Brave New Worlds Part 51

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Look, here, see this. A room, with a table. It's evening, or night. Look closely at the three people sitting around the table: John, Jane, their child. John smiles. He needs a shave, or perhaps he is bearded. Jane serves lasagna, or chicken ca.s.serole, as she tells her family about her day. The child is a girl, or a boy. The child sits in a highchair and gazes adoringly at John and Jane. After they eat, the parents take the child upstairs, singing a lullaby. It's been a good day.

Their world is radical, or traditional. They vote like responsible citizens, but they're more excited by the child learning to walk. The child grows up in revolution, or not, and marries a man, or a woman, or no one at all. S/he raises a family in Utopia/Dystopia or a world that is neither. When the apocalypse comes, s/he stays with the kids, who are grown up themselves and having a child. Despite the destruction, a baby is born.

You have a civilization.

For Further Reading.

compiled by Ross E. Lockhart.

What follows is a selected bibliography of noteworthy Dystopian and Utopian fiction. Dystopia and Utopia are often considered to be opposing sides of a coin, but perhaps the two lie closer than one might at first suspect. Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four, for instance, may have ended badly for Winston Smith, but Inner Party loyalist O'Brien undoubtedly got a promotion for bringing such a dangerous radical as Smith to justice. t.i.tles notable for their high literary value are marked with an asterisk.

To learn more about the stories in Brave New Worlds, visit the anthology's website at Notable Dystopias:.

Amis, Martin.

Einstein's Monsters.

Anderson, M. T.

Feed Armstrong, Jon Grey (et. seq. ) Asimov, Isaac Pebble in the Sky Atwood, Margaret The Handmaid's Tale *

Oryx and Crake the Year of the Flood Auster, Paul In the Country of Last things Bacigalupi, Paolo The Windup Girl *

s.h.i.+p Breaker Ballard, J. G.

Crash h.e.l.lo America Barry, Max Jennifer Government Bates, Paul L.

Imprint Dreamer Beaton, Alistair A Planet for the President Beckett, Bernard Genesis Boll, Heinrich My Melancholy Face Boston, Bruce The Guardener's Tale Boyd, John The Last Stars.h.i.+p from Earth Bradbury, Ray Fahrenheit 451 *

Brain, Marshall Manna Brooke, Keith Genetopia Brunner, John The Jagged Orbit The Sheep Look Up *

The Shockwave Rider Bulwer-Lytton, Edward Vril: the Power of the Coming Race Burgess, Anthony A Clockwork Orange The Wanting Seed Burroughs, William S.

Blade Runner, a Movie (see also Nourse, Alan E. ) Butler, Octavia Parable of the Sower *

Carbonneau, Louis Barrier World Cobb, William A Spring of Souls Cohen, Stuart Archer The Army of the Republic Collins, Suzanne The Hunger Games (et. seq. ) Cowdrey, Albert E.

Crux Crace, Jim The Pesthouse DeVita, James The Silenced DiChario, Nick Valley of Day-Glo d.i.c.k, Philip K.

Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said The Man in the High Castle *

Disch, Thomas The Genocides 334.

Doctrow, Cory Little Brother Farmer, Philip Jose Riders of the Purple Wage Dayworld Ferrigno, Robert Prayers for the (et. seq. ) Fischer, Tibor The Collector Collector f.u.kui, Isamu Truancy Gibson, William Mona Lisa Overdrive Neuromancer *

Gray, Alasdair Lanark: A Life in Four Books *

Grimes, Tom City of G.o.d Hairston, Andrea Mindscape Hall, Sarah Daughters of the North Harkaway, Nick The Gone-Away World Harris, Robert Fatherland Harrison, Harry Make Room! Make Room! *

Herbert, Frank h.e.l.lstrom's Hive Hubbard, L. Ron Final Blackout Huxley, Aldous Ape and Essence Brave New World *

Is.h.i.+guro, Kazuo Never Let Me Go Johnston, Paul The House of Dust Keogh, Andrew Twentytwelve Keppel-Jones, Arthur M.

When s.m.u.ts Goes Kerr, Philip The Second Angel King, Stephen (writing as Richard Bachman) The Long Walk The Running Man Kuttner, Henry The Iron Standard Lamar, Jake The Last Integrationist Le Guin, Ursula K.

