Sketches of the Covenanters Part 13

Sketches of the Covenanters -

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We now enter the most serious period in the history of the Covenanters.

Hitherto we have been on the skirmish line. All we have yet reviewed has been leading up to the desperate and sanguinary struggle, which lasted twenty-eight years, costing treasures of blood and indescribable suffering, yet finally resulting in the wealthy heritage of liberty, enlightenment, and religion, which we now enjoy.

Oliver Cromwell, having defeated King Charles, ruled Scotland five years. He was t.i.tled "Lord Protector", but in reality was a Dictator.

The government was centered more than ever in one man. Many strange qualities blended in this austere autocrat, some of which command our admiration. He was stern and painfully severe, yet much sagacity and justice characterized his administration. During his sway of power the Reformed Churches in his own realms and on the Continent were by him heroically defended. He became, in the hand of the Lord, "the shadow of a great rock in a weary land." The persecuted found shelter under his shadow, in the providence of the Lord. He avenged the ma.s.sacre of the Protestants in Ireland, halted the persecution of Christians on the Continent, and gave Rome the alternative, to cease the work of slaughter, or listen to the thunder of his legions at her gates.

The Church of the Covenanters however had strange experience at the hands of Cromwell. In a ruthless and despotic manner he dissolved the General a.s.sembly, put the Supreme Court of G.o.d's house out of existence to appear no more for thirty-five years. The meeting previous to this act of violence had been held in the mid-summer of 1653. The ministers and elders had come from all parts of Scotland, to sit in counsel, or rather in debate, concerning the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ. The salubrious air and genial sky of Edinburgh united with, the sacred and exhilarating interests of the Gospel to arouse all that was n.o.ble, and divine in every heart. The Moderator reverently led the a.s.sembly in prayer and const.i.tuted the court most solemnly in the name of Jesus Christ. Such a prayer should overwhelm the soul with G.o.d's presence, burden the conscience with responsibilities, make the spiritual world dreadfully visible, and bring G.o.d's servants close to His throne of judgment.

The a.s.sembly had met last year in this prayerful and solemn mariner, but the business of the Lord Jesus soon degenerated into an acrid, harmful discussion, that lasted two weeks and ended in confusion. The debate evidently was now to be renewed with the additional bitterness and vehemence that had acc.u.mulated during the ensuing year. The ministers and elders having convened, the regular business was under way, when suddenly the a.s.sembly witnessed what was unexpected--a regiment of soldiers in the churchyard. Cromwell had sent them. The soldiers, in bright uniform and bristling with swords and guns, struck amazement into the hearts of the delegates. The colonel ordered them to leave the house. They walked out in front of the soldiers and, being escorted beyond the city limits, were sent home, not to return, under pain of punishment.

The General a.s.sembly had fallen into a state of bitter strife--the snare of Satan. There were two parties and these were quite well balanced.

Their power for good was greatly neutralized by one another; their influence for harm was incalculable; the baneful effect spread like a withering shadow over the land. The two parties, at the beginning, chiefly differed in the methods employed to accomplish the same end. The one was governed by expediency; the other by principle. Expediency drew the majority; principle held the remainder. The majority discounted the obligations of the Covenant; the minority held to the spirit and letter of the sacred bond. The party in power precipitated the direful conditions. This they did by repeated breaches of the Covenant. The responsibility for the disgraceful proceedings, and the shameful termination of the a.s.sembly, must be attached to these who made the discussion a moral necessity.

The first shadow that darkened the General a.s.sembly was the discussion of "The Engagement." Two unscrupulous men--one of them a Covenanter--had made a secret engagement with Charles I. in his captivity. They had promised to seat him, if possible, again on his throne; he in turn had engaged to favor Presbyterianism three years. The Engagement aroused earnest and violent discussion in the a.s.sembly. The element of strife had now entered the Supreme Court of G.o.d's House, and the downward trend was deplorably rapid.

