereth subjects to break the covenant made with a king, because he breaketh the covenant made with G.o.d. I may say freely, that a chief cause of the judgment upon the king's house hath been the grandfather's breach of covenant with G.o.d, and the father's following his steps in opposing the work of G.o.d, and His kirk within these kingdoms; they broke covenant with G.o.d, and men have broken covenant with them: yea, most cruelly and perfidiously have invaded the royal family and trodden upon all princely dignity.

Be wise by their example: you are now sitting upon the throne of the kingdom, and your n.o.bles about you. There is One above you, even Jesus, the King of Zion; and I as His servant, dare not but be free with you: I charge you, Sir, in His name, that you keep this covenant in all points; if you shall break this covenant and come against His cause, I a.s.sure you the controversy is not ended between G.o.d and your family: but will be carried on to the further weakening, if not the overthrow of it: but if you shall keep this covenant, and befriend the kingdom of Christ, it may be from this day G.o.d shall begin to do you good. Although your estate be very weak, G.o.d is able to raise you, and make you reign, maugre the opposition of all your enemies: and howsoever it shall please the Lord to dispose, you shall have peace toward G.o.d, through Christ the Mediator.

As for you who are n.o.bles and peers of the land, your share is great in this day of coronation; ye have come and touched the crown, and sworn to support it; ye have handled the sword and the sceptre, and have set down the king upon his throne.

1. I charge you to keep your covenant with G.o.d; and see that ye never be moved yourselves to come against it in any head, or article thereof; and that ye give no counsel to the king to come against the doctrine, wors.h.i.+p, government and discipline of the kirk, established in this land, as ye would eschew the judgment of covenant-breakers. If the king and ye who are engaged to support the crown, conspire together against the kingdom of Christ, both ye that do support and he that is supported will fall together. I press this the more, because it is a rare thing to see a king and great men for Christ. In the long catalogue of the kings, which ye have heard recited this day, they will be found few who have been for Christ.

2. I charge you also, because of your many oaths to the king; that you keep them inviolable. Be faithful to him, according to your covenant.

The oaths of G.o.d are upon you; if, directly or indirectly, ye do anything against his standing, G.o.d, by whom ye have sworn, will be avenged upon you for the breach of His oath.

And now, I will shut up all with one word more to you. Sir, you are the only covenanted king with G.o.d and His people in the world; many have obstructed your entry in it: now, seeing the Lord hath brought you in over all these obstructions, only observe to do what is contained therein; and it shall prove an happy time for you and your house. And because you are entered in times of great difficulty, wherein small strength seemeth to remain with you in the eyes of the world, for recovering your just power and greatness; therefore take the counsel which David when he was dying gave to his son Solomon, "Be strong, and show thyself a man; and keep the charge of the Lord thy G.o.d: to walk in His ways, and keep His commandments; that them mayest prosper in all that thou doest, and whithersoever thou turnest thyself."

After this exhortation, the minister closed the whole action with prayer; and, Psalm xx. being sung, he dismissed the people with the blessing.

Then did the king's majesty descend from the stage with the crown upon his head; and, receiving again the sceptre in his hand, returned with the whole train, in a solemn manner, to his palace, the sword being carried before him.



January, 1661.--7.--"_Act concerning the League and Covenant and discharging the renewing thereof without his Majesties Warrand and approbation._

"Forasmuch as the power of Armes, and entering into, and making of Leagues and Bonds, is an undoubted privilege of the Crown, and a proper part of the Royal Prerogative of the Kings of this Kingdom, and that in recognisance of His Majesties just Right, the Estates of Parliament of this His most ancient Kingdom of Scotland, have declared it high Treason to the Subjects thereof, of whatsoever number, lesse or more, upon any pretext whatsoever, to rise, or continue in Armes, or to enter into Leagues and Bonds, with Forraigners, or among themselves, without His Majesties special Warrand and Approbation, had and obtained thereto, and have Rescinded and Annulled all Acts of Parliament, Conventions of Estates, or other Deeds whatsoever, contrary to, or inconsistent with the same; And whereas during these troubles, there have occurred divers things, in the making and pursuance of Leagues and Bonds, which may be occasion of jealousie in and betwixt his Majesties Dominions of Scotland, England, and Ireland. Therefore and for preventing of all scruples, mistakes or jealousies that may hereafter arise upon these grounds, The King's Majesty with advice and consent of His Estates of Parliament, doth hereby Declare, that there is no Obligation upon this Kingdom by Covenant, Treaties or otherwise, to endeavour by Armes a Reformation of Religion in the Kingdom of England, or to meddle with the publick Government and Administration of that Kingdom. And the King's Majesty with advice and consent foresaid, doth Declare, That the League and Covenant, and all Treaties following thereupon, and Acts or Deeds that do, or may relate thereto, are not obligatory, nor do infer any obligation upon this Kingdom, or the Subjects thereof, to meddle or interpose by Armes, or any seditious way, in any thing concerning the Religion and Government of the Churches of England and Ireland, or in what may concern the Administration of His Majesties Government there.

