Vampire Vacation Part 33

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"You're right." Giggling, she twists to the side, reaching in the nightstand drawer to pull out a small foil square. Candy tears it with her teeth, her face scrunching up. "Ewww... spermicide tastes like c.r.a.p."

Taking the torn package from her, I remove the latex and sheath my c.o.c.k as fast as possible.

"Get it in, get it in, get it in..." she chants. "Oh..." she moans as I thrust in, burying deep in her s.n.a.t.c.h, "that's right."

The orders start flying before I have a chance to slow her down: "Faster!" "Harder!" "Slam that d.i.c.k in me!"

Thrusting my hips in a frenzy, I try to fulfill each request the moment it's uttered. The hot muscles of her p.u.s.s.y grip my length and the speed combines with my buzz to push me toward the finish before I'd like.

"I'm close, Candy. I need to slow down."

"No! More! f.u.c.k me harder!"

Nails rake down my spine and hot hands grab my a.s.s, pulling me closer despite my desire to wait. Her feet splay on the bed, pus.h.i.+ng her hips up to pump me when I hold back.

The sensations overwhelm my control and my o.r.g.a.s.m steams past the gates. A loud moan spills from my mouth while I try to keep the pace up a little longer, hoping to bring her as well. "Are you close?"

But Candy's quiet. A glance reveals her eyes are drifting down, and I can feel her hips have stopped thrusting. "Candy?"


"Did you come?"

"Are we done?" She yawns. "Gosh, I'm sleepy."

I roll to the side, grabbing some tissues to clean up. I think this may have been a very bad idea. She doesn't even seem to be aware I came. "Candy?" I say, while fitting my body snug against her back. "Would you like to feel my mouth? Or my hand?"

"Nah, 's all good," she slurs while turning on her side to pillow an arm under her cheek.

In a moment her breathing deepens and I'm left wondering what the h.e.l.l to do. That was singularly the worst o.r.g.a.s.m, if any o.r.g.a.s.m can be bad, I've ever had. It felt like she wasn't even experiencing the act with me-more like ordering, using, and then losing interest.

"Don't worry, Tom," she says softly. "It was tolerable."

Tolerable? Did she just call our s.e.x tolerable? I roll away to stare at the ceiling. c.r.a.p. I may have blown my one and only chance with her. Maybe I should try and bring her around with my hand? It's only half past eight; she can't be that tired yet.

Resting a hand on her hip, I savor the smooth softness of her skin. A small mew escapes her and her hips rock a little in a slight movement. Feeling emboldened by her response, I ease closer to rest against her back while sliding my fingers inward, toward her belly b.u.t.ton.

Her bottom leg pressing to the bed is straight, while the top one lies bent at the knee and c.o.c.ked, allowing room for me to ease down between her slick folds. Her tiny nubbin still feels aroused, when I flick it softly she moans.

Sliding to bracket the aroused peak of flesh, I slowly stroke the heated skin next to her c.l.i.t, mindful of how sensitive the engorged nub may be. The swollen lips of her p.u.s.s.y hug the contours of my thick fingers, causing my c.o.c.k to stir against her a.s.s.

Keeping my pressure light, I force my pace to a snail's crawl. The idea here is to wake her up slowly and then drive her to a huge o.r.g.a.s.m. The wet heat of her fills the air and her musky scent wraps around me.

"Oh...." she whispers while tossing her head on the pillow. Her bare neck lures me and I bow to plant kisses along its length. "Mmm...." Sensing a s.h.i.+ft in her, I tilt back allowing her to roll onto her back. Her hard nipples point to the ceiling and her legs spread for easier access.

Candy's eyes are still closed, but her movements encourage me to continue. Propped on an elbow, I lean over to capture one peak in my mouth. Laving it with my tongue, a thrill zips through me when she arches up to press herself deeper between my lips.

A sigh escapes her and she softly utters, "Johnny..."

I don't know who this dream lover is, I'll have to ask her later, but I don't intend to stop now. Within a few moments her movements become more energetic, hips gyrating in small tight circles on the bed, her head las.h.i.+ng from side to side.

Her eyes snap open and she locks on my face. "Oh, G.o.d, your fingers feel so good on my p.u.s.s.y."

Her eyes drift back down, but I'm pretty sure she's lucid now. I intend to give her pleasure however I can, as long as she's not saying no. Sucking one nipple in deep, I nibble the surrounding flesh.

