The Works of John Knox Volume II Part 67

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280, l. 12. (_Margin_,) Note this undertaking.

281, l. 27, 29, _and_ 282, l. 10. (_Marginal notes omitted._)--13. (_Margin_,) Note this comparison.

283, l. 1. _shall_ not only _obey you_. (_Marginal note omitted._)

284, l. 1. (_Margin_,) Strong imagination called conscience.--4. (_ib._) Question.--12. _and_ 23. (_ib._) (_omitted._)

285, l. 20. _my lyeff_--my self.--25. _so say_ you, (quoth the Queen,) and I believe it hath been to this day. (Quoth he,) for how.

286, l. 7. (_Margin_,) Note this.--20. _faileth me_: and this, I say, with a grieved heart, for the good I wish unto her, and by her to the Church and State.--22. _chosen_, where _were_.--24. _Lord James_, after Earle Murray; and these were appointed as certain _to wait_.--27. _Duck D'Omell_--Duke D'Anville.

287, l. 4. _idolatrie_--idolatrous _Fyre followed_ the Court, _commounlie_.--7. they _returned_.--8. the Queen _was received_.

288, l. 5. (_Margin_,) Note the disposition of a misled soul.

289, l. 9. (_Margin_,) Note this diligently.

290, (_Both marginal notes omitted._)--11. _iniquitie, Jessabellis letter_--impiety, the misled Queen's _letter_.--16. _that_ the Queen's unreasonable _will_.--19.

(_Margin_,) Yet in the Parliament holden in 1563, there is ane express Act for punis.h.i.+ng of adultery by death: It is the Act 74.--25. _from_ this _bondage_ of sin.

291, l. 2. _Queen_ (evil men abusing her name and authority) _took upoun hir_.--3. _Baalles_--Balaam's.--7. (_Margin_,) Note this.

292, l. 26. _Liddisdaill_, except that _execution was_ then _made in_ Edinburgh, _for_ her _twenty-aught_.

294, l. 12. _sche could_ dissemble _in full perfection, but how soon that ever_ the French people had her _alone_, they told her, "That since she came to Scotland," _she saw_ nothing there _but gravitie which repugned altogether to her_ breeding, _for_.

296, l. 6. (_Margin_,) The Queen fain would have all a.s.semblies discharged.--24. (_ib._) Note this diligently.

297, l. 8, 9. _Quene to_--be sent to her Majestie, _if_.--14. _scripped at_--stopped. (_Margin as at_ 296, l.

24.)--28. _dayis_, the hearers thereof were resolved, _as all_.--(_Margin_,) Note this pa.s.sage.

298, l. 4. _The Baronis_--Thomas Borrows.--7.

_provisioun_--propositions.--13. _But_, when.--16, 17.

_intromitted_ and middled: _and so_.--19. _wold no moir_ cause rents to be paid unto any that formerly belonged to the Churchmen, nor suffer any thing to be collected for the use of any whosoever, _after the Quenis_.

299, (_The date of the Art_, vicesimo; _and the Sederunt omitted_.)

300, l. 10. _the rest of_ the States _mycht have_ appeared.--23. _content_ with the two _partis ... and the third parte_.

301, l. 3. _Ferd_--fourth.--8. _mair, quhill_--more, if.

304, l. 21, 22. _Superintendentis_, overseers, _ministers_.

306, l. 5. _mailles_, tythes, or teynds, _fermes_ ...

_canis_--fruits.--28. _furtheumand_--forth commanded.

307, (_The Sederunt omitted._)--11. _hir Majestie_'s present wants, _and other particulare_.--25. _thair rentattis_, whole and full, _intromissioun_.

308, l. 4. _fundin and declarit_--ordained and declared.--33. _Elgin in Murray_--Elgmen, Murray.

309, l. 10. _the_ voting and _maiking_.--17, 18. (for) _the Cleark of Registre, and the Secretar_--the Steward and Controller.

311, l. 6. 100 markis, (_Margin_,) That is five old pieces.--10. _nygartnesse_--ingrat.i.tude,--17, 18.

_Comptrollare ... his awin_--Controllers ... their own.--19.

(_Margin_,) _Ane Proverb_ upon Pittaro, Controller.

312, l. 16. _a thousand pound_--a hundred will suffice.--23.

_smyled_--singled.--29. (_Margin_,) The right that Princes have to the patrimony of the Church.--32. _Quenis_ flatterers _bettir_.

313, l. 5 _Queene, and her_--Queene's.--7. _but_ her flatterers.--10. _sche and hir faction_--the Court faction.--13. _Quene_ and King.

314, l. 1. _Earle of_ Murray.--3. At the blessing of _the marriage_.--(_Margin_,) _Marriage of the Earl of_ Murray.

315, l. 13. who was suspected to have been in love with the said Alison.--14. _raritie_--veritie.

316, l. 21. 317, l. 10. (_Margin_,) Note this diligently.

318, l. 3, 4. _for sche lacks ... in especiall_, (_omitted._)--10. _others_--Scotland.--_is free_--she did see so _free_.

319, l. 15, 22. _joyousitie_--jollity. It had been good for our Queene that she had been brought up in better company, both for her credit and for the course of her life: And it may be, that her excellent naturall endowments had been better employed for her reputation and happinesse then they were to her great misfortune, and to the grief of those that wished her truely well. _But punishment_, &c.--(_Both marginal notes in this place omitted._)--25 _to_ 320, l. 1.

_Some ... lamented_, (_omitted._)

320, l. 15, 16. _Erle Bothwell and his_ son, _that_.

321, l. 6, 7. _but as hap ... keapt him_, (_omitted._)--10.

_The Master of Maxwell_, (after Lord Herreis) _gave_.

322, l. 12. _convened_--remained.

323, l. 3. (_Margin_,) The Earl of Bothwell's communication with John Knox, 1562.--25. _my_ great grandfather, grandfather--and _father_.--(_Margin_,) Note the compliment.

324, l. 7, 8. _of G.o.d_, wherefore he _often_.--12.

(_Margin_,) Note diligently.--21. _commonyng_--coming.--23.


325, l. 3. _certane_--vertue--8. _Gavin_--Gabriel.

326, l. 6. _Gawane_--Gabriel.--7. _Kynneill_--Enmell.--11.

_upon_ the third _day_.--19. reasonably _betrayed_.

327, l. 8. (_Margin_,) Note diligently.--24. (_line omitted._)

330, l. 10. _dansing_--mirth.--14. _Quenne had_ been merry, excessively dancing _till after_.--15.


331, l. 21. (_Margin_,) Note diligently.

333, l. 19, 22. (_Margin_,) Note diligently.

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