And further, His Majesty, with advice and consent of his Estates, doth hereby Discharge and Inhibite all His Majesties Subjects within this Kingdom, that none of them may presume upon any pretext of any Authority whatsoever, to require the renewing or swearing of the said League and Covenant, or of any other Covenants, or publick Oaths concerning the Government of the Church or Kingdom, without His Majesties special Warrand and Approbation; And that none of His Majesties Subjects offer to renew and swear the same, without His Majesties Warrand, as said is, as they will be answerable at their highest peril."

SAME PARLIAMENT.--_15.--"Act Rescinding and Annulling the pretended parliaments in the years 1640, 1641, etc._

"The Estates of Parliament, considering that the Peace and Happiness of this Kingdom, and of His Majesties good subjects therein, doth depend upon the Safetie of His Majesties Person, and the maintenance of His Royal Authority, Power, and Greatness: And that all the miseries, confusions, and disorders which this Kingdom hath groaned under, these twenty-three years, have issued from, and been the necessarie and natural products of these neglects, contempts, and invasions, which, in and from the beginning of these troubles, were upon the specious (but false) pretexts of Reformation (the common cloak of all rebellions) offered unto the Sacred Person and Royal Authority of the King's Majesty, and His Royal Father of blessed memory. And notwithstanding, that by the Sacred Right, inherent to the Imperial Crown (which His Majesty holds immediatelie from G.o.d Almightie alone) and by the ancient const.i.tution and fundamental Laws of the Kingdom; the power of convocating and keeping a.s.semblies of the Subjects; the power of Calling, Holding, Proroguing and Disolving of Parliaments, and making of Laws; the power of entering into Bonds, Covenants, Leagues and Treaties; the power of raising Armes, keeping of Strengths and Forts are Essential parts, and inseparable privileges of the Royal Authoritie and Prerogative of the Kings of this Kingdom: Yet, such hath been the madness and delusion of these times, that even Religion itself, which holds the Right of Kings to be Sacred and Inviolable, hath been pretended unto, for warrand of these injurious Violations and Incroachments, so publickly done and owned, upon and against His Majesties just Power, Authority and Government; By making and keeping of unlawful Meetings and Convocations of the People; By entering into Covenants, Treaties and Leagues; By seizing upon, and possessing themselves of His Majesties Castles, Forts and Strengths of the Kingdom: and by Holding of Pretended Parliaments, making of Laws, and raising of Armes for the maintaining of the same; and that not only without warrand, but contrary to His Majesties express Commands. And although the late King's Majesty, out of His meer grace and respects to this His native Kingdom, and the peace and quiet of His people, and for preventing the consequences which such bad example and practice might occasion, to the disturbance of the peace of his other Kingdoms, was pleased in the year, one thousand six hundred and forty one, to come into this Countrey, and by his own presence, at their pretended Parliaments and other wayes, to comply with, and give way to, many things neerly concerning the undoubted Interest and Prerogative of the Crown, expecting that such unparalleled Condescentions should have made His Subjects ashamed of their former miscariages, and the very thoughts thereof, to be hatefull to them and their posteritie for ever. Yet, such was the prevalencie of the spirit of Rebelion that raged in manie for the time, that not content with that peace and happiness which, even above their desires, was secured to them: nor of these manie Grants of honour and profit, by which His Majestie endeavoured to endear the most desperat of them to their duty and obedience, they then, when His Majesty had not left unto them anie pretence or shaddow of anie new desire to be proposed, either concerning themselves or the Kingdom, did most unworthilie engage to subvert His Majesties Government, and the publick peace of the Kingdom of England: For which purpose, having joined in a League with some there, they, for the better prosecution of the same, did a.s.sume unto themselves the Royal Power, kept and held Parliaments at their pleasure; by the pretended Authoritie of which, they laid new exactions upon the people (which in one month did far exceed what ever by the Kings Authoritie had been raised in a whole year) levied Armes, sent out Edicts, requiring obedience unto their unlawful demands; and with all manner of violence pursued such as out of duty to His Majesties Authoritie opposed them by fines, confinements, imprisonment, banishment, death, and forfeiture of their property; and with their Armie thus raised, invaded His Majesties Kingdom of England, and joyned with such as were in Arms against His Majestie there. And thus maintaining their usurped power, and violently executing the same against all Law, Conscience, Honour and Humanity, have made themselves instruments of much loss, shame and dishonour to their native Countrey, and have justly forfeited anie favour they might have pretended to, from His Majesties former concessions. And forasmuch as now it hath pleased Almighty G.o.d, by the power of His own right hand, so miraculously to restore the Kings Majestie to the Government of his Kingdoms, and to the exercise of His Royal Power, and Soveraigntie over the same, The Estates of Parliament do conceive themselves obliged, in discharge of their dutie and conscience to G.o.d and the Kings Majestie, to imploy all their Power and interest, for vindicating His Majesties Authoritie from all these violent invasions that have been made upon it, and so far as possible to remove out of the way everything that may retain anie remembrance of these things, which have been so injurious to His Majestie and His Authoritie, so predjudicial and dishonourable to the Kingdom, and destructive to all just and true interests within the same.