The next vexation was the abolition of "The Act of" The Act of guarded all places of trust in the government and army. None but those who expressed sympathy with the National Covenant were eligible to places of trust. Here was an unparalleled state of civil affairs; the world had never seen the like. This was a marvelous stride toward the Millennium. The fathers are worthy of all praise for this unprecedented effort to build the national government upon the true foundation of G.o.d's will, and administer it by men in Covenant with Jesus Christ, the KING OF KINGS. This was the first attempt to erect a Christian government, in which the fear of G.o.d should pervade every department and characterize every official. The abolition of the Act of involved a great moral issue which the General a.s.sembly had to meet.

Strangely, the a.s.sembly was divided in the discussion; the debate waxed vehement and bitterly pa.s.sionate. The majority favored abolition, thus opening the flood-gates of moral laxity in official stations. These were called "Resolutioners", because they offered the resolution to this effect, and supported it: the minority were called "Protesters", because they protested against it.

[Ill.u.s.tration: KING CHARLES II.

King Charles II. ascended the throne in 1651, but was soon defeated and driven from the country by Oliver Cromwell. In 1660 his kingdom and power were restored and he reigned till 1685. His death was sudden and mysterious, poisoning by his brother, the Duke of York, having been suspected. He died at the age of fifty-five. He was called the "Merry Monarch," though his reign was characterized by atrocious cruelty. Under him the persecution waxed so violent that some of these years were called "The Killing Times."]

The discussion continued year after year till all other interests in the General a.s.sembly were overshadowed. The voice of the Church, once powerful in guiding public issues, was now despised; the tones were guttural, sepulchral, alarming, making the blood run in chills. Then came Cromwell and snuffed the a.s.sembly out like a candle. It was sending forth ill--odored smoke and but little light. Are we surprised that G.o.d permitted him to quench the noisome spark?

The Protesters stood for all that the Covenant embodied. The Covenant lay heavy upon their conscience; they trembled at its violation. They saw in the breach of the Covenant the wrath of G.o.d against themselves, against the Church, and against the nation. They believed that nothing could compensate for the loss incurred by forsaking the Covenant. They trusted in G.o.d with absolute faith; would not resort to expediency for any purpose; temporized with no principle, no, not for greatest advantages. They knew that G.o.d could send peace, victory, and prosperity to their country through the Covenant; and that He would send defeat, distress, and desolation through the breach of it.

The Resolutioners grew more and more lax. They may have dreaded to be termed narrow-minded; they may have sought to be reputed broad and charitable. They weakened in morals and influence, and lost power and position when tried by the fires of persecution. They finally melted away and disappeared among the enemies of the Covenant, as snowflakes falling on the mire.

The Protesters were the Covenanters who continued with the Lord Jesus Christ in His temptation. When the Covenant called for martyrs, they were the martyrs. When the cause of Christ demanded witnesses, they were the witnesses. They gave their testimony with a clear voice, and sealed it with their blood. These are they whose crimson path we will now follow, our Lord Jesus permitting, till we come to the last of Scotland's honored roll--the pleasant, youthful, innocent James Renwick.

G.o.d requires His Church to receive, proclaim, and defend the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, as it is in the Lord Jesus Christ. This obligation is weighty, and the duty is difficult, yet no release is granted. The Church that holds most truth should draw most people; the Church that abandons any truth for any reason must be unsatisfying to honest souls. The organization that embodies the largest measure of G.o.d's Word is the largest Church; that which contains the smallest is the least. "Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven." These are the words of Jesus. In His sight a Church is measured, not by the number enrolled, but by the truth professed, incarnated, and proclaimed.


1. How long did Oliver Cromwell rule Scotland?

2. How did he deal with the Covenanted Church?

3. How had the General a.s.sembly previously deteriorated?

4. Give the downward steps.

5. What two parties henceforth in the Church?

6. By whom was the truth preserved?

7. What principle governs the true followers of Christ?

8. What distinguishes the largest Church?


AN ILl.u.s.tRIOUS MARTYR.--A.D. 1660.