Circling her c.l.i.t in soft, delicate strokes leaves Candy gulping for breath while her muscles tense. I pull my fingers away from the hot b.u.t.ton and skim her inner thighs, hoping to make her relax and stop chasing the feelings.

Two or three deep breaths later she calms down, thras.h.i.+ng less and not holding herself as tight. Reaching back to her slit I run two fingers along her wetness, coating my fingers. I tickle at her opening to see if I should proceed, when a s.e.xy whimper full of want bubbles forth.

Needing no more proof, I plunge the wet digits deep and curve them upward, seeking the squishy spot at the top front I know is there. Candy arches off the bed, dislodging my mouth from her nipple. I sit up a bit and reach my other hand to her engorged nubbin.

"Yes! Yes, just like that!"

Pinching her c.l.i.t between my thumb and forefinger, I squeeze it lightly, timing her peak. Wetness pours over the fingers deep in her s.n.a.t.c.h, still circling her g-spot, and I know the moment is right to push her over the finish line.

Candy's eyes fly open and she locks onto me, "Tommy! Oh my G.o.d, I'm gonna come!"

Switching from pinching, I rub her c.l.i.t hard, steam rolling past her previous tension in a rocket of sensations. She screams into the dimly lit room and convulses around my hands. Wave after wave of her o.r.g.a.s.m washes over her body and it's sheer beauty to behold.

As she quiets, I pull the covers up over us and snuggle down next to her. She rests her head in the crook of my shoulder and I whisper into the darkness, "Was that more than tolerable, Candy?"

"Mmmm...." she says, while drifting off to sleep.

Chapter Two.

~Candy~ The hum of the copier distracts me from my general feeling of b.i.t.c.hiness. Once one section of the Stringer file is done, I place it back in the tabs and start with the next.

"Hey, Candy," comes from the doorway.

Tom leans against the frame and tosses me a hopeful smile. G.o.d, it was h.e.l.l waking up with him in my bed last week. I felt like such an idiot for sleeping with a guy I work with. After my interns.h.i.+p six years ago, I vowed to never do anything so stupid again.

"Hi, Tom," I turn back to my task.

"We still haven't talked about our night together. How long do you intend to put me off?"

Forever? d.a.m.n, I was afraid this would happen. Holding back the heavy sigh longing to escape, I face my fellow accountant. "No offense, Tom. But I'm not interested in an accountant."

His tone comes out sharper than I've ever heard from him before, "Excuse me? Do you think I'm not worthy of you because of my job?"

"Umm... no, but I'm not interested in someone just like me. Sorry." I switch to the next file and give him my back. "No offense, Tom. It was a fun night and all, at least I think it was, but I want more excitement right now."

His footsteps behind me are barely audible over the hum of the copier. Hands rest on my hips and I tense. "You have no idea what you want. You could have excitement right in front of you and you wouldn't know what to do about it."

Annoyed, I whip around to face him, dislodging his hands. "Really? And you think I don't remember the tolerable three minutes we shared?"

His eyes darken in anger and he leans in closer, crowding my s.p.a.ce. "I think you recall someone named Johnny and seem to be attributing some of our time together to a dream about him."

A blush creeps up my cheeks, I do remember waking up in the morning having dreamed about an old college flame, but how the h.e.l.l does he know that? "Umm... I..."

"You called his name out," his warm breath tickles my lips, "while I pleasured you."

Startled by the revelation, I dart to the side and make for the door, "I don't know what you're talking about."

His voice echoes to me when the copier cycles down, "You're beautiful when you come."

The press of bodies at the bar is a familiar feeling-the hotspot is always packed. This time I'm careful not to get drunk and don't sit near Tom. G.o.d, he's like a puppy sniffing after me. I have no intention of winding up with a boring co-worker. I need a man with some fire to keep me satisfied.

Tall, broad shouldered, and beautiful walks into my field of vision. "Well h.e.l.lo, sweetheart. I remember you from last week." He smiles in a crooked grin and notes Tom sitting a few stools away. "You look more stable tonight."

Ah... the guy I fell into when trying to leave. I knew he looked familiar. "Hi," I return his smile and tilt my head, allowing my hair to frame my face. "And you look just as nice as you did last week. Do you work in the area?"

"Yeah. I'm in finance-stocks and bonds mostly. You?"

"Numbers cruncher at Smith and White."