And considering that, besides the unlawfulness of the Publick Actings during the troubles, most of the Acts in all and every of the Meetings of these pretended Parliaments, do highly encroach upon, and are destructive of that Sovereign Power, Authority, Prerogative, and Right of Government, which by the law of G.o.d, and the ancient Laws and Const.i.tutions of this Kingdom, doth reside in, and belong unto, the Kings Majestie, and do reflect upon the honour, loyaltie, and reputation of this Kingdom; or are expired, and serve only as testimonies of disloyaltie and reproach upon the Kingdom, and are unfit to be any longer upon Record. Therefore the Kings Majestie and Estates of Parliament do hereby Rescind and Annull the pretended Parliaments, kept in the years one thousand six hundred and fourty, one thousand six hundred and fourty one, one thousand six hundred and fourty four, one thousand six hundred and fourty five, one thousand six hundred and fourty six, one thousand six hundred and fourty seven, and one thousand six hundred and fourty eight, and all Acts and Deeds past and done in them, and Declares the same to be henceforth void and null. And His Majesty, being unwilling to take any advantage of the failings of His Subjects during these unhappy times, is resolved not to retain any remembrance thereof, but that the same shall be held in everlasting oblivion: and that all difference and animosities be forgotten, His good subjects may in a happy union, under His Royal Government, enjoy that happiness and peace, which His Majestie intends, and really wisheth unto them as unto himself, doth therefore, by advice and consent of His Estates of Parliament, grant His full a.s.surance and indemnity to all persons that acted in, or by virtue of the said pretended Parliaments, and other Meetings flowing from the same, to be unquestioned in their Lives or Fortunes, or any Deed or Deeds done by them in their said usurpation, or by virtue of any pretended Authority derived therefrom, excepting alwayes such as shall be excepted in a general Act of Indemnity, to be past by His Majestie in this Parliament. And it is hereby declared that all Acts, Rights and Securities, past in any of the pretended Meetings above written, or by virtue thereof, in favours of any particular persons for their civil and private interests shall stand good and valid unto them, untill the same be taken into further consideration, and determined in this, or the next Session of this Parliament."


