Pascal's Pensees Part 77

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[238] P. 184, l. 28. _The six ages_, etc.--M. Havet has traced this to a chapter in St. Augustine, _De Genesi contra Manichaeos_, i, 23.

[239] P. 184, l. 31. _Forma futuri._--Romans v, 14.

[240] P. 186, l. 13. _The Messiah_, etc.--John xii, 34.

[241] P. 186, l. 30. _If the light_, etc.--Matthew vi, 23.

[242] P. 187, l. 1. _Somnum suum._--Ps. lxxvi, 5.

[243] P. 187, l. 1. _Figura hujus mundi._--1 Cor. vii, 31.

[244] P. 187, l. 2. _Comedes panem tuum._--Deut. viii, 9. _Panem nostrum,_ Luke xi, 3.

[245] P. 187, l. 3. _Inimici Dei terram lingent._--Ps. lxxii, 9.

[246] P. 187, l. 8. _c.u.m amaritudinibus._--Exodus xii, 8. The Vulgate has _c.u.m lacticibus agrestibus_.

[247] P. 187, l. 9. _Singularis sum ego donec transeam._--Ps. cxli, 10.

[248] P. 188, l. 19. _Saint Paul._--Galatians iv, 24; I Cor. iii, 16, 17; Hebrews ix, 24; Romans ii, 28, 29.

[249] P. 188, l. 25. _That Moses_, etc.--John vi, 32.

[250] P. 189, l. 3. _For one thing alone is needful._--Luke x, 42.

[251] P. 189, l. 9. _The b.r.e.a.s.t.s of the Spouse._--Song of Solomon iv, 5.

[252] P. 189, l. 15. _And the Christians_, etc.--Romans vi, 20; viii, 14, 15.

[253] P. 189, l. 17. _When Saint Peter_, etc.--Acts xv. See Genesis xvii, 10; Leviticus xii, 3.

[254] P. 189, l. 27. _Fac secundum_, etc.--Exodus xxv, 40.

[255] P. 190, l. 1. _Saint Paul._--1 Tim. iv, 3; 1 Cor. vii.

[256] P. 190, l. 7. _The Jews_, etc.--Hebrews viii, 5.

[257] P. 192, l. 15. _That He should destroy death through death._--Hebrews ii, 14.

[258] P. 192, l. 30. _Veri adoratores._--John iv, 23.

[259] P. 192, l. 30. _Ecce agnus_, etc.--John i, 29.

[260] P. 193, l. 15. _Ye shall be free indeed._--John viii, 36.

[261] P. 193, l. 17. _I am the true bread from heaven._--Ibid., vi, 32.

[262] P. 194, l. 27. _Agnus occisus_, etc.--Apoc. xiii, 8.

[263] P. 194, l. 34. _Sede a dextris meis._--Ps. cx, 1.

[264] P. 195, l. 12. _A jealous G.o.d._--Exodus xx, 5.

[265] P. 195, l. 14. _Quia confortavit seras._--Ps. cxlvii, 13.

[266] P. 195, l. 17. _The closed mem._--The allusions here are to certain peculiarities in Jewish writing. There are some letters written in two ways, closed or open, as the _mem_.

[267] P. 199, l. 1. _Great Pan is dead._--Plutarch, _De Defect. Orac._, xvii.

[268] P. 199, l. 2. _Susceperunt verb.u.m_, etc.--Acts xvii, 11.

[269] P. 199, l. 20. _The ruler taken from the thigh._--Genesis xlix, 10.

[270] P. 208, l. 6. _Make their heart fat._--Is. vi, 10; John xii, 40.

[271] P. 209, l. 1. _Non habemus regem nisi Caesarem._--John xix, 15.

[272] P. 218, l. 17. _In h.o.r.eb_, etc.--Deut. xviii, 16-19.

[273] P. 220, l. 34. _Then they shall teach_, etc.--Jeremiah x.x.xi, 34.

[274] P. 221, l. 1. _Your sons shall prophesy._--Joel ii, 28.

[275] P. 221, l. 20. _Populum_, etc.--Is. lxv, 2; Romans x, 21.

[276] P. 222, l. 25. _Eris palpans in meridie._--Deut. xxviii, 29.

[277] P. 222, l. 26. _Dabitur liber_, etc.--Is. xxix, 12. The quotation is inaccurate.

[278] P. 223, l. 24. _Quis mihi_, etc.--Job xix, 23-25.

[279] P. 224, l. 1. _Pray_, etc.--The fragments here are Pascal's notes on Luke. See chaps. xxii and xxiii.

[280] P. 225, l. 20. _Excaeca._--Is. vi, 10.

[281] P, 226, l. 9. _Lazarus dormit_, etc.--John xi, 11, 14.

[282] P. 226, l. 10. _The apparent discrepancy of the Gospels._--To reconcile the apparent discrepancies in the Gospels, Pascal wrote a short life of Christ.

[283] P. 227, l. 13. _Gladium tuum, potentissime._--Ps. xlv, 3.

[284] P. 228, l. 25. _Ingrediens mundum._--Hebrews x, 5.

[285] P. 228, l. 26. _Stone upon stone._--Mark xiii, 2.

[286] P. 229, l. 20. _Jesus Christ at last_, etc.--See Mark xii.

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