Scouting with Daniel Boone Part 7

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Peleg resumed his congenial occupation, working steadily upon the rifle which he was fas.h.i.+oning. The barrel had been part of a gun which belonged to one of the men who had fallen in the recent attack by the Indians, its stock having been shattered by the blow of a hatchet. After the weapon had been found, instead of throwing it aside as its finder was tempted to do, Peleg had taken it for himself. All the way from c.u.mberland Mountain he had carried the barrel, which was all that he had saved of the rifle. He was aware of the confidence which its recent owner had in its qualities, and he had determined to fas.h.i.+on from it a gun for himself upon which he might rely.

A smile of satisfaction lighted up the countenance of the young hunter when after several hours had elapsed he critically examined his new weapon, the parts of which now had all been joined.

At supper time at the home of Daniel Boone, of whose family Peleg had been made a member since the death of James, the visitor of the afternoon was recalled by a question of Israel Boone, the second of the five sons of Daniel Boone.

"Why did not that man stay all night?" he inquired of his father when the family was seated about the rude table.

"He would not remain," replied his father quietly.

"Who was he?" continued Israel.

"A messenger from Governor Dunmore."

The lad was eager to continue his questioning, but evidently he saw something in the glance of his father which precluded further attempts, and he became silent.

It was not until the following morning that Peleg learned of the reason, and then only in part, for the coming of their recent visitor.

"Peleg," said Daniel Boone quietly, "would you prefer to remain here in the settlement, or go with me on a scout?"

"I would rather go with you," responded Peleg promptly.

"It is possible that we may be gone two months or more."

"Yes, sir."

"And may have to travel something like eight hundred miles."

"I shall do my best."

"You are well aware, lad, that we shall meet many hard experiences."

"Yes, sir."

"And you are not afraid?"

"Not if you are to find the way."

Daniel Boone smiled and reached for Peleg's new gun. He examined the weapon critically, raising it to his shoulder and sighting it several times.

"'Tis a handy rifle, lad," he remarked, when his inspection was ended.

"Have you tried it?"

"Yes, sir."

"And is it true?"

"It is as far as I am able to make it so."

"If you go with me, is this the gun you will take?"

"Yes, sir."

"Why do you not prefer to remain in the settlement? There is work to be done here. The gardens are to be cared for and the game must be provided for the people. Here is where I should remain were it not that when I hear the call of Governor Dunmore I realize that there is work for me which I must not neglect."

Peleg was silent as he watched the great scout. Even while the man was speaking there came into his eyes an expression such as the boy had seen only when he and his friend had been together in the forest. It was the look of one seeing visions, and yet there was also in it the expression of a man of resolute purpose.

"'Twill not do," continued Daniel Boone turning again to Peleg, "to take any chances. I had thought at first to take Sam Oliver with me, but now it seems good to me for you to go, if you so desire."

"I do."

"I suggest that you try out your new rifle several times before we leave. The time to prepare is before we start. After we have gone on our way a hundred miles or more 'twill be difficult then to correct any fault or change any plans. More than half the winning of any battle depends upon the preparations one makes, I care not whether it be a fight with the Indians or with one's own weaknesses. There are other rifles from which you may make a selection," Boone added.

"Yes, sir, but I think I prefer this. I have made it myself and have tested and tried it every way. I have chosen a name for it."

"What have you named it?" inquired Boone.

"Singing Susan."

"And you have sufficient bullets?"

"Yes, sir."

"And powder?"

"Yes, sir," responded Peleg. As he spoke he showed a huge powder-horn which he had polished and upon which he had carved the following dire warning:

"Ye mann what steles this powd^r horne, Will go to h.e.l.le as sure as y^re borne."

The scout slowly read the inscription and, shaking his head, said: "I think I should leave that horn behind. There are plenty more which are not so sharp in their warnings."

"But it is true, isn't it? If a man steals, isn't that the place where he belongs?"

Apparently the thoughts of the great leader were withdrawn to other matters, for, ignoring the question, he said: "Peleg, we shall start before sunrise to-morrow morning. These June days are long and we do not want to lose any of the hours."

"Shall we stop at night?"

"That will depend much upon events. There may be times when we shall be glad to have the night protect us in our advance, and when it will be necessary for us to hide in the daytime. There are some things to see to before we go. One of these is that you must learn how to follow my trail."

Peleg's eager manner expressed a question. His interest was keen.

"If you are lost or are not able to find me I shall mark my trail with five stones placed like this." As he spoke the pioneer arranged five small stones in a semicircle on the ground near him. "You may expect to find these near the springs or at the places where I may cross the rivers. We must plan to keep closely together, but I am referring to this in case anything should happen to separate us. There are some other things about which I shall tell you after we have started. I wish I felt a little more confidence in that rifle," he added. "What did you say you have named it?"

"Singing Susan."

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