Edinburgh, May, 1662.--_Act for preservation of His Majesties Person, Authority and Government._

The Estates of Parliament, taking into their consideration the miseries, confusions, bondage and oppressions, this Kingdom hath groaned under since the year, one thousand six hundred and thirty seven years, with the causes and occasions thereof: Do, with all humble duty and thankfulness, acknowledge His Majesties unparrallel'd grace and goodness, in pa.s.sing by the many miscarriages of His Subjects, and restoring the Church and State to their ancient Liberties, Freedom, Rights and Possessions; and the great Obligations thereby lying upon them to express all possible care and zeal in the preservation of His Majesties person, (in whose honour and happinesse consisteth the good and welfare of His people) and in the security and establishment of His Royal Authority and Government, against all such wicked attempts and practices for the time to come. And, since the rise and progress of the late troubles did, in a great measure, proceed from some treasonable and seditious positions infused into the people. That it was lawfull to Subjects for Reformation, to enter into Covenants and Leagues, or to take up Arms against the King, or those Commissionated by Him, and such-like: And that many Wilde and rebellious courses were taken and practised in pursuance thereof, by unlawful meetings and gatherings of the people, by mutinous and tumultuous pet.i.tions, by insolent and seditious Protestations against His Majesties Royal and just commands, by entering into unlawfull Oaths and Covenants, by usurping the name and power of Council Tables and Church Judicatories, after they were by His Majesty discharged, by treasonable Declarations, that His Majesty was not to be admitted to the exercise of His Royal power, untill He should grant their unjust desires and approve their wicked practices, by rebellions rising in Arms against His Majestie and such as had Commission from Him; And by the great countenance, allowance and encouragement given to these pernicious courses by the mult.i.tude of seditious Sermons, Libels, and Discourses, preached, printed and published in defence thereof: And considering that as the present age is not full freed of those distempers; so posterity may be apt to relapse therein, if timous remeed be not provided. Therefore the King's Majestie and Estates of Parliament do Declare that these positions, That it is lawfull to Subjects, upon pretence of Reformation, or other pretence whatsoever, to enter into Leagues and Covenants, or to take up arms against the King; or that it is lawfull to subjects, pretending His Majestys Authority, to take up Arms against His person or those Commissionated by Him, or to suspend Him from the exercise of his Royal Government, or to put limitations upon their due obedience and allegiance, Are Rebellious and Treasonable, And that all these Gatherings, Convocations, Pet.i.tions, Protestations, and Erecting and keeping of Council-tables, that were used in the beginning, and for carrying on, of the late troubles, were unlawful and seditious: And particularly, that these Oaths, whereof the one was commonly called The National Covenant, (as it was sworn and explained in the year one thousand, six hundred and thirty-eight, and thereafter) and the other ent.i.tuled, A Solemn League and Covenant, were, and are in themselves unlawful Oaths, and were taken by, and imposed upon, the Subjects of this Kingdom, against the fundamental laws and liberties of the same; and that there lyeth no obligation upon any of the Subjects from the saids Oaths, or either of them, to endeavour any change or alteration of Government either in Church or State; And therefore Annuls all Acts and Const.i.tutions, Ecclesiastical or Civil, approving the said pretended National Covenant or League and Covenant, or making any interpretations of the same or either of them. And also, it is hereby Declared by His Majesty and Estates of Parliament, That the pretended a.s.semblie kept at Glasgow in the year one thousand six hundred and thirty eight, was in itself (after the same was by His Majestie discharged, under the pain of Treason) an unlawfull and seditious Meeting; and that all Acts, Deeds, Sentences, Orders, or Decreets past therein, or by vertue of any pretended Authority from the same, were in themselves from the beginning, are now, and in all time coming, to be reputed unlawful, void and null; And that all Ratifications or Confirmations of the same, past by whatsoever Authority or in whatsoever Meetings, shall from henceforth be void and null. Likeas, His Majesty and Estates of Parliament, reflecting on the sad consequences of these rebellious courses, and being carefull to prevent the like for the future, have therefore Statute and Ordained, and by these presents Statutes and Ordains, that, if any person or persons shall hereafter Plot, contrive or intend destruction to the King's Majesty, or any bodily harm tending to death or destruction, or any restraint upon his Royal Person, or to deprive, depose, or suspend Him from the stile, Honour and Kingly Name of the Imperial Crown of this Realm, or any others His Majesties Dominions, or to suspend him from the exercise of His Royal Government, or to levy War or take up Arms against His Majesty or any commissionated by Him, or shall entice any strangers or others to invade any of His Majesties Dominions; and shall by writing, printing, preaching or other malicious and advised speaking, express or declare such their Treasonable intentions, every such person or persons, being upon sufficient probation legally convicted thereof, shall be deemed, declared and adjudged Traitors, and shall suffer forfeiture of life, honour, lands, and goods as in cases of high Treason. And further, it is by His Majesty and Estates of Parliament Declared, Statute and Enacted, That if any person or persons shall, by Writing, Printing, Praying, Preaching, Libelling, Remonstrating, or by any malicious and advised speaking, express, publish, or declare any words or sentences to stir up the people to the hatred or dislike of His Majesties Royal Prerogative and Supremacy in causes Ecclesiastick, or of the Government of the Church by Archbishops and Bishops as it is now settled by Law, or to Justifie any of the deeds, actings, practices or things above-mentioned and declared against by this present Act: that every such person or persons so offending, and being, as said is, Legally convicted thereof, are hereby declared incapable to enjoy or exerce any place or imployment, Civil, Ecclesiastical, or Military, within this Church and Kingdom, and shall be lyable to such further pains as are due by the Law in such cases; Provided alwayes, that no person be processed for any of the offences aforesaid, contained in this Act, (other than these that are declared to be high Treason) unless it be by order from His Majesty, or by order of His Privy Council for the time; neither shall they incur any of the penalties above-mentioned, unless they be pursued within eight Months after the offence committed, and sentenced thereupon within four Months after the intenting of the Process. And it is also Declared, that if His Majesty grant His pardon to any person convicted for any of the offences contained in this present Act; after such pardon, the party pardoned shall be restored to all intents and purposes, as if he had never been pursued nor convicted any thing in this Act to the contrary, notwithstanding.