The Lathe of Heaven Lem, Stansiaw Memoirs Found in a Bathtub Lerner, Lisa Just Like Beauty Levin, Ira This Perfect Day Lewis, Sinclair It Can't Happen Here *

London, Jack The Iron Heel *

Lowry, Lois The Giver Lundwall, Sam J.

2018 A. D. or the King Kong Blues Mark, Jan Useful Idiots McCarthy, Cormac The Road *

McCarthy, Wil Bloom McIntosh, Will Soft Apocalypse McMullen, Sean Eyes of the Calculor Mellick III, Carlton The Egg Man War s.l.u.t Mieville, China Perdido Street Station Mitch.e.l.l, David Cloud Atlas ("Sonmis Oratio") Moore, Alan V for Vendetta Morgan, Richard Market Forces Thirteen (AKA Black Man) Morrison, Toni Paradise Nabokov, Vladimir Invitation to a Beheading Neiderman, Andrew The Baby Squad Nolan, William F. and George Clayton Johnson Logan's Run Norden, Eric The Ultimate Solution Nourse, Alan E.

The Blade Runner (See also Burroughs, William S. ) O'Brien, Michael D.

Eclipse of the Sun Oppegaard, David The Suicide Collectors Orwell, George Nineteen Eighty-Four *

Philbrick, Rodman The Last Book in the Universe Pohl, Frederick and C. M. Kornbluth The s.p.a.ce Merchants Pollack, Rachel Unquenchable Fire Powers, Tim Dinner at Deviant's Palace Rand, Ayn Anthem Reed, Kit Enclave Robinson, Kim Stanley The Gold Coast: Three Californias (Wild Sh.o.r.e Triptych) *

Rucker, Rudy Postsingular Russ, Joanna And Chaos Died Scalzi, John with Elizabeth Bear, Tobias Buckell, Jay Lake, and Karl Schroeder Metatropolis Sharpe, Matthew Jamestown s.h.i.+rley, John Black Gla.s.s Silva, Ulises Solstice Silverberg, Robert The World Inside Singer, Lee Blackjack Slattery, Brian Francis Liberation: Being the Adventures of the Slick Six After the Collapse of The United States of America *

Smith, Cordwainer The Rediscovery of Man Smith, L. Neil The Probability Broach Spinrad, Norman The Iron Dream Starhawk The Fifth Sacred Thing Stephenson, Neal Snow Crash Stevens-Arce, James Soulsaver Stewart, George R.

Earth Abides Takami, Koushun Battle Royale Tevis, Walter Mockingbird Theroux, Marcel Far North Tomson, Rupert Divided Kingdom Turner, George The Sea and Summer Turtledove, Harry The Gladiator Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr.

Player Piano *

Walton, Jo Farthing Ha'Penny Waugh, Evelyn Love Among the Ruins Wells, H. G.

The Time Machine When the Sleeper Wakes Westerfield, Scott Uglies (et. seq. ) Weyn, Suzanne The Bar Code Tattoo (et. seq. ) Williams, David J.

The Mirrored Heavens Wilson, Robert Anton The Schrodinger's Cat Trilogy Wilson, Robert Charles Mysterium Womack, Jack Random Acts of Senseless Violence Wright, Ronald A Scientific Romance Zamyatin, Yevgeny We *

Notable Utopias: Banks, Iain M.

Consider Phlebas (Culture series) (et. seq. ) Bellamy, Edward Looking Backward *

Borghese, Elizabeth Mann My Own Utopia Callenbach, Ernest Ecotopia Charnas Suzy McKee Motherlines Walk to the End of the World Delany, Samuel R.

Trouble on Triton: An Ambiguous Heterotopia *

Gentle, Mary Golden Witchbreed Gilman, Charlotte Perkins Herland Heinlein, Robert A.

The Moon is a Harsh Mistress Huxley, Aldous Island *

Le Guin, Ursula K.

Always Coming Home Lessing, Doris The Marriages Between Zones three, Four and Five More, Thomas Utopia *

Morris, William News from Nowhere *

Piercy, Marge Woman on the Edge of Time Robinson, Kim Stanley Pacific Edge: Three Californias (Wild Sh.o.r.e Triptych) *

Russ, Joanna The Female Man *

Skinner, B. F.

