The Third Twin Part 10

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"She laughed. Said I wasn't adopted, nor did I have a twin brother who was put up for adoption."

"Strange." It was a relief to Jeannie that the Logan family was taking all this so calmly. On the other hand, their laid-back skepticism made her worry that perhaps Steven and Dennis were not twins after all.

"You know..." She hesitated. She had said enough shocking things to him today. But she plunged on. "There is another possible way you and Dennis could be twins."

"I know what you're thinking," he said. "Babies switched at the hospital."

He was very quick. This morning she had noticed more than once how fast he worked things out. "That's right," she said. "Mother number one has identical twin boys, mothers two and three each have a boy. The twins are given to mothers two and three, and their babies are given to mother number one. As the children grow up, mother number one concludes that she has fraternal twins who bear one another remarkably little resemblance."

"And if mothers two and three don't happen to be acquainted, no one ever observes the startling resemblance between babies two and three."

"It's the old staple of the romance writers," she admitted. "But it's not impossible."

"Is there a book on this twin stuff?" he said. "I'd like to know more about it."

"Yeah, I have one...." She looked along her bookshelf. "No, it's at home."

"Where do you live?"

"Close by."

"You could take me home for that drink."

She hesitated. This one is the normal twin, she reminded herself, not the psychopath.

He said: "You know so much about me, after today. I'm curious about you. I'd like to see where you live."

Jeannie shrugged. "Sure, why not? Let's go."

It was five o'clock, and the day was at last beginning to cool as they left Nut House. Steve whistled when he saw the red Mercedes. "What a neat car!"

"I've had it for eight years," she said. "I love it."

"My car's in the parking lot. I'll come up behind you and flash my lights."

He left. Jeannie got into her car and started it. A few minutes later she saw headlights in her rearview mirror. She pulled out of her parking s.p.a.ce and drove off.

As she left the campus she noticed a police cruiser tuck in behind Steve's car. She checked her speedometer and slowed down to thirty.

It seemed Steven Logan was smitten with her. Although she did not reciprocate his feelings, she was kind of pleased. It was flattering to have won the heart of a handsome young hunk.

He stayed on her tail all the way home. She pulled up outside her house and he parked right behind her.

As in many old Baltimore streets, there was a row stoop, a communal front porch that ran the length of the row, where neighbors had sat cooling themselves in the days before air-conditioning. She crossed the stoop and stood at her door, getting out her keys.

Two cops exploded out of the patrol car, guns in their hands. They took up firing positions, their arms stretched out stiffly, their guns pointed directly at Jeannie and Steve.

Jeannie's heart stopped.

Steven said: "What the f.u.c.k f.u.c.k-"

Then one of the men yelled: "Police! Freeze!"

Jeannie and Steve both raised their hands.

But the police did not relax. "On the floor, motherf.u.c.ker!" one of them screamed. "Facedown, hands behind your back!"

Jeannie and Steve both lay facedown.

The policemen approached them as, cautiously as if they were ticking bombs. Jeannie said: "Don't you think you'd better tell us what this is about?'

"You can stand up, lady," said one, "Gee, thanks." She got to her feet. Her heart was beating fast, but it seemed obvious the cops had made some kind of dumb mistake. "Now that you've scared me half to death, what the h.e.l.l is going on?'

Still they did not reply. They both kept their guns pointed at Steve. One of them knelt beside him and, with a swift, practiced motion, handcuffed him. "You're under arrest, c.o.c.k-sucker," the cop said.

Jeannie said: "I'm a broad-minded woman, but is all this cursing really necessary?" n.o.body took any notice of her. She tried again. "What's he supposed to have done, anyway?"

A light blue Dodge Colt screeched to a halt behind the police cruiser and two people got out. One was Mish Delaware, the detective from the s.e.x Crimes Unit. She had on the same skirt and blouse she had worn this morning, but she wore a linen jacket that only partly concealed the gun at her hip.

"You got here fast," said one of the patrolmen.

"I was in the neighborhood," she replied. She looked at Steve, lying on the floor. "Get him up," she said.

The patrolman took Steve by the arm and helped him stand.

"It's him all right," Mish said. "This is the guy who raped Lisa Hoxton."

"Steven did?" Jeannie said incredulously. Jesus, I was about to take him into my apartment. Jesus, I was about to take him into my apartment.

"Rape?" Steven said.

"The patrolman spotted his car leaving the campus," Mish said.

Jeannie noticed Steve's car for the first time. It was a tan Datsun, about fifteen years old. Lisa had thought she saw the rapist driving an old white Datsun.

Her initial shock and alarm began to give way to rational thought. The police suspected him: that did not make him guilty. What was the evidence? She said: "If you're going to arrest every man you see driving a rusty Datsun..."

Mish handed Jeannie a piece of paper. It was a flyer bearing a computer-generated black-and-white picture of a man. Jeannie stared at it. It did look something like Steven. "It might be him and it might not," Jeannie said.

"What are you doing with him?"

"He's a subject. We've been doing tests on him at the lab. I can't believe he's the guy!" Her test findings showed that Steven had the inherited personality of a potential criminal-but they also showed he had not not developed into an actual criminal. developed into an actual criminal.

Mish said to Steven: "Can you account for your movements yesterday between seven and eight P.M. P.M..?"

"Well, I was at JFU," Steven said.

"What were you doing?"

"Nothing much. I was supposed to go out with my cousin Ricky, but he canceled. I came here to check out where I had to be this morning. I had nothing else to do."