After public wors.h.i.+p, Mr. Cargill proceeded thus:--We have now spoken of excommunication, of the nature, subject, causes, and ends thereof. We shall now proceed to the action itself, being constrained by the conscience of our duty, and by zeal for G.o.d, to excommunicate some of those who have been the committers of such great crimes, and authors of the great mischiefs of Britain and Ireland, but especially those of Scotland. In doing this, we shall keep the names by which they are ordinarily called, that they may be better known.

I, being a minister of Jesus Christ, and having authority and power from Him, do, in His name and by His Spirit, excommunicate and cast out of the true Church, and deliver up to Satan, Charles II., king, etc., and that upon the account of these wickednesses:--

1st, For his high contempt of G.o.d, in regard that after he had acknowledged his own sins, his father's sins, his mother's idolatry, and had solemnly engaged against them in a declaration at Dunfermline, the 16th of August, 1650, he hath, notwithstanding all this, gone on more avowedly in these sins than all that went before him.

2ndly, For his great perjury in regard that, after he had twice at least solemnly subscribed that covenant, he did so presumptuously renounce, and disown, and command it to be burnt by the hands of the hangman.

3rdly, Because he hath rescinded all the laws for establis.h.i.+ng that religion and reformation engaged unto in that covenant, and enacted laws for establis.h.i.+ng its contrary; and also is still working for the introduction of Popery into these lands. And

4thly, For commanding armies to destroy the Lord's people, who were standing in their own just defence, and for their privileges and rights, against tyranny, and oppression and injuries of men, and for the blood he hath shed on fields, and scaffolds, and seas, of the people of G.o.d, upon account of religion and righteousness (they being willing in all other things to render him obedience, if he had reigned and ruled according to his covenant and oath), more than all the kings that have been before him in Scotland.

5thly, That he hath been still an enemy to, and persecutor of, the true Protestants; a favourer and helper of the Papists, both at home and abroad; and hath, to the utmost of his power, hindered the due execution of the laws against them.

6thly, For his bringing guilt upon the kingdom, by his frequent grants of remissions and pardons to murderers (though it is in the power of no king to pardon murder, being expressly contrary to the law of G.o.d), an indulgence which is the only way to embolden men to commit murders, to the defiling of the land with blood. And

Lastly, To pa.s.s by all other things, his great and dreadful uncleanness of adultery and incest, his drunkenness, his dissembling both with G.o.d and men, and performing his promises, where his engagements were sinful.