Walden Two Acknowledgements Many thanks to the following: Jeremy La.s.sen and Jason Williams at Night Shade Books, for letting me edit all these anthologies and for doing such a kick-a.s.s job publis.h.i.+ng them. Also, to Ross Lockhart and Michael Lee at Night Shade for all they do behind-the-scenes, and to Allan Kausch for his copyediting prowess.

Cody Tilson: thank you for the fantastic cover, comrade.

Gordon Van Gelder, who first showed me the horrible dystopia of the slush mines and then helped me climb out of them.

My former agent Jenny Rappaport, for helping me launch my anthology career, and my current agent, Joe Monti, for keeping it going.

Wendy N. Wagner for her a.s.sistance wrangling the header notes. All the clever things in the header notes are all her work. Anything lame you came across is mine.

Rebecca McNulty, for her various and valuable interning a.s.sistance-reading, scanning, transcribing, proofing, doing most of the work but getting none of the credit as all good interns do.

My mom, for ensuring that, as a child, I did not have to grow up in a dystopia.

All of the other kindly folks who a.s.sisted me in some way during the editorial process: Jean Adamoski, Linda Allen, Kathleen Bellamy, Cristina Concepcion, Ellen Datlow, Jennifer Escott, Lina M. Granada, Sean Fodera, Victoria Fox, Vaughne Lee Hansen, Dave Housley, Alexandra Levenberg, Kristina Moore, Mimi Ross, Lawrence Schmeil, Jason Sizemore, Alicia Torello, to everyone who entered suggestions into my dystopian fiction database, and to everyone else who helped out in some way that I neglected to mention (and to you folks, I apologize!).

The NYC Geek Posse-consisting of Robert Bland, Desirina Boskovich, Christopher M. Cevasco, Douglas E. Cohen, Jordan Hamessley, Andrea Kail, David Barr Kirtley, and Matt London, (plus the NYCGP Auxiliary)-for giving me an excuse to come out of my editorial cave once in a while.

The readers and reviewers who loved my other anthologies, making it possible for me to do more. And last, but certainly not least: a big thanks to all of the authors who appear in this anthology.

Acknowledgment is made for permission to print the following material: "Pop Squad" by Paolo Bacigalupi. 2006 by Paolo Bacigalupi. Originally published in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction. Reprinted by permission of the author.

"Resistance" by Tobias S. Buckell. 2008 by Tobias S. Buckell. Originally published in Seeds of Change. Reprinted by permission of the author.

"Geriatric Ward" by Orson Scott Card. 2008 by Orson Scott Card. Originally published in Keeper of Dreams. Reprinted by permission of the author.

"Of a Sweet Slow Dance in the Wake of Temporary Dogs" by Adam-Troy Castro. 2003 by Adam-Troy Castro. Originally published in Imaginings. Reprinted by permission of the author.

"The Things That Make Me Weak and Strange Get Engineered Away" by Cory Doctorow. 2008 by CorDoc-Co, Ltd UK. Originally published in Reprinted by permission of the author.

"'Repent, Harlequin!' Said the Ticktockman" by Harlan Ellison. 1965 by Harlan Ellison. Renewed, 1993 by the Kilimanjaro Corporation. Reprinted by arrangement with, and permission of, the Author and the Author's agent, Richard Curtis a.s.sociates, Inc. , New York. All rights reserved. Harlan Ellison is a registered trademark of the Kilimanjaro Corporation.

"Pervert" by Charles Coleman Finlay. 2004 by Charles Coleman Finlay. Originally published in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction. Reprinted by permission of the author.

"From h.o.m.ogenous to Honey" by Neil Gaiman & Bryan Talbot. 1988 by Neil Gaiman & Bryan Talbot. Originally published in A. A. R. G. H. !. Reprinted by permission of the author.

"Red Card" by S. L. Gilbow. 2007 by S. L. Gilbow. Originally published in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction. Reprinted by permission of the author.

"Ten With a Flag" by Joseph Paul Haines. 2006 by Joseph Paul Haines. Originally published in Interzone. Reprinted by permission of the author.

"Peter Skilling" by Alex Irvine. 2004 by Alex Irvine. Originally published in Reprinted by permission of the author.

"The Lottery" by s.h.i.+rley Jackson. 1948 by s.h.i.+rley Jackson. Originally published in The New Yorker. Reprinted by permission of the author's agent.

