The Works of John Knox Volume II Part 65

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77, l. 4. _sevintene_--five.--17. _the saidis xvii_--the said five.

78, l. 10. _not be lefull_--be lawfull.

79, l. 4. _saidis sall oblisse thame_--said States shall oblige them.--27. _pairtis_, (_omitted._)--31.

_denude_--take from these any of them, their subjects, the _offices_.--32. _bruikit_--brooked, and enjoyed.

83, l. 7. (_omitted._)--11, 12. _To the loving ...

Christians_--To the glory of the Almighty Lord G.o.d, and to the comfort of all Christians.--23. _charge to the brekaris_--charge that none shall break the same.

86, l. 21. _aith and covenant_--(_margin_,) Note a Covenant betwixt England and Scotland, 1560.

88, l. 8-12. (_Margin_,) Some Prelats left Antichrist and did adhere unto Christ.

92, l. 8. _haif_--leave.--19, 20. (_Margin_,) See how this agrees with our times.--22. _are not injust_--and are unjust.

93, l. 8. _G.o.dis word_--G.o.d.

95, l. 13. _laitlie_--now again _borne_.

97-120, l. 24 inclusive, (_The marginal notes to the Confession of Faith are omitted, and the Scripture references multiplied._)

102, l. 33. _visibillie_ and apparently _returne_.

103, l. 7. _unfaithfull_--unthankful.--12.

_refranit_--reservit.--22. _and supreame_, (_omitted._)

106, l. 6, 10, _and_ 20, _and_ 108, l. 6. (_Marginal notes omitted._)

113, 114, 116, _and_ 117, (_Marginal notes omitted._)

120, l. 5, 13, 16. (_Clauses in brackets wanting._)--27. 28.

_August_--28. July.--(_Margin_,) This we confirmed, 1567, in the first Parliament of James 6, held by the Earle Murray, and all Acts in any Parliament before whatsoever, against the truth, abolished.

121, l. 2. _Articles_, (_Margin_,) The Lords of the Articles are a Committee of twenty-four, whereof in former times there was eight Lords, eight Church-men, who were called Lords, and eight Commons: So from the greater part they were named Lords, and of the Articles, because all Articles and Heads that are to in Parliament are first brought to them, who, having discussed them, sends them to the House of Parliament. The Latin Histories calls their (thir) Lords of the Articles _Apolecti_.--7. _could, any_--could say any.

122, l. 2, 3. _and many, the rather, because that the Bischoppis wold nor durst_--and the rather, because that fain the Bishops wold, but durst.--(_Margin_,) _vote_ pious voice.--7. _my G.o.d_, who _this day_.--21. _that thei_--that have.

123, l. 6. (_Margin_,) This Act is particularly confirmed 1567, in the Parliament under James VI., holden by the Earl Murray.--19. _usurpit_, (_omitted._)

124, l. 7. [ ... ] (_omitted._)--11. _justifieing to the dead_--chastising by death.--14. _judges whatsumever_--judges. The Act for abolis.h.i.+ng of the Pope, and his usurped authority in Scotland.--23. (_Margin_,) This also was confirmed by one particular Act, 1567, by the Parliament holden by the Earle Murray.

125, l. 2, 6. [ ... ] _omitted_.--8. _sute_--claim.

126, l. 6. (_Margin_,) Note this diligently.

127, l. 3. (_Margin_,) Note this, I pray you, for these dayes sake.--11. great _counsallouris_.--12. just _commandiment_.--21. _since it was_; (he meanes untill 1566, when this book was written.)--22. misled _Prince_.

128, l. 10. (_Margin_,) See how this agrees with the worldlings now adayes.--20. _hanged_--crucified.--23. _a verray Jesabell_--a very evill woman.--(_Margin_,) What blessings hath been since in the house of Erskin, they know best.

129, l. 18. _Galloway_, (this Bishop of Galloway, as he renounced Popery, so did he Prelacie, witnesse his subscription of the Book of Discipline, as the rest of the Prelats did who did joyne to the Reformation,) _Alexander Campbell_, &c.

