Trees and Shrubs for English Gardens Part 23

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LIRIODENDRON TULIPIFERA (Tulip tree*).--Grows into a very handsome tree.

LONICERA.--Of the Honeysuckles the best are _L. Caprifolium_,* _L.

fragrantissima_, _L. Periclymenum_,* _L. j.a.ponica_,* _L. Standis.h.i.+_, _L.

Xylosteum_, _L. involucrata_.

LUPINUS ARBOREUS* and varieties (Tree Lupine).--Best on walls.

MAGNOLIAS.--Of these, _M. ac.u.minata_,* the Cuc.u.mber tree, flowers freely. _M. grandiflora_* is only for sheltered walls, and _M. Fraseri_, _M. conspicua_, _M. stellata_, _M. Watsoni_* for sheltered places.

MORUS NIGRA (Black Mulberry) and _M. alba_.

OLEARIA HAASTII.*--The best August flowering shrub. _O. macrodonta_ and _stellulata_.*


PERNETTYA MUCRONATA.*--Effective both in flower and berry.

PHILADELPHUS (Mock Orange).--_P. coronarius_* and varieties and _microphyllus_.


PIERIS FLORIBUNDA.*--Very free flowering. _P. j.a.ponica variegata_*--Effective.

PLATa.n.u.s ACERIFOLIA (Plane).--This appears hardy, but is not popular. It is slower in growth than most trees.

POPULUS (Poplar).--_P. alba_, _P. balsamifera_ (Balsam Poplar), _P.

nigra_ (Black Poplar), and _P. tremula_.

POTENTILLA FRUTICOSA* (Shrubby Cinquefoil).--Well deserves more attention.

PRUNUS.--Of these, the Cherry and Bird Cherry,* Plum,* Bullace,* and the beautiful _P. triloba_ are a success.


PYRUS.--_P. Aria_* (the White Beam tree), _P. Aucuparia_* (Mountain Ash), _P. j.a.ponica_,* _P. rotundifolia_,* _P. Sorbus_* (Service tree).

QUERCUS (Oak).--The most satisfactory species are _Q. sessilifolia_,*

and _Q. pedunculata_. These generally thrive well and are amongst the most beautiful of trees for large gardens. In poor soil and windswept places the British Oaks do not grow more than about 40 feet in height, but develop into picturesque features. Their foliage here is of a pleasing green when that of the Beech and Sycamore is past its best.

Very few acorns are produced. _Q. Cerris_,* the Turkey Oak, and its variety _laciniata_,* and _Q. lucombeana_,* are also beautiful trees. We must also mention the Evergreen Oak (_Q. Ilex_),* _alba_, _pal.u.s.tris_, _laurifolia_, _coccinea_ (Scarlet Oak), _Suber_ (Cork Oak), _conferta_.

RHODODENDRON.--Of the Rhododendrons the following are satisfactory: _R.

altaclerense_, _Anthopogon_, _arborescens_, _arboreum Campbelliae_, _azaleoides_, _blandyanum_, _calendulaceum_, _campanulatum_, _campylocarpum_, _catawbiense_, _caucasic.u.m_,* _ciliatum_, _cinnabarinum_,* _ferrugineum_,* _fulgens_, _glauc.u.m_,* _hirsutum_* and varieties, _indic.u.m balsaminaeflorum_, _lancifolium_, _lepidotum_,*

_myrtifolium_,* _n.o.bleanum_,* _n. alb.u.m_,* _pontic.u.m_* (many varieties), _praec.o.x_,* _punctatum_, _racemosum_, _Rhodora_, _sinensis_* (_Azalea mollis_), _Vaseyi_,* _Wilsoni_. These are the Rhododendrons that thrive and flower well here. No other shrubs give such a long and varied flower display.

RIBES.--_R. alpinum_, _aureum_, and _rubrum_. _R. sanguineum_* and its varieties are the ornamental currants.

ROBINIA PSEUDACACIA.*--An elegant foliage tree, and usually the last to break into leaf.

ROSA.--Practically all the Tea and Hybrid Perpetual Roses can be grown, if sheltered spots are chosen and the plants grown as dwarfs. However, the stronger varieties are the most satisfactory ones, and in bad seasons it is July before they commence to flower, although September has well advanced before they cease. The hybrid Sweet Briars are the freest of all to grow. Groups form thickets of foliage which are almost hidden with blossom. _Rosa wichuraiana_ covers banks, or anything somewhat flat, in a very short time. It flowers through September, and attracts great attention. Such tender Roses as Marechal Niel, Niphetos, and Banksian are useless.


RUBUS.--Of these, _R. arcticus_, dwarf; _R. lacinatus_,* _R. nutka.n.u.s_.*

_R. deliciosus_* is a beautiful shrub, and should be left alone after planting.

RUSCUS (Butcher's Broom).--_R. aculeatus_ and _R. Hypoglossum_.

SALIX (Willow).--_S. alba_, _babylonica_ (Babylonian Willow), and _pendula_, a lovely tree. _S. Caprea_* (Goat Willow), _fragilis_, _herbacea_ (the Alpine Willow, not much larger than the Wild Thyme), _Lapponum_, _nigra_, _Paulinae_, _reticulata_, _rubra_, _viminalis_.

SAMBUCUS (Elder).--_S. canadensis_, _nigra_, _racemosus_.

SKIMMIA FORTUNEI and _S. j.a.ponica_.*

SPIRaeAS.--Of these, _S. bella_, _bullata_, _canescens_, _dec.u.mbens_, _cantoniensis_,* _discolor_,* _j.a.ponica_, _var. b.u.malda_,* _tomentosa_, _var. alba_.



SYRINGA (Lilac).--_S. persica_* (Persian Lilac), and _S. vulgaris_* and varieties.

TAMARIX.--_T. gallica_, _T. hispida_, and _T. odessana_,* a very fine August flowering shrub.

TILIA (Lime).--_T. argentea_, _T. cordata_, _T. platyphyllos_, and _T.

vulgaris_,* the best of all.

ULEX (Furze).--_U. europaeus_ and _var. fl. pl._*

ULMUS (Elm).--_U. campestris_* and _U. montana_.*

VACCINIUMS.--Of these choose _V. arboreum_, _V. corymbosum_, _V.

Myrtillus_, and _V. pennsylvanic.u.m_,* very fine for drooping over rocks in rock garden; _V. Vitis-idaea_ and the variety _variegata_, a pretty variety of this native shrub.

VERONICA.--Of these the most satisfactory are _V. amplexicaulis_,*

_Armstrongii_,* _buxifolia_,* _chathamica_,* _Colensoi_,*

_cupressoides_,* _c. variabilis_*--grown in poor soil and well exposed, this variety of _V. cupressoides_ is very fine both in summer and winter--_dec.u.mbens_,* _epacridea_,* _glauco-caerulea_,* _Hectori_,*

_Kirkii_,* _ligustrifolia_,* _monticola_,* _pimeleoides_,*

_pinguifolia_,* _rakaiensis_,* _salicifolia_,* _Traversii_.* The above are hardy Veronicas. They also happily include many of the best.

Other species are good plants out of doors during summer; they are, however, best lifted early in October and housed till May, or they may be covered in severe weather. Cold winds do most mischief.

[Ill.u.s.tration: _GUELDER ROSE OR s...o...b..LL TREE._]

VIBURNUM OPULUS (Guelder Rose) and varieties, _V. O. sterilis_,* and _V.

tomentosum plicatum_.*

VINCA (Periwinkle).--_V. major_* and _V. minor_* and varieties.

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