"Civilization" by Vylar Kaftan. 2007 by Vylar Kaftan. Originally published in Glorifying Terrorism. Reprinted by permission of the author.

"The Pearl Diver" by Caitlin R. Kiernan. 2006 by Caitlin R. Kiernan. Originally published in Futureshocks. Reprinted by permission of the author.

"Independence Day" by Sarah Langan. 2009 by Sarah Langan. Originally published in Darkness on the Edge. Reprinted by permission of the author.

"The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas," 1973, 2001 by Ursula K. Le Guin; first appeared in New Dimensions 3; from The Wind's Twelve Quarters; reprinted by permission of the Author and the Author's agents, the Virginia Kidd Agency, Inc.

"Just Do It" by Heather Lindsley. 2006 by Heather Lindsley. Originally published in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction. Reprinted by permission of the author.

"For Further Reading" by Ross E. Lockhart. 2011 Ross E. Lockhart. Original to this volume.

"Jordan's Waterhammer" by Joe Mastroianni. 1999 by Joe Mastroianni. Originally published in Realms of Fantasy. Reprinted by permission of the author.

"Auspicious Eggs" by James Morrow. 2000 by James Morrow. Originally published in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction. Reprinted by permission of the author.

"Evidence of Love in a Case of Abandonment" by M. Rickert. 2008 by M. Rickert. Originally published in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction. Reprinted by permission of the author.

"The Lunatics" by Kim Stanley Robinson. 1988 by Kim Stanley Robinson. Originally published in Terry's Universe. Reprinted by permission of the author.

"Dead s.p.a.ce for the Unexpected" by Geoff Ryman. 1994 by Geoff Ryman. Originally published in Interzone. Reprinted by permission of the author.

"O Happy Day!" by Geoff Ryman. 1994 by Geoff Ryman. Originally published in Interzone: the 1st Anthology. Reprinted by permission of the author.

"Caught in the Organ Draft" by Robert Silverberg. 1972 by Robert Silverberg. Originally published in And Now Walk Gently through the Fire and Other Science Fiction Stories. Reprinted by permission of the author.

"Arties Aren't Stupid" by Jeremiah Tolbert. 2008 by Jeremiah Tolbert. Originally published in Seeds of Change. Reprinted by permission of the author.

"Is this Your Day to Join the Revolution?" by Genevieve Valentine. 2009 by Genevieve Valentine. Originally published in Futurismic. Reprinted by permission of the author.

"Amaryllis" by Carrie Vaughn. 2010 by Carrie Vaughn. Originally published in Lightspeed Magazine. Reprinted by permission of the author.

"The Funeral" by Kate Wilhelm; copyright 1972 by Kate Wilhelm. Reprinted by permission of Brandt & Hochman Literary Agents, Inc. All rights reserved.

"Sacrament" by Matt Williamson. 2009 by Matt Williamson. Originally published in Barrellhouse. Reprinted by permission of the author.

The following stories included in the Brave New Worlds trade paperback (9781-59780-221-5) have not been approved for electronic release by the Ministry of Truth and Decency: "Billennium," by J. G. Ballard; "The Pedestrian," by Ray Bradbury; "The Minority Report," by Philip K. d.i.c.k; and "Harrison Bergeron," by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. Possession of unauthorized electronic versions of these stories may result in incarceration, disenfranchis.e.m.e.nt, or revocation of citizens.h.i.+p under the New Millennium Copyright and Loyalty Act (BNW-165A) of 2011. Save the State! Report all Pinks!

About The Editor.

John Joseph Adams ( is the bestselling editor of many anthologies, such as Wastelands, The Living Dead (a World Fantasy Award finalist), Seeds of Change, By Blood We Live, Federations, and The Improbable Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Barnes & named him "the reigning king of the anthology world," and his books have been named to numerous best of the year lists. His most recent books are The Living Dead 2 and The Way of the Wizard. Future projects include The Mad Scientist's Guide to World Domination and The Book of Cthulhu.

John is also the fiction editor of the online science fiction magazine Lightspeed ( Prior to taking on that role, he worked for nearly nine years in the editorial department at The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction.

He is currently the co-host of The Geek's Guide to the Galaxy podcast on, and has published hundreds of interviews and other pieces of non-fiction.

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