130, l. 2. _thairto eikked_--thereto asked.--(_Margin._) Note how although the Prelats being convinced of the truth, did subscribe unto it, yet it was with this Proviso, That they should enjoy their rents for their lives.--17.

_invasion_, and common enemies.--(_The remainder of the paragraph, referring to the Earl of Arran, omitted._)--20.

hard _besieged_.

131, l. 13. (_Margin_,) Note men to their own country.

132, l. 10. (_Margin_,) Note this for our dayes.--18.

(_ib._) Let this teach us to seek G.o.d.--25. (_Margin_,) _Jesabell_--Queen.

133, l. 9. _Mother_ of the King.--11. _Prince_ of Conde _his brother_.

134, (_Marginal note omitted._)--14. (_Date also on margin._)

135, l. 3. _The G.o.dlie_ ... (_to_ 136, l. 19,) _devoir you_, (_omitted._)

(_Instead of the verses, Buchanan has inserted the following statement, and in thus bringing the matter down to his own time, he has mistaken the allusion in the verses to the Emperor Charles the Fifth, as if it referred to Charles the Ninth of France_:)--Some in France, after the sudden death of Francis the 2^d, and calling to mind the death of Charles the 9^t in blood, and the slaughter of Henry the 2^d, did remark the tragicall end of these three Princes, who had persecuted G.o.d's servants so cruelly by their instruments the Guisians; and by their pens, both in prose and verse, did advise all other Princes not to authorize any persecution or wrong done unto G.o.d's servants, lest they should have the like end. And indeed the following Kings of France unto this day hath found this true by their infortunate and unexpected ends.

137, l. 4-8. _Amba.s.sadouris ... the pryde_ (_omitted._)--12.

_The Erle of Arrane_ having suffered repulse in his designe to marry the Queen of England, he begane to fancie unto himselfe _that the Queen of Scotland_.--18. Such _answer_.--21. _then_ his friends _wold have wissed_, for grief he was troubled in his understanding.--24. _churches_ abroad, _and some_.--25. _letteris_, (_omitted._)

138, l. 4. _conference_ alone, the Erle of Arrane was in Jedburgh, to whom.--11. _purposes; and he_ comforting them; For _whill (we say) thei three_--18. _devulgat and_, (_omitted._)--24. _sub-princ.i.p.all_, and under-master of one of the schools _of Abirdene_.

139, l. 13. (_Margin_,) Note this well.

140, l. 16. _Messe is_ said to be _a sacrifice_.

141, (_First marginal note taken into the text.--Second marginal note omitted._)--10. (_Margin_,) Note Lesly his answer.--12. "That is Anno 1566 when this book was written."--14. _for_ we understand _that_ ... _gett_ and b.a.s.t.a.r.d.--20. _doted_ and endowed.

142, l. 18. (_Margin_,) Note the liberality of the Earle Murray.

143, l. 30. (_Margin_,) Note this diligently.

144, l. 1, 3. _Superintendent_, and all other ministers at Edinburghe.--4. _minister_--then preacher.--6, 7.

_Superintendents_, or overseers.--8. Fourth _and_.

145, l. 10. _Superintendent_ or overseer.--25. (_Margin_,) Where then are pluralities and fatnesse of livings in our dayes.

146, l. 5. _Marie_, (_omitted._)--31. (_Margin_,) Let the Churchmen now adayes look to this.

147, l. 24. (_Margin_,) What can the Prelates say to this.--29, 30. _Superintendent_, or overseer and minister.

148, l. 3. _ministry_ and watching over you _against_.--23.

_so luifit_--loved.--25. ignominious _deyth_ ... thy _most_ precious and _innocent_.--27. _thy_, (_omitted._)--_in_ recent _memory_.

149, l. 9. _dregis_--degrees.--22. _and then_, (_omitted._)

151 to p. 154 _inclusive_ (_omitted._--_See footnote_, p.


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