Archibald Campbell, the Marquis of Argyle, was the first martyr to suffer at the hand of King Charles II. Twenty-two years had this ill.u.s.trious n.o.bleman been in special training for the honors of a martyr. He became identified with the Covenanters at the General a.s.sembly of 1638. From that time he brought his influence, wealth, power, and office into the service of his Covenant Lord, and grew mighty in the cause of G.o.d. He ripened early in convictions and hallowed experiences, which won for him the highest distinction conferred upon mortals--martyrdom. He was in the prime of his years, at the summit of his earthly career, when he gave his life for the cause of Christ. He was a true warrior; every drop of his blood was electrified with heroism. In meeting death he felt the military spirit throb, but suppressing it he calmly said, "I could die as a Roman, but choose to die as a Christian."

This was a cedar of Lebanon, a choice tree of G.o.d, distinguished for its grace, strength, and height, towering above the trees of the forest.

Therefore the first blast struck it with such deadly force. Then descended the terrific storm upon the lesser trees, and the mountain of G.o.d's house was strewn with them. The next twenty-eight years were filled with lamentation, and mourning, and woe. Let us look at the condition of the Covenanted Church, as this age of horror settles down upon Scotland.

When Cromwell had reduced Scotland, he attempted to convert the Covenanted Church to Congregationalism. Though he possessed some amiable qualities, yet this ign.o.ble work was attempted in the spirit of a Turk--with the Bible in one hand and the sword in the other. A resolution in favor of Congregationalism was introduced in the General a.s.sembly of 1652. This was voted down. The military suppression of the a.s.sembly at its next meeting was Cromwell's bitter revenge. Yet we must not fail to see the hand of G.o.d in the overthrow of the Supreme Court of His House. As with the Temple at Jerusalem before its destruction, this Temple was already desolate; the glory had departed ere the storm of Divine wrath smote it. The resolution of the "Resolutioners," some years previous, favoring the repeal of the "Act of," was a gross violation of the Covenant, and the proceedings in the a.s.sembly had thereby degenerated into bitter debate. The a.s.sembly had lost its power for good and, therefore, its right to exist; this part of the golden candlestick had exhausted its oil and G.o.d removed the useless part.

The Church did not seem to be seriously affected by the abolition of the a.s.sembly. The process was more like the removal of a tumor than of a vital organ. G.o.d can do without the most excellent parts of the Church's organization, when they become diseased and endanger the system with blood poisoning. During the rule of Cromwell, the subordinate courts were mostly unmolested. The synods flourished; the presbyteries were uninterrupted in their work; the congregations enjoyed quietness and refres.h.i.+ng. The strife that existed in the Church was chiefly among the shepherds, not among the sheep. There were 14 synods, 68 presbyteries, and 900 congregations, when the persecution began under King Charles II.

During Cromwell's administration the land had rest; unusual quietness prevailed among the clans; there was a great calm. The four angels were holding the four winds of the earth, till the servants of G.o.d were sealed in their foreheads. The people were diligent in waiting upon the Lord; the Holy Spirit fell upon them with power, they became intensely interested in the ordinances of grace. They cl.u.s.tered around the family altar, through the House of G.o.d, hallowed the Sabbath, observed the Sacraments, and tarried much in secret prayer. Thus they were unwittingly preparing to enter the dreadful cloud. The vine was taking deep root, antic.i.p.ating the storm that was in the air.

When Cromwell died the public mind experienced a strange reaction. The politicians of the two kingdoms, Scotland and England, reverting from the severe discipline of the "Protector," launched into every excess of luxuriousness and dissipation. A cry for the return of the profligate king swept the country from London to Edinburgh. Even the Covenanters were loud in calling for the banished monarch. They determined not to be last in bringing back the king. They would, however, renew their allegiance to him only on condition that he would renew the Covenant with them. From France, where he had found an asylum, came his captivating reply, "I am a Covenanted king." He was received with enthusiastic demonstrations.