By the same authority, and in the same name, I excommunicate and cast out of the true Church, and deliver up unto Satan, James, Duke of York, and that for his idolatry (for I shall not speak of any other sin but what hath been perpetrated by him in Scotland), and for setting up idolatry in Scotland to defile the Lord's land, and for his enticing and encouraging to do so. Next,

In the same name, and by the same authority, I excommunicate and cast out of the true Church, and deliver up unto Satan, James, Duke of Monmouth, for coming unto Scotland at his father's unjust command, and leading armies against the Lord's people, who were constrained to rise, being killed in and for the wors.h.i.+pping of the true G.o.d, and for refusing, that morning, a cessation of arms at Bothwell Bridge, for hearing and redressing their injuries, wrongs and oppressions. Next,

I do, by virtue of the same authority, and in the same name, excommunicate and cast out of the true Church, and deliver up unto Satan, John, Duke of Lauderdale, for his dreadful blasphemy, especially for that word to the Prelate of St. Andrews, "Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool;" his atheistical drolling on the Scriptures of G.o.d, and scoffing at religion and religious persons; his apostasy from the covenants and reformation, and his persecuting thereof, after he had been a professor, pleader, and presser thereof; for his perjury in the business of Mr. James Mitch.e.l.l, who being in Council gave public faith that he should be indemnified, and that, to life and limb, if he would confess his attempt on the Prelate; and notwithstanding this, before the Justiciary Court, did give his oath that there was no such act in Council; for his adultery and uncleanness; for his counselling and a.s.sisting the king in all his tyrannies, overturning and plotting against the true religion; for his gaming on the Lord's day, and lastly for his usual and ordinary swearing. Next,

I do, by virtue of the same authority, and in the same name, excommunicate, cast out of the true Church, and deliver up to Satan, John, Duke of Rothes, for his perjury in the matter of Mr. James Mitch.e.l.l; for his adulteries and uncleanness; for his allotting of the Lord's day to his drunkenness; for his professing and avowing his readiness and willingness to set up Popery in this land at the king's command: and for the heathenish, and barbarous and unheard of cruelty (whereof he was the chief author, contriver, and commander, notwithstanding his having engaged otherwise), to that worthy gentleman, David Hackstoun of Rathillet, and lastly, for his ordinary cursing, swearing, and drunkenness. And,

I do, by virtue of the same authority, and in the same name, excommunicate, and cast out of the true Church and deliver up to Satan, Sir George M'Kenzie, the King's Advocate, for his apostasy in turning into a profligacy of conversation, after he had begun a profession of holiness; for his constant pleading against, and persecuting unto the death, the people of G.o.d, and for alleging and laying to their charge things which in his conscience he knew to be against the word of G.o.d, truth and right reason, and the ancient laws of this kingdom; for his pleading for sorcerers, murderers, and other criminals, that before G.o.d and by the laws of the land ought to die, and for his unG.o.dly, erroneous, fantastic, and blasphemous tenets printed in his pamphlets and pasquils. And,

Lastly, I do by virtue of the same authority, and in the same name, excommunicate, and cast out of the true Church, and deliver up to Satan, Dalziell of Binns, for his leading armies, and commanding the killing, robbing, pillaging and oppressing of the Lord's people, and free subjects of this kingdom; for executing lawless tyrannies and l.u.s.tful laws; for his commanding to shoot one Findlay at a post at Newmills, without any form of law, civil or military (he not being guilty of anything which they themselves accounted a crime); for his lewd and impious life, led in adultery and uncleanness from his youth, with a contempt for marriage, which is an ordinance of G.o.d; for all his atheistical and irreligious conversation, and lastly, for his unjust usurping and retaining of the estate of that worthy gentleman, William Mure of Caldwell, and his other injurious deeds in the exercise of his power.

Now I think, none that acknowledge the word of G.o.d, can judge these sentences to be unjust; yet some, it may be, to flatter the powers, will call them disorderly and informal, there not being warning given, nor probation led. But for answer: there has been warning given, if not with regard to all these, at least with regard to a great part of them.

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About The Covenants And The Covenanters Part 20 novel

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