Pascal's Pensees Part 78

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[287] P. 230, l. 1. _Effundam spiritum meum._--Joel ii, 28.

[288] P. 230, l. 6. _Omnes gentes ... eum._--Ps. xxii, 27.

[289] P. 230, l. 7. _Parum est ut_, etc.--Is. xlix, 6.

[290] P. 230, l. 7. _Postula a me._--Ps. ii, 8.

[291] P. 230, l. 8. _Adorabunt ... reges._--Ps. lxxii, 11.

[292] P. 230, l. 8. _Testes iniqui._--Ps. xxv, 11.

[293] P. 230, l. 8. _Dabit maxillam percutienti._--Lamentations iii, 30.

[294] P. 230, l. 9. _Dederunt fel in escam._--Ps. lxix, 21.

[295] P. 230, l. 11. _I will bless them that bless thee._--Genesis xii, 3.

[296] P. 230, l. 12. _All nations blessed in his seed._--Ibid., xxii, 18.

[297] P. 230, l. 13. _Lumen ad revelationem gentium._--Luke ii, 32.

[298] P. 230, l. 14. _Non fecit taliter_, etc.--Ps. cxlvii, 20.

[299] P. 230, l. 20. _Bibite ex hoc omnes._--Matthew xxvi, 27.

[300] P. 230, l. 22. _In quo omnes peccaverunt._--Romans v, 12.

[301] P. 230, l. 26. _Ne timeas pusillus grex._--Luke xii, 32.

[302] P. 230, l. 29. _Qui me_, etc.--Matthew x, 40.

[303] P. 230, l. 32. _Saint John._--Luke i, 17.

[304] P. 230, l. 33. _Jesus Christ._--Ibid., xii, 51.

[305] P. 231, l. 5. _Omnis Judaea_, etc.--Mark i, 5.

[306] P. 231, l. 7. _From these stones_, etc.--Matthew iii, 9.

[307] P. 231, l. 9. _Ne convertantur_, etc.--Mark iv, 12.

[308] P. 231, l. 11. _Amice, ad quid venisti?_--Matthew xxvi, 50.

[309] P. 231, l. 31. _What is a man_, etc.--Luke ix, 25.

[310] P. 231, l. 32. _Whosoever will_, etc.--Ibid., 24.

[311] P. 232, l. 1. _I am not come_, etc.--Matthew v, 17.

[312] P. 232, l. 2. _Lambs took not_, etc.--See John i, 29.

[313] P. 232, l. 4. _Moses._--Ibid., vi, 32; viii, 36.

[314] P. 232, l. 15. _Quare_, etc.--Ps. ii, 1, 2.

[315] P. 233, l. 8. _I have reserved me seven thousand._--1 Kings xix, 18.

[316] P. 234, l. 27. _Archimedes._--The founder of statics and hydrostatics. He was born at Syracuse in 287 B.C., and was killed in 212 B.C. He was not a prince, though a relative of a king. M.

Havet points out that Cicero talks of him as an obscure man _(Tusc,_ v, 23).

[317] P. 235, l. 33. _In sanctificationem et in scandalum._--Is. viii, 14.

[318] P. 238, l. 11. _Jesus Christ._--Mark ix, 39.

[319] P. 239, l. 7. _Rejoice not_, etc.--Luke x, 20.

[320] P. 239, l. 12. _Scimus_, etc.--John iii, 2.

[321] P. 239, l. 25. _Nisi fecissem ... haberent._--Ibid., xv, 24.

[322] P. 239, l. 32. _The second miracle._--Ibid., iv, 54.

[323] P. 240, l. 6. _Montaigne._--_Essais_, ii, 26, and iii, 11.

[324] P. 242, l. 9. _Vatable._--Professor of Hebrew at the College Royal, founded by Francis I. An edition of the Bible with notes under his name, which were not his, was published in 1539.

[325] P. 242, l. 19. _Omne regnum divisum._--Matthew xii, 25; Luke xi, 17.

[326] P. 242, l. 23. _Si in digito ... vos._--Luke xi, 20.

[327] P. 243, l. 12. _Q. 113, A. 10, Ad. 2._--Thomas Aquinas's _Summa_, Pt. I, Question 113, Article 10, Reply to the Second Objection.

[328] P. 243, l. 18. _Judaei signa petunt_, etc.--I Cor. i, 22.

[329] P. 243, l. 23. _Sed vos_, etc.--John x, 26.

[330] P. 246, l. 15. _Tu quid dicis_? etc.--John ix, 17, 33.

[331] P. 247, l. 14. _Though ye believe not_, etc.--John x, 38.

[332] P. 247, l. 25. _Nemo facit_, etc.--Mark ix, 39.

[333] P. 247, l. 27. _A sacred relic._--This is a reference to the miracle of the Holy Thorn. Marguerite Perier, Pascal's niece, was cured of a fistula lachrymalis on 24 March, 1656, after her eye was touched with this sacred relic, supposed to be a thorn from the crown of Christ. This miracle made a great impression upon Pascal.

[334] P. 248, l. 23. _These nuns._--Of Port-Royal, as to which, see note on page 110, line 16, above. They were accused of Calvinism.

[335] P. 248, l. 28. _Vide si_, etc.--Ps. cx.x.xix, 24.

[336] P. 249, l. 1. _Si tu_, etc.--Luke xxii, 67.

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