Trees and Shrubs for English Gardens Part 22

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CHIMONANTHUS FRAGRANS (Winter-sweet).--Wall.

CHOISYA TERNATA (Mexican Orange Flower).

CISTUS.*--These are very fine, and flower for months if somewhat sheltered.

CLEMATIS.--Of these very charming are _alpina_,* _apiifolia_, _Flammula_,* _heracleaefolia_, _Vitalba_.*


COLUTEA ARBORESCENS and _melanocalyx_.

CONVOLVULUS CNEORUM.*--Very pretty plant for a south wall; silvery foliage and white flowers.

CORNUS (Dogwood).--Of these, _alba_ and varieties, _Kousa_, _florida_, _sanguinea_ (very ornamental in winter), _Mas_ and _m. variegata_* (a very choice, variegated shrub), are the best.

CORYLOPSIS PAUCIFLORA and _C. spicata_.--Both do well on a south wall.

CORYLUS (nut) AVELLANA _purpurea_.*--One of the most effective shrubs if used carefully.

COTONEASTERS.--Of these, _buxifolia_, _Simonsii_, _thymifolia_,*

_microphylla_,* _horizontalis_* (a species with peculiar spreading flat branches, producing a fine effect if grown on sloping banks), are the most noteworthy.

HAWTHORN.--_Crataegus_ are valuable hardy trees, flowering at the end of June to July; the scarlet form is brilliant.

[Ill.u.s.tration: _CYTISUS PRaec.o.x (Spring)_]

CYTISUS (Broom).--Of this beautiful family, _albus_,* _Ardoini_,*

_biflorus_,* _dec.u.mbens_,* _nigricans_, _praec.o.x_,* _purpureus_,*

_scoparius_ and varieties,* are all splendid growers for dry, sunny situations.

DABOECIA.--_Polifolia_,* _alba_,* _bicolor_,* the Irish Heaths, are beautiful in small beds and rockeries.

DAPHNE.--Of this delightful family, _blagayana_,* _Cneorum_,* _var.

majus_,* _Laureola_, _Mezereum_ and varieties.*

DEUTZIA GRACILIS* and _D. crenata_.

ELaeAGNUS ARGENTEA,* _E. multiflora_,* and _E. pungens_.*

EMPETRUM NIGRUM.*--This plant is useful for mixing with Heaths.

ENKIANTHUS HIMALAICUS.*--The finest species of the genus. Attractive.

[Ill.u.s.tration: _A VARIETY OF MAHALEB CHERRY (Prunus Mahaleb, var.


HEATHS.--Of these, _E. carnea_,* _c. alba_,* _ciliaris_,* _cinerea_,*

_Mackaii_,* _mediterranea_,* _multiflora_, _stricta_,* _Tetralix_ and varieties,* _vagans_ and varieties,* _Watsoni_.*

ERIOGONUM UMBELLATUM.--A very fine plant for covering banks.

ESCALLONIA.--Of these, _E. exoniensis_,* _macrantha_,* _philippiana_,*

are very valuable, either for walls or as small bushes.

EUCRYPHIA PINNATIFOLIA.*--A very beautiful but slow-growing hardy shrub.

EUONYMUS.--Of this family note should be made of _E. america.n.u.s_, _E.

europaeus_, _E. radicans_.* The variegated and other forms of these shrubs are very welcome.


FABIANA IMBRICATA.*--A striking evergreen shrub for a wall.

f.a.gUS (Beech).--_F. ferruginea_ and _sylvatica_* and varieties.

FORSYTHIA SUSPENSA* and _F. viridissima_.

FRAXINUS EXCELSIOR* (the Ash), also the Manna Ash (_F. Ornus_).*

FUCHSIA RICCARTONI.*--Flowers for a very long time, and is very hardy.

GENISTA.--Of these, _G. anglica_, _hispanica_, _pilosa_, _sagittalis_, _tinctoria_.


HAMAMELIS (Witch or Wych Hazel).--_H. arborea_,* _j.a.ponica_,*


HYDRANGEA PANICULATA.*--Magnificent when established.

HYPERIc.u.m.--Of these, _H. Androsaemum_, _hookerianum_, _moserianum_* (the best of the genus for small beds).

ILEX.--Of the Hollies, _I. Aquifolium_ and many varieties, _I.

cornuta_,* _I. Dahoon_,* _I. crenata_,* and _I. latifolia_* succeed best.

JASMINES.--_J. fruticans_ and _J. nudiflorum_.* The last-named should be grown as a small bush as well as on walls. Also _J. officinale_* and varieties. A golden-leaved form of this species merits attention from its foliage alone.

JUGLANS (Walnut) REGIA.--Grows fairly well, but no fruit of value.

LABURNUM.--Both _L. alpinum_ and _L. vulgare_.*


LEDUM.--Of this family, _L. latifolium_* and _L. pal.u.s.tre._*



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