A feral grin sparks in his eye and I wonder if he could be wild in bed. The guys I've had lately have all been such a let down, never really impressing me... or more importantly, never getting me off. I swear it seems like years since I've had a good lay. And I will not settle for a guy who can't rile my blood.

"Want to go catch some dinner at a place more quiet?" Tall and handsome asks.

"I'd love to."

Two hours later and his hairy thighs are nestled deep between my own. "d.a.m.n, you're fine, Candy."

Each thrust of his p.r.i.c.k sends currents of pleasure through me. If he'd just grind a little harder on top I'd be able to come. Angling my pelvis, I dig my heels into his a.s.s, "More, baby, get it in there." A grunt in response and the pace picks up, going deeper. "That's it, nice and hard."

Sweat drips from my lover's face onto mine. Ewww... what a way to ruin the moment. "Brian?"


"Mark what?" The pumping slows.

"My name is Mark." He's wearing an unhappy, kind of crushed look.

"Sorry, about that." Leaning in, I touch my lips to his in a kiss. A warm, moist, lasagna-tasting mouth latches onto mine and it takes a moment for either of us to come up for breath. "Can I get on top?"

"Sure," he says with a playful nip to my bottom lip.

Mark plops down on the mattress next to me with an eager expression. "Save a horse, ride a cowboy?" He chuckles at his own joke, patting his thighs to encourage me to mount him.

Good G.o.d, this one's an idiot, too.

An hour later and I'm back at the bar. Tommy called me and said it was urgent, something to do with work. I didn't need much of a reason to push Mark out the door, but am happy to report he left without a qualm. I have his number, which I'm not sure I'll be using.

s.e.xually frustrated and keyed up, I scan the packed room for my co-worker. "Question on the account, my a.s.s. Where the h.e.l.l is he?" Grabbing my cell, I dial his to track him down.


"Yeah, Tom. Where the h.e.l.l are you?"

"I'm in the back, down the hall. It's quieter here."

"Fine. I'll come to you." Pressing my way through the throng, I make it to the dark hall leading to the bathrooms. "Tom?" A hot hand latches onto my arm and pulls me into a side storage room. "What the h.e.l.l are you doing?"

A strip of dark cloth covers my eyes and I'm pressed into a shelving rack. Rough movements tie the material at the back of my head and a hard body presses into mine from behind. "You've been a bad girl, Candy."

"What the f.u.c.k are you talking about, Tommy? Let me go now or I'm going to scream."

"Oh, you'll scream all right, but not in fear or anger." Hands reach around and grab my b.r.e.a.s.t.s through my cotton top. Despite just having s.e.x with another man, my body responds and my nipples tighten.

"Not funny, man. Look, I know you're not a rapist. You should really stop now before you do something illegal."

Clever fingers twist my hardened peaks, drawing a gasp from me.

"I know what you need, Candy."

"Really? Cause if you did you'd be letting me go right now. I don't like this kind of s.h.i.+t."

My s.h.i.+rt pushes up and cool air tickles my exposed flesh. "You don't even know what you like. You fumble with the wrong men and think telling them what to do will get you what you need."

His comment strikes a little too close to home, but I'll be d.a.m.ned if I tell him. Grasping fingers have worked the cups of my bra down, and now stretch my elongated aroused nipples. The inability to see him touching me feels rather freeing. Like it's not quite happening to me. Moisture gathers in my panties and despite my complaints, I can't deny this is turning me on.


"Shh... Don't say a word. Just feel for a few minutes." He removes his hands from my t.i.ts and guides my own to hold onto one of the shelves I'm pressed against.

The workout pants I hastily dressed in are pushed down around my knees, and strong hands guide my a.s.s to tilt out, on display. Not knowing what will come next, and being open to only my other senses, feels arousing-and not just physically.

Calloused hands ma.s.sage my backside, sparking gooseflesh in the air-conditioned air. The heavy storage room door m.u.f.fles the noise of the bar and the dust in the room tickles my nose. The cold steel under my hand and the trapped feeling of my pants around my knees invigorates me.


Whack! Tom's hand slaps my right a.s.s cheek.


Smack! Another blow lands on the left cheek. "Shhh... you speak and I'll spank you."



The sting from his firm hand sends a thrill up my spine. He's not hitting me hard enough to cause damage. Just hard enough to get my attention and show me he means it. Heat races to the skin and a blossom of sensation spreads out.

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