King Charles organized his government in Scotland by immediately placing in power the most virulent enemies of the Covenanters. Within one month they were ready to execute whomsoever they would. The Earl of Middleton was the head official. When off his guard by indulging in drink, he divulged the king's secret instructions, confessing that he had been commissioned to do three things: (1) Rescind the Covenant; (2) Behead Argyle; (3) Sheath every man's sword in his brother's breast.

Argyle in those days was one of the great men of Scotland, if not the greatest. He was recognized in the Council as overshadowing his a.s.sociates, in personal excellence, public-spiritedness, trustworthiness, and executive ability. He was a fine scholar, masterly statesman, wealthy landlord, brave soldier, and faithful Covenanter. His magnificent estate lay in Argyles.h.i.+re, where the mountains are fringed with lochs in the most picturesque manner. The scenery is charming. One summer evening as our s.h.i.+p pa.s.sed along the broken coast, a sunset of surpa.s.sing beauty scattered its blending colors in rich profusion over clouds, hills, vales, and lochs. The scenery was panoramic and enchanting. But greater gorgeousness than a thousand sunsets fell upon the outlook, at the remembrance of the famous Argyle, himself and his wife and children; his home, hearth, altar, Covenant, and martyrdom What incomparable grandeur where such hallowed a.s.sociations throw their colors!

When Charles had first been placed on the throne, ten years previous, Argyle had the honor of setting the crown upon his head. The king at that time feigned great friends.h.i.+p and respect for him. He sought, and received, counsel from Argyle in apparent meekness and with evident appreciation. On one occasion he remained nearly all night with him in prayer, for preparation and fitness to rule the kingdom. He even sought Argyle's daughter in marriage. Such was the former intimacy of the king with Argyle. But once again on the throne, he determined to crush the Covenanters, and Argyle was his first victim.

When Cromwell was conquering Scotland, Argyle fought him till further resistance was useless. He even then refused to sign the declaration of submission, but agreed to keep the peace. This agreement with Cromwell was the main charge preferred against Argyle. He was tried and convicted. The sentence was pa.s.sed upon him on; he was executed on the following Monday. He eloquently defended himself. It was a scene highly tragical--this calm, innocent, dignified man, looking into the face of his accusers and over-awing them with his bold vindication, and pathetic appeal for justice. Kneeling down he received his sentence, which was death by decapitation, his head to be placed above one of the city gates, as a gruesome warning to all Covenanters. Argyle arose from his knees and, looking upon his judicial murderers, calmly said, "I had the honor to set the crown on the king's head, and now he hastens me to a better crown than he owns." The real cause of his death was his devotion to the Covenant, and the solemn admonitions he had tendered the king.

His wife, hearing of the decree of death, hastened to his prison. "They have given me till Monday to be with you," said he. The stricken woman was overcome. "The Lord will require it; the Lord will require it;" said she in tumultuous grief. "Forbear, forbear!" replied Argyle, "for I truly pity them: they know not what they do." He was filled with inexpressible joy at the thought of honoring Christ with his blood The fear of death was gone Heaven was so near; glory was ready to break upon him; the Lord was soon to be seen face to face. He went to his execution like a prince to his coronation This was the Stephen of that age, and this the persecution that scattered the Covenanters.


Argyle had two daughters, Anne and Mary. The young king, after having engaged to marry Anne, forsook her. She became despondent and lapsed into insanity. Mary, after her father's martyrdom, went to Middleton, the king's commissioner, and on her knees begged the privilege of taking her father's head down from the Netherbow Port, a gate of the city, to bury it with the body. She was refused. Middleton, pointing her to the door, rudely asked her to leave his presence in haste.]

We are soft and puny for lack of hards.h.i.+ps. The difficult places and dreaded conditions, through which Christians pa.s.s, make life strong, sublime, triumphant, fruitful in good work, resourceful in the Holy Spirit, and glorifying to G.o.d.


1 Who was Marquis Argyle?

2 What service had he formerly rendered the king?

3 Describe the return of the king from banishment.

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