It sounded lame even to Jeannie. Maybe Steve was the rapist, she thought with dismay. But if he was, her entire theory was shot.

Mish said: "How did you spend your time?"

"I watched the tennis for a while. Then I went to a bar in Charles Village and spent a couple of hours. I missed the big fire."

"Can anyone corroborate what you say?"

"Well, I spoke to Dr. Ferrami, although at that point I didn't actually know who she was."

Mish turned to Jeannie. Jeannie saw hostility in her eyes and recalled how they had clashed, this morning, when Mish was persuading Lisa to cooperate.

Jeannie said: "It was after my tennis game, a few minutes before the fire broke out."

Mish said: "So you can't tell us where he was when the rape took place."

"No, but I'll tell you something else. I've spent all day giving this man tests, and he doesn't have the psychological profile of a rapist."

Mish looked scornful. "That's not evidence."

Jeannie was still holding the flyer. "Nor is this, I guess." She balled it up and dropped it on the sidewalk.

Mish jerked her head at the cops. "Let's go."

Steven spoke in a clear, calm voice. "Wait a minute."

They hesitated.

"Jeannie, I don't care about these guys, but I want to tell you that I didn't do this, and I never would do anything of the kind."

She believed him. She asked herself why. Was it just that she needed him to be innocent for her theory? No: she had the psychological tests to show that he had none of the characteristics a.s.sociated with criminals. But there was something else: her intuition. She felt safe with him. He gave out no wrong signals. He listened when she talked, he did not try to bully her, he did not touch her inappropriately, he showed no anger or hostility. He liked women and he respected her. He was not a rapist.

She said: "Do you want me to call someone? Your parents?"

"No," he said decisively. "They'd worry. And it will all be over in a few hours. I'll tell them then."

"Aren't they expecting you home tonight?"

"I said I might stay with Ricky again."

"Well, if you're sure," she said dubiously.

"I'm sure."

"Let's go," Mish said impatiently.

"What's the d.a.m.n hurry?" Jeannie snapped. "You have some other innocent people to arrest?"

Mish glared at her. "Do you have anything more to say to me?"

"What happens next?"

"There'll be a lineup. We'll let Lisa Hoxton decide whether this is the man that raped her." With facetious deference Mish added: "Is that okay with you, Dr. Ferrami?"

"That's just fine," Jeannie said.


THEY TOOK S STEVE DOWNTOWN IN THE PALE BLUE D DODGE Colt. The woman detective drove and the other one, a heavyset white man with a mustache, sat beside her, looking cramped in the little car. No one spoke. Colt. The woman detective drove and the other one, a heavyset white man with a mustache, sat beside her, looking cramped in the little car. No one spoke.

Steve quietly seethed with resentment. Why the h.e.l.l should he be riding in this uncomfortable car, his wrists in handcuffs, when he ought to be sitting in Jeannie Ferrami's apartment with a cold drink in his hand? They had just better get this over with quickly, that was all.

Police headquarters was a pink granite building in Baltimore's red-light district, among the topless bars and p.o.r.n outlets. They drove up a ramp and parked in the internal garage. It was full of police cruisers and cheap compacts like the Colt.

They took Steve up in an elevator and put him in a room with yellow-painted walls and no windows. They took off his handcuffs then left him alone. He a.s.sumed they locked the door: he did not check.

There was a table and two hard plastic chairs. On the table was an ashtray containing two cigarette b.u.t.ts, both filter tips, one with lipstick on it. Set into the door was a pane of opaque gla.s.s: Steve could not see out, but he guessed they could see in.

Looking at the ashtray, he wished he smoked. It would be something to do here in this yellow cell. Instead he paced up and down.

He told himself he could not really be in trouble. He had managed to get a look at the picture on the flyer, and although it was more or less like him, it was not him. him. No doubt he resembled the rapist, but when he stood in the lineup with several other tall young men, the victim would not pick him out. After all, the poor woman must have looked long and hard at the b.a.s.t.a.r.d who did it: his face would be burned into her memory. She would not make a mistake. No doubt he resembled the rapist, but when he stood in the lineup with several other tall young men, the victim would not pick him out. After all, the poor woman must have looked long and hard at the b.a.s.t.a.r.d who did it: his face would be burned into her memory. She would not make a mistake.

But the cops had no right to keep him waiting like this. Okay, they had to eliminate him as a suspect, but they did not have to take all night about it. He was a law-abiding citizen.

He tried to look on the bright side. He was getting a close-up view of the American justice system. He would be his own lawyer: it would be good practice. When in the future he represented a client accused of a crime, he would know what the person was going through in police custody.

He had seen the inside of a precinct house once before, but that had felt very different. He was only fifteen. He had gone to the police with one of his teachers. He had admitted the crime immediately and told the police candidly everything that had happened. They could see his injuries: it was obvious the fight had not been one-sided. His parents had come to take him home.

That had been the most shameful moment of his life. When Mom and Dad walked into that room, Steve wished he were dead. Dad looked mortified, as if he had suffered a great humiliation; Mom's expression showed grief; they both looked bewildered and wounded. At the time, it was all he could do not to burst into tears, and he still felt choked up whenever he recalled it.

But this was different. This time he was innocent.

The woman detective came in carrying a cardboard file folder. She had taken off her jacket, but she still wore the gun on her belt. She was an attractive black woman of about forty, a little on the heavy side, and she had an I'm-in-charge air.

Steve looked at her with relief. 'Thank G.o.d," he said.

"For what?"

"That something is happening. I don't want to be here all d.a.m.n night."

"Would you sit down, please?"

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